Znaleziono 2 produkty pasujące do Twojego wyszukiwania: renal w sklepach 3:
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 627.91 zł The third edition of this critically acclaimed book has updated and expanded the survey of clinical, biological and pathological management of localized and advanced renal cell carcinoma. Internationally renowned editors and contributors explore the latest developments in molecular genetics, focusing on the novel targets that have been discovered in epithelial renal tumors. Comprehensive and authoritative, Renal Cell Carcinoma: Molecular Targets and Clinical Applications, Third Edition is the definitive text on the rapidly evolving landscape of experimental therapeutics, written and edited by leaders of the field.
Brak Adrenalin: Fear the Rush (Adrenalina)
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 218.57 złJest rok 2007. Ludzie patrzą z niepokojem na wchód Europy, gdzie wybuchła zaraza przetaczająca się w kierunku wybrzeży Ameryki Północnej. Władze USA decydują...
Renal Cell Cancer
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 762.47 złThis book is a state-of-the-art reference work covering every aspect of the field of renal cell cancer, from diagnostics to clinical management. It provides an overview of new information concerning epidemiology, molecular and immunologic characteristics, as well as surgical therapy. Particular focus is given to the latest diagnostic tests and genetic counseling. Associated topics such as pain management and palliative care are also covered. It is a vital reference tool for urologists, oncologists and radiologists alike, being the most comprehensive volume available on the subject.
Kino z adrenaliną: Pulp Fiction / Sin City / Adrenalina
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 82.70 zł (+12.99 zł)„Pulp Fiction” - kultowy film Quentina Tarantino został nagrodzony Oscarem i Złotą Palmą w Cannes. Jest to historia opowiadająca o wyczynach i pechowych wpad...
Clinical Management of Renal Tumors
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 807.32 złThis volume provides an in-depth review of the data relating to the management of renal tumors as well as an updated description regarding pathologic and molecular classification of renal tumors. The neoplasms covered include clear cell carcinomas, papillary cancers, nonepithelial tumors, and other mass lesions that resemble tumors. The management of patients with renal cancer having localized or advanced disease is discussed. Surgical approaches for primary and metastatic tumors, symptom palliation, and systemic therapy for metastatic disease including immunotherapy and targeted approaches are discussed in detail.
ROYAL CANIN Renal RF 14 2kg
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 60.61 zł (+12.99 zł)ROYAL CANIN Renal RF Pełnoporcjowa dietetyczna karma dla psów z przewlekłą lub ostrą niewydolnością nerek. Dobór diety weterynaryjnej powinien zawsze zostać ...
Nutrición aplicada en enfermedad renal crónica
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 189.99 złNutrición aplicada en patologías crónicas busca incentivar el uso del conocimiento derivado de la investigación científica en el manejo nutricional de patologías crónicas, con el fin de aplicar recomendaciones y elementos clave para una asertiva terapia médica nutricional en forma teórico práctica. Esto redunda en un mejor control de la enfermedad, así como en la disminución de eventos adversos asociados a la malnutrición y el logro de una mejor calidad de vida para el paciente, su familia y sus cuidadores. Además, contribuye al uso racional de los recursos en salud y a la reducción significativa de la morbimortalidad.
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 62.99 zł (+12.99 zł)»Den Spieler Ibra kennen alle, aber den Menschen Ibra nicht.« Was macht den Fallrückzieher für einen Fußballspieler so besonders? Welche Bedeutung haben Tore...
Fabry Disease
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 717.62 złFabry disease is an X-linked inborn error of metabolism wherein deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme results in systemic deposition of glycosphingolipids. Storage deposition, and hence pathological disease, occurs preferentially in renal glomerular and tubular epithelial cells, myocardial cells, heart valve fibrocytes, neurons of dorsal root ganglia, and in endothelial smooth muscle cells of blood vessels. Thus, Fabry disease is a multi-system disorder, albeit with considerable phenotypic heterogeneity in onset and in severity; however, it is progressive, exhibits extensive morbidity, and is life-threatening. Within the past two decades, there has been a radical change in the natural course Fabry disease by virtue of the availability of specific enzyme replacement therapy. Moreover, there has been a concerted effort to better understand the underlying pathology and equally to identify patients prior to the onset of irreversible end-organ damage. It is to be hoped that the future for patients with Fabry disease can be viewed with greater, albeit guarded, optimism. This state-of-the-art textbook attempts to bridge the span of pre-clinical studies, clinical finding, and management options in a readable but comprehensive manner for the medical practitioner as well as the interested non-medical reader.
FARMINA Vet Life Cat Renal 2kg
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 101.35 zł (+12.99 zł)Farmina Vet Life Renal Przeznaczenie Ostra niewydolność nerek • Przewlekła niewydolność nerek Farmina Vet Life Renal to pełnoporcjowa karma dietetyczna dla k...
Le Rouge et le Noir
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 4.19 złUne édition de référence de Le Rouge et le Noir de Stendhal, spécialement conçue pour la lecture sur les supports numériques. « Madame de Rênal s’appuya sur son bras, et avec tant d’abandon que sa joue sentit la chaleur de celle de Julien. Les nuits de ces deux êtres furent bien différentes. Madame de Rênal était exaltée par les transports de la volupté morale la plus élevée. Une jeune fille coquette qui aime de bonne heure s’accoutume au trouble de l’amour ; quand elle arrive à l’âge de la vraie passion, le charme de la nouveauté manque. Comme madame de Rênal n’avait jamais lu de romans, toutes les nuances de son bonheur étaient neuves pour elle. Aucune triste vérité ne venait la glacer, pas même le spectre de l’avenir. Elle se vit aussi heureuse dans dix ans qu’elle l’était en ce moment. L’idée même de la vertu et de la fidélité jurée à M. de Rênal, qui l’avait agitée quelques jours auparavant, se présenta en vain, on la renvoya comme un hôte importun. Jamais je n’accorderai rien à Julien, se dit madame de Rênal, nous vivrons à l’avenir comme nous vivons depuis un mois. Ce sera un ami. » (Extrait du chapitre VIII.)
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 91.29 zł (+12.99 zł)The amazing success story of the man behind Ströer, t-online.de, Statista... With his perseverance and penchant for risk-taking, Udo Müller has put everythin...
Visceral Vessels and Aortic Repair
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 672.77 złThis book shows how new technologies and technical skills together with deeper understanding of pathophysiology of visceral and renal ischemia have contributed to significant improvements in the clinical outcomes in patients undergoing complex aortic repair involving splanchnic arteries. In recent years, aortic repair has expanded its borders, focusing more and more on the particularly challenging segments from which critical branches originate. Optimal results in this area are obtained through a multidisciplinary approach based on crucial elements such as sophisticated imaging techniques, advanced anesthesiological and pharmacological strategies, as well as updated surgical techniques and devices able to reduce ischemic injuries. The book presents problems tackled from different perspectives, by analyzing the main technical aspects of the surgical technique but also functional and metabolic issues. It also discusses concepts such as ischemic preconditioning and ischemia-reperfusion mechanisms, as well as innovative investigational approaches. In the “endovascular era”, it highlights the most recent updates in complex endovascular repair involving renal and visceral arteries, providing both practical tips and tricks and outcomes analyses. The volume also addresses specific, rarely reported problems in vascular surgery, including issues in renal transplant, oncologic surgery with involvement of splanchnic arteries and of the vena cava, and use of the deep veins in aortic surgery. This volume represents a powerful tool for both young and experienced operators who wish to approach the complex aortic pathology either by open surgery or through endovascular methods.”
ROYAL CANIN Renal Small Dog 1,5kg
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 52.37 zł (+12.99 zł)Zalecana dla psów ras małych (masa ciała psa dorosłego < 10kg) w przypadku: - Przewlekłej choroby nerek z azotemią (stadium 2 do 4 wg IRIS). - Przewlekłej ch...
Management of Acute Kidney Problems
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 672.77 złAcute kidney failure is an important clinical area in the intensive care unit setting. An estimated 5–20% of critically ill patients experience an episode of acute kidney failure during the course of their illness, and about 5% of patients admitted to an ICU will eventually require renal replacement therapy. In these patients, in-hospital mortality is extremely high, exceeding 50%. Thus, the early detection and causal treatment of acute kidney problems is vitally important for a successful outcome. Written by internationally renowned experts, this clinical reference offers helpful advice with the most recent information on the definition, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical causes of acute kidney failure as a fundamental prerequisite for prevention of this disorder. Moreover, it also covers differential diagnostic approaches for patients with acute renal failure and provides a detailed outline of important measures for their clinical management. Finally, separate chapters are dedicated to various key aspects related to the adequate delivery of acute renal replacement therapy. It is intended as a helpful guide for all clinicians involved in the care of patients at risk of developing acute kidney problems.
ROYAL CANIN Renal Small Dog 3,5kg
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 125.75 zł (+12.99 zł)Zalecana dla psów ras małych (masa ciała psa dorosłego < 10kg) w przypadku: - Przewlekłej choroby nerek z azotemią (stadium 2 do 4 wg IRIS). - Przewlekłej ch...
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 82.99 złNacida sin función renal, la vida del bebé Lisa está en manos de Claudio Ronco, médico, científico e inventor de CARPEDIEM, un dispositivo médico para diálisis infantil. Esta notable y conmovedora historia detalla las experiencias de la larga y productiva vida de un médico mientras lucha para darle a un bebé recién nacido una oportunidad al mismo tiempo. Esta es también la historia de la nueva máquina revolucionaria que proporciona soporte vital para los bebés y el equipo de talentosos médicos de Ronco que a través de la creatividad el trabajo en equipo y la determinación superan los desafíos clínicos que solían considerarse insuperables.
4Vets Natural Dog Renal 6 X 400 G
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 66.97 zł (+12.99 zł)4Vets Natural Dog Renal 6 x 400 g 4Vets Natural Dog Renal– Specjalna Karma dla Psów z Niewydolnością Nerek Zaawansowana dieta 4Vets dla psów ze schorzeniami ...
Mathematical Modelling of Haemodialysis
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 44.85 złBeginning with an introduction to kidney function, renal replacement therapies, and an overview of clinical problems associated with haemodialysis, this book explores the principles of the short-term baroreflex regulation of the cardiovascular system and the mechanisms of water and solute transport across the human body from a mathematical model perspective. It synthesizes theoretical physiological concepts and practical aspects of mathematical modelling needed for simulation and quantitative analysis of the haemodynamic response to dialysis therapy.Including an up-to-date review of the literature concerning the modelled physiological mechanisms and processes, the book serves both as an overview of transport and regulatory mechanisms related to the cardiovascular system and body fluids and as a useful reference for the study and development of mathematical models of dynamic physiological processes. Mathematical Modelling of Haemodialysis: Cardiovascular Response, Body Fluid Shifts, and Solute Kinetics is intended for researchers and graduate students in biomedical engineering, physiology, or medicine interested in mathematical modelling of cardiovascular dynamics and fluid and solute transport across the human body, both under physiological conditions and during haemodialysis therapy.
Trovet RID Renal & Oxalate dla psa 3kg
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 50.80 zł (+12.99 zł)Renal & Oxalate RID Dietetyczna karma pokarmowa dla psów dorosłych z niewydolnością nerek / kamicą szczawianową i cystynową Wskazania: Kamica szczawianowa, c...
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