Det hittades 100 produkter som matchar din sökning efter lansky i 2 butiker:
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Fine Grit Hone
Leverantör: Pris: 209.00 skr (+69.00 skr)This Hone works best in conjuction with the series of coarser hones to refine and polish a already sharp edge. This fine hone is included in every Sharpening System excluding the the Diamond and Arkansas series. The fine grit is ideal for maintaining an already sharp blade and smoothing out scratches from a medium grit abrasive hone. Key Features: Fine Grit (600) Alumina-Oxide Hone Threaded Brass Insert for Stainless Steel Screw Ergonomic Plastic Housing Made in the USA!
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky D-Sharp
Leverantör: Pris: 419.00 skr (+69.00 skr)Det senaste tillskottet i Lanskys serie SHARP. D-Sharp har fyra slipvinklar (17º, 20º, 25º och 30º) i 600 grit diamant. Det finns även en 800 grit keramisk slipsten som kan användas för att polera raka eller tandade blad. Perfekt som tillbehör eller som ett fristående slipsystem. 4 slipvinklar (17º, 20º, 25º, and 30º) Keramisk slipsten 600 grit medium diamant 800 grit keramisk slipsten Slittålig metallåda 100% kompatibel med alla Turn Boxes och system med kontrollerade slipvinklar från Lansky
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Diamond/Ceramic 4-Rod Turn Box
Leverantör: Pris: 795.00 skrThe Turn Box family is a very stable and compact knife sharpening system. It works well in the kitchen and it quickly breaks down for storage in a drawer. The turn box family of knife sharpeners is also great for outdoorsmen on the go because it is lightweight and stores easily into a backpack. It only takes a few swipes to maintain an edge (a bit more if you have a really dull knife). There are two pre-set knife sharpening angles in the wood block 20 degree & 25 degree 25° - This is used for most kitchen knives and provides a sharp, durable edge. 20° - This is used for those desiring a very sharp edge. Some examples would be for filet knives or cutting tomatoes. Lower degrees result in sharper knives, but require more regular maintenance. This 2-Stage Knife Sharpening System features a hardwood turnbox with internal rod storage in the base, two 5" long medium diamond rods, and two 5" long fine ceramic rods. Diamond/Ceramic 4 Rod Turn Box Instructions Lansky Turn Box Sharpeners can be used for either 1-stage or 2-stage sharpening. The silver Diamond Rods are for sharpening, and the white Ceramic Rods are for polishing. Set Up Always begin by placing the turn box on a stable and flat surface at a comfortable working height. 1 Stage Sharpening Choose the type of rods and the angle that you wish to sharpen with (20° or 25°) by placing the sharpening rods in the appropriate guide holes. Hold the base firmly with your non-dominate hand. Make sure your fingers are as far away from the rods as possible while maintaining a firm, controllable grip on the base. With the knife in your dominate hand, place the heel of the blade (closest to the handle) an inch or more below the top of one of the rods. Holding the blade straight up and down (perpendicular to the work surface), draw the blade down the rod and towards you, moving towards the tip of the knife. The motion is similar to slicing bread. Repeat this action on the other rod for the other side of the edge. Continue alternation from rod to rod until you have achieved the desired sharpness. 2 Stage Sharpening Begin by placing the rods in the 20º angle holes and follow the sharpening instructions as listed in the 1-stage sharpening above, but do not polish/finish the edge, use only 10-12 strokes on each rod. This is to thin the blade’s edge. After thinning the blade’s edge, move the rods to the 25° angle holes for the 2nd stage sharpening to finish the edge. Simply follow the same technique used before. This will produce a durable and sharp compound bevel. Pro Tip**- For the best results, avoid rolling the tip of your knife off the rod. This can damage the tip and leave it dulerl than the rest of the blade. Patience and a slow hand are recommended. Be Smart, Be Safe and Stay an Edge Above the Rest!
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky 4-Rod Turn Box
Leverantör: Pris: 449.00 skr (+69.00 skr)The Turn Box family is a very stable and compact knife sharpening system. It works well in the kitchen and it quickly breaks down for storage in a drawer. The turn box family of knife sharpeners is also great for outdoorsmen on the go because it is lightweight and stores easily into a backpack. It only takes a few swipes to maintain an edge (a bit more if you have a really dull knife). There are two pre-set knife sharpening angles in the wood block 20 degree & 25 degree 25° - This is used for most kitchen knives and provides a sharp, durable edge. 20° - This is used for those desiring a very sharp edge. Some examples would be for filet knives or cutting tomatoes. Lower degrees result in sharper knives, but require more regular maintenance. This 2-Stage Knife Sharpening System features a hardwood turnbox with internal rod storage in the base, and four 5" long alumina ceramic rods. (2 medium grit grey rods, 2 fine grit white rods) Turn Box Instructions Lansky Turn Box Sharpeners can be used for either 1-stage or 2-stage sharpening. The grey Ceramic Rods are for sharpening, and the white Ceramic Rods are for polishing. Set Up Always begin by placing the turn box on a stable and flat surface at a comfortable working height. 1 Stage Sharpening Choose the type of rods and the angle that you wish to sharpen with (20° or 25°) by placing the sharpening rods in the appropriate guide holes. Hold the base firmly with your non-dominate hand. Make sure your fingers are as far away from the rods as possible while maintaining a firm, controllable grip on the base. With the knife in your dominate hand, place the heel of the blade (closest to the handle) an inch or more below the top of one of the rods. Holding the blade straight up and down (perpendicular to the work surface), draw the blade down the rod and towards you, moving towards the tip of the knife. The motion is similar to slicing bread. Repeat this action on the other rod for the other side of the edge. Continue alternation from rod to rod until you have achieved the desired sharpness. 2 Stage Sharpening Begin by placing the rods in the 20º angle holes and follow the sharpening instructions as listed in the 1-stage sharpening above, but do not polish/finish the edge, use only 10-12 strokes on each rod. This is to thin the blade’s edge. After thinning the blade’s edge, move the rods to the 25° angle holes for the 2nd stage sharpening to finish the edge. Simply follow the same technique used before. This will produce a durable and sharp compound bevel. Pro Tip**- For the best results, avoid rolling the tip of your knife off the rod. This can damage the tip and leave it duller than the rest of the blade. Patience and a slow hand are recommended. Be Smart, Be Safe and Stay an Edge Above the Rest! CAUTION: Knife sharpening is an inherently dangerous activity. Used properly this sharpener cannot hurt you but a carelessly handled blade or pointed object can.
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Professional System
Leverantör: Pris: 1,145.00 skrKomplett slipsystem från Lansky. Det här systemet innehåller alla slipstenar du behöver för att hålla dina knivar vassa. Vinkelhållare, slipolja och 5 slipstavar i olika kornigheter medföljer (grov 120 grit, medium 280 grit, fin 600 grit och ultrafin 1000 grit). Den femte stenen i setet är en trekantig sten (medium) som används till sågtandade knivar. Det här setet är perfekt till att slipa filéknivar, sågtandade knivar, köksknivar och bruksknivar. Alla Lanskys slipsystem innehåller: Knivhållare med flera vinkelval Precisionsstång som hjälper till att bibehålla en exakt slipvinkel Slipolja Specialskruvar för knivhållaren som underlättar hanterandet av knivhållaren Rejäl och formgjuten förvaringslåda Rekommenderade slipvinklar: 17° - För filéknivar, skalpeller, rakknivar och knivar som kräver en extrem skärpa 20° - Passar till bland annat kockknivar och de flesta köksknivar. Den här slipvinkeln är även utmärkt till flåknivar, styckknivar och slaktknivar. 25° - Den här slipvinkeln är bra till bland annat jaktknivar, fiskeknivar och fritidsknivar. Den här slipvinkeln håller skärpan väl och länge. 30° - För bruksknivar så som mattknivar, kartongknivar och grovknivar.
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Fine Grit Hone
Leverantör: Pris: 209.00 skr (+69.00 skr)This Hone works best in conjuction with the series of coarser hones to refine and polish a already sharp edge. This fine hone is included in every Sharpening System excluding the the Diamond and Arkansas series. The fine grit is ideal for maintaining an already sharp blade and smoothing out scratches from a medium grit abrasive hone. Key Features: Fine Grit (600) Alumina-Oxide Hone Threaded Brass Insert for Stainless Steel Screw Ergonomic Plastic Housing Made in the USA!
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Standard 3 Stone Diamond System
Leverantör: Pris: 1,595.00 skrSlipsystem från Lansky med diamantstavar. Kittet innehåller 3 diamantstavar i 3 olika kornighetsgrader. Grov 120, medium 280 och fin 600 grit. Kittet innehåller även vinkelhållare, borste samt instruktionshäfte.
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Guide Rods
Leverantör: Pris: 39.00 skr (+69.00 skr)Set of 4 guide rods for use with Lansky hones and sharpening systems.
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Rengöringsblock
Leverantör: Pris: 139.00 skr (+69.00 skr)Rengöringsblock för rengöring av slipstavar. Fungerar utmärkt till bland annat keramiska brynen och skärpstål.
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Sharp'n Cut
Leverantör: Pris: 119.00 skr (+69.00 skr)Shap´n cut är ett 2 i 1 verktyg du får en knivslip och ett litet smidigt och rakblads vasst keramiskt blad i ett. Shar´n cut är magnetisk så du kan ha den på tex kylskåpet eller andra metaliska ytor. Karbide slipen kan skärpa en kniv på bara några sekunder
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Super Sapphire Hone
Leverantör: Pris: 389.00 skr (+69.00 skr)Polersten av industriell safir. Mycket finkornigt bryne. Ger snygg polish och finish på bladet. 2000 grit. Passar samtliga Lanskys slipsystem.
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky C-Sharp
Leverantör: Pris: 389.00 skr (+69.00 skr)Tillverkad på samma design som Lansky’s populära QuadSharp, C-Sharp är en fickvänlig bryne med keramiska stenar som ger en exakt slipning med sina fyra förvalda brynvinklar (17º, 20º, 25º och 30º). Passar dom flesta bladmodellerna på marknaden, Standar, Sågtandad, Filé osv. Fyra olika slipvinklar (17º, 20º, 25º samt 30º) Medium 600 grit Keramisk sten (800 grit) för finpolering och sågtandade blad Tillverkad av metall Kompatibel med övrigt sortiment från Lansky
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Carbide Tips For Quick Edge
Leverantör: Pris: 49.00 skr (+69.00 skr)Replacement set of carbide tips will fit in items LSTCN (Deluxe Quick Edge) and LSTCS (Quick Edge).
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky C-Clip Combo
Leverantör: Pris: 249.00 skr (+69.00 skr)C-CLIP Knife Sharpener kan användas för att slipa och skärpa knivar, fiskekrokar, pilar, verktyg, nålar och mycket mer. Oavsett om du använder den i hemmet, på jobbet eller ute i nauren när du fiskar eller jagar så är C-Clip en extremt smidig lösning. Knivslipen kan fästas på nyckelknippan, på en bälteskrok eller helt enkelt ligga löst i fickan så den alltid kan vara nära till hands. Eraser Block håller dina keramiska slipstänger rena och skärpförmågan på högsta nivå. Den kan avlägsna fläckar och märken på i princip alla ytor, inklusive sportutrustning.
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Double-Sided Diamond BenchStone (Coarse/Fine)
Leverantör: Pris: 695.00 skrCoarse Grit (120) Red Side Fine Grit (600) Blue Side Non-slip Base 100% Uninterrupted Diamond Coating Screw Holes for easy bench mounting The full edge-to-edge uninterrupted diamond surfaces on the benchstones makes for quicker, more efficient sharpening, at a high value. The Coarse Red Side (120 grit) will aggressively repair and recondition damaged or dull blades, even works to put an edge where there wasn't before. While the Fine Red Side (600 grit) will produce and maintain a micro-serrated working edge, polishing away the heavy scratches from lower grit stones. The 600 grit stone produces a working edge that is adequate for nearly any task, especially cutting cardboard. A great addition to any craftsman’s workshop, the diamond abrasives on the benchstones are excellent for repairing and maintaining a large range of tools from dull and damaged kitchen knives, to well maintained woodworking chisels. Instructions Double Sided Diamond Benchstone Instructions Select the proper sided of the stone for your edge. Coarse To reprofile a completley dull or damaged edge Fine To hone/polish a finished edge or for daily manitainance Set the Benchstone base on a stable, flat surface with the stone you have selected facing up. Note Lubrication of any kind is not recommended while sharpening on any of the three stones. DO NOT USE HONING OIL ON THE DIAMOND STONE. Observe the bevel angle on the blade you intend to sharpen. Then, bring the edge to the stone matching your sharpening angle to the bevel angle. Using light pressure, push the edge of the blade across the stone in one motion, much like trying to slice a thin layer off the top of the stone. Maintaining a consistent angle is essential for the best results. Repeat process 3-4 times on one side of the blade then switch to the other side and repeat. Repeat this process until edge is sharp then progress to finer stones and repeat. Clean your stones. Clean the Diamond stone with a damp rag after each use. Suggestions Use a series of stones for the best results. For an undamaged edge start with the Medium Diamond Stone Start with your selected stone. Use 3-4 strokes on one side of the blade. Repeat process on the other side of the blade. Repeat this whole process, switching between sides, about 3-4 times. Then use only 2 strokes per side. Repeat this process 2-3 times. Then 1 stroke per side. Repeat this process 1-2 times. Move on to a finer stone. *More advanced techniques will be featured on the Lansky Sharpening Blog. Be Smart, Be Safe and Stay an Edge Above the Rest! CAUTION: Knife sharpening is an inherently dangerous activity. Used properly this sharpener cannot hurt you but a carelessly handled blade or pointed object can.
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Coarse Stone
Leverantör: Pris: 129.00 skr (+69.00 skr)Grov brynsten till för att skapa en bra grundegg. Den här brynstenen använder du till exempel på väldigt slöa knivar eller verktyg. Fungerar även bra till skadade eggar. Passar alla Lanskys modulära slipsystem Coarse Grit (120) Alumina-Oxide Hone
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Fine Hone för Sågtandade Knivar
Leverantör: Pris: 209.00 skr (+69.00 skr)These specially designed V-shaped alumina ceramic hones fit the serrated edges of any kitchen, electric carving, filet, bread and clipit style serrated knives. The hone also features a V-shaped groove for sharpening all pointed items. The fine hone is perfect for producing a fast sharp edge and final polishing. Fine Grit (1000) Ceramic Hone Brass Threaded Insert for Stainless Steel Thumb Screw Ergonomic Plastic Housing Made in the USA!
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Ultra Fine Stone
Leverantör: Pris: 219.00 skr (+69.00 skr)Polersten. Passar till eggar med väldigt god grundskärpa. Den här brynstenen tillsammans med Super Sapphire Hone är en bra kombination för att få en perfekt finish. Passar alla Lanskys modulära slipsystem. Ultra Fine Grit (1000) Ceramic Sharpening Surface
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Medium Diamond Stone
Leverantör: Pris: 449.00 skr (+69.00 skr)Diamantbryne med en kornighet runt medium. Det här diamantbrynet passar bra som steg 2 i slip-processen. Fungerar utmärkt till eggar med viss grundskärpa. Syntetisk diamant är ett väldigt hårt material så detta bryne passar till knivar med en hårdhet upp till 62 HRC. Medium Grit (280) Diamond Surface (Uninterrupted Diamond Coating)
Lansky Sharpeners Lansky Medium Hone
Leverantör: Pris: 139.00 skr (+69.00 skr)The Medium Grit Sharpening Hone is a great way to keep a fine edge on all types of knives. This sharpening hone is designed to be used with Lansky Sharpening Systems. Medium Grit (280) Alumina-Oxide Hone Threaded Brass Insert for Stainless Steel Screw Ergonomic Plastic Housing Made in the USA!
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