Znaleziono 2 produkty pasujące do Twojego wyszukiwania: summary w sklepach 5:
Summary: Steve Jobs
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 4.19 złThe must-read summary of Walter Isaacson's book “Steve Jobs”. This complete summary of "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson, a renowned American journalist and writer, presents the author's account of Steve Jobs's career, which is a tale filled with lessons about innovation, character, leadership and being true to one’s own values. Added-value of this summary: • Save time • Understand Steve Jobs's life, career and motivations • Expand your knowledge of an important figure in American and global society To learn more, read "Steve Jobs" and discover the story of one of the world's most prominent and influential businessmen.
Developing Summary and Note-taking Skills with answers
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 67.73 zł (+12.99 zł)This write-in book ensures students get plenty of practice with the summary and note-taking aspects of Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language. With rev...
Summary: The Family
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 4.19 złThe must-read summary of Kitty Kelley's book: “The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty”. This complete summary of "The Family" by Kitty Kelley, a prominent biography writer, presents her revelation of the story of the Bush family, who managed to claim the nation's highest office while enriching themselves and their benefactors. Added-value of this summary: • Save time • Understand the Bush family's rise to power and its implications • Expand your knowledge of American politics and history To learn more, read "The Family" and discover the motivations of one of America's most powerful political families.
Comment & Co. - Summarizing Information and Forming Opinions
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 61.79 zł (+12.99 zł)-Zieltextformate Englischabitur: written comment, summary, written interview, letter to the editor, newspaper article, cartoon analysis, e-mail, debate state...
Summary: Iacocca
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 4.19 złThe must-read summary of Lee Iacocca and William Novak's book: "Iacocca: An Autobiography".This complete summary of the ideas from Lee Iacocca and William Novak's book "Iacocca" tells the story of Lee Iacocca and his career as a general manager for the world's biggest car companies. In their book, the authors reveal how Iacocca dealt with the massive challenges of the motor industry and how he took Chrysler and turned it around, leading it to $925 million profit in 1983. This summary also explains Iacocca's vision for the future: more investment in students who want to go into technology, investment in the national transport infrastructure and encouraging greener energy. Added-value of this summary: • Save time • Understand key concepts • Expand your business knowledge To learn more, read "Iacocca" and discover the secrets behind the success of this ground-breaking general manager.
Baummärchen aus aller Welt
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 125.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Die fünfzig Märchen in dieser Sammlung erzählen vom Baum als Mittler zwischen Himmel und Erde. Sie erzählen, warum die Bäume heute nicht mehr in den Himmel w...
tangli Wzór Dekoracja Tła Retro Mini Książka Scrapbooking Dostarcza Papier Vintage Materiał Do Majsterkowania Story Summary
Sprzedawca: Coolbe.pl Cena: 3.42 złEtykieta:Tak Rozmiar: 4*6 Cm Ilość: 50 Sztuk / Paczka Rodzaj: Papier Retro Materiał: Pergamin Warzywny Funkcjonować : Papier Dekoracyjny Do Scrapbookingu, Papier W Tle 100% Nowy I Wysokiej Jakości 50 Szt. Materiały Do Scrapbookingu Vintage Papier Do Dekoracji Tła Album Do Księgowania Motyw: Roślina, Kwiat, Litera Retro, Plakat Retro I Tak Dalej Pakiet W Zestawie: 50 Szt. Materiały Do Scrapbookingu W Stylu Vintage Uwaga: 1. Rozmiar Produktu Jest Mierzony Ręcznie, A Błąd 1-2 Cm Jest Normalny!. Uprzejmie Proszę O Zrozumienie. 2. Częściowe Oświetlenie Wyświetlacza I Strzelanie Są Różne, Produkt Nieuchronnie Ma Pewną Aberrację Chromatyczną, Z Dominującym Rodzajem!
tangli Wzór Dekoracja Tła Retro Mini Książka Scrapbooking Dostarcza Papier Vintage Materiał Do Majsterkowania Story Summary
Sprzedawca: Coolbe.pl Cena: 34.20 złEtykieta:Tak Rozmiar: 4*6 Cm Ilość: 50 Sztuk / Paczka Rodzaj: Papier Retro Materiał: Pergamin Warzywny Funkcjonować : Papier Dekoracyjny Do Scrapbookingu, Papier W Tle 100% Nowy I Wysokiej Jakości 50 Szt. Materiały Do Scrapbookingu Vintage Papier Do Dekoracji Tła Album Do Księgowania Motyw: Roślina, Kwiat, Litera Retro, Plakat Retro I Tak Dalej Pakiet W Zestawie: 50 Szt. Materiały Do Scrapbookingu W Stylu Vintage Uwaga: 1. Rozmiar Produktu Jest Mierzony Ręcznie, A Błąd 1-2 Cm Jest Normalny!. Uprzejmie Proszę O Zrozumienie. 2. Częściowe Oświetlenie Wyświetlacza I Strzelanie Są Różne, Produkt Nieuchronnie Ma Pewną Aberrację Chromatyczną, Z Dominującym Rodzajem!
A pictorial history of Texas
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 47.99 złThe history of Texas possesses a peculiar interest. The contests for the possession of the country; the grand old mission structures erected for the conversion of the natives; the numerous changes of government, give to our history an air of romance. In the summary of events in this volume, all these interesting topics are not only briefly noticed;, but part of a thorough investigation into the heroic period of the history of Texas. In ten chapters Thrall tells the reader everything about the country, Spanish and Mexican domination, the Revolution, the Indians, noted personalities and many details more.
De re nummaria - Starodruki numizmatyczne...
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 56.18 zł (+12.99 zł)Katalog starodruków numizmatycznych opisuje 322 pozycje bibliograficzne, wydane w okresie XVI XVIII wieku w różnych krajach Europy. Noty dotyczące poszczegól...
Brain Glycogen Metabolism
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 493.35 złThis book aims to provide a state-of-the-art summary of what is currently known about brain glycogen metabolism, detailing the recent advances in our understanding of why glycogen is so critical for normal brain function. The role of glycogen in cellular neurophysiology remains largely unclear and its specific contribution to the energy demand of brain cells is still elusive.Glycogen is the sole cerebral glucose reserve and is emerging as a fundamental component of brain energy metabolism. Pharmacological or genetic manipulation of glycogen metabolism in the brain impairs memory formation and increases susceptibility to epileptic seizures and cortical spreading depression. Glycogen is also directly implicated in abnormal neuronal excitability and mental retardation that characterize brain disorders like Lafora disease and Pompe disease.  
Summa technologiae
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 90.49 zł (+12.99 zł)Summa technologiae faßt die zur Zeit greifbaren Ergebnisse der futurologischen Wissenschaft zusammen und entwickelt neue, bei uns bis dahin noch nicht bekann...
Medical Ethics, Law and Communication at a Glance
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 149.99 złMedical Ethics, Law and Communication at a Glance presents a succinct overview of these key areas of the medical curriculum. This new title aims to provide a concise summary of the three core, interlinked topics essential to resolving ethical dilemmas in medicine and avoiding medico-legal action. Divided into two sections; the first examines the ethical and legal principles underpinning each medical topic; while the second focuses on communication skills and the importance of good communication. Medical Ethics, Law and Communication at a Glance offers an accessible introduction to the fundamentals of good medical practice, and will provide indispensable support for undergraduate medical students and nurses, as well as newly qualified healthcare professionals.
Electimuss Summanus Pp 100ml
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 1,286.25 złSummanus marki Electimuss to perfumy dla kobiet i mężczyzn. Summanus został wydany w 2020 roku. Twórcą kompozycji zapachowej jest Christian Provenzano Nuty g...
Cancer Stem Cell Resistance to Targeted Therapy
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 44.85 złThis book represents an up-dated summary of the state of the art of the characterization of cancer stem cell/ cancer initiating cell (CSC/CIC) properties.  An overview of the definition and biological properties of CSCs/CICs as well as the role of these cells in determining the resistance to standard and immune-based therapies is provided. It also discusses limitations in the achievement of a definitive biological characterization of CSCs/CICs due to their high extent of plasticity and heterogeneity that is also mutually driven by the interaction of these cells with the tumor microenvironment. The limitations in targeting CSCs/CICs with immunotherapy are also explained together with explorative combination approaches that could increase the susceptibility of these cells to the recognition by immune cells. This book is conceived for a broad audience, including students, teachers, scientific experts. The critical revision of available results in terms of immunological profile of CSCs/CICs and the efficacy in targeting these cells by immunological approaches, results in a comprehensive and up to date recapitulation of the field and provides interesting suggestions on how to focus future investigations in order to assess the role of CSCs/CICs as prognostic and predictive biomarkers of responsiveness to therapies for cancer patients.
Florina Narzuta Miss Lucy Summa 170 x 210 cm mięta
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 62.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Narzuta Miss Lucy Summa 170 x 210 cm mięta Narzuta w kolorystyce i wzornictwie, które pomogą odświeżyć wnętrze Dzięki trwałości surowca stworzona do intensyw...
The Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 807.32 złThe Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles represents a comprehensive summary of recent advances in the study of the biogenesis and functional dynamics of the major organelles operating in the eukaryotic cell. This book begins by placing the study of organelle biogenesis in a historical perspective by describing past scientific strategies, theories, and findings and relating these foundations to current investigations. Reviews of protein and lipid mediators important for organelle biogenesis are then presented, and are followed by summaries focused on the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, lysosome, nucleus, mitochondria, and peroxisome.  
Neither Nowt Nor Summat - audiobook
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 58.99 zł (+12.99 zł)I'm going to define the essence of this sprawling place as best I can. I'm going to start here, in this village, and radiate out like a ripple in a pond. I d...
Religion und Kult der Germanen
Sprzedawca: Legimi.pl Cena: 134.99 złThis book provides a concise summary of our knowledge of the religious ideas of the Germanic peoples. Drawing on archaeological sources from the early Germanic period and the Migration Period it describes and discusses the Germanic peoples= very diverse religious customs, which were greatly transformed through contact with the Roman Empire, as well as varying greatly from region to region. In contrast to distorted perspectives which are a product of past ideological deviations and the neo-pagan fantasy cults of the present, this book presents straightforward facts and plausible explanations drawn from disparate source material and diverse disciplines such as archeology, ancient history and German Studies in a rational and easily comprehensible way.
Dzieła wszystkie. Summa teologii. I. q. 27–46. Tom 16
Sprzedawca: Empik.com Cena: 79.99 zł (+12.99 zł)Ten tom Summy teologii poświęcony jest Trójcy Świętej (kwestie 27–43) oraz stworzeniu (kwestie 44–46). Część mówiąca o Trójcy Świętej należy do najważniejszy...
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