2432 produkter ble funnet som samsvarer med søket ditt etter warhammer i 8 butikker:
Warhammer 40.000: Shootas, Blood & Teef Limited Edition - (Strictly Limited Games) - Nintendo Switch
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 408.00 nkrNintendo Switch game Complete with box and instructionsWarhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood and Teef Limited Edition, officially licensed Nintendo Switch game. Includes a colourful game manual.Strictly Limited Games & GamesRocket exclusive. Limited to 3500 copies worldwide. All of our games are individually numbered.For many centuries, the planet of Luteus Alpha has been producing much-needed material for the wars raging on in the Armageddon sector. Many are drawn to the planet, and so is the great Warboss Ogruk Gutrekka. Upon arriving on the planet, Gutrekka took your most precious hair squig. Filled with vengeance, youve sworn to do whatever it takes to return your hair squig, and prove whos the strongest!Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is a hand-drawn 2D action-adventure taking you on a wild ride full of intense action, funny one-liners and tons of explosions! Fight your way through the hive city of Luteus Prime in single-player mode or as a party of up to 4 battle-hardened Orks in online or local co-op. Pick your class, grab your weapons and get ready to battle Humans, Orks and Genestealer cultists, to ultimately retrieve your luscious hair squig from the hands of the Warboss Gutrekka!Who?s ready for Waaagh!?Features:Classic 2D side-scrolling run & gun goodness, filled with intense action, funny one-liners, screaming deaths and comical dialogues!Choose your class, picking between four distinct characters, each with their own unique toolkit true to the Warhammer 40,000 lore.Inflict chaos with an arsenal of up to 20 different weapons at your fingertips. Theres no such thing as having too much dakka!Unleash your Waaagh! at the right time! Wreak carnage and rain destruction on your puny enemiesChallenge the mightiest empire in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Become victorious, bring the planet to its knees and lead your very own Waaagh!Beautiful hand-drawn scenery gives an incredible sense of depth and engaging story cinematics break up the actionSet foot on Luteus Prime in single-player mode, or form a warband of up to four Ork Boyz for some co-op fun! Multiplayer is available both online and in local co-op and the arena even allows for epic PvP battles.Get your socks rocked off with an amazing heavy metal soundtrack, composed by Deon van Heerden.Yes, there will be explosions. Like, tons of them!
Focus Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 (PS5)
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 808.00 nkrGalaksen er i fare.Hele verdener er i ferd med å falle.Imperiet trenger deg.Legemliggjør den overmenneskelige dyktigheten og brutaliteten til en Space Marine, den største av keiserens krigere. Slipp løs dødelige evner og et arsenal av ødeleggende våpen for å utslette de nådeløse Tyranid-hordene. Hold galaksens redsler i sjakk i episke slag på fjerne planeter. Avdekk mørke hemmeligheter og driv den evige natten tilbake for å bevise din ultimate lojalitet til menneskeheten.Følg kampens kall.For det finnes bare krigSpråk på omslaget: EngelskDenne teksten er automatisk oversatt, og det kan forekomme feil.
Warhammer Necromunda Ash Wastes Nomads Dustback Dustback Helamites
Leverandør: Gamezone.no Pris: 330.00 nkr (+99.00 nkr)Ash Wastes Nomads Dustback Helamites inneholder 4 nye modeller til Ash Waste Nomads gang i Necromunda: Ash Wastes. Forsterk din Ash Waste Nomads gjeng med fire Dustback Helamite RidersFlanker motstanderne med raske insekter og drep dem med dødelige våpen som Chain LancersJuster kavaleriet ditt med en mengde forskjellig våpen og utstyr Settet består av 80 komponenter, og inkluderer 4x 75mm ovale baser. Miniatyrene kommer umalt og krever montering.
Warhammer 40k Firewarrior (PC)
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 210.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)PC
Sony Warhammer The End Times Vermintide Playstation 4 PS4
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 319.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide is an action RPG and co-op game for PS4, released in 2015, with an age limit of 18 according to PEGI. Set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe, the game follows a group of heroes as they battle an invading force of mutated rat people known as the Skaven. The game offers multiplayer modes for up to four players, with each player choosing one of five unique heroes with their own skills and abilities. Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide is known for its intense combat, brutal action and a variety of upgrade options, making it a popular title for co-op players and Warhammer fans.
Microsoft Warhammer 40.000: Space Marine - Xbox 360 (brukt)
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 467.00 nkrBrukt Xbox 360 game Complete with box and instructionsIn Space Marine, the player is constantly in the middle of the action, there is no time to take cover. The orcs come in large numbers and the player hits, shoots and cuts his way through them. Titus can quickly switch between close-range weapons, such as his saw and hammer, and many types of firearms for the longer ranges.In addition to the story mode, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine also has a multiplayer mode where two teams, the Space Marines and the Chaos Space Marines, compete against each other. In this multiplayer game, in which up to 16 people can play at the same time, gamers earn experience points to purchase new weapons and armor.Codes for DLC and online play might be used.
Warhammer Vallejo Glaze Medium 60 Ml
Leverandør: Gamezone.no Pris: 109.00 nkr (+99.00 nkr) -
Semic Warhammer 40K krus Blood Angels Space Marines
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 299.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)- Offisielt lisensiert krus- Materiale: Keramikk- Emballasje: Gjennomsiktig PET-boks- Kapasitet: 300 ml
Warhammer Pinsett Hg Straight Tweezers Tamiya
Leverandør: Gamezone.no Pris: 194.00 nkr (+99.00 nkr) -
Games Workshop Warhammer Terningkube
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 195.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)En solid plastkube med 20x terninger på 12 mm med skalleikoner i stedet for 1-tallet. Terningene kommer i seks farger. Svart, Rød, Blå, Grønn, Grå og Hvit. En tilfeldig farge vil bli tilsendt. Terningkuben har et lokk preget med skalledekor (man kan aldri ha for mange skaller, tross alt) og enkelt stables, lag din egen flerfargede samling av terninger!Terningene passer perfekt til Warhammer spill, eller om du bare ønsker noen nye fargerike terninger med skaller på!.
Warhammer Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section The Horus Heresy
Leverandør: Gamezone.no Pris: 445.00 nkr (+99.00 nkr)Dette plastsettet i flere deler bygger en Veletaris Storm Section med 10 Veletarii, elitesoldater fra Solar Auxilia kledd forsterket tomromspansring. Disse soldatene kan utstyres ødeleggende volkittladere som brenne opp mål varmestråler, eller tohånds stormøkser skjære tvers gjennom de tøffeste fiender. Du mikse og matche arm- kroppspositurer for begge våpentypene, noe gir massevis av visuell variasjon etter hvert kohorten din utvides. Settet inneholder også kommandoutstyr å utstyre stormseksjonen stolt vexilla, vox interlock Veletarii Prime fjærprydet hjelm, alternativ brystplate ekstra våpen - power fist, sword, charnabal tabar seremoniell klinge, samt blast pistol, needle plasma pistol hand flamer. settet består 184 plastkomponenter, Citadel 25 mm runde baser et Infantry Transfer Sheet 152 høykvalitets vannskriftoverføringer. Miniatyrene leveres umalte krever montering.
Sony Warhammer 40.000: Space Marine - Playstation 3 (brukt)
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 467.00 nkrBrukt Playstation 3 game Complete with box and instructionsWarhamer 40,000: Space Marine is a third-person Action Shooter in which players accept the role of a Space Marine Captain tasked with the defense of the empire as well as humanity against the Chaos Faction lead by the ruthless Ork hordes. Players will have to use their exceptional size, strength, armor, weaponry and fighting spirit in order to succeed. Features include: a new seamless combat system allowing equally for ranged and melee action, hordes of deadly enemies of various kinds, intense 16-player online multiplayer and more.Codes for DLC and online play might be used.
Warhammer Tamiya Masking Tape - 6mm
Leverandør: Gamezone.no Pris: 59.00 nkr (+99.00 nkr) -
Sony Warhammer The End Times Vermintide Playstation 4 PS4
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 319.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide is an action RPG and co-op game for PS4, released in 2015, with an age limit of 18 according to PEGI. Set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe, the game follows a group of heroes as they battle an invading force of mutated rat people known as the Skaven. The game offers multiplayer modes for up to four players, with each player choosing one of five unique heroes with their own skills and abilities. Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide is known for its intense combat, brutal action and a variety of upgrade options, making it a popular title for co-op players and Warhammer fans.
Warhammer Hydration Paper Sheets Studioxl 20x30 Cm 50stk Til Redgrass Wet Palette Studio Xl
Leverandør: Gamezone.no Pris: 199.00 nkr (+99.00 nkr) -
Playstation 4 Warhammer: Vermintide II (2) - Deluxe Edition (ps4)
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 366.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Playstation 4
Warhammer Army Painter Wasteland Tuft Battlefields Xp 4226
Leverandør: Gamezone.no Pris: 78.00 nkr (+99.00 nkr) -
B2X Rustikk dørhammer
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 359.00 nkr (+49.00 nkr)Nostalgisk dørbank i landlig stilOppgrader inngangsdøren din med en nostalgisk dørbank i landlig stil og skap en unik innbydende opplevelse for gjestene dine. En ringeklokke i all sin prakt, men en rustikk dørklokke i støpejern med gammeldags design gir en spesiell følelse av svunne tider. Denne sjarmerende og utsmykkede dørhammeren er ikke bare en leken detalj, men også et fantastisk tillegg som kompletterer inngangsdøren din. Ta gjestene med på en vakker reise gjennom tiden med denne nostalgiske dørhammeren og gi hjemmet ditt et snev av landlig sjarm.Dimensjoner:Lengde: 24cmBredde: 13cmHøyde: 4cm
Warhammer Engangshansker Upudret 100 Stk - Small Airbrush / Maling Hanske - Sort, Nitril
Leverandør: Gamezone.no Pris: 299.00 nkr (+99.00 nkr)Engangshansker laget av nitril, er et godt valg for modellering fordi de tilbyr utmerket beskyttelse mot kjemikalier og andre potensielt skadelige materialer som du kan komme i kontakt med under modelleringsprosessen. De også holdbare motstandsdyktige punktering, noe gjør dem egnet håndtering skarpe verktøy materialer. Pulverfrie, nitrilhansker, ambidekstrøse teksturerte fingre bedre grep. Hanskene beskytter gjennomtrengning lav styrke perfekte skulpturering, maling. En pakke inneholder 100 engangshansker. Pudderfrie Produsert samsvar loven 93/42/CEE medisinske enheter EU-reguleringen 2016/425 individuell (EPI). ikke sterile Uten latex.
Warhammer 40.000: Shootas, Blood & Teef Limited Edition - (Strictly Limited Games) - Nintendo Switch
Leverandør: Cdon.no Pris: 408.00 nkrNintendo Switch game Complete with box and instructionsWarhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood and Teef Limited Edition, officially licensed Nintendo Switch game. Includes a colourful game manual.Strictly Limited Games & GamesRocket exclusive. Limited to 3500 copies worldwide. All of our games are individually numbered.For many centuries, the planet of Luteus Alpha has been producing much-needed material for the wars raging on in the Armageddon sector. Many are drawn to the planet, and so is the great Warboss Ogruk Gutrekka. Upon arriving on the planet, Gutrekka took your most precious hair squig. Filled with vengeance, youve sworn to do whatever it takes to return your hair squig, and prove whos the strongest!Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is a hand-drawn 2D action-adventure taking you on a wild ride full of intense action, funny one-liners and tons of explosions! Fight your way through the hive city of Luteus Prime in single-player mode or as a party of up to 4 battle-hardened Orks in online or local co-op. Pick your class, grab your weapons and get ready to battle Humans, Orks and Genestealer cultists, to ultimately retrieve your luscious hair squig from the hands of the Warboss Gutrekka!Who?s ready for Waaagh!?Features:Classic 2D side-scrolling run & gun goodness, filled with intense action, funny one-liners, screaming deaths and comical dialogues!Choose your class, picking between four distinct characters, each with their own unique toolkit true to the Warhammer 40,000 lore.Inflict chaos with an arsenal of up to 20 different weapons at your fingertips. Theres no such thing as having too much dakka!Unleash your Waaagh! at the right time! Wreak carnage and rain destruction on your puny enemiesChallenge the mightiest empire in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Become victorious, bring the planet to its knees and lead your very own Waaagh!Beautiful hand-drawn scenery gives an incredible sense of depth and engaging story cinematics break up the actionSet foot on Luteus Prime in single-player mode, or form a warband of up to four Ork Boyz for some co-op fun! Multiplayer is available both online and in local co-op and the arena even allows for epic PvP battles.Get your socks rocked off with an amazing heavy metal soundtrack, composed by Deon van Heerden.Yes, there will be explosions. Like, tons of them!
2432 resultater på 0.261 sekund
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