Der blev fundet 2447 produkter som matchede din søgning efter analysis i 10 butikker:
Analysis Of The Cognitive Interview In Questionnaire Design - Gordon Willis - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 299.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Cognitive interviewing, based on the self-report methods of Ericsson and Simon, is a key form of qualitative research that has developed over the past thirty years. The primary objective of cognitive interviewing, also known as cognitive testing, is to understand the cognitive mechanisms underlying the survey-response process. An equally important aim is contributing to the development of best practices for writing survey questions that are well understood and that produce low levels of response error. In particular, an important applied objective is the evaluation of a particular set of questions, items, or other materials under development by questionnaire designers, to determine means for rewording, reordering, or reconceptualizing. Hence, as well as providing an empirical, psychologically oriented framework for the general study of questionnaire design, cognitive interviewing has been adopted as a 'production' mechanism for the improvement of a wide variety of survey questions, whether factual, behavioral, or attitudinal in nature. As with other methods that rely on qualitative data, cognitive interviewing has increasingly been criticized for being lax in the critical area of the development of systematic methods for data reduction, analysis, and reporting of results. Practitioners tend to conduct cognitive interviewing in varying ways, and the data coding and compilation activities undertaken are often nonstandardized and poorly described. There is a considerable need for further development-and documentation-relating not only to a description of this variation but also to providing a set of recommendations for minimal standards, if not best practices. The proposed volume endeavors to address this clear omission.
Beurer AS 80 Activity Sensor, Optimal Activity Control and Sleep Analysis, Calorie Consumption, with App, black
Sælger: Pris: 223.70 dkrOptimal activity control and sleep analysis with free HealthManager app. Number of steps, distance travelled, calorie consumption calculation, activity duration and achievement of daily movement goal. Continuously records physical activity. Records sleep movement activity and sleep duration. Alarm function with vibrating alarm wakes you (but not your partner).
Analysis of Biological Data
Sælger: Pris: 727.00 dkrThe evolution of a classicThe new 12th edition of Introduction to Genetic Analysis takes this cornerstone textbook to the next level.
Beurer Bf 183 Kropsanalysevægt
Sælger: Pris: 348.75 dkr (+81.19 dkr)Beurer BF 183 Kropsanalysevægt Ønsker du, at sikre dig at din kropssammensætning er sund og aldersvarende, er denne kropsanalysevægt perfekt til dig. Kropsanalysevægten måler flere sundhedsdata som vægt, fedt- og vandprocent. Derudover måles visceralt fedt og metabolisk alder, som er en rigtig god indikator for din sundhed. Det viscerale fedt sidder omkring organerne ved maven, og er et sundhedspunkt man bør være særlig opmærksom på, da meget visceral fedt giver øget risiko for alvorlige sygdomme. Den metaboliske alder, kan fortælle dig om dine sundhedsdata er tilsvarende din alder. Med alderen er det normalt at kropsammensætningen ændrer sig, men denne vægt kan give en indikation på om din krop er aldersvarende. BF 183 måler og beregner følgende: Kropsvægt Fedtprocent Visceralt fedt Vand i kroppen Muskelmasse BMI Metabolisk alder Kropsanalysevægten måler med et interval på 100 g eller 0,1 procent. Enkelt design med stort display Kropsanalysevægten har et ekstra stort display, med cifferstørrelse på 38 mm, så du nemt kan aflæse sundhedsværdierne. Vægten er udført i sikkerhedsglas og med elektroder i børstet rustfrit stål, der måler din kropssammensætning.Med denne vægt kan hele familien følge med i deres sundhedsdata. Kropsanalysevægten har en hukommelse på op til 10 brugere, og kan genkende brugere automatisk når de træder op. Personvægten har en kapacitet på op til 180 kg, og giver en overbelastningsindikator, hvis kapacitetsgrænsen overskrides. Den har desuden automatisk tænd/sluk funktion og kan måle i kg, lb og st. Der medfølger batteri, så du kan hoppe på vægten med det samme.
Analysis Of Electric Machinery And Drive Systems - Paul C. Krause - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 889.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Introducing a new edition of the popular reference on machine analysis Now in a fully revised and expanded edition, this widely used reference on machine analysis boasts many changes designed to address the varied needs of engineers in the electric machinery, electric drives, and electric power industries. The authors draw on their own extensive research efforts, bringing all topics up to date and outlining a variety of new approaches they have developed over the past decade. Focusing on reference frame theory that has been at the core of this work since the first edition, this volume goes a step further, introducing new material relevant to machine design along with numerous techniques for making the derivation of equations more direct and easy to use. Coverage includes: Completely new chapters on winding functions and machine design that add a significant dimension not found in any other text A new formulation of machine equations for improving analysis and modeling of machines coupled to power electronic circuits Simplified techniques throughout, from the derivation of torque equations and synchronous machine analysis to the analysis of unbalanced operation A unique generalized approach to machine parameters identification A first-rate resource for engineers wishing to master cutting-edge techniques for machine analysis, Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems is also a highly useful guide for students in the field.
Medisana kropsanalysevægt BS 465 hvid
Sælger: Pris: 352.00 dkrDenne BS 465-kropsanalysevægt fra Medisana er en stilfuld vægt, der nemt holder dig opdateret om din vægt samt mange andre informationer. Kropsanalysevægten måler også kropsfedt, kropsvand, muskelprocent og knoglevægt. Vægtens LCD-display viser forskellen mellem den aktuelle vægt og målvægten ved
Analysis Of Financial Time Series - Ruey S. Tsay - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,019.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book provides a broad, mature, and systematic introduction to current financial econometric models and their applications to modeling and prediction of financial time series data. It utilizes real-world examples and real financial data throughout the book to apply the models and methods described. The author begins with basic characteristics of financial time series data before covering three main topics: Analysis and application of univariate financial time series The return series of multiple assets Bayesian inference in finance methods Key features of the new edition include additional coverage of modern day topics such as arbitrage, pair trading, realized volatility, and credit risk modeling; a smooth transition from S-Plus to R; and expanded empirical financial data sets. The overall objective of the book is to provide some knowledge of financial time series, introduce some statistical tools useful for analyzing these series and gain experience in financial applications of various econometric methods.
Medisana kropsanalysevægt BS 445 180 kg hvid
Sælger: Pris: 472.00 dkrTakket være det innovative samarbejde mellem din smartphone og denne vægt kan du altid holde øje med dine målinger og kropsdata både hjemme og på farten med denne kropsanalysevægt BS 445 med Bluetooth Smart- teknologi fra Medisana. Når vægten skal bruges, træder du blot op på de 4 nøjagtige strain
Analysis Of Genuine Karate : Misconceptions, Origins, Development, And True Purpose - Bayer Herman - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 384.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Genuine karate is an Okinawan martial art for self-defense; its ongoing globalization has jeopardized its inherent effectiveness. "The changes made to karate in mainland Japan and in America have altered karate so intrinsically that it can no longer claim to be genuine karate." Dr. Hermann Bayer, Ph.D., examines how Japan re-interpreted Okinawan karate to create its own unique style of karate-do, and how Japanese and American changes resulted in a modern karate-sport business. Practitioners of karate are often confused, misguided, and even led to believe that karate is just karate-this is far from the truth. Practitioners need a clear understanding of what their training can offer them. This can only be achieved by understanding karate's true purpose and by discerning misconceptions from facts. Contents include Okinawan karate's "principle of never changing kata". Karate as an Okinawan cultural heritage. Socio-cultural arguments to preserve Okinawa karate-as is. Japan-the karate reproducing country. Karate or Karate-do? The business of karate, karate-do, and karate-sport. Scientific proof of a peaceful karate mind. The laws of physics reveal weaknesses when kata are changed. This substantially researched work makes a compelling case for the socio-cultural and historic arguments to conserve genuine Okinawan karate. Supported by historical facts, scientific analysis, and public records, Dr. Bayer reveals, for all to see, the complex evolution of karate and the unsettled claims made upon it by the various stake-holders.
Medisana kropsanalysevægt BS 444 180 kg hvid
Sælger: Pris: 442.00 dkrTakket være det innovative samarbejde mellem din smartphone og denne kropsanalysevægt BS 444 med Bluetooth Smart-teknologi fra Medisana kan du altid holde øje med dine målinger og kropsdata, både hjemme og på farten. Når vægten skal bruges, træder du blot op på de 4 nøjagtige strain gauge-elektroder
Analysis Of Panel Data - Cheng Hsiao - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 354.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Now in its fourth edition, this comprehensive introduction of fundamental panel data methodologies provides insights on what is most essential in panel literature. A capstone to the forty-year career of a pioneer of panel data analysis, this new edition's primary contribution will be the coverage of advancements in panel data analysis, a statistical method widely used to analyze two or higher-dimensional panel data. The topics discussed in early editions have been reorganized and streamlined to comprehensively introduce panel econometric methodologies useful for identifying causal relationships among variables, supported by interdisciplinary examples and case studies. This book, to be featured in Cambridge's Econometric Society Monographs series, has been the leader in the field since the first edition. It is essential reading for researchers, practitioners and graduate students interested in the analysis of microeconomic behavior.
Beurer Bg 13 Kropsanalysevægt, Glasvægt
Sælger: Pris: 298.75 dkr (+81.19 dkr)Beurer BG 13 kropsanalyse vægtBeurer BG 13 er en flot og stilren kropsanalysevægt i et let og elegant design, med en tykkelse på blot 18mm. Vægten er fremstillet med en vejeoverflade af 6 mm kraftigt sikkerhedsglas og 2 elektroder af børstet stål, som effektivt registrere og beregner dine resultater. BG 13 er forsynet med et stort og tydeligt display og med en cifferstørrelse på hele 38 mm, får du en let og sikker aflæsning.Vægten beregner kroppens fedt%, vand%, muskelmasse% samt BMI. Vægten har en kapacitet på 150 kg og indikerer ved overkapacitet. Vægten har en praktisk indbygget hukommelse for 10 brugere samt et aktivitetsniveau inddelt i 5 niveauer og giver dig nemt skifte mellem måleenhederne; kg, lb og st.Beurer BG 13 - en flot og praktisk accessorie til badeværelset!Måleskala: kg / lb / stKapacitet: 150 kgAntal brugere: 10 brugereAktivitets niveauer: 5Kropsfedt: Ja i % med 0,1% intervalKropsvæske: Ja i % med 0,1% intervalMuskelmasse: Ja i % med 0,1% intervalBMI: JaMål: 30 x 30 x 1,8 cm.Talstørrelse: 38 mmAutosluk / overkapacitet indikator: JaOpstart: Quick startOverflade: SikkerhedsglasBatteri: 1 x 3V CR2032 knapcellebatteri (medfølger)
Analysis Of Jacques Derrida'S Structure, Sign, And Play In The Discourse Of The Human Sciences - Tim Smith-Laing - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 89.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Jacques Derrida's Structure, Sign, and Play is one of the most controversial and influential philosophical texts of the 20th century. Delivered at a conference on structuralism at Johns Hopkins, the lecture took aim at the critical and philosophical fashions of the time and radically proposing a world in which meaning cannot be pinned down or traced to an origin, but instead is continuously shifting, fleeting, and open to play. Hailed by many as a watershed in philosophy and literary theory, Derrida's lecture has shaped both disciplines. At once dense, brilliant, and humorous, it is a crucial read for anyone interested in questioning our natural assumptions about meaning in the world.
Beurer Bg 17 Kropsanalysevægt, Glasvægt
Sælger: Pris: 398.75 dkr (+81.19 dkr)Beurer BG 17 kropsanalyse vægtBeurer BG 17 er en flot og stilren kropsanalysevægt i et let og elegant design, med en tykkelse på blot 18mm. Vægten er fremstillet med en vejeoverflade af 6 mm kraftigt sikkerhedsglas og 2 elektroder af børstet stål, som smukt forener det stilfulde look og sikrer en perfekt forbindelse mellem vægt og fødder. BG 17 er forsynet med et stort og tydeligt display og med en cifferstørrelse på hele 40 mm, så du får en let og sikker aflæsning.Vægten beregner kroppens fedt%, vand% samt muskelmasse%. Vægten har en kapacitet på 150 kg og har en praktisk indbygget hukommelse for 10 brugere samt et aktivitetsniveau inddelt i 5 niveauer samtidigt med at du nemt kan skifte mellem måleenhederne; kg, lb og st.Beurer BG 17 - en flot og praktisk accessorie til badeværelset!Måleskala: Kg. / Lb. / St.Kapacitet: 150 Kg.Antal brugere: 10 brugereAktivitets niveauer: 5Kropsfedt: Ja i % med 0,1% intervalKropsvæske: Ja i % med 0,1% intervalMuskelmasse: Ja i % med 0,1% intervalBMI: NejMål: 30 x 30 x 1,8 cm.Talstørrelse: 40 mmAutosluk: JaOpstart: Tap onOverflade: SikkerhedsglasBatteri: 1 x 3V CR2032 knapcellebatteri (medfølger)
Analysis Of Multivariate Social Science Data - David J. Bartholomew - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 389.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Drawing on the authors'' varied experiences working and teaching in the field, Analysis of Multivariate Social Science Data , Second Edition enables a basic understanding of how to use key multivariate methods in the social sciences. With updates in every chapter, this edition expands its topics to include regression analysis, con
Salter Smart Bluetooth Badevægt M. Analyse, Hvid
Sælger: Pris: 798.75 dkr (+81.19 dkr)Salter smart bluetooth badevægt m. analyse, hvid Hold styr på din krops udvikling med denne kropsanalysevægt fra Salter. Denne kropsanalysevægt måler din vægt, kropsfedtprocent, kropsvandprocent, muskelmasse, knoglemasse, BMI og BMR (basalstofskifte). Du kan tilmed tilslutte din smartphone til den let anvendelige Mibody app, så du nemt kan holde øje med dine fremskridt. Specifikationer: Hukommelse op til 8 brugereMax 200 kgTræd op og afløs øjeblikkelig din vægt +/- 0,1 kg Stort belyst display Udført i hærdet glas Børne og atlet mode Batteri inkluderet Mål: 31 x 33,5 x 3,5 cm
Analysis Of Evidence - William Twining - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 449.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This extensively revised second edition is a rigorous introduction to the construction and criticism of arguments about questions of fact, and to the marshalling and evaluation of evidence at all stages of litigation. It covers the principles underlying the logic of proof; the uses and dangers of story-telling; standards for decision and the relationship between probabilities and proof; the chart method and other methods of analyzing and ordering evidence in fact-investigation, in preparing for trial, and in connection with other important decisions in legal processes and in criminal investigation and intelligence analysis. Most of the chapters in this new edition have been rewritten; the treatment of fact investigation, probabilities and narrative has been extended; and new examples and exercises have been added. Designed as a flexible tool for undergraduate and postgraduate courses on evidence and proof, students, practitioners and teachers alike will find this book challenging but rewarding.
HI badevægt med kropsanalyse sølvfarvet
Sælger: Pris: 303.00 dkrKropsanalysevægten fra HI måler mere end bare din kropsvægt. Det er en nøjagtig vægt med sensorer med høj præcision for en grundig kropsanalyse. Dit kropsfedt og din kropsvæske måles også meget præcist. Den store LCD-skærm er letaflæselig, og vægten er let at betjene med sensorberøringsfunktion.
Analysis, Synthesis, And Design Of Chemical Processes - Richard Turton - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,289.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The Leading Integrated Chemical Process Design Guide: With Extensive Coverage of Equipment Design and Other Key Topics More than ever, effective design is the focal point of sound chemical engineering. Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes, Fifth Edition, presents design as a creative process that integrates the big-picture and small details, and knows which to stress when and why. Realistic from start to finish, it moves readers beyond classroom exercises into open-ended, real-world problem solving. The authors introduce up-to-date, integrated techniques ranging from finance to operations, and new plant design to existing process optimization. The fifth edition includes updated safety and ethics resources and economic factors indices, as well as an extensive, new section focused on process equipment design and performance, covering equipment design for common unit operations, such as fluid flow, heat transfer, separations, reactors, and more. Conceptualization and analysis: process diagrams, configurations, batch processing, product design, and analyzing existing processes Economic analysis: estimating fixed capital investment and manufacturing costs, measuring process profitability, and more Synthesis and optimization: process simulation, thermodynamic models, separation operations, heat integration, steady-state and dynamic process simulators, and process regulation Chemical equipment design and performance: a full section of expanded and revamped coverage of designing process equipment and evaluating the performance of current equipment Advanced steady-state simulation: goals, models, solution strategies, and sensitivity and optimization results Dynamic simulation: goals, development, solution methods, algorithms, and solvers Societal impacts: ethics, professionalism, health, safety, environmental issues, and green engineering Interpersonal and communication skills: working in teams, communicating effectively, and writing better reports This text draws on a combined 55 years of innovative instruction at West Virginia University (WVU) and the University of Nevada, Reno. It includes suggested curricula for one- and two-semester design courses, case studies, projects, equipment cost data, and extensive preliminary design information for jump-starting more detailed analyses.
Pjur Analyse Me: Silikonbaseret Analgledemiddel, 100 ml
Sælger: Pris: 179.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)*** Pakken leveres i diskret emballage med diskret afsender *** Pjur Analyse Me - Perfekt til afslappende analsex! \r\nPjur Analyse Me er et silikonbaseret glidemiddel specielt designet til komfortabel analsex. Glidemidlet indeholder jojoba, der hjælper dig med at slappe af i de anale muskler, mens det høj kvalitet silikon sikrer effektiv og langvarig glideevne, så du kan nyde det fuldt ud. \r\nJojoba hjælper også med at berolige og fugte huden. Huden bliver blød og glat, hvilket gør at analmusklen kan slappe af. Derudover lover glidemidlet en fantastisk glideeffekt. \r\nGlidemidlet er designet til både kvinder og mænd. Det er fri for parfume, konserveringsmidler og tilsatte smagsstoffer og er sikkert at bruge sammen med kondom. \r\nAlle glidemidler fra Pjur er certificerede i henhold til European MDR (Medical Device Regulation), hvilket betyder at de klassificeres som medicinske udstyr og overholder strenge kvalitetskrav for din sikkerhed. \r\nIngredienser: Dimethicone, Dimethiconol, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Amyris Balsamifera Bark Oil. SpecifikationLatexsikkert: JaKonsistens: TyktflydendeGlidemiddelbase: SilikonVolumen: 100 ml
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