494 produkter ble funnet som samsvarer med søket ditt etter novel i 8 butikker:
Marvel classic novels - X-Men: The Mutant Empire Omnibus
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 200.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Bringing the classic X-Men: Mutant Empire trilogy back into print in a brand-new omnibus MAGNETO’S EMPIRE WILL RISE… They live as outcasts, hated and feared by the very humanity they protect. They are mutants, born with strange and wonderful powers that set them apart from the rest of the human race. Under the tutelage of Professor Charles Xavier, they are more than mutants. They are-the X-Men. Magneto-the X-Men's oldest, deadliest foe-has taken over a top-secret government installation that houses the Sentinels, powerful mutant-hunting robots. The X-Men must fight to keep this deadly technology out of Magneto's hands and stop him from carrying out his grand plan: establishing a global Mutant Empire. The X-Men must join forces with old enemies to stop him-but in Magneto's brave new world, who can they trust?
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 299.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)The first novel-writing guide from the best-selling Save the Cat story-structure series, which reveals the 15 essential plot points needed to make any novel a success. Novelist Jessica Brody presents a comprehensive story-structure guide for novelists that applies the famed Save the Cat screenwriting methodology to the world of novel writing. Revealing the 15 "beats" (plot points) that comprise a successful story--from the opening image to the finale--this book lays out the Ten Story Genres (Monster in the House; Whydunit; Dude with a Problem) alongside quirky, original insights (Save the Cat; Shard of Glass) to help novelists craft a plot that will captivate--and a novel that will sell.
Lollar Novel 90 BR NRMB
Leverandør: Thomannmusic.no Pris: 2,873.75 nkr (+200.00 nkr)Lollar Novel 90 BR NRMB, Pickup for Electric Guitar, Single coil, P-90 Single coil sound in a humbucker size case, Slightly less mid-range and more open sound without sacrificing output power, Fits into a standard humbucker recess, Connections: 2-Wire, DC Resistance: 10.8 kOhm, Magnet material: AlNiCo 2, Colour: Nickel Ring / Matte Black
Noveller i urval
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 247.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Det är svårt att hitta någon nordisk författare som under nästan två sekel har haft en sådan spridning som finländske Zacharias Topelius (1818-1898). Tack vare Albert Bonniers utgivning var han under flera decennier också Sveriges mest lästa författare. Topelius började sin karriär som redaktör för Helsingfors Tidningar som han lyckades göra omåttligt populär. Ett viktigt inslag var följetongerna. Topelius plockade upp teman och typer från europeisk romantik och planterade dem i en lokal kontext.Novellerna skildrar mörka familjehemligheter, förväxlingar och spökerier, men också glada picknickar med punchdränkta studenter och hisnande färder där resenärerna jagas av vargar. Berättelserna innehåller ofta komiska och burleska inslag, men också detaljerade miljöskildringar och samtidskritik. Den konventionella flickrollen ifrågasätts i historien om Fröken Drifva som kastar vindruvskärnor på >>kung Päron>>, Ludvig Filip. I skräcknovellen ”Gröna kammarn på Linnais gård” grasserar kusligheter nattetid. ”Tant Mirabeau” återger en animerad konversation under en tågresa, och beskriver åskådligt den moderna järnvägen.Topelius noveller levandegör ett dynamiskt 1800-tal och drar samtidigt in läsaren i en fascinerande fiktiv värld. Bokens urval bygger på delutgåvan Noveller och kortprosa (utg. Anna Movall & Jörgen Scholz) som ingår i Zacharias Topelius Skrifter i 23 delar. Litteraturvetaren Yvonne Leffler har skrivit inledningen.
Lollar Novel CC NE NI
Leverandør: Thomannmusic.no Pris: 336.25 nkr (+200.00 nkr)Lollar Novel CC NE NI, Pickup for Electric Guitar, Single coil, Position: Neck, Vintage Output, Charlie Christian-style single blade pickup in a standard humbucker housing, This handmade neck pickup delivers a full sound with rounded highs and long sustain, The output is comparable to a P-90 or vintage humbucker, Ideal for jazz or moderate tube amp overdrive, May require minor pickguard and wiring modifications, Connections: two-wire, DC resistance: 2.9 kOhm, Cover frame finish: Nickel, Hand wound in USA
The Saga of Tanya the Evil, Vol. 8 (light novel)
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 226.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)When Zettour tries his best to caution against the reckless plan to strikeat the Federation's vital resource fields, he soon finds himself "promoted" to afield deployment in the east. As the ill-advised operation Andromeda continuesto press on, commanding officer Tanya soon finds herself fighting another bitterbattle. With retreat expressly forbidden, the only way to survive is to win...
Lollar Novel T Bridge C
Leverandør: Thomannmusic.no Pris: 2,873.75 nkr (+200.00 nkr)Lollar Novel T Bridge C, Pickup for Electric Guitar, Hand-wound single coil, Based on the Lollar Special T pickup, the Novel T provides snappy and fat single-coil sounds in humbucker size, Slanted coil to imitate the traditional positioning, Works great with 500 kOhm or 250 kOhm potentiometers, Position: Bridge, Output: Medium, String spacing: Standard, Connections: 2-wire (braided shield), DC resistance: 8.5 kOhm, Magnet material: Alnico 5, Installation depth: 25 mm, String spacing E1- E6: 54 mm, Fixing screw spacing: 78 mm, Colour: Black, Includes fixing screws and capacitor, Made in USA
Ensam : fyra noveller
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 116.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Ensam är en av August Strindbergs mest lästa noveller, Ett halvt ark papper likaså. Denna utgåva innehåller också Betraktelser på kyrkogården som han skrev i Paris under samma period som sin roman Inferno. Den fjärde novellen, Samvetskval, är en berättelse om en officer som tar ställning mot krig och för neutralitet och en europeisk gemenskap. Svenska Dagbladet väljer boken Ensam till en av det årets tre bästa klassikerutgivningar: "En nyutgåva av Strindbergs vackraste prosabok, ett bokslut vid fyllda femtio när han återvänt till Stockholm och nu lever ensam. Hyperkänsligt skärskådar han gatulivet, grannarna, sina minnen, gamla vänner och inte minst sig själv, fast med nya, milda ögon."1912 dog August Strindberg 63 år gammal. Han hade varit gift tre gånger och fick sex barn. Det sista äktenskapet var med den unga norska stjärnskådespelerskan Harriet Bosse. De träffades efter att Strindberg återvänt efter sin 15-åriga landsflykt i Europa. De två välkända novellerna tillkom under deras korta äktenskap. Extramaterial: Denna utgåva innehåller också två essäer där psykoanalytikern Per Magnus Johansson läser två av novellerna och med sitt speciella seende tar till sig August Strindbergs många tankar kring ensamhet och samvetets starka kraft, Att överskrida ensamheten och Slitningar på den inre scenen.
Mediatronixs Three Great Novels The Last Coyote Trunk Music Angels Flight Fast Paperback Book Pre-Owned English
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 233.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Product Details:Category:BooksISBN:1407219073Title:Three Great Novels The Last Coyote Trunk Music Angels Flight PostAuthor:Publisher:N/AYear Published:N/ANumber of Pages:N/ABook Binding:N/APrizes:N/ABook Condition:GOODSKU:GOR003446287
Morfin & andra noveller
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 263.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)»Det fanns fantastiska författare under Stalin-eran. Och kanske var Michail Bulgakov den största av dem.« Doris LessingMichail Bulgakovs noveller från sin tid som ung läkare på landsbygden har alla en självbiografisk utgångspunkt. Även novellen »Morfin«, med sina hjärtslitande detaljerade beskrivningar av en läkares morfinmissbruk. Utanför huvudpersonens hopplösa, insnöade tillvaro pågår den ryska revolutionen. Redan i dessa noveller finns också den gogolska fantasin och den mästerliga egenart som skulle göra Bulgakov världsberömd i och med den postuma romanen Mästaren & Margarita. I de långa novellerna »De ödesdigra äggen« och »En hunds hjärta« utforskas med all säkerhet på grund av den stalinistiska censuren den allegorisk-fantastiska stilart som skulle göra Michail Bulgakov till en av de största författarna i den ryska 1900-talslitteraturen. I översättning och med ett nyskrivet förord av Lars Erik Blomqvist.MICHAIL BULGAKOV [1891-1940] var en rysk författare, dramatiker och läkare, född i Kiev. Hans mest berömda verk är den postuma romanen Mästaren & Margarita och Det vita gardet, en unik skildring av ett skede i den ryska revolutionens efterspel. Som många klassiskt skolade ryska författare var Bulgakov också en mästare i novellgenren. Bulgakovs »läkarnoveller« gavs på ryska ut i bokform postumt, som En ung läkares anteckningar. Denna utgåva innehåller även de mästerliga satiriska tjugotalsnovellerna »De ödesdigra äggen« och »En hunds hjärta«, samt »En psalm«, som aldrig tidigare utgivits i bokform på svenska.
Mediatronixs Rise of the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel: 3 by Melissa De La Cruz Paperback Book Pre-Owned English
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 216.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Product Details:Category:BooksISBN:0241180031Title:Lego Legends of Chima: Heroes' Quest PostAuthor:Publisher:N/AYear Published:N/ANumber of Pages:N/ABook Binding:N/APrizes:N/ABook Condition:VERYGOODSKU:GOR006935555
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 107.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Rishøi har beskrivits som omutlig i sin empati - hjärtskärande utan att vara sentimental - och utöver Bragepriset för Vinternoveller har hon även tilldelats Sultpriset och P. O. Enquists pris. Flo förlags svenska utgåva av Vinternoveller fick Kulturhuset Stadsteaterns internationella litteraturpris 2019. * "Sanslöst begåvat läs bara läs! [...] Rishøi skildrar de allra mest utsatta i klassamhället, men hon gör det på ett sätt som inte är helt vanligt; med självklarhet, på allvar och - framför allt - med den litterära framställningen först."- Therese Eriksson, SvD"Blytung realism varvad med förhöjd nåd. En av årtiondets bästa böcker." - Tidningen Vi Läser"Förbluffande bra [...] det här är något som vill storslagna saker, som visar att riktig litteratur inte är verklighetsflykt utan står i direkt kontakt med livet." - Björn Kolhström, Jönköpings-Posten "Bam-bam-bam! En klassisk slagserie. Två snabba, snärtiga slag som får dig att tappa fattningen, förlora fotfästet, och sedan ett tredje tyngre som knockar dig. Norska Ingvild H. Rishøis Vinternoveller består av tre noveller med samma effekt." - Torbjörn Flygt, Sydsvenskan"[...] en av årets stora litterära händelser."- Carl Åkerlund, Västerbottens-Kuriren "Starka livsöden, knivskarpt gestaltade och med stor känsla för dagens klassamhälle."- Ulf Lundén, Dala-Demokraten "Psykologisk realism med fingertoppskänsla."- Mats Kolmisoppi, Göteborgs-Posten "[...] minnesvärda noveller från förtvivlans utmarker. - Jonas Thente, Dagens Nyheter "Vinternoveller är så bra att den sprakar under läsningen." - Catarina Berglund, Kommunalarbetaren "Inte ett ord för mycket. Bara kristallklart språk som går rakt in." - Anna-Maria Carnhede, ETC Ingvild H. Rishøi är en av de starkast lysande stjärnorna i den norska litteraturen idag och har hyllats av en samlad norsk och svensk kritikerkår. Hon skriver med stor klassmedvetenhet, med också med en viss dos av nåd - en säregen blandning mellan realism och H. C. Andersen-saga. Det handlar om att inte ha råd med nya trosor åt sin dotter. Om att vara på flykt med sina småsyskon genom ett isande vinterlandskap. Om att kastas upp på land som en död fisk när man lämnar mörkret på fängelsets botten.
Dark Lover: The First Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 201.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Experience the start of J.R. Ward's phenomenal #1 New York Times bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood series.As the world's only purebred vampire and the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who killed his parents centuries ago. But when his most trusted fighter is killed--orphaning a half-breed daughter unaware of her heritage or her fate--Wrath must put down his dagger and usher the beautiful woman into another world. Racked by a restlessness in her body that wasn't there before, Beth Randall is helpless against the dangerously sexy man who comes to her at night with shadows in his eyes. His tales of the Brotherhood and blood frighten her. Yet his touch ignites a dawning new hunger--one that threatens to consume them both.... INCLUDES A LETTER FROM J. R. WARD
Lucy Undying: A Dracula Novel
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 302.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)'Hypnotic and razor-sharp.' AVA REID'A mesmerizing saga...' CHLOE GONG'The best retelling of Bram Stoker's Dracula I've read...' RIN CHUPECO'Lucy Undying is a gothic masterpiece.' ERIN A. CRAIG--------In this epic and seductive gothic fantasy, a vampire escapes the thrall of Dracula and embarks on her own search for self-discovery and true love, from the No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of Hide.Her name was written in the pages of someone else's story: Lucy Westenra was one of Dracula's first victims.But her death was only the beginning. Lucy rose from the grave a vampire, and has spent her immortal life trying to escape from Dracula's clutches - and trying to discover who she really is and what she truly wants.Her undead life takes an unexpected turn when, in twenty-first-century London, she meets another woman who is also yearning to break free from her past. Iris’s family has built a health empire based on a sinister secret, and they’ll do anything to stay in power.Lucy has long believed she would never love again. But she finds herself compelled by the charming Iris, while Iris is mesmerised by the confident and glamorous Lucy. But their intense connection and blossoming love is threatened by forces from without. Iris's mother won't let go of her without a fight, and Lucy's past still has fangs: Dracula is on the prowl again.Lucy Westenra has been a tragically murdered teen, a lonesome adventurer, and a fearsome hunter, but happiness always eluded her. Can she find the strength to destroy Dracula once and for all, or will her heart once again be her undoing?Dracula changed her. Love will transform her.------PRAISE FOR LUCY UNDYING 'Simply stunning. I couldn't put this dark and lush and poignant story down.' NALINI SINGH'Smart, sizzling and sensuous.' LUNA MCNAMARA'This is a career-defining book if I've ever read one.' KATEE ROBERT'Fiercely empowering and gloriously vengeful.' HEATHER WALTER
Lucy Undying: A Dracula Novel
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 302.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)'Hypnotic and razor-sharp.' AVA REID'A mesmerizing saga...' CHLOE GONG'The best retelling of Bram Stoker's Dracula I've read...' RIN CHUPECO'Lucy Undying is a gothic masterpiece.' ERIN A. CRAIG--------In this epic and seductive gothic fantasy, a vampire escapes the thrall of Dracula and embarks on her own search for self-discovery and true love, from the No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of Hide.Her name was written in the pages of someone else's story: Lucy Westenra was one of Dracula's first victims.But her death was only the beginning. Lucy rose from the grave a vampire, and has spent her immortal life trying to escape from Dracula's clutches - and trying to discover who she really is and what she truly wants.Her undead life takes an unexpected turn when, in twenty-first-century London, she meets another woman who is also yearning to break free from her past. Iris’s family has built a health empire based on a sinister secret, and they’ll do anything to stay in power.Lucy has long believed she would never love again. But she finds herself compelled by the charming Iris, while Iris is mesmerised by the confident and glamorous Lucy. But their intense connection and blossoming love is threatened by forces from without. Iris's mother won't let go of her without a fight, and Lucy's past still has fangs: Dracula is on the prowl again.Lucy Westenra has been a tragically murdered teen, a lonesome adventurer, and a fearsome hunter, but happiness always eluded her. Can she find the strength to destroy Dracula once and for all, or will her heart once again be her undoing?Dracula changed her. Love will transform her.------PRAISE FOR LUCY UNDYING 'Simply stunning. I couldn't put this dark and lush and poignant story down.' NALINI SINGH'Smart, sizzling and sensuous.' LUNA MCNAMARA'This is a career-defining book if I've ever read one.' KATEE ROBERT'Fiercely empowering and gloriously vengeful.' HEATHER WALTER
PGA TOUR Novelty Fun Sports Golf Balls (Set of 6)
Leverandør: Amazon.de Pris: 124.33 nkr (+46.67 nkr)Novelty multi-sports golf balls Includes football, pool, American football, baseball, basketball and tennis ball Two piece solid core construction Durable cover Long distance ball Novelty multi-sports golf balls Includes football, pool, American football, baseball, basketball and tennis ball Two piece solid core construction Durable cover Long distance ball
Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel (New)
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 246.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)*Soon to be a major film!*Join the world of Artemis Fowl, the number one bestseller by Eoin Colfer.AT JUST TWELVE YEARS OLD, ARTEMIS FOWL IS A CRIMINAL GENIUS.No scheme is too dastardly, no plot too devious. And he's just discovered that fairies are real.Poor fairies.But these are not the cuddly creatures of bedtime stories. They are armed. They are dangerous. And when Artemis captures Captain Holly Short for her fairy gold, he messes with the wrong elf.Holly isn't armed but she's incredibly dangerous, and pretty annoyed with all the kidnapping.Artemis Fowl is about to find out that fairies fight back . . .Let the misadventure begin.'Fast-paced, tongue in cheek . . . laugh-out-loud' - Sunday Times'A huge hit' - The Guardian'Artemis is a brilliant creation' - Anthony Horowitz***Winner of the WHSmith Children's Book of the Year Award and Children's Book of the Year at the Children's Book Awards. Shortlisted for the Whitbread Children's Book of the Year Award.***This graphic novel adaptation of the internationally best-selling novel offers an exciting look inside both Fowl Manor and Haven City as it follow Artemis Fowl's battle against a cast of creatures beyond your wildest imagination.
Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel (New)
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 246.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)*Soon to be a major film!*Join the world of Artemis Fowl, the number one bestseller by Eoin Colfer.AT JUST TWELVE YEARS OLD, ARTEMIS FOWL IS A CRIMINAL GENIUS.No scheme is too dastardly, no plot too devious. And he's just discovered that fairies are real.Poor fairies.But these are not the cuddly creatures of bedtime stories. They are armed. They are dangerous. And when Artemis captures Captain Holly Short for her fairy gold, he messes with the wrong elf.Holly isn't armed but she's incredibly dangerous, and pretty annoyed with all the kidnapping.Artemis Fowl is about to find out that fairies fight back . . .Let the misadventure begin.'Fast-paced, tongue in cheek . . . laugh-out-loud' - Sunday Times'A huge hit' - The Guardian'Artemis is a brilliant creation' - Anthony Horowitz***Winner of the WHSmith Children's Book of the Year Award and Children's Book of the Year at the Children's Book Awards. Shortlisted for the Whitbread Children's Book of the Year Award.***This graphic novel adaptation of the internationally best-selling novel offers an exciting look inside both Fowl Manor and Haven City as it follow Artemis Fowl's battle against a cast of creatures beyond your wildest imagination.
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 299.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)The first novel-writing guide from the best-selling Save the Cat story-structure series, which reveals the 15 essential plot points needed to make any novel a success. Novelist Jessica Brody presents a comprehensive story-structure guide for novelists that applies the famed Save the Cat screenwriting methodology to the world of novel writing. Revealing the 15 "beats" (plot points) that comprise a successful story--from the opening image to the finale--this book lays out the Ten Story Genres (Monster in the House; Whydunit; Dude with a Problem) alongside quirky, original insights (Save the Cat; Shard of Glass) to help novelists craft a plot that will captivate--and a novel that will sell.
Bristol Novelty Creepy Old Man Mask
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 296.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Includes eye holes. Fake hair attached. Ref: UTBN2103
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