Znaleziono 2 produkty pasujące do Twojego wyszukiwania: futures w sklepach 2:
Futures Literacy
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 179.99 złDie UNESCO hat Futures Literacy zur essenziellen Kompetenz des 21. Jahrhunderts erklärt. Jede*r Einzelne soll befähigt werden, Strategien zur Bewältigung einer unsicheren Zukunft im Zeichen des Klimawandels zu entwickeln. Futures Literacy umfasst die Antizipation und Imagination alternativer Zukünfte, die Akzeptanz von Komplexität und ein neues Verständnis unserer Handlungsfähigkeiten, um vorausschauend konkrete Vorstellungen, positive Bilder und kreative Lösungen mitverantwortlich zu entwickeln. Was genau ist das: Zukunftsgestaltungskompetenz? Welche Bildungsinhalte fokussieren die gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen? Wie können die digitalen Umbrüche für die Transformation genutzt werden? Welche kreativen, kulturellen, künstlerischen Praktiken öffnen ökologisches Bewusstsein? Welche modell- und beispielhaften Umsetzungen lassen sich in der schulischen Gegenwart gestalten? Welche didaktischen Konzepte verankern Futures Literacy in der Pädagog*innenbildung? Zukunft denken - erzählen - gestalten: Die interdisziplinären Beiträge in diesem Sammelband zeigen nicht nur das breite Spektrum der Aspekte auf, die im Konzept der Futures Literacy gebündelt sind. Sie machen auch deutlich, wie Zukünftebildung konkret in Bildungsprozessen gelingen kann.
Futures End
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 42.99 złAuf nach Hundhausen und begleitet Phil und Hannes in einer atemberaubenden Reise durch die Zeit. Wie sie das alles durchstehen und was genau sie erleben? Findet es selbst raus und erlebt Abenteuer, eine futuristische Welt und dramatische Wendungen, Verwirrungen und Paradoxien. Erlebt selbst, was alles passieren kann, wenn zwei Männer das Raumzeit-Kontinuum beinahe zerstören.
Futures, Swaps, Options
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 146.67 złQu'il s'agisse des futures, des swaps, des options ou de leurs combinaisons en « produits structurés », les produits financiers dérivés sont devenus incontournables dans le monde de la finance des marchés. Le présent ouvrage analyse ces instruments de manière claire et complète, en privilégiant : - le recours à des exemples réels et détaillés d'opérations de marché; - le point de vue de l'utilisateur, tant dans le cadre d'opérations de couverture du risque de change, de taux d'intérêt, de cours des actions, au niveau du risque de crédit, que du point de vue spéculatif. La présentation de ces instruments part des produits de base, ou « vanille », pour aboutir aux produits de seconde génération (swaps et options « exotiques »). On y trouvera aussi un important chapitre consacré aux risques inhérents au trading de produits dérivés, dans la foulée des perturbations qu'ont connues les marchés en 2007 & 2008. Une brève annexe théorique permet d'asseoir les fondements plus mathématiques de ces produits. L'ouvrage est complété par un index des termes techniques utilisés, tant en français qu'en anglais. Un ouvrage de référence pour les professionnels de la finance comme pour les étudiants ! À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR Alain Ruttiens est ingénieur civil (Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Belgique). Il est actuellement gestionnaire de hedge fund, après plus de quinze ans (à la Banque Indosuez en Belgique, et plus récemment à la CBC Banque, filiale de la KBC Bank) consacrés aux produits dérivés financiers. Il enseigne ces matières entre autres à l'ESCP (Paris), à la Sorbonne (Paris), au Centro di Studi Bancari (Lugano, Suisse), ainsi qu'à l'Ecole Supérieure des Affaires à Beyrouth (Liban). Il est également IAG Fellow de l'Université de Louvain (Belgique) et membre du Decision Sciences Institute (Atlanta, USA).
Futures, Visions, and Responsibility
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 29.15 złMartin Sand explores the problems of responsibility at the early, visionary stages of technological development. He discusses the increasingly dominant concept of innovation and outlines how narratives about the future are currently used to facilitate technological change, to foster networks, and to raise public awareness for innovations. This set of activities is under increasing scrutiny as a form of “visioneering”. The author discusses intentionality and freedom as important, albeit fuzzy, preconditions for being responsible. He distinguishes being from holding responsible and explores this distinction’s effects on the problem of moral luck. Finally, he develops a virtue ethical framework to discuss visioneers’ and innovators’ responsibilities.
Futures of Modernity
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 124.99 złGlobal risks, mobilities and interdependencies transnationalize local life and working worlds. These processes lead to an inner globalization of societies in which worldwide constellations of »reflexive« (Ulrich Beck), »multiple« (Shmuel N. Eisenstadt), »entangled« (Shalini Randeria) and »global« (Arjun Appadurai) modernities simultaneously and immediately clash in social action: a process of cosmopolitanization in which »the global« is localized and »the local« is globalized in radical new ways. In this book, an international selection of prominent critical thinkers address this premise and provide their interpretations of imminent challenges, concomitant social dynamics and political implications. With contributions by Arjun Appadurai, Zygmunt Bauman, Ulrich Beck, Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim, Edgar Grande, Maarten Hajer, Ronald Hitzler, Wolf Lepenies, Anna Tsing, Angela McRobbie, Bruno Latour, Ted Nordhaus & Michael Shellenberger, Hans-Georg Soeffner, Natan Sznaider, Anja Weiß and Yunxiang Yan.
Fragments, Futures, Absence and the Past
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 159.99 złAccording to Walter Benjamin, the past that is not recognized by the present threatens to disappear irretrievably. As a consequence, photographs cannot save the moment from oblivion by pure depiction alone, but only by keeping the depicted moment actual at every present moment. Instead of counting on the documentary quality of photography that speaks in the past tense of "what has been", Silke Helmerdig suggests a different approach to photography: an extension of a future subjunctive (photographic) tense speaking of "what could be, if", allowing one to think possible futures instead of harking back to the past.
Cyborg Futures
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 381.21 złThis volume brings together academics from evolutionary biology, literary theory, robotics, digital culture, anthropology, sociology, and environmental studies to consider the impact of robotics and AI on society. By bringing these perspectives together in one book, readers gain a sense of the complex scientific, social, and ideological contexts within which AI and robotics research is unfolding, as well as the illusory suppositions and distorted claims being mobilized by the industry in the name of bettering humanity’s future. Discussions about AI and robotics have been shaped by computer science and engineering, steered by corporate and military interests, forged by transhumanist philosophy and libertarian politics, animated by fiction, and hyped by the media. From fiction passing as science to the illusion of AI autonomy to the business of ethics to the automation of war, this collection recognizes the inevitable entanglement of humanity and technology, while exposing the problematic assumptions and myths driving the field in order to better assess its risks and potential.
Sustainable Futures for Higher Education
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 403.64 zł?This volume addresses the current situation in higher education and what creative action needs to be taken for the future development of the various systems of higher education. Higher education in the 21 st centuries is under immense pressure from various sides. First, there is dramatic limitation of funding from public sources and limited and selective funding support from private sources that is re-constructing the landscape of higher education in most societies around the World. Secondly there is the continuous stream of administrative re-organization efforts of political origins (e.g. “the Bologna process”) that guide the advancement of higher education in our present time.  Increasing privatization of all forms of higher education—from bachelor to doctoral levels—and its corresponding focus on the advancement of the kind of knowledge that has immediate applicability in various spheres of societies leads to the question- what kind of creativity is expected from the new cohorts of students—future makers of knowledge—once the current social re-organization of higher education systems becomes fully established.  To address these questions the international, interdisciplinary cast of authors in this volume provides a multitude of possible scenarios for future development of the systems of higher education. This book on “Sustainable Futures of Higher Education” captures the current trends and perspectives of the Knowledge Makers from various nations of the world on meeting and greeting the challenges of globalization and the pressures of the knowledge economy. It makes a strong case for universities of tomorrow sustaining their autonomous thinking and yet nurturing an environment of collaborative partnership with society, corporate and industry to fuel innovations in plenty and continuous supply of new science and technologies.  Higher Education has been and shall remain a powerful vehicle of national and global transformation. I see a great value of the publication in impacting the minds of the leaders in higher education around the globe for revitalizing the universities. Professor P. B Sharma, Pr esident of Association of Indian Universities, AIU How should the higher education system be in the globalization era? In this book Jaan Valsiner and his colleagues analyze, criticize the existing and propose a new higher education system.  When we say "higher education”, three different layers are supposed to be there-- the lower, the middle and the higher. The latter has the function of production of new knowledges. Without new knowledge, our societies are never improving. Authors warn commercialized systems such as the “Bologna system” overestimate the homogeneity of education.  ““Universities without Borders” would  guarantee both diversity and innovation in the higher education systems. Professor Tatsuya Sato, Dean of Research, Ritsumekan University  
Storytelling Futures
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 59.99 złIt's "Code Red" for humanity. How do the media respond to that? This book is for anyone who's interested in using storytelling and media with the aim to shape desirable futures for humanity and all other forms of life on Earth. We're facing a host of serious, global, complex, entangled problems. Nuclear weapons, runaway technology, indestructible waste, resource depletion, overpopulation, pandemics, radicalization, species extinction, ecosystem loss, climate change. It's breathtaking, life-threatening and truly existential. How can anyone look such challenges in the eye without feeling desperate? If humans are the cause of these problems, being as inventive and ambitious as we are, we can also solve them. It's being tried, with some positive effects. But that is not enough. The obstacle seems to be less of a practical nature than a matter of awareness. It's our collective incapacity to feel and act according to what is genuinely beneficial for us and the world we're part of. Humanity lacks a vision of what a livable future – pluralistic livable futures – could look like. There are hardly any convincing, aspirational myths for people to root for. More often than not, stories about tomorrow are dystopias. In the hour of danger our imagination fails us. This is not accidental. It's critical. There is no longer any doubt that we'll only be able to survive on this planet if we radically change our way of life, our economies, our societies. To achieve this, stories and media need to lead the way. We must get better at working with probable, possible and desirable futures. This would be a useful skill for anyone. It's a duty for all those who shape and create realities in the media. As journalists, writers, filmmakers, game designers or XR-creators we can present what we care about to many different audiences. We reach people. We touch them. Our projects can be starting points for collective sensemaking and inspire citizens to become agents of change.
Green Energy Futures: A Big Change for the Good
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 403.64 złWhat will replace fossil fuel? Is there a way forward using renewable energy sources while avoiding nuclear power? This book argues that nuclear is unlikely to have much of a role in future, and shows that the pro- and anti-nuclear debate has absorbed too much time and energy over the years. This has been to the detriment of a more relevant, interesting and increasingly urgent debate over what sort of renewable/efficiency mix we need. This book engages in that debate, exploring the implications of shifting to greener, cleaner energy sources. Importantly, David Elliott argues there is no one green future. There is a range of possible options of various types and scales: we need to choose amongst them. This book offers an overview of the technical, economic and environmental issues to help scholars, professionals and policy makers involved in discussing those options.
Dealing with Elusive Futures
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 159.99 złThe time to come - as well as the exploration thereof - remains elusive for social actors and social scientists alike. The contributors accept the challenge to depict young men and women's future-creating activities in urban contexts of sub-Saharan Africa. Very consciously, they study young graduates having obtained a university degree and provide a vivid picture of their strategies to socially grow older by doing adulthood in contexts of great uncertainty. The examples include Burkina Faso, Guinea, Ethiopia, Mali and Tanzania, visually enriched through pictures taken by young Malian photographers.
Emerging Affinities - Possible Futures of Performative Arts
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 159.99 złThis volume is a response to the growing need for new methodological approaches to the rapidly changing landscape of new forms of performative practices. The authors address a host of contemporary phenomena situated at the crossroads between science and fiction which employ various media and merge live participation with mediated hybrid experiences at both affective and cognitive level. All essays collected here move across disciplinary divisions in order to provide an account of these new tendencies, thus providing food for thought for a wide readership ranging from performative studies to the social sciences, philosophy and cultural studies.
12 Prinzipien für Erfolgreiches Futures Trading
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 4.19 złMöchtest du die Finanzmärkte erfolgreich manövrieren und von Futures Trading - eine der profitabelsten Vermögensaufbauchancen - profitieren? Hast du dazu genug Mut, Ausdauer und Wissensdurst mitgebracht? - Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige für dich. In diesem Buch fasst Futures Trader Niclas Hummel alle Prinzipien für erfolgreiches Trading mit Terminkontrakten zusammen, die er nach 11 Jahren Erfahrung entdeckt hat. Es wird erklärt wie auch du den Umgang mit Risiken erfolgreich managen kannst. Dabei geht der Autor Schritt für Schritt auf alle wichtigen Themen ein wie Broker und Marktauswahl bis hin zu Einstiegssignalen und Trademanagement Beispielen. Weitere wichtige Anliegen sind: Statistik, Erwartungshaltung und der Umgang mit mentalen Ressourcen. "Ich möchte, dass das Trading dir dient und ein großartiges Risk-Reward für deine Zeit bietet. Denn Trading heißt nicht immer aktiv zu sein, sondern den Markt für dich arbeiten zu lassen." Dieses Buch ist geeignet für angehende und interessierte Derivate Händler, dabei gehe ich auf folgende Produkte ein: - CME, NYMEX, CBOT, EUREX Futures - Mini-Futures, Micro-Futures - Knockout-Zertifikate - Cryptomärkte: Crypto Perpetual Futures, Dezentralisierte Crypto Derivate Ein guter Händler hat den Überblick über verschiedene Assetklassen: - Aktienindizes / Aktien - Rohstoffe - Währungen / Forex / Crypto - Zinspapiere Die meisten Händler starten mit einem negativen Erwartungswert, denn es liegt in der menschlichen Natur ohne Prinzipien mit ängstlichem und unkontrollierten Verhalten in die Fallen der Börse hineinzugeraten. Jedes einzelne Prinzip erhöht den Erwartungswert des Traders, da eine neue Denkweise in Bezug auf Chancen und Risiken sowie praktische Techniken vermittelt werden - bis dein Erwartungswert für den Trader positiv wird und der Zinseszinseffekt, der einzigartig für den kurzfristigen Futures-Handel ist, wirksam werden kann. Im Futures Trading mit Indizes, Krypto und Co. ist Psychologie, Technik, Produktauswahl, Broker, Steuern und eine genaue Methodik wichtig. All diese Themen werden in diesem prägnanten Buchformat genauestens erläutert, sodass der Leser am Schluss einen umfassenden Blick über die Finanzmärkte bekommt und in dieser Welt klare Entscheidungen treffen kann.
Terrorism, Technology and Apocalyptic Futures
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 210.77 złThis book centers on the power of mythical narratives and technology in creating the idea of a world that should be purged. The introduction of sin, the fall and other disruptive conflict have led mankind towards a world of scarcity, where suffering and sacrifice prevail. The author analyzes this apocalypse theory, which describes humans’ perversion by the use of technology, self-consciousness and knowledge. Based on an anthropological viewpoint, the book not only discusses the nature of bottom days, but explores other related sub-themes such as capitalism, terrorism, dark tourism, the essence of evil and the power of prophecy, coining the term thana-capitalism to denote a new stage of capitalism where death is the main commodity exchanged.
12 Principles for Successful Futures Trading
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 4.19 złDo you want to navigate the financial markets successfully and profit from futures trading - one of the most profitable wealth-building opportunities? Have you brought enough courage, perseverance, and thirst for knowledge with you? - Then this book is exactly right for you! In this book, Futures Trader Niclas Hummel summarizes all the principles for successful trading with futures contracts that he has discovered over his 11 years of experience. It explains how you too can successfully manage risks. The author adopts a step-by-step approach towards all important topics such as broker and market selection, entry signals, and trade management examples. Other important considerations include: statistics, expectations, and managing mental resources. "I want trading to serve you and offer a greater risk-reward for your time. Because trading doesn't always mean being active, rather letting the market work for you." This book is suitable for aspiring and interested derivative traders, and I cover the following products: - CME, NYMEX, CBOT, EUREX Futures - Mini-Futures, Micro-Futures and Options - Crypto markets: Crypto Perpetual Futures, Decentralized Crypto Derivatives A good trader has an overview of different asset classes: - Stock indices / Stocks - Commodities - Currencies / Forex / Crypto - Bonds How you can profit from the overall market and master the skill of high quality selection of markets and trends has been best described with the principles in this book. Most traders start out with a negative expectancy value. It is inherent in human nature, that betting on prices with risk and rewards doesn't come natural to us. Each individual principle increases the trader's expectancy value because a new mindset towards opportunities and risks, as well as practical techniques, is taught - until your expectancy value as a trader gets positive and the compounding effect, which is unique to short term futures trading, can take effect. In futures trading, psychology, technique, product selection, brokers, taxes, and precise methodology are important. All of these topics are explained in detail in this concise book format, so that the reader ultimately gains a comprehensive view of the financial markets and can make clear decisions in the world of trading. The methodology is further illustrated with example charts and other related graphs.
Pratiques du trading sur futures
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 83.79 złLa réflexion stratégique préalable, la patience et la prudence, s'imposent tout particulièrement avant de risquer un centime sur les marchés dérivés. Le double objectif de ce manuel est donc à la fois d'initier sur les contrats dérivés à terme, mais aussi de permettre tant aux particuliers indépendants qu'aux entreprises, investisseurs institutionnels, trésoriers, financiers, banquiers, salles de marchés, de découvrir, redécouvrir, s'approprier des stratégies d'intervention court et très court terme, efficaces, à but ultra spéculatif.
Portfolio Investment Opportunities in Managed Futures
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 179.99 złNew research and investment strategies for asset managers in managed futures In this handy new e-book, bestselling author David M. Darst provides the latest information on managed futures and their appropriate role within investment portfolios. The first section of the e-book covers select investment advantages and potential risks of managed futures, including historical background on futures, their advantages, risks involved, and key trends and drivers. The second section offers a summary of managed futures investment performance and correlation, including the performance of the major futures indices. The remaining sections provide an overview of the current investment landscape, a glossary of available indices, and important sources of further information. Portfolio Investment Opportunities in Managed Futures gives investors the information they need to make intelligent investment decisions in this important asset class. * Covers key factors investors need to know about managed futures, including advantages, risks, and investment performance * Written by David M. Darst, CFA, the bestselling author of The Little Book That Saves Your Assets * Perfect for individual investors, financial advisors, and CFAs interested in how managed futures can meaningfully improve the risk-reward profile of their portfolios
Comment faire de Dieu le Débiteur des générations présentes et futures
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 4.19 złLa dîme est un sujet de controverse et de critique dans le milieu chrétien et religieux, alors que le peuple à qui cette instruction a été donnée continue à pratiquer cette ordonnance. Elle a été offerte pour la première fois par Abraham ancêtre du peuple d'Israël. Aujourd'hui, la dîme perd de plus en plus des fidèles dans l'église à cause des enseignements erronés. Plusieurs sont privés des bénédictions liées à cette ordonnance par ignorance. De surcroît, ils privent également leur descendance. A cet effet, beaucoup jugent que ce principe de la dîme relève d'une pratique ancienne propre au peuple d'Israël. Annick IMBOU montre à travers une analyse approfondie en quoi la dîme serait elle une alliance de bénédiction générationnelle.
HILIFE Kubek Termos Samochodowy Thermo Cafe Kubek Do Kawy Wyświetlacz Temperatury 510 Ml Na Herbatę Woda Kawa Szczelny Kubek Termiczny Podróżny Stal Nierdzew Zielony
Sprzedawca: Coolbe.pl Cena: 7.26 złFutures: Wyświetlacz Temperatury Led :Wyświetlacz Temperatury Led Pozwala Z Łatwością Monitorować Temperaturę Napoju, Upewniając Się, Że Jest Ona Zawsze Na Idealnym Poziomie. Kubek Termiczny :Funkcja Kubka Termicznego Gwarantuje, Że Twój Napój Pozostanie Gorący Lub Zimny Przez Dłuższy Czas, Dzięki Czemu Idealnie Nadaje Się Do Użytku W Podróży. Materiał Ze Stali Nierdzewnej :Wykonany Z Wysokiej Jakości Stali Nierdzewnej Kubek Jest Trwały I Trwały, Co Czyni Go Doskonałą Inwestycją Dla Każdego Miłośnika Kawy Lub Herbaty. Pojemność 510 Ml :Kubek O Pojemności 510 Ml Jest Idealny Dla Tych, Którzy Potrzebują Dużej Ilości Ulubionego Napoju, Niezależnie Od Tego, Czy Jest To Kawa, Herbata, Czy Coś Innego. Przenośny I Trwały : Idealny Do Podróży, Zajęć Na Świeżym Powietrzu, Samochodu, Biura, Domu, Szkoły, Pikniku, Gorącej Jogi, Turystyki Pieszej, Kempingu Itp. Specyfikacja: Towar: Thermocup Pojemność: 510ml Kolor: Czarny, Biały, Zielony, Różowy, Niebieski Materiał: Stal Nierdzewna Żywotność Baterii: Może Być Używany Przez Około 1 Rok, Nie Można Wymienić Baterii Pakiet: 1 Szt. X Filiżanka Kawy Sprzedawca Gwarantuje, Że Jego Produkty Są Zgodne Ze Wszystkimi Obowiązującymi Przepisami I Są Oferowane Tylko Wtedy, Gdy Są Zgodne Z Zasadami Joom Oraz Przepisami Ue Dotyczącymi Bezpieczeństwa I Zgodności Produktów.
HILIFE Kubek Termos Samochodowy Thermo Cafe Kubek Do Kawy Wyświetlacz Temperatury 510 Ml Na Herbatę Woda Kawa Szczelny Kubek Termiczny Podróżny Stal Nierdzew Czarny
Sprzedawca: Coolbe.pl Cena: 6.05 złFutures: Wyświetlacz Temperatury Led :Wyświetlacz Temperatury Led Pozwala Z Łatwością Monitorować Temperaturę Napoju, Upewniając Się, Że Jest Ona Zawsze Na Idealnym Poziomie. Kubek Termiczny :Funkcja Kubka Termicznego Gwarantuje, Że Twój Napój Pozostanie Gorący Lub Zimny Przez Dłuższy Czas, Dzięki Czemu Idealnie Nadaje Się Do Użytku W Podróży. Materiał Ze Stali Nierdzewnej :Wykonany Z Wysokiej Jakości Stali Nierdzewnej Kubek Jest Trwały I Trwały, Co Czyni Go Doskonałą Inwestycją Dla Każdego Miłośnika Kawy Lub Herbaty. Pojemność 510 Ml :Kubek O Pojemności 510 Ml Jest Idealny Dla Tych, Którzy Potrzebują Dużej Ilości Ulubionego Napoju, Niezależnie Od Tego, Czy Jest To Kawa, Herbata, Czy Coś Innego. Przenośny I Trwały : Idealny Do Podróży, Zajęć Na Świeżym Powietrzu, Samochodu, Biura, Domu, Szkoły, Pikniku, Gorącej Jogi, Turystyki Pieszej, Kempingu Itp. Specyfikacja: Towar: Thermocup Pojemność: 510ml Kolor: Czarny, Biały, Zielony, Różowy, Niebieski Materiał: Stal Nierdzewna Żywotność Baterii: Może Być Używany Przez Około 1 Rok, Nie Można Wymienić Baterii Pakiet: 1 Szt. X Filiżanka Kawy Sprzedawca Gwarantuje, Że Jego Produkty Są Zgodne Ze Wszystkimi Obowiązującymi Przepisami I Są Oferowane Tylko Wtedy, Gdy Są Zgodne Z Zasadami Joom Oraz Przepisami Ue Dotyczącymi Bezpieczeństwa I Zgodności Produktów.
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