Sono stati trovati 42 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per welsh in 6 negozi:
Playmobil 70523 Pony Welsh
Venditore: Fratelliazzaro Prezzo: 1.29 €pony welsh collezionabile imballareage dimensioni: 18.7 l x 14.2 h x 4.7 w (centimeters) questo giocattolo � progettato per tutti i bambini l' esclusivo principio di gioco di playmobil stimola l' immaginazione e la creativit� e quindi favorisce lo sviluppo del bambino
Math Pry Welsh Bar
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.49 € (+2.70 €) -
EastWest Voices Of Passion
Venditore: Prezzo: 80.00 € (+20.00 €)EastWest Voices Of Passion, Virtual Vocal Instrument (Download), Singers from Wales, Syria, India, Bulgaria and America, Special attention was given to the recording at a stable pitch, More than 1000 passionate ethnic phrases, Generator for Welsh vocals, Ethereal, breathy voices, Expressive non-vibrato and delayed vibrato samples, New-age, staccato, and swelling chants
Math Pry Welsh Bar
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.87 € (+2.70 €) -
JN Welsh Red Flags
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.24 € (+2.70 €) -
JN Welsh Red Flags
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.68 € (+2.70 €) -
The Welsh Grand Slam 2012
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.99 € -
Louise Welsh To the Dogs
Venditore: Prezzo: 20.18 € (+2.70 €)A TIMES BEST NEW CRIME FICTION OF THE MONTH\n\nJim Brennan is flying high. Against all odds, he is a big man at the university, tipped for the head job and an office at the top of the ivory tower. He has a beautiful, accomplished wife and two healthy children. Jim drives an Audi, and his dog is a pedigree bichon frisé. Not bad for the son of a hardman who grew up in a room and kitchen. \n\nBut for every person who's watched his progress and wanted to hitch a lift, there's someone else desperate to drag him back down. When his son Elliot is arrested on drugs charges, Jim is approached by men he thought he had left safely in his past. Their demands threaten his family, students and reputation.\n\nAs the pressure mounts, Jim discovers he is more like his father than he thought. The question is, how far will Professor Jim Brennan go to save the life he built?
Louise Welsh To the Dogs
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.74 € (+2.70 €)A TIMES BEST NEW CRIME FICTION OF THE MONTH\n\nJim Brennan is flying high. Against all odds, he is a big man at the university, tipped for the head job and an office at the top of the ivory tower. He has a beautiful, accomplished wife and two healthy children. Jim drives an Audi, and his dog is a pedigree bichon frisé. Not bad for the son of a hardman who grew up in a room and kitchen. \n\nBut for every person who's watched his progress and wanted to hitch a lift, there's someone else desperate to drag him back down. When his son Elliot is arrested on drugs charges, Jim is approached by men he thought he had left safely in his past. Their demands threaten his family, students and reputation.\n\nAs the pressure mounts, Jim discovers he is more like his father than he thought. The question is, how far will Professor Jim Brennan go to save the life he built?
Louise Welsh To the Dogs
Venditore: Prezzo: 21.24 € (+2.70 €)A TIMES BEST NEW CRIME FICTION OF THE MONTH\n\nJim Brennan is flying high. Against all odds, he is a big man at the university, tipped for the head job and an office at the top of the ivory tower. He has a beautiful, accomplished wife and two healthy children. Jim drives an Audi, and his dog is a pedigree bichon frisé. Not bad for the son of a hardman who grew up in a room and kitchen. \n\nBut for every person who's watched his progress and wanted to hitch a lift, there's someone else desperate to drag him back down. When his son Elliot is arrested on drugs charges, Jim is approached by men he thought he had left safely in his past. Their demands threaten his family, students and reputation.\n\nAs the pressure mounts, Jim discovers he is more like his father than he thought. The question is, how far will Professor Jim Brennan go to save the life he built?
Louise Welsh To the Dogs
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.80 € (+2.70 €)A TIMES BEST NEW CRIME FICTION OF THE MONTH\n\nJim Brennan is flying high. Against all odds, he is a big man at the university, tipped for the head job and an office at the top of the ivory tower. He has a beautiful, accomplished wife and two healthy children. Jim drives an Audi, and his dog is a pedigree bichon frisé. Not bad for the son of a hardman who grew up in a room and kitchen. \n\nBut for every person who's watched his progress and wanted to hitch a lift, there's someone else desperate to drag him back down. When his son Elliot is arrested on drugs charges, Jim is approached by men he thought he had left safely in his past. Their demands threaten his family, students and reputation.\n\nAs the pressure mounts, Jim discovers he is more like his father than he thought. The question is, how far will Professor Jim Brennan go to save the life he built?
Sketchy Welsh Ble ydw i?
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.87 € (+2.70 €) -
Sketchy Welsh Ble ydw i?
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.49 € (+2.70 €) -
The Welsh Academy English-Welsh Dictionary
Venditore: Prezzo: 65.31 €This English-Welsh dictionary - modelled on the \"Harrap Shorter French\" dictionary - includes synonyms; illustrative quotations; idioms; accentuation; specialist and technical terms; regional variants; literary and colloquial registers; as well as place-names and personal names.
The Welsh Academy English-Welsh Dictionary
Venditore: Prezzo: 68.75 €This English-Welsh dictionary - modelled on the \"Harrap Shorter French\" dictionary - includes synonyms; illustrative quotations; idioms; accentuation; specialist and technical terms; regional variants; literary and colloquial registers; as well as place-names and personal names.
Martin Crampin Welsh Saints from Welsh Churches
Venditore: Prezzo: 43.75 €A study of the imagery of Welsh saints in medieval and 19th/20th-century stained glass, sculpture and painting. Overview and analysis, followed by sections on c.40 individual saints. An authoritative introduction to the stories of the saints, highly illustrated and full-colour throughout, with c.500 photographs. -- Welsh Books Council
Martin Crampin Welsh Saints from Welsh Churches
Venditore: Prezzo: 41.56 €A study of the imagery of Welsh saints in medieval and 19th/20th-century stained glass, sculpture and painting. Overview and analysis, followed by sections on c.40 individual saints. An authoritative introduction to the stories of the saints, highly illustrated and full-colour throughout, with c.500 photographs. -- Welsh Books Council
The Idler 91: Irvine Welsh
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.29 € (+2.70 €) -
Irvine Welsh Filth
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.87 € (+2.70 €)With the festive season almost upon him, Detective Sergeant Bruce Robertson is winding down at work and gearing up socially - kicking off Christmas with a week of sex and drugs in Amsterdam. There are irritating flies in the ointment, though, including a missing wife, a nagging cocaine habit, a dramatic deterioration in his genital health, a string of increasingly demanding extra-marital affairs. The last thing he needs is a messy murder to solve. Still it will mean plenty of overtime, a chance to stitch up some colleagues and finally clinch the promotion he craves. But as Bruce spirals through the lower reaches of degradation and evil, he encounters opposition - in the form of truth and ethical conscience - from the most unexpected quarter of all: his anus. In Bruce Robertson, Welsh has created one of the most corrupt, misanthropic characters in contemporary fiction , and has written a dark, disturbing and very funny novel about sleaze, power, and the abuse of everything. At last, a novel that lives up to its name.
Irvine Welsh Crime
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.05 € (+2.70 €)Un poliziotto come Ray Lennox non è mai fuori servizio. Nemmeno quando è in vacanza a Miami e dovrebbe pensare solo a rilassarsi e a preparare il suo matrimonio con Trudi. Nonostante l'abbondante ricorso all'alcol e alla cocaina, Ray è molto diverso da Robbo, il «lercio» della polizia di Edimburgo e suo mentore di un tempo. Reduce da un raccapricciante caso di pedofilia e omicidio che ha sconvolto la Scozia, Lennox deve combattere con i suoi demoni più nascosti, ma nulla sembra andare per il verso giusto. In seguito a una discussione particolarmente accesa con Trudi, Lennox finisce in un bar malfamato e poi a un festino a base di coca. E qui non può fare a meno di mettere in salvo Tianna, una bambina dal passato travagliato e dal presente ancora più fosco. Sentendo di potersi fidare di lui, la madre della bambina gliela affida affinché la porti al sicuro, dall'altra parte della Florida. Il viaggio si rivela una durissima prova: per sconfiggere il dolore, quello reale, che risale con brutalità dalla sua coscienza, Lennox sa che deve attraversarlo, andare fino in fondo. Ricordo e allucinazione, incubo e realtà si rincorrono in cerca di una soluzione, di una speranza. Sotto la luce impietosa del sole della Florida, Irvine Welsh scandaglia le profondità più innominabili della crudeltà e del rimorso umano, con la sua penna sempre tagliente e anfetaminica.
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