Det hittades 209 produkter som matchar din sökning efter poetry i 8 butiker:
Korg Poetry Digital Piano
Leverantör: Pris: 21,290.00 skr (+150.00 skr)The Piano For Lovers of Chopin
Thought Doodles Poetry Non-Fiction Poetry on Human Experience Non Fiction Poetry Poetry in English
Leverantör: Pris: 238.99 skrThought Doodles Poetry Non-Fiction Poetry on Human Experience Non Fiction Poetry Poetry in English
Korg Poetry
Leverantör: Pris: 20,439.00 skr -
The Poetry Bus Destination Poetry
Leverantör: Pris: 388.47 skr (+39.00 skr)The Poetry Bus - Destination Poetry
Poetry by Charles Baudelaire, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 69.00 skrCharles Baudelaire is one of the greatest French poets. His most famous work, Les Fleurs du Mal (The Flowers of Evil), was deemed scandalous at the time because of its themes of sex and death, lesbianism, corruption, wine, and the oppressiveness of living. Its powerful imagery and ravaging use of the senses had many name him an unequaled master the effect on fellow artists was immense, prodigious, unexpected, mingled with admiration and with some indefinable anxious fear , while the regime of the Second Empire had Baudelaire prosecuted and fined for his insult to public decency . Baudelaire s style had a tremendous influence on French poetry and also on English writers he was a pioneering translator, and created strong ties with the Anglo-Saxon literature. We have selected for you 16 of his most striking poems in the most precise translation available: A Former Life, Beauty, Correspondences, Don Juan in Hades, Exotic Perfume, The Balcony, The Beacons, The Dance of Death, The Death of Lovers, The Evil Monk, The Irreparable, The Living Flame, The Sadness of the Moon, The Sick Muse, The Temptation, The Venal Muse.
Lincoln Poetry. Poets; Lincoln Poetry Alonzo Newton Benn
Leverantör: Pris: 356.93 skrLincoln Poetry. Poets; Lincoln Poetry - Alonzo Newton Benn
Bengans Kamelot - Poetry For The Poisoned (2010 Re-Is (CD)
Leverantör: Pris: 351.00 skrArtist: Kamelot Enheter i förpackning: 2 st Label: Napalm Recor Lev. Artnr.: NPR1181DP Leverantör: Border Music Media: CD Releasedatum: 2023-11-17 Streckkod: 0810135713597
The Poetry Buffet: An Anthology of New Orleans Poetry
Leverantör: Pris: 504.56 skrThe Poetry Buffet: An Anthology of New Orleans Poetry
Assouline Lalanne: A World of Poetry
Leverantör: Pris: 15,795.00 skrDet kreativa paret François-Xavier och Claude Lalanne är kända för sina poetiska, fantasifulla skulpturer som har blivit ikoner inom design.François-Xavier och Claude Lalanne är ett av de mest kreativa paren under det senaste seklet, firade för sina surrealistiska skulpturala verk. Deras verk är lika funktionella som de är fantasifulla, oavsett om det är mage på en flodhäst som öppnas för att avslöja en bar, tritoner som smälter samman av utrullade blad för att bilda en gaffel eller en snår av kvistar som flätas samman för att bilda en bänk.I firandet av François-Xavier och Claudes alltid förtrollande och fantasifulla skulpturer utforskar denna bok, som är en del av Assoulines Ultimate Collection, några av deras mest ikoniska verk från deras rika produktion. Författaren Jean-Gabriel Mitterrand, parets långvariga gallerist och vän, skriver en magnifik text som spårar Lalannes meteoriska uppgång, från deras tidiga dagar i Paris Impasse Ronsin och deras första utställning som fångade galleristen Alexandre Iolas uppmärksamhet, till deras varaktiga arv som en av designens mest uppfinningsrika och poetiska mästare.Vita handskar och en signaturväska i canvas medföljer varje köp från Assoulines Ultimate Collection.
Chakraborty, Reena The Spice of Life: A Poetry Book: A Poetry
Leverantör: Pris: 357.58 skrThe Spice of Life: A Poetry Book: A Poetry
Johannes Anyuru Swedish poetry nowadays : an anthology of 6 poets in the 21st Century (häftad, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 149.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -An anthology of works from Johannes Anyuru, Eva-Stina Byggmästar, Naima Chahboun, Martin Högström, Freke Räihä and Matilda Södergran. These six thoughtful, though differently tempered, Swedish poets are an eminent needle in the haystack. These six poets are too fast for the mainstream poetics to get on their backs. You'll get no kudos for knowing Swedish poetry, without having read each of these six poets. Format Häftad Omfång 138 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Dracopis Press Utgivningsdatum 2016-11-10 Medverkande Eva-Stina Byggmästar Medverkande Naima Chahboun Medverkande Martin Högström Medverkande Freke Räihä Medverkande Matilda Södergran Medverkande Kristian Carlsson ISBN 9789187341090
Poetry and You
Leverantör: Pris: 277.99 skrPoetry and You
Poetry by Paul Verlaine, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 69.00 skrAlongside Baudelaire, Mallarmé, and Rimbaud, with whom he had a stormy relationship, Paul Verlaine is one of the most influential poets of the fin de siècle. He was one of the greatest representatives of the Decadent movement that began in the 1870s, and a leader of the Symbolists. His stylistic innovations brought a new musicality to French poetry it was he who paved the way for modern poetry with its experiments in free verse and new techniques. Verlaine produced exquisitely crafted verse, conveying the strongest emotions and appetites. This translation by Gertrude Hall, herself a recognized poet, is one of the best rendering of Verlaine s work in English language.
Gollub, Diane Lipton The Poetry Weaver The Song I Came To Sing: Poetry and Fine Art
Leverantör: Pris: 585.89 skrThe Poetry Weaver The Song I Came To Sing: Poetry and Fine Art
Poetry by Victor Hugo, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 99.00 skrVictor Hugo is one of the best-known French writers, and one of the greatest literary figures of all time. His poetry made him famous very early, cementing his reputation as one of the greatest lyric poets when he was only 20 years old. We have selected for you 28 of his most well-known and powerful poems, mosty from the immortal Autumn Leaves and Contemplations. They are, in order: Childhood Death, il Life Epitaph Have you nothing to say for yourself How Butterflies are born I am content Inscription for a crucifix Satire on the Earth St John The Dying Child to its Mother The Poet s Simple Faith The Vale to you, to me the Heights Infantile Influence Sunset The Patience of the People The Poet s Love for Liveliness The Universal Prayer The Watching Angel Dictated before the Rhone Glacier Tribute to the Vanquished. Enjoy the intense rhythm and depth of Hugo s poetry, an essential part of French culture and one of the most beautiful works of poerty ever written.
Leverantör: Pris: 218.99 skrDES (POETRY)
Classical Poetry from Japan, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 69.00 skrThe classical poetry of Japan focuses on direct experience of fleeting moments, in total contrast with its Occidental counterpart. These seminal poems were passed down orally, before great collections rassembled works of art spanning several centuries in written form as early as the 8th century, from the Kojiki to the Kokinshu. Later, a number of female writers rose to prominence (Murasaki Shikibu, Sei Shonagon) then in the 17th century, the haiku form became extremely popular, in large part due to the work of Matsuo Basho, a prolific writer and traveler. Discover a selection of the most important poems of classic Japan, beautifully translated, as an immortal evanescence.
Leverantör: Pris: 224.99 skrYUG SE YUG TAK (POETRY)
Revolution Poetry, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 59.00 skrRevolution Poetry är en plattform, en ambulerande scen och rörelse för spoken word-lyrik. Sedan start har de uppträtt på såväl parkteatrar som Dramaten och byggt upp en scen för röster som sällan ges utrymme i litteratursverige.Rörelsen Revolution Poetry startades 2009 av Nachla Libre Vargas Alaeb, Aladin Bewar Zakholi och Lilla Namo Marouf. Inspirerade av amerikanska Def Poetry Jam bestämde de sig för att ta sina historier från Stockholms miljonprogram till finrummen och teaterscenerna. De ville inte tävla utan fokusera på det talade ordet, historierna, de marginaliserade och undantryckta. De ville berätta sin egen historia, på sitt eget sätt.Sedan dess har rörelsen bara växt och består förutom i föreställningar även i scenkonstexperiment och workshops i textförfattande och framförande.2016 gjordes en dokumentärfilm om rörelsen, som bl.a. visats i SVT.I Revolution Poetry-antologin möter vi knytnävsstarka texter från vardag och verklighet, texter som känns, stärker, gör ont och förändrar – både tidigare framförda klassiker som många i publiken lärt sig utantill och helt nyskrivna dikter.Medverkar gör poeterna: Burcu Sahin, Halima Shegow, Lovisa Wessberg, Makda Embaie, Meron Mangasha, Mona Monasar, Nabila Abdul Fattah, Nachla Libre, Nawroz Zakholy, Nebay Meles, Neftali Milfuegos, Nina Rashid, Quena Soruco, Rojda Sekersöz, Saman Sokhanran, Sara Benafshe Qasem, Sanam Qasem, Sara Nazari, S.T.I.C.S POETS, Yodit Girmay , Dusan Marinkovic, Ikram Abdulkadir, Max Miliciano, Shantis, Iman Talabani, Hedy Aliyar, Robin Nazari, Mariama Jobe, Salih Bilic.
Leverantör: Pris: 236.99 skrHE RAM! (POETRY)
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