Es wurden 55 Produkte zu dem Suchbegriff féminisme in 3 Shops gefunden:
GRIN Feminism in Elizabeth Barrett Browning¿s "Aurora Leigh": Developing a Concept of the Female Artist
Anbieter: Preis: 2,49 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Didactics - English - Literature, Works, grade: 1,0 (A), The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, course: Victorian Literature, language: English, abstract: Elizabeth Barrett Browning¿s epic poem Aurora Leigh presents a viable feminist ideal. Its heroine, Aurora Leigh, ultimately resolves the dilemma of having to deny love for the sake of her work or vice versa by developing a new concept of the female artist. Although Aurora Leigh offers material for a much broader analysis of feminism, this paper will focus on the main character and narrator, Aurora Leigh herself. Although characters such as Marian Erle and Lady Waldemar also present interesting figures for further study, extending the analysis to them would be beyond the scope of this paper. As this paper concentrates on the feminist ideal in relation to a woman¿s vocation as an artist, Aurora Leigh best exemplifies this dynamic. Beginning by addressing Auroräs education and early career in order to demonstrate her progression from a traditional concept of love and work, this paper will follow her development as she rejects conventional opposition to arrive at a fuller understanding of life as a female artist. Possible alternative readings, such as the argument that Aurora ultimately sacrifices her artistic strivings for a conventional marriage, will also be discussed in order to support the thesis.
L'harmattan Art, féminisme, post-féminisme - Claudine Romeo - broché
Anbieter: Preis: 29,10 CHFUn parcours de critique d'art
Budrich Unipress Feminisms Revisited
Anbieter: Preis: 4,19 CHFDie in jüngster Zeit vielerorts zu beobachtende Ausrufung eines ‚neuen Feminismus’ pro-voziert die Frage nach Stand und Stellenwert des ‚alten Feminismus’. Der Band „Femi-nisms Revisited“ nimmt diesen Anstoss auf. Anders als etwa in ‚Wir Alphamädchen’ wird dabei keine kategorische oder sogar polemische Abgrenzung gegen frühere Feminismen und gender-orientierte Debatten vorgenommen. Vielmehr geht es um eine zwar kritische, gleichzeitig aber auch wertschätzende Bestandsaufnahme – ohne den Anspruch auf Voll-ständigkeit. Dabei steht die Frage im Zentrum, wie relevant konkrete ‚feministische’ Fra-gestellungen und Herangehensweisen heute (noch) sind. Es wird erkundet, wohin die An-strengungen der Vergangenheit geführt haben, auch wenn deren Ergebnisse manchmal den ursprünglichen Intentionen widersprechen.
Acratie Où va le féminisme ? - Vanina - relié
Anbieter: Preis: 15,30 CHF (+5,00 CHF)Où va le féminisme ? - Etude. Découvrez des nouveautés, des coups de cœur, des avis d'internautes, …
Wiley Adkins, L: Feminism After Bourdieu
Anbieter: Preis: 3,89 CHFBrings feminist theory face to face with Pierre Bourdieu s social theory. Demonstrates how much Bourdieu s theory has to offer to contemporary feminism. Comprises a series of contributions from key contemporary feminist thinkers.
Eres Féminismes et féminités - Gisèle Chaboudez - broché
Anbieter: Preis: 28,75 CHFLe tout et le pas tout
Ulrike Helmer Verlag Feminism kosher
Anbieter: Preis: 6,59 CHFWelche Rolle spielen Frauen heute im amerikanischen Judentum? Welche Veränderungen hat der Feminismus dort hervorgerufen? Diesen Fragen geht Christina Thesing anhand der Entwicklungen des amerikanischen Judentums in vier Richtungen nach: Orthodoxie, Conservative Movement, Reconstructionists, Reform Judaism. In den Bereichen Equal Access (Zugang zu religiösen Ämtern in den Gemeinden) sowie sprachliche und inhaltliche Veränderungen in Gebet und Ritual werden historische Veränderungen, der erreichte Status quo und zu erwartende Entwicklungen dargestellt und analysiert. Dies geschieht anhand einer grossen Fülle an (auch unbekannten) Materialien und Texten.
L'harmattan Féminisme, féminité, féminitude - Claude Émile Tourné - broché
Anbieter: Preis: 30,45 CHFÇa alors !
Taylor and Francis Weiler, K: Feminism And Social Justice In Education
Anbieter: Preis: 279,00 CHFIn gathering together leading educators from five different countries all committed to the project of social transformation, this book represents the shifting concerns of the feminist theoretical debate and helps formulate feminist educational agendas more suited to the political and economic conditions which orevail in the 19905.
Hachette Bnf Mon féminisme - S. Poirson - broché
Anbieter: Preis: 27,55 CHFEdition 1904
Ibidem The Staged Encounter: Contemporary Feminism and Women's Drama
Anbieter: Preis: 3,29 CHFThis study presents analyses of a wide range of contemporary plays written by women dramatists from a feminist theoretical perspective. It offers creative insights into the exchange between women's dramatic writing and feminist theories of subjectivity and representation in the last three decades and attends to the processes through which the female subject is reconfigured in the theatrical and theoretical spaces created by women. The book is valuable reading for students of theatre and comparative studies, as well as anyone interested in women's writing. The authors treated include Helene Cixous, Timberlake Wertenbaker, Helen Edmundson, Caryl Churchill, Sheila Yeger, April De Angelis, Anna Furse, Wendy Kesselman, Susan Sontag, Liz Lochhead.
Milan Eds Le féminisme - Elsa Pereira - cartonné
Anbieter: Preis: 13,60 CHF (+5,00 CHF)Le féminisme - Document jeunesse. Découvrez des nouveautés, des coups de cœur, des avis d'internautes, …
GRIN Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Feminism
Anbieter: Preis: 1,99 CHF (+0,35 CHF)Seminar paper from the year 2001 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 1,0, University of London (English Department), course: Women, Writing and Feminism, 6 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: Mary W. Shelley wrote her novel Frankenstein in a time in which women were expected to stay at home, care fore the children and do the household. Men normally worked outside the home in the public sphere, the division of roles was very strict and men were valued over women . Science and research were domains exclusively for men. Although she was no scientist, her husband and several other scientists, e.g. Erasmus Darwin, influenced Mary Shelley. She has however somehow entered a male sphere, which was normally forbidden for her. This could perhaps be one of the reasons why she did not publish her novel herself but her husband Percy. Another reason for this could be that women writer had a bad reputation. Their works were normally regarded as bad because they did not have a good education . A woman writer was regarded as ¿unladylike¿ , she was expected to be ¿modest, chaste and docile¿ and an ¿angel¿ . The only duty of a woman was to be a good wife and especially a good mother, she was normally the only responsible for the education of the children because the men went to work and never participated in nurture. This essay will examine the role of each woman in Frankenstein in the 19th century, the importance of a mother for a child and the failure of Victor Frankenstein to create and nurture a child without a woman.
Hachette Bnf Au coeur du féminisme - Joran-T - broché
Anbieter: Preis: 27,55 CHFAu coeur du féminisme - Livre. Découvrez des nouveautés, des coups de cœur, des avis d'internautes, …
Taylor & Francis Glassgold, J: Lesbians, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis
Anbieter: Preis: 4,79 CHFGet a feminist perspective on important changes in psychoanalysis! Lesbians, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis: The Second Wave examines recent changes in psychoanalysis that have opened the door for new perspectives on same-sex desire. Authors from a variety of disciplines and theoretical orientations combine feminism with psychoanalytic and postmodern theories to celebrate diversity in gender and sexual experience. This collection of lesbian-affirmative writings addresses transference and countertransference, gender subjectivities, privilege and racism, therapist homophobia, and violence in lesbian relationships. In the past decade, psychoanalysis has undergone changes in clinical theory that have led to views on human sexuality that are less focused on what is normal and therapy practices that resist attempts to fit individuals into prescribed developmental models. Lesbians, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis presents a variety of backgrounds (psychiatry, psychology, and social work), analytic training (formal institute training, study groups, supervision), and theoretical perspectives (self-psychology, object relations, relational psychoanalysis, feminist theory, queer theory, postmodernism, Lacanian theory) unified by the healing power of psychoanalytically informed theory and practice. The book is divided into three sectionsCommunity: Personal and Political, Ongoing Clinical Issues, and New Thinking on Sexuality and Gender, addressing lesbian tomboy development, the queering of relational psychoanalysis, how attachment theory and intersubjectivity can contribute to newer gender theory, and including: interviews with lesbian psychoanalytic foremothers Joanne Spina, Lee Crespi, and Judy Levitz Dr. Darla Bjork’s account of her journey to becoming an openly lesbian therapist contrasting views on transference and countertransference from gay and lesbian therapists and much more! Lesbians, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis: The Second Wave is an essential practical resource for clinicians and a vital classroom tool for academics working in psychology, social work, psychoanalysis, gender and women’s studies, queer studies, and lesbian and gay studies.
Lgf Le Temps des féminismes - Michelle Perrot - Poche
Anbieter: Preis: 12,15 CHF (+5,00 CHF)Le Temps des féminismes - Essai. Découvrez des nouveautés, des coups de cœur, des avis d'internautes, …
Ibidem La représentation du 'rêve de l’ailleurs' par la voix féminine migration et féminisme dans les œuvres de Maryse Condé, Aminata Sow Fall, Gisèle Pineau
Anbieter: Preis: 3,59 CHFDans le présent travail de recherche, Elise Nathalie Ngo Bakondé fait une étude du phénomène migratoire dans la litt érature contemporaine d’expression française. En se focalisant uniquement sur l’analyse des textes écrits par les femmes, cett e étude entend relever la conception particulière du thème de l’immigration chez les écrivaines francophones d’Afrique et des Antilles. De sus, elle entend également aborder la question du féminisme chez les écrivaines africaines et antillaises dans l’optique de faire le rapprochement entre migration et féminisme. A travers une interpretation détaillée des textes des romancières, Elise Nathalie Ngo Bakondé souligne que la question de gender permet de remarquer des représentations di. érentes du phénomène migratoire chez les écrivains francophones masculins et féminins. De ce fait l’étude des thèmes de l’identité; de la situation de l’immigré(e) en terre d’accueil; et de la relation entre le pays natal et le pays d’accueil mett ent en exergue la caractéristique particulière des textes de femmes dans la literature postcoloniale d’expression française.
Rue De Seine Ce que le féminisme n'est pas - Fabienne Messica - broché
Anbieter: Preis: 25,95 CHFCe que le féminisme n'est pas - Essai. Découvrez des nouveautés, des coups de cœur, des avis d'internautes, …
Taylor & Francis Gender Trouble
Anbieter: Preis: 3,29 CHFOne of the most talked-about scholarly works of the past fifty years, Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble is as celebrated as it is controversial. Arguing that traditional feminism is wrong to look to a natural, 'essential' notion of the female, or indeed of sex or gender, Butler starts by questioning the category 'woman' and continues in this vein with examinations of 'the masculine' and 'the feminine'. Best known however, but also most often misinterpreted, is Butler's concept of gender as a reiterated social performance rather than the expression of a prior reality. Thrilling and provocative, few other academic works have roused passions to the same extent.
Hachette Bnf Mon féminisme - S. Poirson - broché
Anbieter: Preis: 27,55 CHFMon féminisme - Livre. Découvrez des nouveautés, des coups de cœur, des avis d'internautes, …
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