Der blev fundet 1872 produkter som matchede din søgning efter financial i 12 butikker:
Financial Accounting For Decision Makers - Peter Atrill - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 589.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Understand financial accounting principles and techniques, and develop the skills to make informed business decisions. "My many students and I have used this book for years now and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a very accessible introduction to financial reporting." – Dr. Andrew McFaull , Deputy Programme Director of BSc Accounting and Finance, King's College London "When used in conjunction with the MyLabs Accounting package this is an excellent resource to build a non-technical understanding of financial accounting" – Graham McDonald CA CFA , Senior Lecturer Financial Accounting for Decision Makers, 10 th Edition by Peter Atrill & Eddie McLaney, is an accessible introduction to the subject, focusing on the ways in which financial statements and information improve the quality of decision-making. Written by two highly regarded accounting authors, the text is ideal for those who study Financial Accounting modules in Undergraduate and MBA courses. This latest edition has been thoroughly updated with examples, showing the pressure facing industries as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Maintaining its clear and friendly style throughout, the book regularly illustrates the outworking of financial accounting in real business issues, allowing you to experience the decision-facing environment. The commentary from real company reports and survey data in the form of illustrative extracts further supports your understanding of the basic concepts surrounding the subject and challenges both your individual thinking and group discussion in class. With its step-by-step approach, activities, and real-world examples, this textbook is an essential reading resource whether you are on an accounting degree or studying financial accounting modules within other disciplines. Instructors personalise learning with MyLab ® Accounting By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab ® personalises the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Accounting for this edition includes over 1200 questions that you can assign to students. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Accounting, search for: 9781292409153 Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 10 th edition with MyLab ® Accounting Package consists of: 9781292409184 Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 10 th edition 9781292409122 Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 10 th edition MyLab ® Accounting 9781292409139 Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 10 th edition Pearson eText MyLab ® Accounting is not included. Students, if MyLab Accounting is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab Accounting should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Finans Alga (SE)
Sælger: Pris: 305.00 dkrTa kontroll över affärsvärlden med 'Finans' från Alga det legendariska affärsspelet som engagerar hela familjen!I detta spännande spel kan lysande affärer snabbt vändas till svidande förluster, men med rätt strategi och en dos tur kan framgångarna vara närmare än du tror. 'Finans' utmanar dig att skaffa dig kontrollen över olika företagsgrupper genom smarta investeringar i aktier och tomter. En värdefull råd från din bankman: Planera din affärsstrategi noggrant från allra första början. Och tveka inte att ta ett lån när du behöver mer kapital. Den som först samlar ihop en miljon kronor är den ultimata vinnaren!'Finans' innehåller allt du behöver för att dyka in i affärsvärlden: en spelplan, korthållare, 2 tärningar, 6 unika spelpjäser, en kortlek, industri- och byggnadskomponenter i plast, sedlar i olika valörer och ett tydligt regelhäfte som hjälper dig komma igång snabbt.Rekommenderat för spelare från 10 år och uppåt, rymmer 'Finans' 2-6 deltagare, vilket gör det till en perfekt aktivitet för familje- och vänskapskvällar. Oavsett om du är en blivande affärsbaron eller helt enkelt letar efter en rolig och utmanande spelupplevelse, är 'Finans' det perfekta spelet att prova på.Så ta kontroll över din affärskarriär, planera dina drag med omsorg och sikta på att bli den första miljonären. Köp din kopia av 'Finans' från Alga och sätt igång på din resa mot framgång! Lycka till!
Financial Accounting Ise - Robert Libby - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 529.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Libby/Libby/Hodge wrote this text based on their belief that the subject of financial accounting is inherently interesting, but financial accounting textbooks are often not. They believe that accounting is an exciting field of study and one that is important to future careers in business. When writing this text, they considered career relevance as their guide when selecting material, and the need to engage the student as their guide to style, pedagogy, and design. Financial Accounting 11e successfully implements a real-world, single focus company approach in every chapter. The companies chosen are engaging and the decision-making focus shows the relevance of financial accounting regardless of if a student has chosen to major in accounting. Libby/Libby/Hodge believes in the building-block approach to teaching transaction analysis. Most faculty agree that mastery of the accounting cycle is critical to success in financial accounting, and yet most financial texts introduce and develop transaction analysis in one chapter, bombarding a student early in the course with an overload of new concepts and terms. The authors slow down the introduction of transactions, giving students time to practice and gain mastery. This building-block approach leads to greater student success in their study of later topics in financial accounting such as adjusting entries.
Italeri Lancia LC2 - 1:24
Sælger: Pris: 268.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Lancia LC2Lancia LC2 fra Italeri er en model af en kendt formel 1 bil, som debuterede i 1983, hvor den var i stand til at konkurrere med Porsche-bilerne, som var referencepunktet i motorløb på det tidspunkt, med hensyn til hastighed og ydeevne. Men det lavere niveau af pålidelighed påvirkede resultaterne. Mange italienske kørere kørte i Lancia LC2, før de blev berømte i Formel 1 køre , Patrese, Alboreto og Nannini.* Modellen måler 20 cm samlet* Skala er 1:24* Sværhedsgraden er 3Denne model kommer uden lim og maling.Der anbefales følgende Italeri farver* MF Aluminium - 4677AP* G Black - 4695AP* F Black - 4768AP* MG Gold - 4671AP* G Orange - 4682AP* G Red - 4605AP* MG Silver - 4678AP* G White - 4696AP* F White - 4769AP* G Yellow - 4642APVi har lavet en maling converter fra Italeri maling til andre mærker. Du kan hente tabellen her, den fylder ca. 14 mb. men giver et godt overblik over hvilke farver du skal bruge.Download tabellen her
Financial Accounting For Dummies - Maire Loughran - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 254.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Learn to speak fluent finance—and ace your exams! Warren Buffett said that "accounting is the language of business." And for many accounting and business students, the obscure terminology of accounting makes fluency hard to achieve. Financial Accounting For Dummies can help to demystify abstract concepts in a straightforward, friendly way. With step-by-step examples and real-world scenarios practice, it helps you grasp the fundamentals of accounting until you're ready to interpret, analyze, and evaluate corporate financial statements like you've been doing it all your life. Packed with easy-to-understand examples, this book takes you from the big three financial statements all the way through to income taxes. Or join the anti-fraud squad by discovering how to spot the ten most common accounting shenanigans. Grasp introductory financial accounting course material Explore common concepts financial professionals use to compile reports Understand leases, free cash flow, and statement analysis Learn accounting for small businesses Whether you're studying for your bachelor's, MBA, or MAcc, you’ll find everything you need to speak the language of finance like a native—and use it to get to wherever you want to go!
Hajfinantenne til Peugeot RCZ 206 207 208 301 307 308 406 407
Sælger: Pris: 173.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)【Kompatibilitet】: Til Peugeot RCZ 206 207 208 301 307 308 406 407 408 508 2008-6008. Før du bestiller dem, skal du sørge for, at din model og årgang er inkluderet i dette tilbehør. 【Materialer】: Denne hajfinantenne er lavet af høj kvalitet ABS-plast, højtydende kobber og lavet af interne chips, hvilket sikrer, at hajfinantennen er robust og holdbar, vandtæt, stødsikker og ikke let at falme. 【Funktion】: Signalmodtageren af hajfinantennen er integreret. Den har stærk anti-interferens evne og relativt lav interferens med radiobølger, forbedrer stabiliteten af kommunikationssignalet. Antennen eliminerer også luftstrømsstøj fra traditionelle stangantenner for en mere stille kørsel. 【Design】: Designet er simpelt og moderne. Det strømlinjeformede hajfinnedesign er stilfuldt og smukt. Kombineret med nuværende aerodynamisk design for at reducere luftmodstand, frigive statisk elektricitet, reducere støj osv. 【Installation】: Nem at installere med selvklæbende, bare rengør og tør din bil, hajfinantennen installeres i skruen på den originale bil, ingen boring er nødvendig, klæber fast, ikke let at falde af.
Financial Theory And Corporate Policy - Thomas Copeland - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 659.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This classic textbook in the field, now completely revised and updated, provides a bridge between theory and practice. Appropriate for the second course in Finance for MBA students and the first course in Finance for doctoral students, the text prepares students for the complex world of modern financial scholarship and practice. It presents a unified treatment of finance combining theory, empirical evidence and applications.
Selle Royal - Sadel Lancia
Sælger: Pris: 249.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Komfort Sadel Med Gel Passer Til Alle Cykler. Unisex Model 157mm Bred
Financial Accounting Theory - Brugt Bog- William R. Scott
Sælger: Pris: 884.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This new edition continues to include considerable coverage of accounting standards oriented to 2018 IASB standards as well as major U.S. accounting standards.While the text discussion concentrates on relating standards to the theoretical framework of the book, the coverage provides students with exposure to the contents of the standards themselves. Despite its theoretical orientation, Financial Accounting Theory, 8/e does not ignore the institutional structure of financial accounting and standard-setting. It features considerable coverage and critical evaluation of financial accounting standards and regulations, such as fair value accounting, financial instruments, reserve recognition accounting, management discussion and analysis, employee stock options, impairment tests, hedge accounting, derecognition, consolidation, and comprehensive income. The structure of standard-setting bodies is also described, and the role of structure in helping to engineer the consent necessary for a successful standard is evaluated.
Tamiya Lancia Stratos Turbo - 1:24
Sælger: Pris: 231.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Tamiya Lancia Stratos TurboTamiya Lancia Stratos Turbo model bil som er udviklet til rally af Lancia. Bilen kommer med en V-6 motor fra Ferrari og havde ca. 520 HK. Denne Lancia Stratos Turbo kommer med detaljeret instrumenter, samg en køre minifigur. Forhjul på denne flotte bil kan drejes. * Måler ca. 17,8 cm* Skala er 1:24* Flotte detaljer.Denne model her kommer uden lim og malingTamiya anbefaler følgende farver til Lancia Stratos Turbo bilen.:TS-26 Pure WhiteTS-29 Semi Gloss BlackTS-43 Racing greenLP-3 Flat BlackLP-50 Bright RedLP-70 Gloss AluminiumX-3 Royal BlueX-11 Chrome SilverX-26 Clear OrangeX-27 Clear RedXF-1 Flat BlackXF-2 Flat WhiteXF-7 Flat RedXF-12 J.N. GreyXF-15 Flat FleshXF-23 Light Blue
Financial Planning & Analysis And Performance Management - Jack Alexander - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 414.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Critical insights for savvy financial analysts Financial Planning & Analysis and Performance Management is the essential desk reference for CFOs, FP&A; professionals, investment banking professionals, and equity research analysts. With thought-provoking discussion and refreshing perspective, this book provides insightful reference for critical areas that directly impact an organization s effectiveness. From budgeting and forecasting, analysis, and performance management, to financial communication, metrics, and benchmarking, these insights delve into the cornerstones of business and value drivers. Dashboards, graphs, and other visual aids illustrate complex concepts and provide reference at a glance, while the author s experience as a CFO, educator, and general manager leads to comprehensive and practical analytical techniques for real world application. Financial analysts are under constant pressure to perform at higher and higher levels within the realm of this consistently challenging function. Though areas ripe for improvement abound, true resources are scarce until now. This book provides real-world guidance for analysts ready to: Assess performance of FP&A; function and develop improvement program Improve planning and forecasting with new and provocative thinking Step up your game with leading edge analytical tools and practical solutions Plan, analyze and improve critical business and value drivers Build analytical capability and effective presentation of financial information Effectively evaluate capital investments in uncertain times The most effective analysts are those who are constantly striving for improvement, always seeking new solutions, and forever in pursuit of enlightening resources with real, useful information. Packed with examples, practical solutions, models, and novel approaches, Financial Planning & Analysis and Performance Management is an invaluable addition to the analyst s professional library. Access to a website with many of the tools introduced are included with the purchase of the book. Please see About the Website page for access instructions.
Texas Instruments Ba-Ii Plus Finansregner
Sælger: Pris: 661.25 dkr (+81.19 dkr)Texas Instruments BA-II Plus Finansregner Ideel regnemaskine til statistik- og finansberegninger. Specifikationer Beregning af TVM (time-value-money) annuiteter, terminer, leasing/lejemål, opsparing mm. Generering af amortisationsplaner mm. Udføre pengestrømsanalyser for op til 24 forskellige pengestrømme med op til 4-cifrede hyppighede, beregner NPV og IRR. Statistik med en eller to variabler med fire regressionsindstillinger (lineær, logaritmisk, eksponentiel, og potens). Fire forskellige metoder til beregning af afskrivninger, bogført værdi og restværdi. Beregner også: balancepunkt, rentekonverteringer, delta %, avance og tab. De matematiske funktioner omfatter triognomiske beregninger, naturlige logaritmer og potenser.
Financial Reporting - Greg Shields - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 219.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Do you want to learn about this vital part of corporate governance called financial reporting? This book begins with the basics and progresses from there. It will walk you through the primary documents that are included in a financial report and explain each one in turn. Not only will it explain what each report is, but it will also discuss how to assess the information and what it means. Then, it will show you basic examples of how to create each one without overcomplicating the process. By the time you finish readingFinancial Reporting: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Financial Reports and Performing Financial Analysis, you will feel more confident in your knowledge and ability to Create and analyze a financial report Understand the different rules and regulations for businesses and companies in regards to reporting their finances Acquire knowledge and understanding of some of the terms that are frequently used within the finance industry as a whole Get the book now to learn more about Financial Reporting!
Italeri Lancia HF Integrale- 1:24
Sælger: Pris: 254.12 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Italeri Lancia HF Integral - 1:24Den firehjulstrukne Lancia Delta HF betragtes som et ikon i rallykonkurrencernes historie.Delta HF blev produceret i anden halvdel af 80'erne og deltog i World Rally Championship fra 1987 til 1988, hvor den vandt to verdensmesterskaber og opnåede vigtige resultater i mange konkurrencer som Rallye de Monte-Carlo og Rallye San Remo. Lancia Delta Integrale var en videreudvikling af Delta HF. Den blev introduceret i 1988 og dominerede World Rally Championship.Lancia HF Integrale blev opdateret med mange æstetiske detaljer, der gjorde den mere muskuløs og aggressiv, som de forstørrede skærme og det nydesignede luftindtag på motorhjelmen, og den blev også forbedret med hensyn til køreegenskaber og motorydelse. Den turboladede motor på 1995 cm3 øgede effekten til 185 hk. Lancia Delta Integrale dominerede World Rally Championship mellem 80'erne og begyndelsen af 90'erne og bragte mange berømte racerkører som Miki Biasion og Juha Kankkunen til sejr.* Modellen er i scala 1:24* Længen er 16 cm.* Sværhedsgraden er 3Denne model kommer uden lim og maling. Der anbefales følgende Italeri farver til denne model:F Black 4768APG White 4696AP Vi har lavet en maling converter fra Italeri maling til andre mærker. Du kan hente tabellen her, den fylder ca. 14 mb. men giver et godt overblik over hvilke farver du skal bruge.Download tabellen her (For nemheds skyld har vi allerede markeret den tilhørende Revell malingen nedenunder)
Financial Accounting, Global Edition + Mylab Accounting With Pearson Etext (Package) - Walter Harrison - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 839.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)For courses in introductory financial accounting. A student-centered approach to financial accounting Accounting is the language of business, and understanding the role accounting plays in business is critical to a student's success in earning a business degree. Financial Accounting, International Financial Reporting Standards puts the focus on the purpose of accounting in business. With student-friendly examples and streamlined chapters, the 12th Edition delivers a student-centric approach to learning financial accounting. While maintaining its hallmark features of accuracy and lucidity, the twelfth edition also includes updated coverage of the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting; new and updated financial statements; real-world examples, illustrations, and exhibits; and discussions on how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted organizations.
HP 15c Collectors Edition Finans Lommeregner
Sælger: Pris: 1,623.75 dkr (+31.19 dkr)HP 15C Collectors Edition finans lommeregner Efter en pause på 12 år præsenterer HP stolt HP 15C Collector's Edition. Den bevarer det klassiske design, men har en 100 gange hurtigere processeringshastighed. Denne kompakte, letvægts lommeregner har en intuitiv horisontal grænseflade, der gør den perfekt til professionelle på farten. Inkluderer en trykt manual med en forord af Gene Wright og Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz. Specifikationer og funktioner: Programmerbar med betinget og ubetinget forgrening, underprogrammer og mere. Kan nu håndtere op til 672 trin af beregninger og 99 registre. Over 130 indbyggede funktioner, inklusive trigonometriske, eksponentielle og matrixoperationer. Drevet af 2× CR2032 batterier med en automatisk strømafbrydelsesfunktion efter 5 minutter. Tydelig LCD-skærm med 1 linje × 10 tegn.
Financial Accounting - David Alexander - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 614.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)For undergraduates and MBA students taking a first course in financial accounting. A clear approach to learning accounting, with an international focus Financial Accounting: An International Introduction, 7th Edition, by Alexander and Nobes is an essential textbook for undergraduates and MBA students worldwide taking a first course in financial accounting. It is the ideal book foryou if you have little prior knowledge, or are new to this subject area. The seventh edition retains the clear writing style and unique international focus which led to the success of previous editions. This approach enables thelearning of financial accounting in a way that is not country-specific. This fully updated text uses the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as its framework to explain key concepts and practices while linking them with contemporary real-life examples from around the world. Pearson, the world's learning company.
Earth Harbor Aurora Superfood Luminance Ampoule 30 Ml
Sælger: Pris: 239.00 dkr (+25.00 dkr)Aurora Superfood Luminance Ampoule er en lysnende og beroligende ampul.
Financial Management - For The Academy Profession Programme - Brugt Bog- Torben Rosenkilde Jensen
Sælger: Pris: 269.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This textbook in financial management provides a basic, up-to-date review of the financial issues faced by companies. It teaches students about models and methods to: analyse the basic financial situations faced by companies analyse companies manage company finances, including optimisation and budgeting analyse investments and financing options. The book is largely aimed at students who are studying on the marketing programmes, but it will also be of interest to others, including advanced-level financial management students. The book gives students a theoretical and practical basis from which to build up a holistic overview of key issues in financial management and decision-making processes. The book and its associated, but separate, collection of exercises can be used to support a range of types of learning, from structured courses to independent study. The data in the examples is available to download in Excel format from: Templates and solutions to some of the assignments are also available on the website.
Officielt Lancia Patch, Shield Logo, 60 x 60 mm
Sælger: Pris: 149.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Super detaljeret broderet officielt Lancia patch. Kan anvendes på forskellige overflader: nylon, bomuld, fleece, læder... Officielt Lancia produkt med etiket og serienummer, som bekræfter dets ægthed. Mål: 60 x 60 mm.
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