Der blev fundet 446 produkter som matchede din søgning efter educational i 11 butikker:
6-pak Magic Sand - Educational Innovations Magic Sand Rum Sand Vandafvisende Sand Legesand Farvet Sand Legetøj
Sælger: Pris: 148.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Pakke: 50g*6 farver pink blå orange gul grøn lilla SAND DER ALDRIG BLIVER VAD: Magic Sand er en hydrofob polymer, der afviser vand og aldrig bliver våd Let at rydde op, ENDELØSE MULIGHEDER: Magic Sand kan bruges til at bygge undervands-sandkasteller Det er sjovt for børn i alle aldre og voksne også GENBRUGSBART VIDENSKABELIGT LEGETØJ: Byg sandkasteller under vand, og hæld derefter bare vandet ud og lad sandet tørre Du kan bruge det til videnskabelige eksperimenter eller til at udføre magi LÆR OM EGENSKABERNE AF VANDMOLYKULET: Oplev Magic Sand og ægte sand til et sjovt videnskabeligt eksperiment eller lektion Også velegnet til akvarielandscaping Ikke til børn under 3 år Spil venligst under direkte voksenopsyn
Education for Special Needs
Sælger: Pris: 270.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)'Essentially we do not really have the right to talk about normality or abnormality in a child's inner life, nor indeed in the inner life of human beings altogether...One does not gain much from such labelling, and the first thing to happen should be that the physician or the teacher rejects such an assessment, and goes further than saying that something is clever or sensible according to the way people are habitually thinking.' - Rudolf Steiner Speaking in 1924, when general attitudes to people with special needs were far from enlightened, Rudolf Steiner gave this seminal course of lectures to a small group of teachers and doctors as a fundamental basis for their future work. In the cultural context of the time, regressive ideas such as Social Darwinism and Eugenics were not only tolerated but popular (some 15 years after these lectures were delivered, the Nazis were to initiate their so-called 'euthanasia' programme). In contrast, Steiner - who as a young man had successfully tutored a boy with special needs - was devoted to the progressive task of special education and, in the words of one of those present, '...gave the course with pleasure and satisfaction'. In the twelve lectures, Rudolf Steiner describes polarities of illness and derives courses of treatment from a comprehensive analysis. He considers many individual cases in detail and gives indications on therapeutic exercises, diet and medicine. The 'I' (or self), he states, relates directly to the physical body, and spirit and soul need to be taken into consideration when making diagnoses. Throughout the course Steiner gives valuable advice regarding the educator's own development, emphasizing the need for enthusiasm, humour and courage. As with Steiner's lectures on agriculture, which stimulated the birth of the worldwide biodynamic movement, this single course has had a huge international impact, inspiring the founding of hundreds of schools and communities for people with special needs - encompassing both the Camphill and Steiner special education movements. Revolutionary in its approach, the far-reaching perspectives of these lectures are a living source of inspiration to both professionals in the field and parents and others seeking spiritual insight. This new edition features a fresh translation, introductory material, notes, colour plates and an index. 12 lectures, Dornach, Jun. - Jul. 1924, CW 317
Educational Research - International Student Edition - Robert Burke Johnson - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,194.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Educational Research offers a comprehensive, easily digestible introduction to research methods for undergraduate and graduate students. Readers will develop an understanding of the multiple research methods and strategies used in education and related fields, including how to read and critically evaluate published research and how to write a proposal, construct a questionnaire, and conduct an empirical research study on their own. The Seventh Edition maintains the features that made this book a best-seller, including attention-grabbing chapter-opening vignettes, lively examples that engage student interest, a conversational and friendly writing style, and more. With the support of this highly readable text, readers will transform into critical consumers and users of research.
YIXI Nerve Buzz Game Wire Skill Maze Steady Hand Kid Educational Toy YIY9.27 SMCS.9.27
Sælger: Pris: 113.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)\nBeskrivelse: \n- En ægte test af færdigheder, nerver og koordination. Målet med spillet er at navigere staven langs trådstellet fra den ene ende til den anden uden at røre tråden og udløse summeren. \n- Dyrk børns evne til at modstå stress, koncentration, viljestyrke og hånd-øje-koordination og dyrk børns gode mentalitet i et stressende og stressende miljø. \n- Styrk frustrationstræning, forbedre børns mentale styrke, lær at løse problemer, holde ud og overvinde vanskeligheder. \n- Du kan lege og konkurrere med venner og familie. Øg familiefølelser og fremme venskab \n- Flere poleringsprocesser, delikat berøring, glatte hjørner \nSpecifikationer: \nMateriale: ABS \nFarve: orange, grøn \nStørrelse: 17 x 13 x 5,2 cm \nStrømforsyning: 2 x AAA-batterier (medfølger ikke) \nPakken indeholdt: \n1 x labyrintspil \nBemærk: \n1. På grund af den forskellige skærm og lyseffekt kan den faktiske farve på varen være lidt anderledes end den farve, der vises på billederne. Tak \n2. Tillad venligst 1-3 mm måleafvigelse på grund af manuel måling.
Educational Game Clementoni Spidey Amazing Friends Quizzy
Sælger: Pris: 495.00 dkrChildren deserve the best, that's why we present to you Educational Game Clementoni Spidey Amazing Friends Quizzy, ideal for those who seek quality products for their little ones! Get Clementoni and other brands and licences at the best prices!Recommended age: + 3 years Number of players: 2 - 6 Type: Educational Game
Pricenet DIY Solar System Education Kit
Sælger: Pris: 129.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)En model af solsystemet til at samle og male selv. Stimulerer et barns fantasi og manuelle færdigheder. Tilskynder til en dybere viden om kosmos. Inkluderet: plastikplaneter, stel, pensel og maling. Mål ved samlet: 12x32cm.
YIXI Nerve Buzz Game Wire Skill Maze Steady Hand Kid Educational Toy YIY9.27 SMCS.9.27
Sælger: Pris: 113.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)\nBeskrivelse: \n- En ægte test af færdigheder, nerver og koordination. Målet med spillet er at navigere staven langs trådstellet fra den ene ende til den anden uden at røre tråden og udløse summeren. \n- Dyrk børns evne til at modstå stress, koncentration, viljestyrke og hånd-øje-koordination og dyrk børns gode mentalitet i et stressende og stressende miljø. \n- Styrk frustrationstræning, forbedre børns mentale styrke, lær at løse problemer, holde ud og overvinde vanskeligheder. \n- Du kan lege og konkurrere med venner og familie. Øg familiefølelser og fremme venskab \n- Flere poleringsprocesser, delikat berøring, glatte hjørner \nSpecifikationer: \nMateriale: ABS \nFarve: orange, grøn \nStørrelse: 17 x 13 x 5,2 cm \nStrømforsyning: 2 x AAA-batterier (medfølger ikke) \nPakken indeholdt: \n1 x labyrintspil \nBemærk: \n1. På grund af den forskellige skærm og lyseffekt kan den faktiske farve på varen være lidt anderledes end den farve, der vises på billederne. Tak \n2. Tillad venligst 1-3 mm måleafvigelse på grund af manuel måling.
Educational Game Clementoni Spidey Amazing Friends Quizzy
Sælger: Pris: 495.00 dkrChildren deserve the best, that's why we present to you Educational Game Clementoni Spidey Amazing Friends Quizzy, ideal for those who seek quality products for their little ones! Get Clementoni and other brands and licences at the best prices!Recommended age: + 3 years Number of players: 2 - 6 Type: Educational Game
DAO Octopus Music Educational Toys For Toddlers Og Småbørns Udvikling Og Læring Db blue
Sælger: Pris: 379.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)[Baby Musical Toys] Inklusive 4 tromme jazz-tilstande, 4 guitar-tilstande, 6 rock and roll-tilstande, 4 klaver-tilstande, 4 saxofon-tilstande, 6 performance-tilstande og 4 switch-tilstande. 32 musiktilstande forbedrer børns sans for musik og rytme. Hver musiktilstand vil inspirere børn til at nyde musik. [Bedste førskole musikalske legetøj] Gaver til småbørns udvikling-sensorisk udvikling-6 farvede knapper til at fremme taktil udvikling og genkendelse af musikinstrumenter. 3 farvede lys opmuntrer og fremmer børns visuelle udvikling. Lyde og sange opmuntrer og fremmer udviklingen af børns hørelse. [Fremragende og troværdig kvalitet] Børns musikalske legetøj er lavet af 100% børnesikker ABS-plast, som ikke er let at beskadige og er miljøvenlig for børn. Kræver 3 AA-batterier (medfølger ikke). [Bedste gave til små børn] Førskolelæring legetøj er nyttigt til musikundervisning og oplysning. Velegnet til babyshower gaver, baby fødselsdagsgaver, sommergaver, børnedagsgaver.
45401 - Lego® Education Bricq Motion Essential-Sæt
Sælger: Pris: 1,249.00 dkr45401 - LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Essential-sæt
Xylofon til Børn, Xylofon Musikalsk Legetøj med Børnesikre Hammer Educational Musikalske Instrumenter Legetøj til Småbørn 1-3
Sælger: Pris: 111.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Børnesikkert Materiale - Fremstillet af 100% BPA-fri, blyfri og phthalatfri materialer, er dette børnexylofon lugtfrit og helt sikkert. Glat træ, sikre tangenter og børnevenlige hammer gør det perfekt til børn fra 3 år og opefter. Uddannelsesmæssigt & Underholdende - Dette børnexylofon kickstarter dit barns musikalske rejse. De levende tangenter antænder kreativitet og intelligens og introducerer din lille til musikverdenen. Præcis Stemning - Fremstillet med 8 præcist stemte, farverige tangenter, raffinerer dette xylofon rytme- og musikfærdigheder. Dette småbørnsxylofon kan fremme din littles farveopfattelsesevne og stimulere musikceller. Premium Kvalitet - Konstrueret af træ og aluminium af højeste kvalitet, er dette udsøgte xylofon robust og bygget til at holde. Børnesikre hammer vil ikke let gå i stykker eller flises, hvilket sikrer års musikalsk fornøjelse. Ideel Gave - Med et bærbart design, et fængslende udseende og en uddannelsesmæssig værdi, er dette xylofonlegetøj et fremragende valg til fødselsdage eller helligdage. Musikinstrumentet vækker musikalske interesser hos småbørn og styrker forældre-barn-forbindelser.
Sex Education Graphic T-shirt & Legging Female
Sælger: Pris: 135.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Take nights in up a notch with our silky soft sleepwearYou'll be saying no to nights out when you see our snuggle-worthy sleepwear and luxe loungewear. Cosy up in a co-ordinating pyjama set, drift off in a night dress or go for slumber party success in a statement onesie. Catch your beauty sleep in the best basics from boohoo.
Educational Psychology - L. S. Vygotsky - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 734.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)When this classic book was first published in 1926, L.S. Vygotsky was well on his way to becoming one of the leading intellectuals in Russia. His study of the psychology of education led him to believe that the child should be the main figure in the educational process - and the efforts of the teacher should be directed toward organizing, not dicta
66Fit Anatomical Life Size Human Skull Medical Educational Training Aid
Sælger: Pris: 272.55 dkrFeatures a movable jaw, cut calvarium and suture lines Helps students to undersatnd the morphology and the construction of the skull Mandible is movable, 3 lower teeth-incisor, cuspid and molar are removable. The model is made of PVC plastic Life-size 19 x 15 x 21cm, Weight: 1.16kg
Educational Research - Gert Biesta - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 319.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)With so much technical information about research methods it is easy to lose sight of the bigger picture of why we carry out educational research and where and how research might contribute to the improvement of education. Educational Research: An Unorthodox Introduction steps you through the wider social and political contexts of educational research, focusing on fundamental questions such as what education actually ‘is’ and what it is for. In doing so, the book raises questions that more ‘orthodox’ introductions to the theory and practice of educational research often leave aside. Gert Biesta covers a range of key issues which permeate any educational research project, including the roles of theory in research, what it means and takes to improve education, the nature of educational practice, the history of educational research and scholarship, the connection between research, professionality and democracy and what the social and political dimensions of academic publishing are. Each chapter includes a set of questions to stimulate further discussion.
LEAN Toys Scientific Educational Telescope With Yellow A Phone Holder
Sælger: Pris: 480.00 dkrScientific Educational Telescope With Yellow A Phone Holder
Educational Psychology (Book Alone) - Brugt Bog- Anita Woolfolk
Sælger: Pris: 90.63 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This best-selling, classic text provides beginning teachers with the tools and inspiration to become masters of their chosen profession. The Tenth Edition maintains the lucid writing style for which the author is renowned, combined with a clear emphasis on educational psychology's practical relevance. This edition provides especially helpful new chapter on Engaged Learning: Cooperation and Community, recognizing the challenges educators face in the next decade to keep all students connected to learning and all schools safe and compassionate. The most applied text on the market, this text is replete with examples, lesson segments, case studies, and practical ideas from experienced teachers. In addition, at the end of the text is Becoming a Professional: A Handbook for Successful Teaching and Lifelong Learning, which provides students with even more tools for passing licensure examinations, getting a job, and teaching well, no matter what surprises come their way.
Bengans Hill Lauryn - The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill (CD)
Educational Neuroscience - Cathy Rogers - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 199.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Educational Neuroscience: The Basics is an engaging introduction to this emerging, interdisciplinary field. It explains how the brain works and its priorities for learning, and shows how educational neuroscience, when combined with existing knowledge of human and social psychology, and with teacher expertise, can improve outcomes for students. Cathy Rogers and Michael S. C. Thomas reveal how neuroscientific evidence is forcing us to question our assumptions about how our brains learn and what this means for education. The chapters in this vital volume step through the brain’s priorities: processing senses and moving our bodies, emotional processing, and the difficult job of dealing with other people. It unpacks the tricky tasks of thinking and learning, considering how memory works and the many systems involved in learning. It draws this all together to offer guidance for effective classroom practice, current and future. Chapter features include key issues for special educational needs and neurodiversity, case studies of novel interventions, debunking of common neuromyths, and guidance for teachers on how to evaluate their own practice. This book is a compact, lively introductory text for students of psychology, neuroscience and education and courses where these disciplines interconnect. It will also be essential reading for educational professionals, including teachers, heads, educational advisors and the many industry bodies who govern and train them, as well as anyone interested in the fascinating story of how we learn.
Sex Education Graphic T-shirt & Legging white M Female
Sælger: Pris: 135.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Take nights in up a notch with our silky soft sleepwearYou'll be saying no to nights out when you see our snuggle-worthy sleepwear and luxe loungewear. Cosy up in a co-ordinating pyjama set, drift off in a night dress or go for slumber party success in a statement onesie. Catch your beauty sleep in the best basics from boohoo.
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