Znaleziono 2 produkty pasujące do Twojego wyszukiwania: bilingual w sklepach 4:
Becoming Bilingual in School and Home in Tibetan Areas of China: Stories of Struggle
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 358.79 złThis book contributes significantly to our understanding of bilingualism and bilingual education as a sociocultural and political process by offering analyses of the stories of five Tibetan individual journeys of becoming bilingual in the Tibetan areas of China at four different points in time from 1950 to the present. The data presented comprises the narrative of their bilingual encounters, including their experiences of using language in their families, in village, and in school. Opportunities to develop bilingualism were intimately linked with historical and political events in the wider layers of experiences, which reveal the complexity of bilingualism. Moreover, their experiences of developing bilingualism are the stories of struggle to become bilingual. They struggle because they want to keep two languages in their lives. It illustrates their relationship with society. They are Tibetans. L1 is not the official language of their country, but it is the tie with their ethnicity. It addresses bilingualism linked with the formation of identity. The unique feature of this book is that it offers a deep understanding of bilingualism and bilingual education by examining the stories of five individuals’ learning experiences over a period of almost 60 years.
Weimar bilingual
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 54.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Die Materialien in diesem Heft verstehen sich als frei einsetzbare Bausteine für den bilingualen Geschichtsunterricht (Sek I) bzw. den AbiBac-Unterricht (Sek...
Bilingualism and Bilingual Education: Politics, Policies and Practices in a Globalized Society
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 583.05 złThis volume presents a multinational perspective on the juxtaposition of language and politics. Bringing together an international group of authors, it offers theoretical and historical constructs on bilingualism and bilingual education. It highlights the sociocultural complexities of bilingualism in societies where indigenous and other languages coexist with colonial dominant and other prestigious immigrant languages. It underlines the linguistic diaspora and expansion of English as the world’s lingua franca and their impact on indigenous and other minority languages. Finally, it features models of language teaching and teacher education. This book challenges the existent global conditions of non-dominant languages and furthers the discourse on language politics and policies. It does so by pointing out the need to change the bilingual/multilingual educational paradigm across nations and all levels of educational systems.
The Art of War: Bilingual edition
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 55.96 zł (+12.99 zł)This pocket illustrated dual-language edition presents the original Chinese text with a modern translation on the facing page and includes new commentaries b...
Nur Muttersprachler können Bilingual erziehen - Falsch
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 50.00 złDieser Ratgeber, mit wertvollen Tipps und Tricks, soll Eltern unterstützen, eine weiter Sprache, wie z.B. Englisch zu Hause zu integrieren. Hier erfahren sie Schritt für Schritt, wie sie gleichzeitig ihre eigenen, vielleicht sogar eingerosteten Sprachkenntnisse verbessern, indem sie die Sprache mit ihren Kindern wiederholen. Eine Win Win-Situation für Kind und Eltern!
Bilingual Brain - audiobook
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 64.90 zł (+12.99 zł)Brought to you by Penguin.How do two languages co-exist in the same brain? Why is it possible to forget a language? What are the advantages and challenges of...
The Handbook of Bilingual and Multilingual Education
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 229.99 złThe Handbook of Bilingual and Multilingual Education presents the first comprehensive international reference work of the latest policies, practices, and theories related to the dynamic interdisciplinary field of bilingual and multilingual education. * Represents the first comprehensive reference work that covers bilingual, multilingual, and multicultural educational policies and practices around the world * Features contributions from 78 established and emerging international scholars * Offers extensive coverage in sixteen chapters of language and education issues in specific and diverse regional/geographic contexts, including South Africa, Mexico, Latvia, Cambodia, Japan, and Texas * Covers pedagogical issues such as language assessment as well as offering evolving perspectives on the needs of specific learner populations, such as ELLs, learners with language impairments, and bilingual education outside of the classroom
Diercke Geography Bilingual. Toolkit (Kl. 5-10)
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 85.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Bilinguale Doppeljahrgangsbände: Die Reihe Diercke Geography - For Bilingual Classes deckt das Kernangebot der deutschen Lehrpläne für alle Bundesländer ab u...
Teaching Young Learners in Bilingual Settings
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 229.99 złBilingual education, or CLIL, at primary school varies greatly across European educational contexts. Teaching Young Learners in Bilingual Settings reports on a study that explored one such CLIL context in Dortmund, Germany. Through interviews and classroom observations, the researcher and author sought not only to document some of what takes place in CLIL classrooms but to describe and understand teachers' thoughts and beliefs about their CLIL teaching practices. This research contributes to a better understanding of primary school CLIL programs and teachers and is relevant for researchers working in the fields of foreign language education, bilingual education, and language teacher cognition research. Furthermore, the insights into CLIL teachers' thinking can support CLIL teachers, administrators, and policy makers as they seek to further develop CLIL pedagogy and programs.
Anita Albus (Bilingual edition): Die Kunst zu sehen The Art of Seeing
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 88.99 zł (+12.99 zł)At first glance, Anita Albus's artistic practice seems like a welcome anachronism in the midst of the fast pace of contemporary art production: the artist cr...
Critical Literacy Pedagogy for Bilingual Preservice Teachers
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 403.64 złThis book presents a participatory action research study exploring the social identity and academic literacies of bilingual preservice teachers. It describes the transformative experiences of undergraduate students during their participation in a program specially designed to develop bilingual teachers in Hawaii, USA. Further, it discusses how the curriculum and instruction in the classroom provide a ‘third space’ for facilitating peer interaction and critical reflection on such issues as academic literacy, heritage language education, and teacher identity. In doing so, it connects ideas of social identity and academic literacies of bilingual preservice teachers to the “real work” of mentoring and teaching PreK-12 students themselves.
Flowers! (Bilingual edition): In the Art of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 149.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Flowers have been a popular motif in art for centuries. As the epitome of natural beauty and earthly mortality since the Baroque era, flowers have lost none ...
Deine Wahl / Your Choice - Zweisprachiges E-Book Deutsch / Englisch
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 59.99 złEin humanistischer, ökologischer und technologischer Weckruf - konzipiert als zweisprachiges E-Book in Deutsch und Englisch. // A humanist, ecological, and technological call to action - designed as a bilingual e-book in German and English. Der Wandel ist heute so schnell wie noch nie. Wir drohen an Überforderung durch neue Technologien und maßlose Informationsvielfalt kollektiv zu ersticken und mit uns das, was wir einmal Gesellschaft nannten. Jene, die den Wandel vorantreiben, haben vor allem zweierlei im Sinn: Profit und Macht. Sie missbrauchen uns als Klickvieh und Datenlieferant, reduzieren uns auf ein Dasein als Human Ressource und Konsument. Dadurch gefährden sie unsere Demokratie, Vielfalt und heute schon die Menschheit als solche. So muss es nicht weitergehen, sagt Humanist und Unternehmer Christopher Peterka. Statt unser Streben nur noch auf seine Wirtschaftlichkeit abzustellen, plädiert er für einen radikal offenen Dialog über das Menschsein: Wer wollen wir sein? Wie wollen wir miteinander als Gesellschaft leben? Welchen Sinn soll unser Streben haben? Wir müssen diese fundamentalen Fragen neu verhandeln sonst tun es andere. Dafür müssen wir jedoch kurzsichtige Lösungen hinter uns lassen, in den Widerstand gegen das gegenwärtige System gehen und uns von den Ketten, die uns derzeit noch halten, lösen. Deine Wahl soll uns ermutigen, den Status quo in Frage zu stellen und als progressiver Optimist das System nachhaltig zu verändern. English Change today is happening faster than ever before. We are overwhelmed by new technologies and an excess of information, and we feel that we and what we used to think of as society are being suffocated. Those who drive this change pursue primarily two goals: profit and power. They lure us with clickbait and abuse us as a data pool, reducing our existence to one of human resource and consumer. In doing so they threaten our democracy, our diversity, even our humanity itself. It doesn t have to be like this, thinks humanist and entrepreneur Christopher Peterka. Instead of basing our ambition on purely economic yield, he pleads for a radical new dialogue about being human: Who do we want to be? How do we want to live together as a society? What meaning is our ambition meant to have? We have to consider these questions afresh, because if we don t do so, others will. But this means leaving behind short term solutions, and taking a stance against the current system to throw off the shackles that tie us down. Your Choice is a call to action that encourages us to challenge the status quo and to bring lasting change as progressive optimists. To carry its global appeal across geographical boundaries, this book is designed as a bilingual e-book in German and English.
Diercke Geography Bilingual. Basic Textbook
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 107.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Das Basic Textbook bietet: aktualisierte geographische Themen mit ausgewählten Schwerpunkten, Sprachhilfen zur Texterschließung bzw. Lösung von Aufgaben, dif...
Better Packaging Better World
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 57.99 złThe bilingual collection Embalagem Melhor, Mundo Melhor – Better Packaging, Better World - which already has twelve books - was born from the idea of covering all areas of knowledge involved in the development of packaging, from its conception to its arrival at the point of sale. It is also the result of the Instituto de Embalagens' belief: Better Packaging, Better World, which is its raison d'être, in the area of packaging teaching and research. More than 17,000 professionals have already been trained with the books in the collection. The third edition, revised and updated, brings together the entire packaging system, from concepts to final disposal, including market, design, trends, innovations, materials, processes, equipment and the delicate issue of sustainability. Divided into six units, this book brings new chapters, such as packaging for organic products, packaging for e-commerce, polyester films, structures for flexible packaging, types of flexible packaging, lids, seals and accessories, steel closures, carton packaging, stretch and shrink films, coatings and barrier varnishes, paints, varnishes and adhesives for flexible packaging, inks, varnishes and adhesives for paper and paperboard packaging, color pattern control, testing for packaging, variable weight products and labeling machines. The quality and availability of the authors, who are experienced professionals, fully active in the industry, constitute a differential of the book, which approaches, in a simple and accessible way, the universe of the packaging industry for packaging converters and consumer products industries. A book such as this was only possible thanks to the expertise of the authors and the fact that they understood the high purpose of the mission to educate and share knowledge for the development of better packaging for a better world. The new book will also have an e-book version: Portuguese and English. All the books in the collection are available on the same website platform, which is the collection's channel: www.betterpackagingbetterworld.com. With the commitment of disseminating knowledge and growth of the packaging sector, the Instituto de Embalagens is spreading its belief: Better Packaging, Better World. Assunta Napolitano Camilo Instituto de Embalagens Director
Diercke Geography Bilingual 1. Workbook. (Klasse 7 / 8)
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 96.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Das Workbook ist ein begleitendes Arbeitsmaterial zum Textbook. Für jede Doppelseite im Textbook gibt es im Workbook eine Seite zum Üben und Vertiefen. Am En...
Bilingualer Geschichtsunterricht
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 112.99 złDer Bilinguale Geschichtsunterricht findet an immer mehr Schulen in ganz Deutschland statt. Dass Geschichte zumindest zeitweise auf Englisch unterrichtet wird ist also ein Erfolgsmodell, dessen Ergebnisse allerdings aus fachdidaktischer Sicht kaum untersucht und teils fragwürdig sind. Dieses Buch zeigt anhand von Unterrichtsbeispielen wie moderner bilingualer Geschichtsunterricht auf Grundlage der historischen Fachdidaktik gelingen kann, welche Vor-, aber auch welche Nachteile diese Unterrichtsform mit sich bringt, und wie Lehrende die unterschiedlichen Methoden im Stile eines Method Guide effizient nutzen können.
Armin Mueller-Stahl (Bilingual edition): Faces, Fates, Friends
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 162.99 zł (+12.99 zł)With the complexity of his artistic expression, Armin Mueller-Stahl is an exceptional figure in the art of the 21st century. The different artistic activitie...
But Where's rabbit ? - Coniglio dov'è ?
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 47.99 złWHERE’S RABBIT? Leo and Lea are in a supermarket and they’ve lost their friend Rabbit… “Where’s Rabbit?” is the first book from A WORLD of LANGUAGES A World of Languages is a publishing project comprising a series of small bilingual books with illustrations. Conceived for a readership of pre-school children whose mother tongue is not Italian, these short books are illustrated with unsophisticated graphics in order to privilege the words and encourage kids to read the story, which is presented in Italian and a second language. The closing pages include a concise illustrated glossary featuring the key elements seen in the story treated individually. This first story is available in the versions: Italian – English; Italian – French; Italian – Greek; Italian – Spanish; Italian - Chinese. CONIGLIO DOV’È? Leo e Lea sono in un supermercato e hanno perso il loro amico Coniglio… “Coniglio dov’è?” è il primo libro di UN MONDO di LINGUE. “Un Mondo di Lingue” è il progetto di una collana di piccoli volumi bilingue illustrati. Creati per un pubblico di bambini in età prescolare di lingua madre diversa dall’italiano, questi libretti sono illustrati con un tratto semplice per privilegiare e sollecitare la lettura della storia che viene riportata sia in italiano che nella seconda lingua proposta. Nelle ultime pagine trova spazio un piccolo glossario illustrato che riporta gli elementi visti nella storia e ripresi singolarmente. Le versioni disponibili per questa prima storia sono: italiano – inglese; italiano – francese; italiano – greco; italiano – spagnolo; italiano - cinese.
Sophie Taeuber-Arp (bilingual edition): A Life through Art Ein Leben fur die Kunst
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 149.99 zł (+12.99 zł)An intimate look at the life and career of the Dada hero known for the unique joy of her work across mediums, authored by her great-niece and buttressed with...
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