Der blev fundet 891 produkter som matchede din søgning efter intellectual i 9 butikker:
Intellectual Property Rights Management - L. Alkaersig - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 419.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book explores how the entire toolbox of intellectual property (IP) protection and management are successfully combined and how firms generate value from IP. It provides a framework of archetypes which firms will be able to self-identify with and which will allow companies to focus on the IP and IP Management issues most relevant to them.
O&M Hårpleje,O&M Original Mineral O&m; Fine Intellect Shampoo 350ml
Sælger: Pris: 188.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)O&M Fine Intellect Shampoo 350ml er skabt til dig med fint eller normalt hår, der ønsker ekstra volumen og fylde uden at gå på kompromis med hårets sundhed. Denne shampoo kombinerer kraften fra naturlige australske ingredienser som Lilly Pilly og Jojobaekstrakt, der begge arbejder for at give håret en naturlig løft og fylde.Lilly Pilly, en australsk plante, er rig på antioxidanter og vitaminer, som styrker hårets rødder og hjælper med at skabe en fyldigere hårstruktur. Jojobaekstraktet plejer håret i dybden, tilfører fugt og forhindrer håret i at blive tørt eller beskadiget, hvilket resulterer i et sundt og glansfuldt udseende.Denne shampoo er særlig velegnet til fint hår, der har brug for et ekstra løft, men den kan også bruges af dem med normalt eller farvet hår, som ønsker at forbedre hårets volumen. O&M Fine Intellect Shampoo renser håret skånsomt, fjerner ophobninger af produktrester, og efterlader håret med en frisk, let og voluminøs følelse.For at bruge O&M Fine Intellect Shampoo 350ml, påfør en passende mængde i vådt hår. Massér shampooen ind i hovedbunden og lad den arbejde sig gennem håret, og skyl derefter grundigt ud. Følg op med O&M Fine Intellect Conditioner for at opnå det bedste resultat og maksimere volumen og fylde. 3 gode grunde til at vælge O&M Fine Intellect Shampoo 350ml Volumengivende formel : Giver håret et naturligt løft og øger fylden, især velegnet til fint hår. Naturlige ingredienser : Beriget med Jojobaekstrakt og Lilly Pilly, som styrker og plejer håret uden skadelige kemikalier. Velegnet til farvet hår : Skånsom nok til daglig brug og sikrer, at farvet hår forbliver sundt og glansfuldt. Giv dit hår den volumen og pleje, det fortjener, med O&M Fine Intellect Shampoo 350ml, og oplev et fyldigere, sundere hår med hver vask!
Intellectual Life And Literature At Solovki 1923-1930 - Andrea Gullotta - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 219.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In 1923, the Soviet state decided to create a prison camp on the Solovki archipelago, the site of a former monastery. It became the laboratory of the Gulag, where the techniques of labour-camp exploitation were developed. Prisoners died by the hundreds both within the walls of the monastery and in the frozen forests beyond. Yet the camp’s activities in cultural re-education were surprisingly extensive. With the connivance of part of the administration, Solovki became a unique cultural citadel, where the values of a dying intelligentsia were reflected in the works and words of the prisoners, who numbered not only poets and actors but also figures such as the revered Russian scholar Dmitrii Likhachev (1906-99). Andrea Gullotta’s thoroughly documented study reconstructs the cultural history of the camp and provides an in-depth analysis of the literary works published in the press of the Solovki camp up until 1930, thus changing the current research frame on Gulag literature and shedding light on the extraordinary fight of an isolated group of men for intellectual freedom. Fresh and sophisticated, well-written and highly original, Gullotta’s book not only makes an important contribution to the history of Soviet literature, but also illuminates Soviet social and cultural history in 1920-30s. — Evgeny Dobrenko. Andrea Gullotta is lecturer in Russian at the University of Glasgow. He has also worked for the University of Palermo, the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the University of Padua, where he obtained his Ph.D. He is co-editor of the journal Avtobiografi¿, which deals with life-writing and the representation of the self in Russian culture.
O&M Hårpleje,O&M Original Mineral O&m; Fine Intellect Shampoo 1000ml
Sælger: Pris: 516.00 dkrO&M Fine Intellect Shampoo 1000ml er udviklet til dig, der har fint eller tyndt hår og ønsker ekstra volumen og fylde uden at tynge håret ned. Shampooen er beriget med naturlige australske ingredienser som Lilly Pilly, en kraftfuld planteekstrakt, der naturligt tilfører håret fylde ved at booste volumen ved rødderne. Derudover indeholder shampooen også jojobaolie, som fugter og plejer håret uden at gøre det tungt.Denne shampoo arbejder effektivt på at styrke hårets struktur, samtidig med at den renser hovedbunden og fjerner overskydende olie og urenheder. Det gør håret lettere, luftigt og mere medgørligt, hvilket resulterer i en frisk og voluminøs frisure. Den milde formel er velegnet til daglig brug og er ideel for dem, der ønsker at opnå langvarig volumen og fylde i deres hår.For at bruge O&M Fine Intellect Shampoo 1000ml, påfør en passende mængde i vådt hår og massér shampooen ind i hovedbunden og håret. Skyl grundigt med lunkent vand. Gentag om nødvendigt for en dybere rensning. For optimale resultater anbefales det at følge op med O&M Fine Intellect Conditioner, som hjælper med at bevare volumen og styrke i håret. 3 gode grunde til at vælge O&M Fine Intellect Shampoo 1000ml Volumengivende formel : Tilfører håret synlig fylde og styrke, hvilket gør det ideelt for fint eller tyndt hår. Naturlige ingredienser : Beriget med australsk Lilly Pilly og jojobaolie, der arbejder sammen for at skabe volumen og pleje håret. Velegnet til daglig brug : Mild nok til daglig brug, hvilket gør det nemt at opretholde en frisk og voluminøs frisure hver dag. Oplev, hvordan O&M Fine Intellect Shampoo 1000ml kan forvandle dit fine hår til fyldigt, glansfuldt og sundt hår med en vægtløs fornemmelse!
Intellectual Property Protection For Plant Related Innovation - Michael Andreas Kock - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 789.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The book reviews the history, present, and likely future of intellectual property for plant-related inventions. It describes “what works” and “what does not work” in the current situation and analyzes whether the current intellectual property framework will be able to cope with the rise of genome editing/new breeding technologies (especially CRISPR Cas). Based on trend data, the analysis shows that the current system, including stakeholder initiatives, will most likely not be able to adapt to the technology change. It then evaluates different options for legislators to respond and proposes in detail a new holistic IP system which merges elements of the patent and the plant variety protection system into one new system.
O&M Hårpleje,O&M Original Mineral O&m; Fine Intellect Conditioner 350ml
Sælger: Pris: 188.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)O&M Fine Intellect Conditioner 350ml er specielt udviklet til at give fint og slapt hår den volumen og fylde, det fortjener. Denne balsam er beriget med en unik blanding af naturlige australske ingredienser, såsom Jojobaolie og Lilly Pilly, som arbejder i synergi for at styrke og pleje håret i dybden. Jojobaolie tilfører essentiel fugt og beskytter håret mod udtørring, mens Lilly Pilly hjælper med at give håret en naturlig løft ved at styrke hårets struktur.Denne conditioner er let nok til daglig brug og efterlader håret blødt og håndterbart uden at virke tungt eller fedtet. Den er perfekt til dig, der ønsker mere fylde i håret, men som stadig vil bevare en naturlig og let følelse. Håret føles let, luftigt og får en smuk glans, der varer hele dagen.For at bruge O&M Fine Intellect Conditioner, påfør en passende mængde i nyvasket, fugtigt hår. Arbejd balsammen ind fra midten af håret til spidserne, og lad den virke i 2-3 minutter. Skyl grundigt ud med lunkent vand for at sikre, at alle produktrester er fjernet, og style håret som ønsket. Kombiner den med O&M Fine Intellect Shampoo for de bedste resultater. 3 gode grunde til at vælge O&M Fine Intellect Conditioner 350ml Tilfører volumen og fylde : Perfekt til fint og slapt hår, der har brug for ekstra løft og fylde. Letvægtsformel : Styrker og plejer håret uden at tynge det ned, hvilket giver en naturlig og let fornemmelse. Naturlige ingredienser : Indeholder Jojobaolie og Lilly Pilly, som nærer håret og beskytter mod udtørring og skader. Oplev, hvordan O&M Fine Intellect Conditioner 350ml kan forvandle dit fine hår til fyldigt, glansfuldt og velplejet hår hver dag!
Intellectual Disability In A Post-Neoliberal World - Jennifer Clegg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 334.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book suggests and promotes new paradigms for intellectual disability. Challenging the predominant neoliberal agenda, it combines extensive clinical experience, conceptual analysis, and recent research. The authors explore the way that promotion of autonomy and choice overlooks the fundamentally relational needs of people with intellectual disabilities by examining four significant, repeating themes. What neoliberal policies are and how they suffocate innovation; the recurring scandals that characterise ID services in all cultures; the counter-intuitive belief that behavioural interventions can somehow address emotional distress; and fundamental tensions in the relationship between parents and services. Each chapter proposes alternative and hopeful ways to address the 40% of people with intellectual disabilities whose distress generates challenges for parents and staff. Written primarily for intellectual disability researchers, professionals, service managers, and policy-makers, this book constitutes a useful reading also for scholars in psychology, psychiatry and nursing, as well as specialist historians, geographers, sociologists, and social anthropologists engaged with intellectual disabilities.
Heart Pointelle Lounge Vest Female
Sælger: Pris: 55.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Stay cosy this season with a onesieThe onesie has fast become a wardrobe staple. Snuggle up in a super soft hooded onesie, or have a bit of fun with animal prints and novelty onesies! Whether you’re having a pamper night in or giving as a gift, a onesie is a must-have this season.
Intellectual Property Of Textiles And Fashion: From The Medieval Loom To The New York Fashion Week - Nuno Pires De Carvalho - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,609.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Rampant global counterfeiting has led the fashion industry to seek ever greater enforcement of its intellectual property (IP) rights. Yet, as this hugely informative book shows, this is not new. Fashion designers and entrepreneurs, as well as manufacturers and tradespeople in the broader textiles industry from which fashion springs, have always struggled to convert existing IP rules to an industry that wasand isconfigured by the pressure of intrinsically fleeting consumer tastes and trends. The distinguished author, adding to the series of major works that have made him a leading authority on IP law, triumphantly reveals in great detail how society has constructed IP in association with textiles so as to accommodate it to the particular characteristics of fashion that emerged in the last century. More than two hundred sources, many of them for the first time available in English, illustrated with fifty figures, allow the reader to directly encounter those who have made and continue to make the IP of textiles and fashion. The underlying raisons d'tre of such aspects as the following become brilliantly clear: how fashion designers protect their creations against the spread of knock-offs; how fashion entrepreneurs appropriate prestige and reputation; how an iconic design becomes a brand or acquires secondary meaning; and how such inventions as the sewing machine and the cotton gin affected IP rights in textiles and fashion. Each source is preceded by a note placing it in its social, economic, and legal context. The sources are structured in two chapters (business identifierstrade and certification marks, geographical indicationsand appropriation of knowledge and creativitypatents, designs, copyright, and trade secrets) so as to permit an easy understanding of the enchainment of important moments that have contributed to give IP for textiles and fashion its special configuration, in particular the transition from textile law to fashion law. With this book, listening directly to the voices of those who have made and make IP, academics, students, magistrates, professionals, and the legal community as a whole will have a clear and realistic sense of how the combination of the entrepreneurial spirit with the imperatives of human consumption has designed and continues designing the special scope and limits of IP as applied to textiles and fashion.
Ginza Love Actually (Blu-ray)
Sælger: Pris: 117.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)En stjärnspäckad kärlekskomedi där 10 separata historier vävs samman. Vi får bland annat möta premiärministern som förälskar sig i sin medarbetare, författaren som reser till Frankrike med krossat hjärta, det äkta paret som börjar glida isär och den nyblivna bruden som inte vet om hon är kär. Alla drabbas de av kärlek, möjlig och omöjlig, flyktig och passionerad, ögonblicklig kärlek eller kärlek som mognat fram.I rollerna ser vi Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Colin Firth, Laura Linney, Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Keira Knightley, Bill Nighy, Rowan Atkinson m.fl.SKÅDESPELARE:Hugh GrantLiam NeesonColin FirthLaura LinneyEmma ThompsonAlan RickmanKeira KnightleyMartine McCutcheonBill NighyRowan AtkinsonAndrew LincolnBilly Bob ThorntonMartin FreemanThomas SangsterKris MarshallHeike MakatschClaudia SchifferIvana MilicevicElisha CuthbertShannon ElizabethDenise RichardsÖVRIGT:Mediatyp: Blu-rayProduktionsår: 2003Produktionsland: EnglandRegi: Richard CurtisManus: Richard CurtisÅldersgräns: 7 årRegion: 2Distributör: UniversalBild: 2.35:1 Widescreen AnamorphicSpråk: EngelskaText: Svenska, Norska, Danska, FinskaLjud: dts-HD 5.1Längd: 2 tim 15 minStreckkod: 5709165305825SKU: 310954EXTRAS:Bortklippta scenerMusikvideon mm mm
Intellectuals And Society - Thomas Sowell - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 254.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This much revised and reorganized edition of Intellectuals and Society is more than half again larger than the first edition. Four new chapters have been added on intellectuals and race, including a chapter on race and intelligence. These new chapters show the radically different views of race prevailing among the intelligentsia at the beginning of the twentieth century and at the end- and yet how each of these opposite views of race had the same dogmatic quality and the same refusal to countenance differing opinions among their contemporaries, much less engage dissenting opinions in serious debate. Moreover, each of these very different views of race produced flourishes of rhetoric and travesties of logic, leading to dire social consequences, though of very different sorts in the two eras. Other additions to this edition include a critique of John Rawls' conception or justice and a re-examination of the so-called "trickle-down theory" behind "tax cuts for the rich." There are other revisions, from the preface to the final chapter, the latter being extensively rewritten to bring together and highlight the themes of the other chapters, and to make unmistakably clear what Intellectuals and Society is, and is not, seeking to do.
Ginza Love Actually (DVD)
Sælger: Pris: 117.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Från skaparna av Notting Hill och Bridget Jones Dagbok kommer nu en ny härlig romantisk komedi. En stjärnspäckad biosuccée med fantastisk filmmusik.I Love Actually vävs flera historier och karaktärer samman med en gemensam nämnare - kärleken. Vissa av historierna är romantiska och lyckliga medan andra är sorgliga. De utspelar sig i London veckorna innan jul. När julen väl kommer, har livet för de inblandade förändrats på det mest oväntade sätt. Om du vågar se dig omkring, kommer du att upptäcka att kärleken finns överalltEn av världens bästa romatiska komedier någonsin!SKÅDESPELARE:Hugh GrantEma ThompsonKeira KnightleyRowan AtkinsonÖVRIGT:Mediatyp: DVDProduktionsår: 2003Produktionsland: EnglandRegi: Richard CurtisManus: Richard CurtisÅldersgräns: 7 årRegion: 2Distributör: UniversalBild: 2.35:1 Widescreen AnamorphicSpråk: EngelskaText: Svenska, Norska, Danska, FinskaLjud: Dolby Digital 5.1Längd: 2 tim 9 minStreckkod: 5709165295829SKU: 310047EXTRAS:Bortklippta scenerMusikvideon mm mm
Intellectual And Manual Labour: A Critique Of Epistemology - Alfred Sohn-Rethel - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 409.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Alfred Sohn-Rethel's Intellectual and Manual Labour is one of the major texts of post-war Marxist theory. A tremendous influence on the central figures of the Frankfurt School, with ongoing relevance to current debates about value, abstraction, and domination, Sohn-Rethel's ideas are here presented at their fullest scope and with their greatest theoretical clarity. Out of print for many years, this Historical Materialism edition contains a new introduction by Chris O'Kane, an afterword by Chris Arthur, and a compilation of the responses to Intellectual and Manual Labour published in the Italian journal Lotta Continua, including a substantial article by Antonio Negri.
Pointelle Open Back Skater Dress Female
Sælger: Pris: 210.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Dresses are the most-wanted wardrobe item for day-to-night dressing. From cool-tone whites to block brights, we've got the everyday skater dresses and party-ready bodycon styles that are perfect for transitioning from day to play. Minis, midis and maxis are our motto, with classic jersey always genius and printed cami dresses the season's killer cut - add skyscraper heels for a seriously statement look. Dress up or down in style with boohoo.
Intellectuals Incorporated - Robert Vanderlan - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 609.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Publishing tycoon Henry Luce famously championed many conservative causes, and his views as a capitalist and cold warrior were reflected in his glossy publications. Republican Luce aimed squarely for the Middle American masses, yet his magazines attracted intellectually and politically ambitious minds who were moved by the democratic aspirations of the New Deal and the left. Much of the best work of intellectuals such as James Agee, Archibald MacLeish, Daniel Bell, John Hersey, and Walker Evans owes a great debt to their experiences writing for Luce and his publications. Intellectuals Incorporated tells the story of the serious writers and artists who worked for Henry Luce and his magazines Time , Fortune , and Life between 1923 and 1960, the period when the relationship between intellectuals, the culture industry, and corporate capitalism assumed its modern form. Countering the notions that working for corporations means selling out and that the true life of the mind must be free from institutional ties, historian Robert Vanderlan explains how being embedded in the corporate culture industries was vital to the creative efforts of mid-century thinkers. Illuminating their struggles through careful research and biographical vignettes, Vanderlan shows how their contributions to literary journalism and the wider political culture would have been impossible outside Luce's media empire. By paying attention to how these writers and photographers balanced intellectual aspiration with journalistic perspiration, Intellectuals Incorporated advances the idea of the intellectual as a connected public figure who can engage and criticize organizations from within.
Heart Pointelle Lounge Vest black 42 Female
Sælger: Pris: 55.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Stay cosy this season with a onesieThe onesie has fast become a wardrobe staple. Snuggle up in a super soft hooded onesie, or have a bit of fun with animal prints and novelty onesies! Whether you’re having a pamper night in or giving as a gift, a onesie is a must-have this season.
Intellectuals: From Marx And Tolstoy To Sartre And Chomsky - Paul Johnson - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 214.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)"Johnson revels in all the wicked things these great thinkers have done...great fun to read." -- New York Times Book Review A fascinating portrait of the minds that have shaped the modern world. In an intriguing series of case studies, Rousseau, Shelley, Marx, Ibsen, Tolstoy, Hemingway, Bertrand Russell, Brecht, Sartre, Edmund Wilson, Victor Gollancz, Lillian Hellman, Cyril Connolly, Norman Mailer, James Baldwin, Kenneth Tynan, and Noam Chomsky, among others, are revealed as intellectuals both brilliant and contradictory, magnetic and dangerous.
Pointelle Open Back Skater Dress white 44 Female
Sælger: Pris: 210.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Dresses are the most-wanted wardrobe item for day-to-night dressing. From cool-tone whites to block brights, we've got the everyday skater dresses and party-ready bodycon styles that are perfect for transitioning from day to play. Minis, midis and maxis are our motto, with classic jersey always genius and printed cami dresses the season's killer cut - add skyscraper heels for a seriously statement look. Dress up or down in style with boohoo.
Intellectual Property Law - Brad Sherman - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 489.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Intellectual Property Law is the definitive textbook on the subject. The authors' all-embracing approach not only clearly sets out the law in relation to copyright, patents, trade marks, passing off, and confidentiality, but also takes account of a wide range of academic opinion enabling readers to explore and make informed judgements about key principles. The particularly clear and lively writing style ensures that even the most complex areas are lucid and comprehensible. Digital formats and resources The sixth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support:
Pointelle Open Back Skater Dress white 36 Female
Sælger: Pris: 210.00 dkr (+39.90 dkr)Dresses are the most-wanted wardrobe item for day-to-night dressing. From cool-tone whites to block brights, we've got the everyday skater dresses and party-ready bodycon styles that are perfect for transitioning from day to play. Minis, midis and maxis are our motto, with classic jersey always genius and printed cami dresses the season's killer cut - add skyscraper heels for a seriously statement look. Dress up or down in style with boohoo.
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