Det hittades 34 produkter som matchar din sökning efter architectural i 6 butiker:
JBL B Architectural B-8IC Vit
Leverantör: Pris: 1,990.00 skr -
Calvin Klein Architectural Lines halsband 35000413
Leverantör: Pris: 927.00 skr (+49.00 skr) -
Architectural Digest at 100: A Century of Style
Leverantör: Pris: 1,599.00 skrRedaktionen har fördjupat sig i arkiven och presenterar arkitekturmaterial som täcker en rad fantastiska ämnen. Boken sträcker sig fritt mellan de nuvarande och de förflutna samt innehåller olika stilar från dussintals privata kändisar som t.ex Barack och Michelle Obama, David Bowie, Truman Capote, David Hockney, Michael Kors och många fler.
Architectural Digest at 100: A Century of Style (inbunden, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 829.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -A rich visual history of Architectural Digest, published for the magazine's 100th anniversary Architectural Digest at 100 celebrates the best from the pages of the international design authority. The editors have delved into the archives and culled years of rich material covering a range of subjects. Ranging freely between present and past, the book features the personal spaces of dozens of private celebrities like Barack and Michelle Obama, David Bowie, Truman Capote, David Hockney, Michael Kors, and Diana Vreeland, and includes the work of top designers and architects like Frank Gehry, David Hicks, India Mahdavi, Peter Marino, John Fowler, Renzo Mongiardino, Oscar Niemeyer, Axel Vervoordt, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Elsie de Wolfe. Also included are stunning images from the magazine's history by photographers such as Bill Cunningham, Horst P. Horst, Simon Upton, Francois Dischinger, Francois Halard, Julius Shulman, and Oberto Gili. Format Inbunden Omfång 464 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag MacMillan Ltd. Utgivningsdatum 2019-10-08 ISBN 9781419733338
How architecture can save the world from global climate change: architectural suggestions on strategic use of greenhouse gas sequestering materials that antagonist atmospheric C[O2] in the context of a boreal biome, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 119.00 skrIs finding your house sinking into the ground the next big thing within sustainable architecture? Well, if you find the arguments of this project strong enough, it might actually be a common sight in the near future. The field of architecture needs to respond to the IPCC s call for action for methods of C[O2] sequestration to help antagonize the developing global climate change. How architecture can save the world from global climate change is a bold project that responds to that call, proposing an architecture that both sequesters its embodied C[O2] mass and does so within a targeted time frame of a generation. Ultimately, gifting society and its protagonists with a possibility of producing a truthfully net positive [read C[O2] reductive] footprint. It succeeds in doing so by drawing knowledge from a local history of sinking Nordic timber log architecture and combining it with the theory of sequestration. Performed as projected, this pioneering project might just be the world s most sustainable architecture, ever designed. How architecture can save the world from global climate change is for anyone with an architectural fascination longing for a deeply illustrated and detailed read of sustainable architecture and Nordic timber log design. In a comprehensive way, it weaves architectural poetry together with hard data, science, construction details and ideological ambitions in a convincing argument for the benefit of society s bettered relationship to climate. In conclusion this book is more than just a coffe book blend of a scientific report, it is a piece of art, challenging the basic perception of what an architectural book can be. An intensely original and highly provocative MA Thesis, executed with care supported by an amazing body of research with attention to detail and scientific accuracy. A mythic construction, full of poetic notions that allows others to rethink change. Amalia Katapodis, University Lecturer, UMA
JBL Stage 2 Architectural 280C Vit
Leverantör: Pris: 2,990.00 skr -
JBL Stage 2 Architectural 260C Vit
Leverantör: Pris: 1,990.00 skr -
JBL Stage 2 Architectural 260CDT Vit
Leverantör: Pris: 2,390.00 skr -
JBL Stage 2 Architectural 280CSA Vit
Leverantör: Pris: 2,990.00 skr -
Taschen BIG. Formgiving. An Architectural Future History
Leverantör: Pris: 779.00 skrFormgiving. An Architectural Future History av BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group), är ett visionärt försök att blicka ut över tidens horisont. Det danska ordet för ”design” är ”formgivning”, vilket bokstavligen betyder att ge form åt det som ännu inte har tagit form. Med andra ord, att ge form åt framtiden. Att använda vår förmåga att ge form, snarare än att låta framtiden ta form, är viktigare nu än någonsin, eftersom mänsklighetens påverkan på planeten fortsätter att öka och innebär allt större utmaningar för alla livsformer. Arkitekturen spelar en särskild roll genom att föreslå utrymmen för våra liv som är fragment av den framtid som håller på att skapas. William Gibsons ord förkroppsligar arkitekturens roll på ett perfekt sätt: ”Framtiden är redan här - den är bara inte jämnt fördelad.”Med Formgiving presenterar BIG den sista delen av sin trilogi, som inleddes med Yes is More, en av de mest framgångsrika arkitekturböckerna i sin generation, och fortsatte med Hot to Cold. An Odyssey of Architectural Adaptation. Boken presenteras i form av en tidslinje som sträcker sig från Big Bang till den mest avlägsna framtiden. Projekten är strukturerade kring sex utvecklingslinjer - ”Making”, ”Sensing”, ”Sustaining”, ”Thinking”, ”Healing” och ”Moving” - de multimediabaserade, tvärvetenskapliga koncept som omfattar byggnadsindustrin.
Rio Architectural Competitions as Institution and Process (bok, kartonnage, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 199.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -The present book revolves around four key concepts: architectural competition, institution, process and adjustments of contemporary competition structures. They characterise the contemporaneous status of architectural competitions in the second decade of the new millennium. A closer look brings out five typical aspects that describe an on-going process of adjustments that is taking place in contemporary European architectural contemporary competitions in architecture and urban design. The conclusion is that these adjustments in the competition as institution and process reflect new conditions in the structure of architectural competitions that applies design to both clients and architects as a profession. The modern architectural competition is an institution within architecture and urban design going back one hundred and fifty years in Europe that has been recreated in new practice with the help of rules, traditions and organisations. Both organisers and competing architects and their professional organisations contribute to the preservation of the competition as institution and process. The anthology includes selected papers from: Jonas E. Andersson, Gerd Bloxham Zettersten, Carmela Cucuzzella, Silvia Forlati, Michel Geertse, Pedro Guilherme, Antigoni Katsakou, Kristian Kreiner, Beatrice Manzoni, Magnus Rönn, Hedley Smyth, Justas Pipinis, Leentje Volker and Leif Östman. Format Kartonnage Omfång 364 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Rio Kulturlandskapet Utgivningsdatum 2016-12-01 Medverkande Gerd Bloxham Zettersten Medverkande Magnus Rönn ISBN 9789198151282
Björn Hellström Noise Design : architectural modelling and the aesthetics of urban acoustic space (häftad, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 159.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -Stadens ljud omtalas ofta i termer av buller, vilket brukar beteckna "oönskat ljud". Men buller är inte bara buller, utan är alltid något mer än sig självt. Betydelsen av begreppet buller kan således utvidgas till att på samma gång behandlas som "oönskat" och "önskat". Det mesta av den forskning som behandlar ljud och ljudmiljö är defensiv i den meningen att man söker utveckla metoder för hur ljuden kan reduceras. Samtidigt finns det förvånansvärt lite kunskap om stadens ljud ur ett "offensivt" perspektiv, dvs, hur man kan designa - eller ljudsätta - den fysiska miljön. Björn Hellström vill med sin bok Noise Design genomlysa ljuden ur en konstruktiv och kreativ synvinkel, vilket innefattar ljuden som förmedlare av kvalitativ information. I boken finns en ordlista, med ca tvåhundra begrepp, som klarlägger och exemplifierar ljudens komplexa sammanhang ur arkitektoniska, musikaliska, sociala, estetiska och perceptuella perspektiv. Boken - vars text är på engelska - innehåller även en CD-rom med ljudinspelningar, musikexempel och konst-/ljudinstallationer (för PC och Mac). Björn Hellström är arkitekt, ljudartist och forskare vid Arkitekturskolan, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm. Format Häftad Omfång 363 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Bo Ejeby Förlag Utgivningsdatum 2003-09-01 ISBN 9789188316387
Bokförlaget Stolpe The collection of king Gustav III : architectural drawings from 17th-19th centuries (bok, klotband, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 349.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -Gustav III s Collection including his own and other famous architects drawings, accompanied Gustav IV Adolf during his exile in 1809. The collection was returned to Sweden via a purchase in 1925 by the brothers Helge and Axel Ax:son Johnson and was inherited by Axel s daughter Marie-Claire. It is today stored at Engelsberg s Ironworks and is owned by the Marie-Claire Cronstedt Foundation. The drawings were made by Sweden s leading architects during the 17th- and 18th centuries and include, among others, the castles and gardens at Drottningholm, Ekolsund, Haga, Gripsholm, Karlberg, Ulriksdal, Svartsjö, Stockholm and Uppsala. Even Gustav III s own sketches are attributed. This book serves as a compendium to Gustav III His Own Architect where the drawings are reproduced in 1:1 format over three volumes. Format Klotband Omfång 382 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Bokförlaget Stolpe Utgivningsdatum 2021-09-27 Medverkande Magnus Olausson Medverkande Kurt Almqvist Medverkande Clare Barnes ISBN 9789189069480
150 Golf Courses
Leverantör: Pris: 529.00 skr (+79.00 skr)En present till varje golfare som drömmer om att resa världen runt till de vackraste golfbanorna - De 150 golfbanor som varje entusiast vill besöka.Sjätte boken i den internationellt framgångsrika 150-serien - Utvald och skriven av Stefanie Waldek, medarbetare i bland annat Architectural Digest, Condé Nast Traveler och Travel + Leisure Efter 150 barer, 150 restauranger, 150 hotell, 150 hus och 150 trädgårdar är 150 golfbanor som du måste besöka innan du dör det senaste tillskottet i den framgångsrika 150-serien. Här finns de vackraste golfbanorna i världen presenterade i en praktisk och vackert illustrerad guide. Golfbanorna i den här boken finns över hela världen, längs kusterna, i bergen, i öknen och längs sjöarna, och de är alla tillgängliga för allmänheten.När fantastiska golfbanor möter världens mest fantastiska landformer blir det den mest episka upplevelsen i spelet. - GolfPass
Thames & Hudson Ltd The Empire of Death (inbunden, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 479.00 skrTakes the reader on an international tour of macabre and devotional architectural masterpieces in nearly 20 countries. This book brings together some of the world's most important charnel sites, ranging from the crypts of the Capuchin monasteries in Italy, to the strange tomb of a 1960s wealthy Peruvian nobleman. Format Inbunden Omfång 224 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Thames & Hudson Ltd Utgivningsdatum 2011-10-03 ISBN 9780500251782
Leon Trotsky s Stopwatch, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 129.00 skrBook translated by Lola Rogers. Mexico City - Autumn 2004. A Nordic filmmaker arrives in the city to make a documentary about a major architectural landmark - Luis Barragán s Casa Estudio house. He meets a Mexican woman who opens a totally new door into the world of the Russian Jewish ex-communist leader Leon Trotsky, who was murdered in Mexico in August 1940. The encounter sends the filmmaker on an extraordinary journey into an entirely new aspect of the most mistreated political figure of the 20th century and his philosophy. The novel is also an exceptional love story set in an era when the concept of time has lost its original meaning and climate change is just an unpleasant possibility.
Philippe Sarfati Territories (bok, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 419.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -The impulse behind this experimental photo project was to inject methodology from street photography mostly, the reliance on serendipity and spontaneous behaviour into architectural photography. Inspired by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine s films, Philippe Sarfati wanted to show buildings through the eyes of their users, by presenting spaces as inhabited territories. Acclaimed works of architecture thus become dramatic backdrops to everyday scenes, their radical geometries framing simple acts. The photographs in this book play with the notion of contextual portraiture. On the one hand, architecture is used as a frame, by focusing compositions onto subjects through bold volumes and strong lines. On the other hand, people give meaning and scale to the spaces shown. Their attitudes heighten our perception of the building atmospheres. Our environment shapes us, and we continuously and subconsciously shape it by the simple act of inhabiting it. Philippe Sarfati (b. 1992) is a French architect and photographer based in Paris. His approach to architectural photography aims to question and challenge its very notion, and is inspired by the visual languages of photojournalism and street photography. He was named Architectural Photographer of the Year 2023 by Architizer. Format Övrigt Omfång 528 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Arvinius+Orfeus Publishing Utgivningsdatum 2023-11-29 Medverkande Christiane Bürklein Medverkande Philippe Sarfati Medverkande Philippe Sarfati Medverkande Philippe Sarfati ISBN 9789189270152
Alessandro Petti Permanent Temporariness (bok, flexband, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 229.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -Since their first work, Stateless Nation, at the Venice Biennial in 2003, and throughout their more recent architectural interventions in refugee camps, the artistic practice of Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti has explored and acted within and against the condition of permanent temporariness that permeates contemporary forms of life. In their ambitious research- and project-based practice, art exhibitions are both sites of display and sites of action that spill over into other contexts: built architectural structures, the shaping of critical learning environments, interventions that challenge dominant collective narratives, the production of new political imaginations, the re-definition of words, and the formation of civic spaces. This book is organized around fourteen concepts that activate seventeen different projects. Each project is the result of a larger process of collaboration and is accompanied by individual and collective texts as well as interviews that contextualize and expand the reach of every intervention. Published in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden. Format Flexband Omfång 384 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Art and Theory Utgivningsdatum 2019-02-15 Medverkande Sandi Hilal Medverkande Maja Kölqvist Medverkande Nick Axel Medverkande Maria Nadotti Medverkande Isshaq Al Barbary Medverkande Francesca Recchia ISBN 9789188031709
David Sokol Nordic architects : ebbs and flows (inbunden, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 289.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -Ebbs & Flows, the second volume of Nordic Architects, features the work of 60 leading offices on the Nordic Architectural scene. Showcasing their latest works, including as-yet unbuilt competition entries, this book gives an incomparable view of the present and the future of the new wave in Nordic Architecture. Leading studios such as BIG, Snøhetta and sandellsandberg are already claiming their share of the global market with important assignments in South Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the USA, suggesting warm winds blowing from the north. David Sokol is a New York-based writer and editor specializing in architecture and interiors, planning and product design. A former managing editor of I.D., today he is a contributing editor at Architectural Record, Greensource Magazine, and others. I addition to his work for Arvinius + Orfeus, he is the author of The Modern Architecture Pop-Up Book (Rizzoli). Format Inbunden Omfång 528 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Arvinius+Orfeus Publishing Utgivningsdatum 2013-10-03 Medverkande Micheal Asgaard Andersen ISBN 9789185689583
Shain Rose BETWEEN LOVE AND LOATHING (pocket, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 129.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -F ake dating my enemy so I can design my dream bakery should be easy ... as long as I don't fall in love with him. Dominic Hardy might be an award-winning architectural engineer with fancy degrees and considerable accolades, but he doesn't know a thing about baking. He doesn't even like sugar. So when my late stepfather's will states that Dominic Hardy is set to inherit the Pacific Coast Resort he'd painstakingly designed, as long as my bakery can be plopped in the middle of it, it's no surprise he balks. And my jaw drops when another stipulation requires us to mutually approve plans for my bakery's design. His stuffy taste will never mix with my whimsical vibe. But then Dominic comes to me with a proposal I can't refuse. He'll give me everything I want in my bakery as long as I agree to one thing: Fake date him for five months. Keep his ex away by pretending we're in love. Smile and stare into his piercing green eyes at a gala or two. Maybe share a kiss. Nothing extreme. Five months of acting in love when I really loathe him and his filthy mouth. Even when he's using it on me. This should be a cakewalk. Except there's a fine line between love and loathing, and I think I've made the colossal mistake of blurring it. Format Pocket Omfång 416 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Hodder & Stoughton Utgivningsdatum 2024-03-26 ISBN 9781399736671
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