Det hittades 13 produkter som matchar din sökning efter galsworthy i 1 butiker:
En riddersman, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 49.00 skrJohn Galsworthy [1867-1933] var en brittisk författare och Nobelpristagare i litteratur. Hans tidiga verk är utgivna under pseudonymen John Sinjohn. Galsworthy växte upp i en välbärgad familj och utbildades vid den prestigefyllda internatskolan Harrow, och senare vid Oxford. Mest ihågkommen är han för romansviten Forsytesagan. En riddersman är en novell.
Maid In Waiting, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrMaid in Waiting, published in 1931, is the first novel in John Galsworthy s trilogy End of the Chapter. End of the Chapter is a sequel to The Forsyte Saga and A Modern Comedy. In 2003, The Forsyte Saga was listed on the BBC s The Big Read poll of the UK s best-loved novel . The Forsyte Saga chronicles the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large commercial upper middle-class English family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as new money . A titanic masterpiece - nine hundred pages of a multi-generational story of a fictional English family that spans the Victorian, Edwardian, and post-World War I eras. It s the story of the Forsyte family, spanning several generations and several wars, and its obsession with property. End of the Chapter comprises three novels Maid in Waiting, Flowering Wilderness and Over the River (also known as One More River). End of the Chapter chiefly deals with Michael Mont s young cousin, Dinny Cherrell. After the first trilogy, The Forsyte Saga, Galsworthy wrote two additional sequels (also each a trilogy) A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter, which form what is commonly referred to as The Forsyte Cronicles. John Galsworthy was an English novelist and playwright. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1932. The Nobel committee usually gives the prize for a lifetime of work, but in their decision, they specifically noted that Galsworthy deserved the prize for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga.
Tystnad, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 49.00 skrJohn Galsworthy [1867-1933] var en brittisk författare och Nobelpristagare i litteratur. Hans tidiga verk är utgivna under pseudonymen John Sinjohn. Galsworthy växte upp i en välbärgad familj och utbildades vid den prestigefyllda internatskolan Harrow, och senare vid Oxford. Mest ihågkommen är han för romansviten Forsytesagan. Tystnad är en novell.
The Silver Spoon, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrThe Silver Spoon, published in 1926, is the second novel in John Galsworthy s trilogy A Modern Comedy. A Modern Comedy is a sequel to The Forsyte Saga, written in the years 1924 to 1928. In 2003, The Forsyte Saga was listed on the BBC s The Big Read poll of the UK s best-loved novel . The Forsyte Saga chronicles the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large commercial upper middle-class English family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as new money . A titanic masterpiece - nine hundred pages of a multi-generational story of a fictional English family that spans the Victorian, Edwardian, and post-World War I eras. It s the story of the Forsyte family, spanning several generations and several wars, and its obsession with property. A Modern Comedy comprises a novel, The White Monkey, an interlude, A Silent Wooing, a second novel, The Silver Spoon, a second interlude, Passers By, and a third novel Swan Song. The principal characters are Soames and Fleur. Also included in this edition is Passers By, the second interlude in A Modern Comedy. After the first trilogy, The Forsyte Saga, Galsworthy wrote two additional sequels (also each a trilogy) A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter, which form what is commonly referred to as The Forsyte Cronicles. John Galsworthy was an English novelist and playwright. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1932. The Nobel committee usually gives the prize for a lifetime of work, but in their decision, they specifically noted that Galsworthy deserved the prize for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga.
Flowering Wilderness, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrFlowering Wilderness, published in 1932, is the second novel in John Galsworthy s trilogy End of the Chapter. End of the Chapter is a sequel to The Forsyte Saga and A Modern Comedy. In 2003, The Forsyte Saga was listed on the BBC s The Big Read poll of the UK s best-loved novel . The Forsyte Saga chronicles the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large commercial upper middle-class English family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as new money . A titanic masterpiece - nine hundred pages of a multi-generational story of a fictional English family that spans the Victorian, Edwardian, and post-World War I eras. It s the story of the Forsyte family, spanning several generations and several wars, and its obsession with property. End of the Chapter comprises three novels Maid in Waiting, Flowering Wilderness and Over the River (also known as One More River). End of the Chapter chiefly deals with Michael Mont s young cousin, Dinny Cherrell. After the first trilogy, The Forsyte Saga, Galsworthy wrote two additional sequels (also each a trilogy) A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter, which form what is commonly referred to as The Forsyte Cronicles. John Galsworthy was an English novelist and playwright. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1932. The Nobel committee usually gives the prize for a lifetime of work, but in their decision, they specifically noted that Galsworthy deserved the prize for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga.
En man från Devon, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 49.00 skrJohn Galsworthy [1867-1933] var en brittisk författare och Nobelpristagare i litteratur. Hans tidiga verk är utgivna under pseudonymen John Sinjohn. Galsworthy växte upp i en välbärgad familj och utbildades vid den prestigefyllda internatskolan Harrow, och senare vid Oxford. Mest ihågkommen är han för romansviten Forsytesagan. En man från Devon är en långnovell.
Over the River, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrOver the River, published in 1933, is the third and last novel in John Galsworthy s trilogy End of the Chapter. End of the Chapter is a sequel to The Forsyte Saga and A Modern Comedy. In 2003, The Forsyte Saga was listed on the BBC s The Big Read poll of the UK s best-loved novel . The Forsyte Saga chronicles the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large commercial upper middle-class English family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as new money . A titanic masterpiece - nine hundred pages of a multi-generational story of a fictional English family that spans the Victorian, Edwardian, and post-World War I eras. It s the story of the Forsyte family, spanning several generations and several wars, and its obsession with property. End of the Chapter comprises three novels Maid in Waiting, Flowering Wilderness and Over the River (also known as One More River). End of the Chapter chiefly deals with Michael Mont s young cousin, Dinny Cherrell. After the first trilogy, The Forsyte Saga, Galsworthy wrote two additional sequels (also each a trilogy) A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter, which form what is commonly referred to as The Forsyte Cronicles. John Galsworthy was an English novelist and playwright. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1932. The Nobel committee usually gives the prize for a lifetime of work, but in their decision, they specifically noted that Galsworthy deserved the prize for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga.
Swan Song, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrSwan Song, published in 1928, is the third novel in John Galsworthy s trilogy A Modern Comedy. A Modern Comedy is a sequel to The Forsyte Saga, written in the years 1924 to 1928. In 2003, The Forsyte Saga was listed on the BBC s The Big Read poll of the UK s best-loved novel . The Forsyte Saga chronicles the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large commercial upper middle-class English family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as new money . A titanic masterpiece - nine hundred pages of a multi-generational story of a fictional English family that spans the Victorian, Edwardian, and post-World War I eras. It s the story of the Forsyte family, spanning several generations and several wars, and its obsession with property. A Modern Comedy comprises a novel, The White Monkey, an interlude, A Silent Wooing, a second novel, The Silver Spoon, a second interlude, Passers By, and a third novel Swan Song. The principal characters are Soames and Fleur. After the first trilogy, The Forsyte Saga, Galsworthy wrote two additional sequels (also each a trilogy) A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter, which form what is commonly referred to as The Forsyte Cronicles. John Galsworthy was an English novelist and playwright. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1932. The Nobel committee usually gives the prize for a lifetime of work, but in their decision, they specifically noted that Galsworthy deserved the prize for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga.
En Forsytes brittsommar, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 99.00 skrMellanspelet En Forsytes brittsommar är en del av den svindlande Forsyte-sagan och tar vid efter första boken. I svensk översättning av Agnes Byström-Lindhagen. JOHN GALSWORTHY [1867-1933] var en engelsk författare, dramatiker och Nobelpristagare i litteratur. Galsworthy kom från en välbärgad familj och studerade juridik vid universitetet i Oxford. Efter sin examen arbetade han med familjens transportföretag och träffade under en av sina resor Joseph Conrad, som kom att bli en nära vän. Mest känd är John Galsworthy för sin romansvit om familjen Forsyte, en berättelse som även gjorde stor succé när den producerades som tv-serie av BBC.
The White Monkey, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrThe White Monkey, published in 1924, is the first novel in John Galsworthy s trilogy A Modern Comedy. A Modern Comedy is a sequel to The Forsyte Saga, written in the years 1924 to 1928. In 2003, The Forsyte Saga was listed on the BBC s The Big Read poll of the UK s best-loved novel . The Forsyte Saga chronicles the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large commercial upper middle-class English family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as new money . A titanic masterpiece - nine hundred pages of a multi-generational story of a fictional English family that spans the Victorian, Edwardian, and post-World War I eras. It s the story of the Forsyte family, spanning several generations and several wars, and its obsession with property. A Modern Comedy comprises a novel, The White Monkey, an interlude, A Silent Wooing, a second novel, The Silver Spoon, a second interlude, Passers By, and a third novel Swan Song. The principal characters are Soames and Fleur. Also included in this edition is A Silent Woing, the first interlude in A Modern Comedy. After the first trilogy, The Forsyte Saga, Galsworthy wrote two additional sequels (also each a trilogy) A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter, which form what is commonly referred to as The Forsyte Cronicles. John Galsworthy was an English novelist and playwright. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1932. The Nobel committee usually gives the prize for a lifetime of work, but in their decision, they specifically noted that Galsworthy deserved the prize for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga.
Att hyra, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 119.00 skrTredje delen i Forsyte-sagan I denna tredje del i John Galsworthys familjekrönika har många år och ett världskrig passerat sedan Soame och Irenes gick skilda vägar. Soames, som en gång bara ville ha Irene, har i stället ägnat sig åt att skämma bort sin dotter Fleur. Han har däremot aldrig gjort anspråk på att försöka förstå sin andra hustru, Annette. Irenes nya äktenskap, med Jolyon, har varit lyckligt och deras son, Jon, är lika gammal som Fleur. När de båda träffas uppstår kärlek, men de förstår att det finns detaljer om deras gemensamma familj som de inte känner till. Fleur uppvaktas också av Michael Mont - ett giftermål med honom skulle upphöja familjen från nyrik till riktig adel. Men ska även Fleur ingå i ett kärlekslöst äktenskap? I svensk översättning av Ellen Rydelius. JOHN GALSWORTHY [1867-1933] var en engelsk författare, dramatiker och Nobelpristagare i litteratur. Galsworthy kom från en välbärgad familj och studerade juridik vid universitetet i Oxford. Efter sin examen arbetade han med familjens transportföretag och träffade under en av sina resor Joseph Conrad, som kom att bli en nära vän. Mest känd är John Galsworthy för sin romansvit om familjen Forsyte, en berättelse som även gjorde stor succé när den producerades som tv-serie av BBC.
En Forsytes odödliga själ, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 49.00 skrJohn Galsworthy [1867-1933] var en brittisk författare och Nobelpristagare i litteratur. Hans tidiga verk är utgivna under pseudonymen John Sinjohn. Galsworthy växte upp i en välbärgad familj och utbildades vid den prestigefyllda internatskolan Harrow, och senare vid Oxford. Mest ihågkommen är han för romansviten Forsytesagan. En Forsytes odödliga själ [The Salvation of a Forsyte, 1900] är den första novellen om familjen Forsyte.
Herrgården, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 49.00 skrJohn Galsworthy [1867-1933] var en brittisk författare och Nobelpristagare i litteratur. Hans tidiga verk är utgivna under pseudonymen John Sinjohn. Galsworthy växte upp i en välbärgad familj och utbildades vid den prestigefyllda internatskolan Harrow, och senare vid Oxford. Mest ihågkommen är han för romansviten Forsytesagan. Herrgården är en roman från 1907, om en skilsmässa och dess inverkan på de tre inblandade personerna.
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