Znaleziono 2 produkty pasujące do Twojego wyszukiwania: dimensions w sklepach 7:
Dimensions du paysage
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 62.84 złElément essentiel du bien-être individuel et social comme de la qualité de vie des populations, le paysage contribue à l’épanouissement des êtres humains ainsi qu’à la consolidation de l’identité européenne. Adoptée sous les auspices du Conseil de l’Europe, la Convention européenne du paysage a pour objet de promouvoir la protection, la gestion et l’aménagement des paysages et d’organiser la coopération internationale dans ce domaine. Elle s’applique à tout le territoire des Parties contractantes et porte sur les espaces naturels, ruraux, urbains et périurbains. Elle concerne les paysages pouvant être considérés comme remarquables, ordinaires ou dégradés. Certaines « dimensions » du paysage sont présentées dans cette publication qui traite de questions essentielles liées à son devenir : la démocratie, l’éducation, l’économie, les loisirs, la publicité… Les processus de gestion des paysages ainsi que le terme même de paysage sont également analysés. Cet ouvrage s’inscrit dans un processus de réflexion sur des thématiques majeures concernant l’espace de la vie.
Givi Hps X.27 Dimension Hełm Flip-Up - Graphic Dimension
Sprzedawca: Fc-moto.de Cena: 912.62 zł (+35.62 zł)Kask modułowy wykonany z materiału termoplastycznego. Charakterystyka: • 2 miski • Odporny na zarysowania wizjer przejrzyście przygotowany dla Pinlock® Max Vision w zestawie • Odporna na zarysowania osłona przeciwsłoneczna • Wentylacja: -Jedna na górnej powłoce i jedna w okolicy podbródka -Tylny wylot powietrza • Klamra mikrometryczna • Deflektor • Zdejmowana ochrona nosa • Zdejmowana i zmywalna podszewka wewnętrzna
Dimensions of Reality - Part 1
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 100.00 złWhat is reality? How does it come into being? Who creates it? How "real" ist it? Is it the same for all of us? How much creative power does each of us have? And all of us together? - How does the interaction of consciousness, energy, matter work? Of spirit, soul, body? Of time, space and the experience dimensions of life and death? The author provides amazing, fascinating answers. Ancient shamanic experiential Knowledge, insights of New Physics, and spiritual Eastern wisdom teachings interweave to create an inspiring congruence of knowledge that invites us to question, experiment and create for ourselves.
Givi Hps X.27 Dimension Hełm Flip-Up - Graphic Dimension
Sprzedawca: Fc-moto.de Cena: 912.62 zł (+35.62 zł)Kask modułowy wykonany z materiału termoplastycznego. Charakterystyka: • 2 miski • Odporny na zarysowania wizjer przejrzyście przygotowany dla Pinlock® Max Vision w zestawie • Odporna na zarysowania osłona przeciwsłoneczna • Wentylacja: -Jedna na górnej powłoce i jedna w okolicy podbródka -Tylny wylot powietrza • Klamra mikrometryczna • Deflektor • Zdejmowana ochrona nosa • Zdejmowana i zmywalna podszewka wewnętrzna
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 4.19 złLe destin de la jeune Alicia est bouleversé par la découverte d'un univers parallèle... Alicia est une lycéenne qui depuis toujours rêve que ses personnages préférés vivent dans une autre dimension où elle pourrait les rencontrer. Lorsqu’elle découvrira que son désir est bien réel et qu’elle fait partie des élus, sa vie basculera. Parviendra-t-elle à se relever des épreuves que le destin lui réserve et accomplir son devoir d’élue ? Voyageant au travers des dimensions, les élus sont des êtres coupés du temps et de l’espace. Ils transmettent la parole des dieux et protègent le destin de tous les êtres vivants, pour le meilleur comme pour le pire. Ils sont hommes, femmes, adultes ou enfants. Aucun signe distinctif ne les différencie de vous et moi. Du moins, c’est la description qu’en font les rares sources qui évoquent ces êtres mystérieux… Découvrez ce roman fantastique fascinant et embarquez pour un voyage à travers les dimensions ! EXTRAIT « Allo la Lune, appela une voix. Alicia ! Tu rêves ? » Elle sursauta et se retourna. C’était Mathilde, une copine. Elle était assise derrière elle dans le bus. C’était un bus dit “scolaire”. Sa forme différait des bus de ville car il était plus grand et plus haut. Il n’y avait que des places assises, deux rangées de deux sièges de chaque côté. Sur l’écran, à l’avant du bus, on pouvait lire le prochain arrêt et le terminus de la ligne, “Lycée Saint Boisier”. Il arrivait à Alicia de perdre toute notion de temps et d’espace quand elle se plongeait dans ce monde qu’elle avait créé. Il était un peu comme son jardin secret. Elle aimait s’y rendre dès qu’elle était seule et qu’elle n’avait rien à faire. À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR Allen Seinnen : J’ai 18 ans et suis étudiante en licence d’histoire à l’université d’Aix-en-Provence. Depuis toujours j’adore imaginer des histoires et c’est rare que je manque d’inspiration. Ce sont mes amis et mon frère qui m’ont finalement poussée, pour la première fois, à décrire et partager sur le papier ces mondes que je m’invente.
Givi Hps X.27 Dimension Hełm Flip-Up - Graphic Dimension
Sprzedawca: Fc-moto.de Cena: 912.62 zł (+35.62 zł)Kask modułowy wykonany z materiału termoplastycznego. Charakterystyka: • 2 miski • Odporny na zarysowania wizjer przejrzyście przygotowany dla Pinlock® Max Vision w zestawie • Odporna na zarysowania osłona przeciwsłoneczna • Wentylacja: -Jedna na górnej powłoce i jedna w okolicy podbródka -Tylny wylot powietrza • Klamra mikrometryczna • Deflektor • Zdejmowana ochrona nosa • Zdejmowana i zmywalna podszewka wewnętrzna
Dimensions of Reality - Part 2
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 100.00 złIt is one thing to understand theoretically how we build our reality (Part 1 of the trilogy), but something very different to step out of "consensus reality," stop the world and enter a completely different one. The eye of a lizard sees what is unimaginable to us – and yet it can be learned and experienced. We are introduced to the "Nagual-abilities," seeing, stalking, dreaming, shape-shifting and intending on the basis of personal experience reports, and the author reveals as a Nagual of a dreamer-line of Toltec shamanism the art of collectively intended dreaming. He also reveals very intimate, personal experiences in other realities – in completely different ones. -
Givi Hps X.27 Dimension Hełm Flip-Up - Graphic Dimension
Sprzedawca: Fc-moto.de Cena: 912.62 zł (+35.62 zł)Kask modułowy wykonany z materiału termoplastycznego. Charakterystyka: • 2 miski • Odporny na zarysowania wizjer przejrzyście przygotowany dla Pinlock® Max Vision w zestawie • Odporna na zarysowania osłona przeciwsłoneczna • Wentylacja: -Jedna na górnej powłoce i jedna w okolicy podbródka -Tylny wylot powietrza • Klamra mikrometryczna • Deflektor • Zdejmowana ochrona nosa • Zdejmowana i zmywalna podszewka wewnętrzna
Super Dimensions in Globalisation and Education
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 493.35 złThis volume is the first major production of the globalisation research strand of the Centre for Educational Research at Western Sydney University. This book makes a significant contribution to the theory of and research in globalisation and education, and tackles the topics of superdiversity and supercomplexity. The book’s thesis is that the effects of globalisation on education can only be understood if the specific yet complex conditions of globalisation in education are investigated. The book takes an international approach to understanding globalisation and does not restrict itself to just one methodological or theoretical plane of investigation. Education is one of these frontline domains in which the effects of superdiversity cannot be dismissed, minimized or denied. The continuously increasing complexity of learning environments is raising critical issues at every level, from description over analysis to theoretical generalization, and this book is a first and fruitful attempt at charting these waters.  This pioneering book will remain a key text for many years to come. Jan Bloomaert Professor of Language, Culture and Globalization and Director of the Babylon Center Tilburg University, the Netherlands.   This provocative collection works from two premises:  that today there is superdiversity in our globalised world and related is a supercomplexity of theoretical and methodological approaches.  The collection proffers multifarious challenges for educational theory, research and practice in working with, through and across these two premises. As such, Super Dimensions in Globalisation and Education is essential reading for all educational researchers, whatever their interests or location. Professor Bob Lingard The University of Queensland, Australia.   This is a highly imaginative book that stops ‘flat earth’ and convergence arguments dead in their tracks. Its genius is to bring super-complexity and super-diversity into a conversation with each other and with education, and in doing so shed light on the numerous and unexpected ways in which global processes are shaping education in revealing and compelling ways.   Any scholar concerned with globalisation and education will find Super Dimensions in Globalisation and Education a’ must have’ on their reading list.    Professor Susan RobertsonDirector of the Centre for Globalisation, Education and Social Futures University of Bristol, UK.   This is an absorbing and compelling collection. It takes readers on a kaleidoscopic journey through various intricate expressions of the nexus between globalisation and education.  And it offers multiple ways that such expressions can be thought and rethought. In transcending conventional categorisations it invites educators to do so too.   Professor Jane Kenway, Australian Professorial Fellow – Australian Research Council, Education Faculty, Monash University, Australia.
Givi Hps X.27 Dimension Hełm Flip-Up - Graphic Dimension
Sprzedawca: Fc-moto.de Cena: 912.62 zł (+35.62 zł)Kask modułowy wykonany z materiału termoplastycznego. Charakterystyka: • 2 miski • Odporny na zarysowania wizjer przejrzyście przygotowany dla Pinlock® Max Vision w zestawie • Odporna na zarysowania osłona przeciwsłoneczna • Wentylacja: -Jedna na górnej powłoce i jedna w okolicy podbródka -Tylny wylot powietrza • Klamra mikrometryczna • Deflektor • Zdejmowana ochrona nosa • Zdejmowana i zmywalna podszewka wewnętrzna
New Dimensions of Business Reporting and XBRL
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 403.64 złThe authors of this book analyse the social and technical nature and role of XBRL in information supply chains and capital markets as well as the XBRL standard and taxonomies. They provide a critical view of XBRL from a research perspective, present different projects in the XBRL area and indicate future directions for XBRL research. Current research questions are taken up and discussed from different perspectives. From a technical point of view, the spectrum encompasses the internal perspective up to the final user layer. Apart from these technical issues, there are also key socio-technical aspects which are vital to the understanding of XBRL use.
Minimal Piano Dimensions
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 69.19 zł (+12.99 zł)Minimal Piano Dimensions - Epische und cinematische Musik zum Träumen Für Fans von Ludovico Einaudi, Philip Glass und Hans Zimmer 'Minimal Piano Dimensions' ...
Les dimensions linguistiques de toutes les matières scolaires
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 58.62 złLa maîtrise de la langue de scolarisation est essentielle pour développer chez les élèves les compétences nécessaires à la réussite scolaire et à la réflexion critique. Elle est fondamentale pour la participation à nos sociétés démocratiques, pour l’inclusion et la cohésion sociales. Ce guide est un document politique et un instrument de travail qui prône la convergence et la cohérence entre les dimensions linguistiques des différentes matières scolaires. Il propose des mesures pour rendre explicites – dans les programmes, le matériel pédagogique et la formation des enseignants – les normes et les compétences linguistiques que les élèves doivent maîtriser pour chaque discipline scolaire. Il mentionne également des modalités pédagogiques qui devraient permettre à tous les élèves, en particulier aux plus vulnérables, de participer à des expériences diversifiées d’apprentissage des langues, en vue de développer leurs capacités cognitives et linguistiques.
Arc Music Didgerido Dimensions
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 66.45 zł (+12.99 zł)Tradycyjna i współczesna muzyka grana na didgeridoo. Jest to tradycyjny instrument Aborygenów wykonany z eukaliptusa. Na płycie oprócz didgeridoo usłyszymy a...
Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management in Japan
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 627.91 złThis book discusses the findings of research on the human dimensions of wildlife management conducted in Japan, demonstrating how such research and approaches have contributed to mitigating human-wildlife conflicts. Human-wildlife conflicts, including agricultural and property damage as well as occasional casualties, are a global problem for which local residents, managers, and stakeholders around the world are struggling to find solutions. Human dimensions of wildlife management (HDW) is an academic field developed in North America in the 1970s to gather information on the social aspects of human-wildlife issues to help wildlife managers and stakeholders implement effective decision-making measures. However, HDW is not widely recognized or applied outside North America, and few studies have investigated whether HDW approaches would be effective in different cultural settings. This is the first book written in English to introduce the HDW theories and practices implemented in Asia. Presenting innovative approaches and research techniques, as well as tips on how to introduce HDW methods into culturally different societies, it is a valuable resource not only for researchers and students in this field, but also for government officials/managers, NGOs, residents and other stakeholders who are affected by human-wildlife conflicts around the globe.
Gravity Dream Music Life In Two Dimensions
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 73.00 zł (+12.99 zł)Tracklista: 1 Life In Two Dimensions 5:09 2 Emergency 3:50 3 Sister X 4:47 4 This Time 4:37 5 Sunlight 4:32 6 Love / Steel 5:03 7 Energy 3:19 8 Fly With Brok...
Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 403.64 złThis book illustrates the role of researchers’ affects and emotions in understanding and making sense of the phenomena they study during ethnographic fieldwork. Whatever methods ethnographers apply during field research, however close they get to their informants and no matter how involved or detached they feel, fieldwork pushes them to constantly negotiate and reflect their subjectivities and positionalities in relation to the persons, communities, spaces and phenomena they study. The book highlights the idea that ethnographic fieldwork is based on the attempt of communication, mutual understanding, and perspective-taking on behalf of and together with those studied. With regard to the institutionally silenced, yet informally emphasized necessity of ethnographers’ emotional immersion into the local worlds they research (defined as “emic perspective,” “narrating through the eyes of the Other,” “seeing the world from the informants’ point of view,” etc.), this book pursues the disentanglement of affect-related disciplinary conventions by means of transparent, vivid and systematic case studies and their methodological discussion. The book provides nineteen case studies on the relationship between methodology, intersubjectivity, and emotion in qualitative and ethnographic research, and includes six section introductions to the pivotal issues of role conflict, reciprocity, intimacy and care, illness and dying, failing and attuning, and emotion regimes in fieldwork and ethnography. Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography is a must-have resource for post-graduate students and researchers across the disciplines of social and cultural anthropology, medical anthropology, psychological anthropology, cultural psychology, critical theory, cultural phenomenology, and cultural sociology.
Sierra Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions
Sprzedawca: Code-guru.pl Cena: 1,000.70 złTen produkt zawiera klucz cyfrowy Nie zawiera CD-DVD Zostanie ona dostarczona e-mailem na podstawie danych podanych przy złożeniu zamówienia Szczegółowy
Landscape dimensions
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 62.84 złAs a key element of individual and social well-being and quality of life, landscape plays an important part in human fulfilment and in reinforcement of European identity. Adopted under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the European Landscape Convention aims to promote the protection, management and planning of landscapes, and to organise international co-operation in this field. It applies to the entire territory of the contracting parties and covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It concerns landscapes considered outstanding, as well as everyday or degraded areas. Certain “dimensions” of the landscape are presented in this publication, which addresses key issues for its future, including democracy, education, economy, leisure and advertising. Landscape management processes – and even the term “landscape” itself – are also analysed. This book forms part of a process of reflection on the major themes concerning the living environment.
Alchemy of Nine Dimensions - audiobook
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 157.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Audiobook po zakupie nie będzie dostępny do słuchania w aplikacji Empik Go. Pobierz plik ze swojej biblioteki i odsłuchaj go w dowolnej innej aplikacji odtwa...
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