Au fost găsite 40 produse care corespund căutării dvs. pentru loader în magazine 4:
Furnizor: Preț: 1,012.50 lei (+13.99 lei)K2 FREE LOADER WITH SKINS AND PUCKHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREE LOADER WITH SKINS AND PUCK. If you've landed on this page, you're either a curious person with empty pockets or you already know that this is the ultimate tool for your powder riding. We take the historic Marauder, give it a rare candy and wait for it to evolve by pressing X hard and repeatedly, what we get is a super light, super fast and let's be honest how good is it? It arrives at your house with already cut skins, pucks and the desire to get your ass off the couch and pedal to find the perfect spot! The sintered base makes it a rocket while the low weight and camber profile are essential for a smooth ascent at top performance. FREE LOADERWITH SKINS AND PUCK K2 FREE LOADER WITH SKINS AND PUCK is a K2 MEN'S SPLIT BOARD. FREE LOADER ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: Add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability.Fiberglass completes the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREE LOADER Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: The Infused 5500 is K2's fastest and lightest base, guaranteeing optimum wax retention. FREE LOADER Directional Combination Camber: Combination camber combines the best of both worlds, using a classic central camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase float in powder. The Directional version features a wider rocker zone at the tip for better float.FREE LOADER Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross shape, overlapped by an additional longitudinal layer, provide precision, torsional rigidity and responsiveness. Its list price is 1249,99 euro but only on Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee. If you liked this board, take a look at all the boards similar to the K2 FREE LOADER WITH SKINS AND PUCK or have a look at the snowboard bindings category.Choose your equipment and come and try it with Farmily at one of the Fresh Farm snowcamps!!!
Furnizor: Preț: 1,012.50 lei (+13.99 lei)K2 FREE LOADER WIDE WITH SKINS AND PUCKHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREE LOADER WIDE WITH SKINS AND PUCK. If you've landed on this page, you're either a curious person with empty pockets or you already know that this is the ultimate tool for your powder riding. We take the historic Marauder, give it a rare candy and wait for it to evolve by pressing X hard and repeatedly, what we get is a super light, super fast and let's be honest how good is it? It arrives at your house with already cut skins, pucks and the desire to get your ass off the couch and pedal to find the perfect spot! The sintered base makes it a rocket while the low weight and camber profile are essential for a smooth ascent at top performance. FREE LOADERWIDE WITH SKINS AND PUCK K2 FREE LOADER WIDE WITH SKINS AND PUCK is a K2 men's SPLIT BOARD. FREE LOADER ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: Add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability.Fiberglass completes the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREE LOADER Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: The Infused 5500 is K2's fastest and lightest base, guaranteeing optimum wax retention. FREE LOADER Directional Combination Camber: Combination camber combines the best of both worlds, using a classic central camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase float in powder. The Directional version features a wider rocker zone at the tip for better float.FREE LOADER Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross shape, overlapped by an additional longitudinal layer, provide precision, torsional rigidity and responsiveness. Its list price is 1249,99 euro but only on Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee. If you liked this board, take a look at all the boards similar to the K2 FREE LOADER WIDE WITH SKINS AND PUCK or have a look at the snowboard bindings category.Choose your equipment and come and try it with Farmily at one of the Fresh Farm snowcamps!!!
SHIMODA Top loader negru
Furnizor: Preț: 332.95 lei (+12.00 lei)SHIMODA Top Loader - Negru. Geantă foto premium pentru uz profesional de la designerii americani Shimoda. Canon 5D/ Nikon D850 + obiectiv atașat de 24-70 mm f2.8 poate fi găzduit în el (poate fi extins pentru a găzdui și un obiectiv de 70-200 mm). - Dimensiune: 18 x 26 x 15 cm - Greutate: 0,36 kg - Material: nailon hidrofug
Lenovo Casual Toploader T210 15.6" v2 gri
Furnizor: Preț: 81.52 lei (+12.00 lei)Geantă de mână din poliester pentru notebook-uri de până la 15,6". - Dimensiune: 410 x 310 x 55 - Greutate: 435 g
Lenovo Casual Toploader T210 15.6" gri
Furnizor: Preț: 77.43 lei (+12.00 lei)Geantă de mână pentru notebook-uri de până la 15,6".
Kensington Lite Toploader SP 15.4"
Furnizor: Preț: 338.45 lei (+12.00 lei)Husă de transport Kensington cu echipament bogat, compartimente, buzunare pentru accesorii, stocare documente, buzunar pentru cărți de vizită, suport pentru băuturi, buzunar pentru documente, dimensiune interioară: 360 mm x 290 mm x 51 mm, pentru notebook de 15,4 inchi
RIVACASE 8432 ECO Top loader Laptop bag 15.6" negru
Furnizor: Preț: 273.49 lei (+12.00 lei)- Design eficient cu capacitate maximă de stocare pentru profesioniștii din mers. - Geanta multifunctionala pentru profesionisti in calatorii de afaceri sau in calatorii in jurul lumii. - Fabricat din poliester RPET ecologic, din sticle de plastic reutilizabile care au ajuns în gropile de gunoi sau în oceane. În timpul producției fiecărei pungi se folosește o cantitate echivalentă cu 23 de sticle de plastic de 500 ml. - Pe lângă laturile căptușite ale compartimentului separat pentru laptop, acesta este protejat de o inserție căptușită în interiorul fundului. - Compartiment spatios pentru documente si buzunar plasa cu fermoar pentru accesorii. - Tot ceea ce ai nevoie într-o călătorie de afaceri se potrivește perfect în compartimentul de depozitare spațios. - Buzunar frontal cu fermoar cu aspect intern pentru smartphone, cărți de vizită, pixuri, unități flash și alte accesorii. - Fermoar dublu pentru acces rapid si usor. - Mânerele moi confortabile și o curea de umăr detașabilă, reglabilă, cu curea moale, îl fac confortabil chiar și în timpul celor mai lungi călătorii. - Curea auto cu buzunar ascuns cu fermoar pentru pașaport și portofel, astfel încât geanta să poată fi atașată cu ușurință la orice bagaj rulant.
RIVACASE 8422 ECO Top loader Laptop bag 13.3-14" negru
Furnizor: Preț: 186.57 lei (+12.00 lei)- Design eficient cu capacitate maximă de stocare pentru profesioniștii din mers. - Geanta multifunctionala pentru profesionisti in calatorii de afaceri sau in calatorii in jurul lumii. - Fabricat din poliester RPET ecologic, din sticle de plastic reutilizabile care au ajuns în gropile de gunoi sau în oceane. În timpul producției fiecărei pungi se folosește o cantitate echivalentă cu 14 sticle de plastic de 500 ml. - Compartiment pentru laptop agatat suplimentar din neopren. - Compartiment spatios pentru documente si buzunar plasa cu fermoar pentru accesorii. - Buzunar frontal cu fermoar cu aspect intern pentru smartphone, cărți de vizită, pixuri, unități flash și alte accesorii. - Fermoar dublu pentru acces rapid si usor. - Mânerele moi confortabile și cureaua de umăr detașabilă și reglabilă îl fac confortabil chiar și în timpul celor mai lungi călătorii.
Furnizor: Preț: 877.49 lei (+13.99 lei)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with thrilling uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision can all be felt with lots of grip on traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's Board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Furnizor: Preț: 877.49 lei (+13.99 lei)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with thrilling uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision can all be felt with lots of grip on traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's Board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Furnizor: Preț: 877.49 lei (+13.99 lei)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with thrilling uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision can all be felt with lots of grip on traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's Board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Furnizor: Preț: 877.49 lei (+13.99 lei)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with thrilling uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision can all be felt with lots of grip on traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's Board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Furnizor: Preț: 877.49 lei (+13.99 lei)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with thrilling uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision can all be felt with lots of grip on traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's Board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: The combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Furnizor: Preț: 877.49 lei (+13.99 lei)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with exciting uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision is all felt with lots of grip on the traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: Combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Furnizor: Preț: 877.49 lei (+13.99 lei)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with exciting uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision is all felt with lots of grip on the traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: Combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Furnizor: Preț: 877.49 lei (+13.99 lei)K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE WITH CLIMBING SKINHey rider, here is a summary of everything you need to know about the K2 FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN.F-F-Freeloader whackamakafa the Boomfunk MCs knew it all and had already predicted the arrival of this board, the queen of splitboards with exciting uphill performance and super fun surfing on the downhill. It uses carbon and lightweight woods, pre-cut performance skins, and the channel system for the bindings allows for a great deal of adjustability. On the ascent its torsional precision is all felt with lots of grip on the traverses and the featherweight helps conserve energy for maximum fun on the descent FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE BOARD WITH CLIMBING SKIN K2FREELOADER SPLIT WIDE WITH CLIMBING SKIN, K2 's Men's board that rocks. Insole colors can be alternated randomly from those offered in the product image.FREELOADER SPLIT Directional Combination Camber: Combination camber combines the best of both worlds by using a central classic camber zone to give the board the precision and pop it needs, while rocker zones at the tip and tail make the board forgiving and increase flotation in powder. The Directional Version includes a wider rocker zone at the tip to aid flotation.FREELOADER SPLIT ICG Carbon Glass Inserts: add carbon strings to any board to give it pop, responsiveness and stability. Fiberglass complements the lightweight and durable sandwich.FREELOADER SPLIT Triaxial Glass Inserts: fiberglass fibers arranged in a cross pattern overlaid with an additional longitudinal layer take care of giving precision, torsional stiffness and responsiveness.FREELOADER SPLIT Carbon Infused 5500 Sintered Base: the Infused 5500 is the best base in the K2 house, very fast and lightweight it guarantees optimal wax retentionIts list price is 1349.99 euros but only at Fresh Farm you can find it with the biggest online discount and you have the best price guarantee.Choose your gear and come try it out with Farmily at one of Fresh Farm's snowcamps!!!
Tractor cu pedale Pilsan Active with Loader 07-315 yellow
Furnizor: Preț: 232.00 lei (+15.00 lei)Detalii Tractor cu pedale Pilsan Active with Loader 07-315 Caracteristici: Tractorul cu pedale reprezinta jucaria perfecta pentru micutii pasionati de utilajele de lucru Ideal pentru micile santiere ale copilasului Pentru un plus de confort, scaunul este detasabil si reglabil Cupa si bratul sunt mobile Dispune de claxon cu aer Sezut reglabil Este robust si durabil Rotile din plastic il fac usor de utilizat pe orice suprafata Este realizat dintr-un material plastic de inalta calitate si duritate Usor de intretinut, se curata doar cu o laveta umeda Realizata din materiale sigure, plasticul are marginile rotunjite pentru a preveni ranirea celui mic Poate fi pus in miscare cu ajutorul pedalelor In spate are un sistem de atasare pentru remorca (neinclus) Design elegant, ergonomic Greutatea maxima admisa: 50 kg Varsta recomandata: 3 ani + Dimensiuni produs: 51 x 125 x 51 cm Dimensiuni ambalaj: 51 x 92 x 35,5 cm AVERTISMENTE! A se utiliza cu echipament de protectie. A nu se utiliza in trafic. Verificati si intretineti in mod constant partile principale (elemente de sustinere, fixare, ancorare, etc.) pentru evitarea caderii sau a rasturnarii.
Canyon Fashion toploader Bag for 15.6" laptop albastru
Furnizor: Preț: 99.23 lei (+12.00 lei)Geantă de mână din poliester pentru notebook-uri de până la 15,6". - Buzunar frontal cu fermoar - Curea de umar detasabila - Impermeabil - Dimensiune: 400 x 285 x 40 mm
ASP MODE Air Loader fixativ pentru păr cu fixare foarte puternică 600 ml female
Furnizor: Preț: 65.00 lei (+6.00 lei)ASP MODE Air Loader, 600 ml, Spray-uri de păr pentru femei, Caracteristici: fixează bine toate tipurile de păr și de coafuri fixare puternică Cum se utilizează: Se pulverizează pe părul uscat, de la o distanță de 20–30 cm.
ASP MODE Air Loader fixativ pentru păr cu fixare foarte puternică 300 ml female
Furnizor: Preț: 46.00 lei (+6.00 lei)ASP MODE Air Loader, 300 ml, Spray-uri de păr pentru femei, Caracteristici: fixează bine toate tipurile de păr și de coafuri fixare puternică Cum se utilizează: Se pulverizează pe părul uscat, de la o distanță de 20–30 cm.
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