Znaleziono 2 produkty pasujące do Twojego wyszukiwania: processing w sklepach 3:
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 74.99 złProcessing es un lenguaje de programación con un entorno de desarrollo integrado, pensado para todo tipo de usuarios interesados en dotar a sus proyectos con una salida visual de la información. Si quiere descubrir cómo Processing deviene un complemento ideal para Arduino y ESP8266, este es su libro. Con él podrá ir más allá de la recogida de datos de sensores o el manejo de servos y motores, lo que le permitirá crear interfaces y entornos visuales interactivos para llevar sus proyectos con Arduino y ESP8266 a un nuevo nivel. Gracias a la multitud de prácticas que presenta el manual y la explicación paso a paso de los códigos podrá: o Desarrollar proyectos de forma rápida y sencilla, aprendiendo un nuevo lenguaje casi sin darse cuenta, ya que el entorno de desarrollo interactivo (IDE) en Arduino y Processing son muy similares. o Crear interfaces gráficas de usuario para presentar de forma vistosa todo tipo de información y realizar cualquier actividad de control desde un ordenador. o Conectar su ordenador o teléfono móvil a su Arduino de forma remota con Bluetooth o WiFi. o Usar protocolos de internet de las cosas (IoT) para recibir datos y dar órdenes a través de un móvil con acceso a Internet a cualquier dispositivo conectado a Arduino o ESP8266. o Procesar imágenes con métodos de visión artificial que le permitan identificar caras u objetos e, incluso, hacer un seguimiento de sus movimientos. o Desarrollar programas de realidad aumentada que añadan información gráfica o textual en tiempo real a las imágenes obtenidas de una cámara web. Además, en la parte inferior de la primera página del libro encontrará el código de acceso que le permitirá descargar de forma gratuita los contenidos adicionales en www.marcombo.info. Con la amplia variedad de técnicas reunidas en este libro podrá llegar a realizar casi cualquier cosa con Arduino y ESP8266. Disfrute de las enormes posibilidades de una plataforma que no para de crecer y sobrepase los límites de su imaginación. Tomás Domínguez es ingeniero de telecomunicación y doctorado en inteligencia artificial. Su labor profesional se ha desarrollado en una multinacional de telecomunicaciones, donde ha ocupado diversos cargos relacionados con la tecnología. Asimismo, ha ejercido como profesor universitario de ingeniería informática en la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio de Madrid.
Extruder Processing
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 421.99 złCovers engineering and technology concepts to aid the practitioner in comparing single-screw or twin-screw extruders relative to process requirements. The ha...
Processing Mathematics Through Digital Technologies
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 156.99 złDigital technologies permeate our lives. We use them to communicate, research, process, record, and for entertainment. They influence the way we interact in the world, the way we live. Digital technologies also offer the potential to transform the nature of the learning process in mathematics. The learning environment, the types of tasks learners can engage with, and the nature of that engagement differs from working in other environments. The Internet, for instance, presents greater scope for child-centered, inquiry-based learning. Dynamic geometry software and GoogleEarth offer interactive ways of exploring shape, position and space that is not possible with the pencil-and-paper medium. This book provides insights into how mathematical understanding emerged for primary-aged children (5-13 years) when they investigated mathematical tasks through digital media. It considers learning theories that are frequently used in mathematics education, and situates a contemporary interpretive approach within those perspectives. A key purpose was to provide some practical tasks for teachers/teacher educators to incorporate digital technologies into their mathematics programmes, tasks that have been used successfully for learning. This is a significant reference book for primary-school teacher education and a valuable resource for all schools teaching at that age.
Digital Image Processing, Global Edition
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 431.99 złFor courses in Image Processing and Computer Vision. Introduce your students to image processing with the industry's most prized text For 40 years, Image Pro...
Knowledge Processing with Interval and Soft Computing
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 583.05 złInterval computing combined with fuzzy logic has become an emerging tool in studying artificial intelligence and knowledge processing (AIKP) applications since it models uncertainties frequently raised in the field. This book provides introductions for both interval and fuzzy computing in a very accessible style. Application algorithms covered in this book include quantitative and qualitative data mining with interval valued datasets, decision making systems with interval valued parameters, interval valued Nash games and interval weighted graphs. Successful applications in studying finance and economics, etc are also included. This book can serve as a handbook or a text for readers interested in applying interval and soft computing for AIKP.
Probability and Random Processes with Applications to Signal Processing. Henry Stark, John W. Woods
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 343.99 złFor courses in Probability and Random Processes. Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Engineers, 4e is a comprehensive treatment of probability ...
Extrusion Processing Technology
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 699.99 złExtrusion is the operation of forming and shaping a molten or dough-like material by forcing it through a restriction, or die. It is applied and used in many batch and continuous processes. However, extrusion processing technology relies more on continuous process operations which use screw extruders to handle many process functions such as the transport and compression of particulate components, melting of polymers, mixing of viscous media, heat processing of polymeric and biopolymeric materials, product texturization and shaping, defibering and chemical impregnation of fibrous materials, reactive extrusion, and fractionation of solid-liquid systems. Extrusion processing technology is highly complex, and in-depth descriptions and discussions are required in order to provide a complete understanding and analysis of this area: this book aims to provide readers with these analyses and discussions. Extrusion Processing Technology: Food and Non-Food Biomaterials provides an overview of extrusion processing technology and its established and emerging industrial applications. Potency of process intensification and sustainable processing is also discussed and illustrated. The book aims to span the gap between the principles of extrusion science and the practical knowledge of operational engineers and technicians. The authors bring their research and industrial experience in extrusion processing technology to provide a comprehensive, technical yet readable volume that will appeal to readers from both academic and practical backgrounds. This book is primarily aimed at scientists and engineers engaged in industry, research, and teaching activities related to the extrusion processing of foods (especially cereals, snacks, textured and fibrated proteins, functional ingredients, and instant powders), feeds (especially aquafeeds and petfoods), bioplastics and plastics, biosourced chemicals, paper pulp, and biofuels. It will also be of interest to students of food science, food engineering, and chemical engineering. Also available Formulation Engineering of Foods Edited by J.E. Norton, P.J. Fryer and I.T. Norton ISBN 978-0-470-67290-7 Food and Industrial Bioproducts and Bioprocessing Edited by N.T. Dunford ISBN 978-0-8138-2105-4 Handbook of Food Process Design Edited by J. Ahmed and M.S. Rahman ISBN 978-1-4443-3011-3
Imagery Rescripting & Reprocessing Therapy
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 104.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Das Buch vermittelt die Grundlagen einer neuen integrativen Traumatherapie, die speziell für Erwachsene mit Kindheitstraumen entwickelt wurde. Die Methode is...
Array Processing
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 44.85 złThe focus of this book is on array processing and beamforming with Kronecker products. It considers a large family of sensor arrays that allow the steering vector to be decomposed as a Kronecker product of two steering vectors of smaller virtual arrays. Instead of directly designing a global beamformer for the original array, once the steering vector has been decomposed, smaller virtual beamformers are designed and separately optimized for each virtual array. This means the matrices that need to be inverted are smaller, which increases the robustness of the beamformers, and reduces the size of the observations. The book explains how to perform beamforming with Kronecker product filters using an unconventional approach. It shows how the Kronecker product formulation can be used to derive fixed, adaptive, and differential beamformers with remarkable flexibility. Furthermore, it demonstrates how fixed and adaptive beamformers can be intelligently combined, optimally exploiting the advantages of both. The problem of spatiotemporal signal enhancement is also addressed, and readers will learn how to perform Kronecker product filtering in this context.
Digital Image Processing and Analysis: Computer Vision and Image Analysis
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 679.99 złComputer vision and image analysis is a field that continues to advance at an ever increasing pace, with applications ranging from medical diagnostics to spa...
Data Processing for the AHP/ANP
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 403.64 złThe positive reciprocal pairwise comparison matrix (PCM) is one of the key components which is used to quantify the qualitative and/or intangible attributes into measurable quantities. This book examines six understudied issues of PCM, i.e. consistency test, inconsistent data identification and adjustment, data collection, missing or uncertain data estimation, and sensitivity analysis of rank reversal. The maximum eigenvalue threshold method is proposed as the new consistency index for the AHP/ANP. An induced bias matrix model (IBMM) is proposed to identify and adjust the inconsistent data, and estimate the missing or uncertain data. Two applications of IBMM including risk assessment and decision analysis, task scheduling and resource allocation in cloud computing environment, are introduced to illustrate the proposed IBMM.
Natural Language Processing with Transformers, Revised Edition
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 257.99 złIf youre a data scientist or coder, this practical book -now revised in full color- shows you how to train and scale these large models using Hugging Face Tr...
Bayesian Signal Processing
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 529.99 złPresents the Bayesian approach to statistical signal processing for a variety of useful model sets This book aims to give readers a unified Bayesian treatment starting from the basics (Baye's rule) to the more advanced (Monte Carlo sampling), evolving to the next-generation model-based techniques (sequential Monte Carlo sampling). This next edition incorporates a new chapter on "Sequential Bayesian Detection," a new section on "Ensemble Kalman Filters" as well as an expansion of Case Studies that detail Bayesian solutions for a variety of applications. These studies illustrate Bayesian approaches to real-world problems incorporating detailed particle filter designs, adaptive particle filters and sequential Bayesian detectors. In addition to these major developments a variety of sections are expanded to "fill-in-the gaps" of the first edition. Here metrics for particle filter (PF) designs with emphasis on classical "sanity testing" lead to ensemble techniques as a basic requirement for performance analysis. The expansion of information theory metrics and their application to PF designs is fully developed and applied. These expansions of the book have been updated to provide a more cohesive discussion of Bayesian processing with examples and applications enabling the comprehension of alternative approaches to solving estimation/detection problems. The second edition of Bayesian Signal Processing features: * "Classical" Kalman filtering for linear, linearized, and nonlinear systems; "modern" unscented and ensemble Kalman filters: and the "next-generation" Bayesian particle filters * Sequential Bayesian detection techniques incorporating model-based schemes for a variety of real-world problems * Practical Bayesian processor designs including comprehensive methods of performance analysis ranging from simple sanity testing and ensemble techniques to sophisticated information metrics * New case studies on adaptive particle filtering and sequential Bayesian detection are covered detailing more Bayesian approaches to applied problem solving * MATLAB® notes at the end of each chapter help readers solve complex problems using readily available software commands and point out other software packages available * Problem sets included to test readers' knowledge and help them put their new skills into practice Bayesian Signal Processing, Second Edition is written for all students, scientists, and engineers who investigate and apply signal processing to their everyday problems.
Digital Signal and Image Processing in Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomography
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 59.93 zł (+12.99 zł)Dissertation of Lech Raczyński is devoted to the presentation of data processing algorithms in the Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) scanner. The work describes origi...
Affective Information Processing
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 403.64 złAffective information processing assigns computers the human-like capabilities of observation, interpretation and generation of affect features. It is an important topic for harmonious human-computer interaction, by increasing the quality of human-computer communication and improving the intelligence of the computer. Discussing state of art of the research in affective information processing, this book summarises key technologies researched, such as facial expression recognition, face animation, emotional speech synthesis, intelligent agent, and virtual reality. The detailed discussion covers a wide range of topics including hot topics which look to challenge and improve current research work. Written to provide an opportunity for scientists, engineers and graduate students to learn problems, solutions and technologies in the topic area, this book will provide insight and prove a valuable reference tool.
Soulfood II The Grand Procession
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 73.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Tracklista: 1.Panegyric 2.Pygmalionism 3.Paterfamilias 4.Threnody: Death of Spring 5.The Grand Procession 6.Ossuary 7.Exanguinated 8.Dirge 9.Paupers Grave 10...
EEG Signal Processing and Feature Extraction
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 672.77 złThis book presents the conceptual and mathematical basis and the implementation of both electroencephalogram (EEG) and EEG signal processing in a comprehensive, simple, and easy-to-understand manner. EEG records the electrical activity generated by the firing of neurons within human brain at the scalp. They are widely used in clinical neuroscience, psychology, and neural engineering, and a series of EEG signal-processing techniques have been developed. Intended for cognitive neuroscientists, psychologists and other interested readers, the book discusses a range of current mainstream EEG signal-processing and feature-extraction techniques in depth, and includes chapters on the principles and implementation strategies.
Stunt Records Slow Procession
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 80.35 zł (+12.99 zł)Najnowsza płyta 'Slow Procession' to prawdziwy majstersztyk, przestrzenne utwory, z melodyjnymi partiami unoszącymi się wraz z wiatrem nad duńskimi cieśninam...
Natural Language Processing Recipes
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 167.62 złImplement natural language processing applications with Python using a problem-solution approach. This book has numerous coding exercises that will help you to quickly deploy natural language processing techniques, such as text classification, parts of speech identification, topic modeling, text summarization, text generation, entity extraction, and sentiment analysis.  Natural Language Processing Recipes starts by offering solutions for cleaning and preprocessing text data and ways to analyze it with advanced algorithms. You’ll see practical applications of the semantic as well as syntactic analysis of text, as well as complex natural language processing approaches that involve text normalization, advanced preprocessing, POS tagging, and sentiment analysis. You will also learn various applications of machine learning and deep learning in natural language processing. By using the recipes in this book, you will have a toolbox of solutions to apply to your own projects in the real world, making your development time quicker and more efficient.  What You Will Learn Apply NLP techniques using Python libraries such as NLTK, TextBlob, spaCy, Stanford CoreNLP, and many more Implement the concepts of information retrieval, text summarization, sentiment analysis, and other advanced natural language processing techniques. Identify machine learning and deep learning techniques for natural language processing and natural language generation problems Who This Book Is For Data scientists who want to refresh and learn various concepts of natural language processing through coding exercises. 
Pro-Ject Part Of The Process
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 58.03 zł (+12.99 zł)„Elektro-akustyczna improwizowana kameralistyka bliska współczesności” – najlepiej określa działalność Modular String Trio, według założyciela tej formacji J...
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