Det hittades 26 produkter som matchar din sökning efter alighieri i 3 butiker:
Dante Alighieri Den gudomliga komedin (inbunden)
Leverantör: Pris: 229.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -Den hyllade nyöversättningen av Ingvar Björkeson. Den gudomliga komedin tillhör de klassiker som människor i alla tider känt igen sig själva och sin egen tid i. Dantes kraftfulla epos har blivit en del av vårt kulturarv på samma sätt som verk av Homeros och Shakespeare. När Ingvar Björkesons moderna översättning utgavs för första gången 1983 hyllades den av kritiker och läsare. Inledning av Olof Lagercrantz. Format Inbunden Omfång 522 sidor Språk Svenska Förlag Natur & Kultur Allmänlitteratur Utgivningsdatum 2022-12-13 Medverkande Ingvar Björkeson ISBN 9789127183063
Scarabeo Dante's Inferno Oracle Cards 9788865278635
Leverantör: Pris: 229.00 skr (+39.00 skr)The new Oracle deck by celebrated Italian artist Paolo Barbieri gives life to the legendary episodes recounted by Dante Alighieri in the first cantica of the Divine Comedy. A literal journey through the circles of hell, but also an allegorical exploration of the dark side of our soul and the tragic depths of human condition. 36 full color cards & instructions. Titel: Dante's Inferno Oracle CardsISBN: 9788865278635Bandtyp: Tarot/OrakelSpråk: Engelska
Lena Pettersson Skuldsatt : om hur obetalda lån blev en lysande affärsidé (inbunden)
Leverantör: Pris: 299.00 skr”Det är journalisten Lena Pettersson som påminner om Dante Alighieri i boken Skuldsatt. Sällan har en bok kommit så lägligt. Hon skildrar nämligen vad priset blir när samhället tillåter att skulderna skenar för privatpersoner och de obetalda lånen samtidigt blir en lysande affärsidé för skrupelfria företag.” – Dagens Nyheter ”När över 400 000 svenskar nu befinner sig i Kronofogdens register befinner sig den svenska kreditlagstiftningen i samma läge som den svenska narkotikalagstiftningen: statistiken manar till viss eftertanke. Och Lena Petterssons lättlästa bok är en väldigt intressant berättelse om hur vi hamnade här.” – Helsingborgs Dagblad ”Ett lån är alltid en gissning om framtiden, enligt Lena Pettersson som nu är aktuell med boken Skuldsatt. Men en gissning är inte mer än en chans och en chansning är lika ofta dålig som bra.” – Aftonbladet Sverige är ett av världens rikaste länder, med en av världens mest skuldsatta befolkningar. Vi lånar i goda tider och lånar ännu mer i svåra tider. Lån kan ge människor och företag möjlighet att växa, skaffa utbildning och bostad, men med krediter kan också allt snabbt vältas över ända - av en lågkonjunktur, en sjukskrivning eller en skilsmässa. Sverige och svenskarna är i en exceptionell situation och bär på en ofantlig skuldbörda som tills nu framstått som helt normal. I boken berättas om hur de som till slut inte kan betala sina lån betalar ett mycket högt pris, inte sällan med sina liv. Journalisten Lena Pettersson har grävt djupt i skuldsättningens mekanismer och historia. Hon beskriver hur politiska beslut och en driven finansbransch har gjort svensk skuldlagstiftning extrem. Hur Kronofogden har uppgifter som i andra länder sköts av maffian. Och hur det blivit lönsamt att ge krediter som låntagaren inte kan betala tillbaka. Skuldsatt är en bok om ocker i vår tid. Format Inbunden Omfång 322 sidor Språk Svenska Förlag Norstedts Utgivningsdatum 2024-01-19 Medverkande Miroslav Sokcic ISBN 9789113130514
Jumalainen näytelmä: Kiirastuli, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 79.00 skrDante Alighierin kolmiosainen Jumalainen näytelmä on todellinen klassikko ja länsimaisen kirjallisuuden suurimpia teoksia. Ken tästä käy, saa kaiken toivon heittää on Danten runoelmassa kirjoitettu synkin värein helvetin portin yläpuolelle. Kadotuksen piinasta runoilija vie lukijan kiirastulen kautta taivaaseen. Eino Leinon upea, ajaton käännös tuo teoksen suomalaisten lukijoiden ulottuville.
Det nya livet, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 119.00 skrDet nya livet är Dante Alighieris kärleksförklaring till Beatrice Portinari, en kvinna han uppges ha träffat bara två gånger men som han älskade resten av livet. De var båda gifta på varsitt håll och Alighieri gjorde aldrig något försök att realisera sin kärlek förutom skrivandet av Det nya livet, som publicerades efter Beatrices död. Boken varvar prosa och vers och är skriven inom ramen för hövisk kärlek, en stil som var populär i Europa under medeltiden. Den karakteriseras av kärlek på avstånd och ett upphöjande av kvinna som var målet för kärleken till en position av perfektion. Här i översättning av Fredrik Wulff. DANTE ALIGHIERI [1265-1321] var en italiensk poet och författare, och räknas idag till en av de största författarna genom tiderna. Hans epos Den gudomliga komedin [1321] har influerat västerländsk litteratur och kultur på otaliga sätt, och etablerade italienskan som Italiens huvudspråk istället för det vid tiden rådande latinet.
Metamorfoser, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 119.00 skrFå poetiska verk har haft större betydelse för den västerländska kulturen än Ovidius Metamorfoser. Författare som Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Geoffrey Chaucer och William Shakespeare har tagit djupa intryck av de dramatiska historierna - och ännu på 2000-talet fortsätter den romerske poetens bok att fascinera. Förvandling, metamorfos , är det stora temat. Stoffet hämtade Ovidius från antikens myter, men han satte gärna egen prägel på berättelserna. Här finns berömda kärlekspar som Orfeus och Eurydike och en mängd andra gestalter som genomgår märkliga förvandlingar, beroende på gudarnas välvilja, svartsjuka eller hämndlystnad. Nymfen Dafne flyr från guden Apollons uppvaktning och blir till ett lagerträd. Filemon och Baukis får tack vare sin gästfrihet mot Zeus en önskan om att aldrig behöva begrava varandra uppfylld och står för evigt tillsammans i form av en ek och en lind. Metamorfoser är en myllrande skapelseberättelse, i stort och smått. Ovidius berättar inte bara hur världen uppstod, hur Rom bildades eller hur Julius Caesar blev till en stjärnbild, utan också hur mullbärsträdets bär fick sin röda färg. I svensk översättning av Harry Armini. PUBLIUS OVIDIUS NASO föddes år 43 f. Kr. Han var en uppburen poet i Rom, men landsförvisades år 8 e. Kr. till Tomis vid Svarta havet. Han fick aldrig återvända till staden han älskade utan dog efter ett decennium i landsflykt.
The Divine Comedy 3: Paradise, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 39.00 skrDante Alighieri’s journey continues in the third part of The Divine Comedy . Opposite to the main subject in the previous two parts, Paradiso depicts virtues and not sins as it represents the soul’s ascent to God. Dante’s journey goes through the nine spheres of Heaven, associated with nine different virtues such as Justice, Faith, Love. Which is the last stage of Dante’s journey and what will it bring to his soul? Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, philosopher, language and political theorist, born in Florence in 1265. He is one of the best known poets of the Middle Ages and his masterpiece The Divine Comedy is considered to be a representative of the medieval world-view. The Divine Comedy and The New life were written in vernacular, i.e. the speech variety that was used in everyday life. This made the literature accessible to most people and this is mainly why Dante is called The father of Italian language . Dante’s life was divided by poetry and politics and the relationships between secular and religious authority were topics which were often depicted in his literary works.
Skuldsatt : om hur obetalda lån blev en lysande affärsidé, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 179.00 skrDet är journalisten Lena Pettersson som påminner om Dante Alighieri i boken Skuldsatt. Sällan har en bok kommit så lägligt. Hon skildrar nämligen vad priset blir när samhället tillåter att skulderna skenar för privatpersoner och de obetalda lånen samtidigt blir en lysande affärsidé för skrupelfria företag. – Dagens Nyheter När över 400 000 svenskar nu befinner sig i Kronofogdens register befinner sig den svenska kreditlagstiftningen i samma läge som den svenska narkotikalagstiftningen: statistiken manar till viss eftertanke. Och Lena Petterssons lättlästa bok är en väldigt intressant berättelse om hur vi hamnade här. – Helsingborgs Dagblad Ett lån är alltid en gissning om framtiden, enligt Lena Pettersson som nu är aktuell med boken Skuldsatt. Men en gissning är inte mer än en chans och en chansning är lika ofta dålig som bra. – AftonbladetSverige är ett av världens rikaste länder, med en av världens mest skuldsatta befolkningar. Vi lånar i goda tider och lånar ännu mer i svåra tider. Lån kan ge människor och företag möjlighet att växa, skaffa utbildning och bostad, men med krediter kan också allt snabbt vältas över ända - av en lågkonjunktur, en sjukskrivning eller en skilsmässa.Sverige och svenskarna är i en exceptionell situation och bär på en ofantlig skuldbörda som tills nu framstått som helt normal. I boken berättas om hur de som till slut inte kan betala sina lån betalar ett mycket högt pris, inte sällan med sina liv.Journalisten Lena Pettersson har grävt djupt i skuldsättningens mekanismer och historia. Hon beskriver hur politiska beslut och en driven finansbransch har gjort svensk skuldlagstiftning extrem. Hur Kronofogden har uppgifter som i andra länder sköts av maffian. Och hur det blivit lönsamt att ge krediter som låntagaren inte kan betala tillbaka. Skuldsatt är en bok om ocker i vår tid.
The Divine Comedy - PARADISO, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrThe Divine Comedy – PARADISOThis is an unabridged version of PARADISO, the third part of The Divine Comedy, an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri.The Divine Comedy is written in the first person, and tells of Dante s journey through the three realms of the dead, lasting from the night before Good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter in the spring of 1300. The Roman poet Virgil guides him through Hell and Purgatory Beatrice, Dante s ideal woman, guides him through Heaven. On the surface, the poem describes Dante s travels through Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise/Heaven). but at a deeper level, it represents allegorically the soul s journey towards God.In PARADISO, Beatrice guides Dante through the nine celestial spheres of Heaven. While the structures of the Inferno and Purgatorio were based on different classifications of sin, the structure of the Paradiso is based on the four cardinal virtues (Prudence, Fortitude, Justice and Temperance) and the three theological virtues of faith, hope and love.Dante meets and converses with several great saints of the Church, including Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, Saint Peter, and St. John. The Paradiso is consequently more theological in nature than the Inferno and the Purgatorio.The Divine Comedy finishes with Dante seeing the Triune God. In a flash of understanding that he cannot express, Dante finally understands the mystery of Christ s divinity and humanity, and his soul becomes aligned with God s love.The translation from 1891 by Charles Eliot Norton is written in prose (a form of grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than the original blank verse) and includes more than 1,300 footnotes and explanations.E-Book: ePUB, contains 55,800 words including the endnotes. Average reading time should be around 4 hours and 40 min, but is likely longer due to the content text. Also available as audiobook read by Tony Addison, running time 5 hours, 25 min.The Divine Comedy is available in one full volume including all three parts, or as separate E-Books or audio books INFERNO (5 hours, 16 min), PURGATORIO (5 hours, 25 min), and PARADISO (5 hours, 38 min.Dante Alighieri (c. 1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature.
The Divine Comedy 2: Purgatory, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 189.00 skrPurgatorio is the second part of Alighieri’s poem The Divine Comedy . The story of Dante travelling through the nine circles of Hell in Inferno continues as he survives the depths of hell and climbs the mountain Purgatory. The mountain has seven terraces which represent the seven deadly sins and the seven levels of suffering which lead to spiritual growth. The story depicts love as the initial reason for the arising of sins. On top of the mountain is the Earthly Paradise. If the soul is however going to reach it, depends on the choices one makes.Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, philosopher, language and political theorist, born in Florence in 1265. He is one of the best known poets of the Middle Ages and his masterpiece The Divine Comedy is considered to be a representative of the medieval world-view. The Divine Comedy and The New life were written in vernacular, i.e. the speech variety that was used in everyday life. This made the literature accessible to most people and this is mainly why Dante is called The father of Italian language . Dante’s life was divided by poetry and politics and the relationships between secular and religious authority were topics which were often depicted in his literary works.
Munkin häät, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 79.00 skrKeskiaikainen hovi Veronassa on kokoontunut kuuntelemaan itse Dante Alighieria, joka kertoo traagisen munkki Astorren tarinan. Kun Jumalalle pyhittäytyneen Astorren veli kuolee, hänen isänsä pakottaa hänet naimaan veljen nuoren Diana-lesken ja rikkomaan pyhän lupauksensa. Astorre kihlaa Dianan vastentahtoisesti, mutta pian kohtalo puuttuu peliin. Ennen kuin pari ehtii avioitua, Astorre kohtaa ihanan Antiopen ja rakastuu niin palavasti, että vie tämän vihille häpäisten samalla Dianan. Julkisen skandaalin seurauksena molemmat osapuolet syyllistyvät peruuttamattomiin veritekoihin.Antiikin tragedioita muistuttava historiallinen kertomus kuvaa miestä, joka taistelee vääjäämätöntä kohtaloaan vastaan.Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (1825–1898) oli sveitsiläinen kirjailija. Hän edusti realismia ja kirjoitti useita historiallisia romaaneja.EPUB3: Reflowable
The Divine Comedy – PURGATORIO, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrThe Divine Comedy – PURGATORIOThis is an unabridged version of PURGATORIO, the second part of The Divine Comedy, an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri.The Divine Comedy is written in the first person, and tells of Dante s journey through the three realms of the dead, lasting from the night before Good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter in the spring of 1300. The Roman poet Virgil guides him through Hell and Purgatory, and Beatrice, Dante s ideal woman, guides him through Heaven. On the surface, the poem describes Dante s travels through Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise/Heaven), but at a deeper level, it represents allegorically the soul s journey towards God.In PURGATORIO, Dante and Virgil having survived the depths of Hell, ascend out of the undergloom to the Mountain of Purgatory on the far side of the world. The Mountain is on an island, the only land in the Southern Hemisphere, created by the displacement of rock which resulted when Satan s fall created Hell (which Dante portrays as existing underneath Jerusalem).The mountain has seven terraces, corresponding to the seven deadly sins or seven roots of sinfulness. The classification of sin here is more psychological than that of the Inferno, being based on motives, rather than actions. Below the seven purges of the soul is the Ante-Purgatory, containing the Excommunicated from the church and the Late repentant who died, often violently, before receiving rites.This translation from 1891 by Charles Eliot Norton is written in prose (a form of grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than the original blank verse). In this edition the explanatory footnotes (500+) are collected at the end of the book via numbered interactive reference links. Your e-reader will easily move back and forward between text and endnotes.E-Book: ePUB, contains 55,800 words including the endnotes. Average reading time should be around 4 hours and 40 min, but is likely longer due to the content text. Also available as audiobook read by Tony Addison, running time 5 hours, 25 min.The Divine Comedy is available in one full volume including all three parts, or as separate E-Books or audio books INFERNO (5 hours, 16 min), PURGATORIO (5 hours, 25 min), and PARADISO (5 hours, 38 min.Dante Alighieri (c. 1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature.
Skuldsatt : om hur obetalda lån blev en lysande affärsidé, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 179.00 skrDet är journalisten Lena Pettersson som påminner om Dante Alighieri i boken Skuldsatt. Sällan har en bok kommit så lägligt. Hon skildrar nämligen vad priset blir när samhället tillåter att skulderna skenar för privatpersoner och de obetalda lånen samtidigt blir en lysande affärsidé för skrupelfria företag. – Dagens Nyheter När över 400 000 svenskar nu befinner sig i Kronofogdens register befinner sig den svenska kreditlagstiftningen i samma läge som den svenska narkotikalagstiftningen: statistiken manar till viss eftertanke. Och Lena Petterssons lättlästa bok är en väldigt intressant berättelse om hur vi hamnade här. – Helsingborgs Dagblad Ett lån är alltid en gissning om framtiden, enligt Lena Pettersson som nu är aktuell med boken Skuldsatt. Men en gissning är inte mer än en chans och en chansning är lika ofta dålig som bra. – AftonbladetSverige är ett av världens rikaste länder, med en av världens mest skuldsatta befolkningar. Vi lånar i goda tider och lånar ännu mer i svåra tider. Lån kan ge människor och företag möjlighet att växa, skaffa utbildning och bostad, men med krediter kan också allt snabbt vältas över ända - av en lågkonjunktur, en sjukskrivning eller en skilsmässa.Sverige och svenskarna är i en exceptionell situation och bär på en ofantlig skuldbörda som tills nu framstått som helt normal. I boken berättas om hur de som till slut inte kan betala sina lån betalar ett mycket högt pris, inte sällan med sina liv.Journalisten Lena Pettersson har grävt djupt i skuldsättningens mekanismer och historia. Hon beskriver hur politiska beslut och en driven finansbransch har gjort svensk skuldlagstiftning extrem. Hur Kronofogden har uppgifter som i andra länder sköts av maffian. Och hur det blivit lönsamt att ge krediter som låntagaren inte kan betala tillbaka. Skuldsatt är en bok om ocker i vår tid.
The Divine Comedy - PARADISO, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 59.00 skrThe Divine Comedy – PARADISOThis is an unabridged version of PARADISO, the third part of The Divine Comedy, an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri.The Divine Comedy is written in the first person, and tells of Dante s journey through the three realms of the dead, lasting from the night before Good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter in the spring of 1300. The Roman poet Virgil guides him through Hell and Purgatory, and Beatrice, Dante s ideal woman, guides him through Heaven. On the surface, the poem describes Dante s travels through Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise/Heaven), but at a deeper level, it represents allegorically the soul s journey towards God.In PARADISO, Beatrice guides Dante through the nine celestial spheres of Heaven. While the structures of the Inferno and Purgatorio were based on different classifications of sin, the structure of the Paradiso is based on the four cardinal virtues (Prudence, Fortitude, Justice and Temperance) and the three theological virtues of faith, hope and love.Dante meets and converses with several great saints of the Church, including Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, Saint Peter, and St. John. The Paradiso is consequently more theological in nature than the Inferno and the Purgatorio.The Divine Comedy – PARADISO, finishes with Dante seeing the Triune God. In a flash of understanding that he cannot express, Dante finally understands the mystery of Christ s divinity and humanity, and his soul becomes aligned with God s love.This translation by Charles Eliot Norton from 1891 is written in prose, a form of grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than the original blank verse. The translation includes more than 1,300 footnotes and explanations.Audiobook read by Tony Addison, running time 5 hours, 38 min. Also available as E-Book: ePUB, 55,800 words including the endnotes. Average reading time should be around 4 hours and 40 min, but is likely longer due to the content text.The Divine Comedy is available in one full volume including all three parts, or as separate E-Books or audio books INFERNO (5 hours, 16 min), PURGATORIO (5 hours, 25 min), and PARADISO (5 hours, 38 min.Dante Alighieri (c. 1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature.
The Divine Comedy - Unabriged, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 59.00 skrThe Divine Comedy - an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri.The Divine Comedy is written in the first person and tells of Dante s journey through the three realms of the dead, lasting from the night before Good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter in the spring of 1300.The Roman poet Virgil guides him through Hell and Purgatory, and Beatrice, Dante s ideal woman, guides him through Heaven. On the surface, the poem describes Dante s travels through Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise/Heaven), but at a deeper level, it represents allegorically the soul s journey towards God.This translation by Charles Eliot Norton from 1891 is written in prose, a form of grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than the original blank verse. The translation includes more than 1,300 footnotes and explanations.Audio book read by Tony Addison, running time 16 hours, 21 min. Unabridged full version. Also available as E-Book: ePUB, 150,000 words, average reading time should be around 12 hours, 30 min, but is likely longer due to the content text.The Divine Comedy is available in one full volume including all three parts, or as separate E-Books or audio books INFERNO (5 hours, 16 min), PURGATORIO (5 hours, 25 min), and PARADISO (5 hours, 38 min.Dante Alighieri (c. 1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature.
The Divine Comedy – INFERNO, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 59.00 skrThe Divine Comedy – INFERNOThis is an unabridged version of INFERNO, the first part of The Divine Comedy, an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri.The Divine Comedy is written in the first person, and tells of Dante s journey through the three realms of the dead, lasting from the night before Good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter in the spring of 1300. The Roman poet Virgil guides him through Hell and Purgatory, and Beatrice, Dante s ideal woman, guides him through Heaven. On the surface, the poem describes Dante s travels through Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise/Heaven), but at a deeper level, it represents allegorically the soul s journey towards God.INFERNO begins on the night before Good Friday in the year 1300, halfway along our life s path . Dante is thirty-five years old, half of the biblical lifespan of 70, lost in a dark wood (understood as sin), assailed by beasts (a lion, a leopard, and a she-wolf) he cannot evade and unable to find the straight way – also translatable as right way – to salvation (symbolized by the sun behind the mountain).Conscious that he is ruining himself and that he is falling into a low place where the sun is silent, Dante is at last rescued by Virgil, and the two of them begin their journey to the underworld. Each sin s punishment in INFERNO is a symbolic instance of poetic justice for example, in Canto XX, fortune-tellers and soothsayers must walk with their heads on backwards, unable to see what is ahead, because that was what they had tried to do in life.This translation by Charles Eliot Norton, from 1891, is written in prose, a form of grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than the original blank verse. The translation includs more than 1,300 footnotes and explanations.Audio book read by Tony Addison, running time 5 hours, 18 min. Unabridged full version. Also available as E-Book: ePUB, 49,300 words including the endnotes. Average reading time should be around 4 hours and 40 min, but is likely longer due to the content text.The Divine Comedy is available in one full volume including all three parts, or as separate E-Books or audio books INFERNO (5 hours, 16 min), PURGATORIO (5 hours, 25 min), and PARADISO (5 hours, 38 min.Dante Alighieri (c. 1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature.
The Divine Comedy – INFERNO, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrThe Divine Comedy – INFERNOThis is an unabridged version of INFERNO, the first part of The Divine Comedy, an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri.The Divine Comedy is written in the first person, and tells of Dante s journey through the three realms of the dead, lasting from the night before Good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter in the spring of 1300. The Roman poet Virgil guides him through Hell and Purgatory, and Beatrice, Dante s ideal woman, guides him through Heaven. On the surface, the poem describes Dante s travels through Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise/Heaven), but at a deeper level, it represents allegorically the soul s journey towards God.INFERNO begins on the night before Good Friday in the year 1300, halfway along our life s path . Dante is thirty-five years old, half of the biblical lifespan of 70, lost in a dark wood (understood as sin), assailed by beasts (a lion, a leopard, and a she-wolf) he cannot evade and unable to find the straight way – also translatable as right way – to salvation (symbolized by the sun behind the mountain).Conscious that he is ruining himself and that he is falling into a low place where the sun is silent, Dante is at last rescued by Virgil, and the two of them begin their journey to the underworld. Each sin s punishment in INFERNO is a symbolic instance of poetic justice for example, in Canto XX, fortune-tellers and soothsayers must walk with their heads on backwards, unable to see what is ahead, because that was what they had tried to do in life.This translation from 1891 by Charles Eliot Norton is written in prose (a form of grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than the original blank verse). In this edition the explanatory footnotes (260+) are collected at the end of the book via numbered interactive reference links. Your e-reader will easily move back and forward between text and endnotes.E-Book: ePUB, 49,300 words including the endnotes. Average reading time should be around 4 hours and 40 min, but is likely longer due to the content text. Unabridged full version. Also available as Audio book read by Tony Addison, running time 5 hours, 18 min.The Divine Comedy is available in 3 separate audiobooks, INFERNO (TRT 5 hours, 16 min), PURGATORIO (TRT 5 hours, 25 min), and PARADISO (TRT 5 hours, 38 min), or combined in one volume, The Divine Comedy (TRT 16 hours, 19 min). Dante Alighieri (c. 1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature
The Divine Comedy - Footnotes Edition, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrThe Divine Comedy – FOOTNOTES editionThe Divine Comedy (Italian: Divina Commedia) is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri. It is widely considered the preeminent work of Italian literature, and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature. It is divided into three parts: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise/Heaven).The poem is written in the first person, and tells of Dante s journey through the three realms of the dead, lasting from the night before Good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter in the spring of 1300. The Roman poet Virgil guides him through Hell and Purgatory Beatrice, Dante s ideal woman, guides him through Heaven. On the surface, the poem describes Dante s travels through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven but at a deeper level, it represents allegorically the soul s journey towards God.We have published two different editions with Footnotes or with Endnotes. In the Footnotes edition the explanatory footnotes are in conjunction with each passage in the text. In the Endnotes edition, for a more uninterrupted readability, there are numbered interactive reference links and all notes are collected at the end of book. Your e-reader will easily move back and forward between text and endnote.This edition was translated by Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908), who was a leading American author, social critic, and professor of art. He was a progressive social reformer and a liberal activist whom many of his contemporaries considered the most cultivated man in the United States. This translation from 1891 is in prose (a form of grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than the original blank verse) and includes more than 1.380 footnotes and explanations.E-Book: ePUB, 150,000 words, average reading time should be around 12 hours, 30 min, but is likely longer due to the content text. Also available as audiobook read by Tony Addison, running time 16 hours, 19 min. Unabridged full version. The Divine Comedy is available in one full volume including all three parts, or as separate E-Books or audio books INFERNO (5 hours, 16 min), PURGATORIO (5 hours, 25 min), and PARADISO (5 hours, 38 min.Durante degli Alighieri, simply called Dante (c. 1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, originally called Comedìa and later called Divina by Boccaccio, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature
The Divine Comedy - Endnotes edition, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrThe Divine Comedy – ENDNOTES editionThe Divine Comedy (Italian: Divina Commedia) is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri. It is widely considered the preeminent work of Italian literature, and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature. It is divided into three parts: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise/Heaven).The poem is written in the first person, and tells of Dante s journey through the three realms of the dead, lasting from the night before Good Friday to the Wednesday after Easter in the spring of 1300. The Roman poet Virgil guides him through Hell and Purgatory Beatrice, Dante s ideal woman, guides him through Heaven. On the surface, the poem describes Dante s travels through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven but at a deeper level, it represents allegorically the soul s journey towards God.We have published two different editions with Footnotes or with Endnotes. In the Footnotes edition the explanatory footnotes are in conjunction with each passage in the text. In the Endnotes edition, for a more uninterrupted readability, there are numbered interactive reference links and all notes are collected at the end of the book. Your e-reader will easily move back and forward between text and endnote.This edition was translated by Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908), who was a leading American author, social critic, and professor of art. He was a progressive social reformer and a liberal activist whom many of his contemporaries considered the most cultivated man in the United States. This translation from 1891 is in prose (a form of grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than the original blank verse) and includes more than 1.380 footnotes and explanations. E-Book: ePUB, 150,000 words, average reading time should be around 12 hours, 30 min, but is likely longer due to the content text. Also available as audiobook read by Tony Addison, running time 16 hours, 19 min. Unabridged full version.The Divine Comedy is available in one full volume including all three parts, or as separate E-Books or audio books INFERNO (5 hours, 16 min), PURGATORIO (5 hours, 25 min), and PARADISO (5 hours, 38 min.Durante degli Alighieri, simply called Dante (c. 1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, originally called Comedìa and later called Divina by Boccaccio, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature
The Divine Comedy 3: Paradise, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 139.00 skrDante Alighieri’s journey continues in the third part of The Divine Comedy . Opposite to the main subject in the previous two parts, Paradiso depicts virtues and not sins as it represents the soul’s ascent to God. Dante’s journey goes through the nine spheres of Heaven, associated with nine different virtues such as Justice, Faith, Love. Which is the last stage of Dante’s journey and what will it bring to his soul? Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, philosopher, language and political theorist, born in Florence in 1265. He is one of the best known poets of the Middle Ages and his masterpiece The Divine Comedy is considered to be a representative of the medieval world-view. The Divine Comedy and The New life were written in vernacular, i.e. the speech variety that was used in everyday life. This made the literature accessible to most people and this is mainly why Dante is called The father of Italian language . Dante’s life was divided by poetry and politics and the relationships between secular and religious authority were topics which were often depicted in his literary works.
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