Der blev fundet 82 produkter som matchede din søgning efter policing i 5 butikker:
Policing The Roman Empire - Christopher J. Fuhrmann - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 339.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Historians often regard the police as a modern development, and indeed, many pre-modern societies had no such institution. Most recent scholarship has claimed that Roman society relied on kinship networks or community self-regulation as a means of conflict resolution and social control. This model, according to Christopher Fuhrmann, fails to properly account for the imperial-era evidence, which argues in fact for an expansion of state-sponsored policing activities in the first three centuries of the Common Era. Drawing on a wide variety of source material-from art, archaeology, administrative documents, Egyptian papyri, laws, Jewish and Christian religious texts, and ancient narratives-Policing the Roman Empire provides a comprehensive overview of Roman imperial policing practices with chapters devoted to fugitive slave hunting, the pivotal role of Augustus, the expansion of policing under his successors, and communities lacking soldier-police that were forced to rely on self-help or civilian police. Rather than merely cataloguing references to police, this study sets policing in the broader context of Roman attitudes towards power, public order, and administration. Fuhrmann argues that a broad range of groups understood the potential value of police, from the emperors to the peasantry. Years of different police initiatives coalesced into an uneven patchwork of police institutions that were not always coordinated, effective, or upright. But the end result was a new means by which the Roman state-more ambitious than often supposed-could seek to control the lives of its subjects, as in the imperial persecutions of Christians. The first synoptic analysis of Roman policing in over a hundred years, and the first ever in English, Policing the Roman Empire will be of great interest to scholars and students of classics, history, law, and religion.
Ohyeah Splicing Satin Set XL (40 - 42)
Sælger: Pris: 172.00 dkrDette luksus Splicing Satin Set sigter mod et uimodståeligt look under romantisk og speciel aften med din elsker. Det sensuelle nattøj fremhæver din smukke kvindelige silhuet perfekt, mens du føler dig behagelig mod din hud. Materiale: 95% polyester + 5% spandex
Policing The Markets - James W. Williams - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 449.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Set against the backdrop of the recurring waves of financial scandal and crisis to hit Canada, the US, the UK, and Europe over the last decade, this book examines the struggles of securities enforcement agencies to police the financial markets. While allegations of regulatory failure in this realm are commonplace and are well documented in policy and legal scholarship, James Williams seeks to move beyond these conventional accounts arguing that they are based on a limited view of the regulatory process and overlook the actual practices and dilemmas of enforcement work. Informed by interviews with police, regulators, lawyers, accountants, and investor advocates, along with a wealth of documentary materials, the book is rooted in a uniquely interdisciplinary social science perspective. Peering inside the black box of enforcement, it examines the organizational, professional, geographical, technological, and legal influences that shape securities enforcement as a distinctly knowledge-based enterprise. The result of these influences, Williams argues, is the production of a very particular vision of financial disorder which captures certain forms of misconduct while overlooking others, a reflection not of incompetence or capture but of the unique demands and constraints of the regulatory craft. Providing a very different, and much needed, account of the challenges faced by regulators and enforcement agencies, this book will be of enormous interest to current research on enforcement, regulation, and governance both within and beyond the financial realm.
Ohyeah Splicing Satin Set 5XL (48 - 50)
Sælger: Pris: 172.00 dkrSplicing Satin SetMateriale: 95% polyester + 5% spandexPyjamassættet er lavet af et blødt og levende imiteret silkemateriale, der er perfekt til dem, der ønsker at føle sig godt tilpas og forkælet, mens de sover.En af de vigtigste fordele ved dette pyjamassæt er dets elegante og dragende design. Toppen af sættet har smukke blondedetaljer, der tilføjer et strejf af sofistikering til det overordnede look. De justerbare stropper og brystområdet gør det også nemt at finde den perfekte pasform, hvilket sikrer, at dette pyjamassæt er både behageligt og støttende.En anden fantastisk funktion er dens praktiske knap-op-design på bagsiden. Dette gør det nemt at tage på og af, hvilket især er nyttigt for dem, der leder efter et praktisk og behageligt pyjamassæt.Dette er også en alsidig mulighed, der er perfekt til både at slappe af i huset og sove. Det todelte design er stilfuldt og komfortabelt, hvilket gør det til en fantastisk investering for alle, der ønsker at føle sig selvsikker og komfortabel til enhver tid.Afslutningsvis er dette et luksuriøst og behageligt nattøjssæt, der er perfekt til alle, der ønsker at føle sig forkælede og stilfulde, mens de sover. Med dets højkvalitetsmaterialer, elegante design og praktiske funktioner vil dette produkt helt sikkert blive en favorit i din lingerikollektion. Så hvorfor vente? Få din i dag, og begynd at føle dig selvsikker og godt tilpas i din egen hud.
Policing Chinese Politics - Michael Dutton - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 354.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Beginning with the bloody communist purges of the Jiangxi era of the late 1920s and early 1930s and moving forward to the wild excesses of the Cultural Revolution, Policing Chinese Politics explores the question of revolutionary violence and the political passion that propels it. “Who are our enemies, who are our friends, that is a question germane to the revolution,” wrote Mao Zedong in 1926. Michael Dutton shows just how powerful this one line was to become. It would establish the binary division of life in revolutionary China and lead to both passionate commitment and revolutionary excess. The political history of revolutionary China, he argues, is largely framed by the attempts of Mao and the Party to harness these passions. The economic reform period that followed Mao Zedong’s rule contained a hint as to how the magic spell of political faith and commitment could be broken, but the cost of such disenchantment was considerable. This detailed, empirical tale of Chinese socialist policing is, therefore, more than simply a police story. It is a parable that offers a cogent analysis of Chinese politics generally while radically redrafting our understanding of what politics is all about. Breaking away from the traditional elite modes of political analysis that focus on personalities, factions, and betrayals, and from “rational” accounts of politics and government, Dutton provides a highly original understanding of the far-reaching consequences of acts of faith and commitment in the realm of politics.
Ohyeah Splicing Satin Set M (36 - 38)
Sælger: Pris: 172.00 dkrSplicing Satin SetMateriale: 95% polyester + 5% spandexPyjamassættet er lavet af et blødt og levende imiteret silkemateriale, der er perfekt til dem, der ønsker at føle sig godt tilpas og forkælet, mens de sover.En af de vigtigste fordele ved dette pyjamassæt er dets elegante og dragende design. Toppen af sættet har smukke blondedetaljer, der tilføjer et strejf af sofistikering til det overordnede look. De justerbare stropper og brystområdet gør det også nemt at finde den perfekte pasform, hvilket sikrer, at dette pyjamassæt er både behageligt og støttende.En anden fantastisk funktion er dens praktiske knap-op-design på bagsiden. Dette gør det nemt at tage på og af, hvilket især er nyttigt for dem, der leder efter et praktisk og behageligt pyjamassæt.Dette er også en alsidig mulighed, der er perfekt til både at slappe af i huset og sove. Det todelte design er stilfuldt og komfortabelt, hvilket gør det til en fantastisk investering for alle, der ønsker at føle sig selvsikker og komfortabel til enhver tid.Afslutningsvis er dette et luksuriøst og behageligt nattøjssæt, der er perfekt til alle, der ønsker at føle sig forkælede og stilfulde, mens de sover. Med dets højkvalitetsmaterialer, elegante design og praktiske funktioner vil dette produkt helt sikkert blive en favorit i din lingerikollektion. Så hvorfor vente? Få din i dag, og begynd at føle dig selvsikker og godt tilpas i din egen hud.
Policing Bodies - I. India Thusi - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 254.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Sex work occupies a legally gray space in Johannesburg, South Africa, and police attitudes towards it are inconsistent and largely unregulated. As I. India Thusi argues in Policing Bodies , this results in both room for negotiation that can benefit sex workers and also extreme precarity in which the security police officers provide can be offered and taken away at a moment's notice. Sex work straddles the line between formal and informal. Attitudes about beauty and subjective value are manifest in formal tasks, including police activities, which are often conducted in a seemingly ad hoc manner. However, high-level organizational directives intended to regulate police obligations and duties toward sex workers also influence police action and tilt the exercise of discretion to the formal. In this liminal space, this book considers how sex work is policed and how it should be policed. Challenging discourses about sexuality and gender that inform its regulation, Thusi exposes the limitations of dominant feminist arguments regarding the legal treatment of sex work. This in-depth, historically informed ethnography illustrates the tension between enforcing a country's laws and protecting citizens' human rights.
Ohyeah Splicing Satin Set 3XL (44 - 46)
Sælger: Pris: 172.00 dkrSplicing Satin SetMateriale: 95% polyester + 5% spandexPyjamassættet er lavet af et blødt og levende imiteret silkemateriale, der er perfekt til dem, der ønsker at føle sig godt tilpas og forkælet, mens de sover.En af de vigtigste fordele ved dette pyjamassæt er dets elegante og dragende design. Toppen af sættet har smukke blondedetaljer, der tilføjer et strejf af sofistikering til det overordnede look. De justerbare stropper og brystområdet gør det også nemt at finde den perfekte pasform, hvilket sikrer, at dette pyjamassæt er både behageligt og støttende.En anden fantastisk funktion er dens praktiske knap-op-design på bagsiden. Dette gør det nemt at tage på og af, hvilket især er nyttigt for dem, der leder efter et praktisk og behageligt pyjamassæt.Dette er også en alsidig mulighed, der er perfekt til både at slappe af i huset og sove. Det todelte design er stilfuldt og komfortabelt, hvilket gør det til en fantastisk investering for alle, der ønsker at føle sig selvsikker og komfortabel til enhver tid.Afslutningsvis er dette et luksuriøst og behageligt nattøjssæt, der er perfekt til alle, der ønsker at føle sig forkælede og stilfulde, mens de sover. Med dets højkvalitetsmaterialer, elegante design og praktiske funktioner vil dette produkt helt sikkert blive en favorit i din lingerikollektion. Så hvorfor vente? Få din i dag, og begynd at føle dig selvsikker og godt tilpas i din egen hud.
Policing The Womb - Michele Goodwin - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 159.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In Policing the Womb, Michele Goodwin explores how states abuse laws and infringe on rights to police women and their pregnancies. This book looks at the impact of these often arbitrary laws which can result in the punishment, incarceration, and humiliation of women, particularly poor women and women of color. Frequently based on unscientific claims of endangering a fetus, these laws allow extraordinary powers to state authorities over reproductive freedom and pregnancies. In this book, Michele Goodwin discusses real examples of women whose pregnancies have been controlled by the law and what has led to the United States being the deadliest country in the developed world for a woman to be pregnant.
Ohyeah Splicing Satin Set XL (40 - 42)
Sælger: Pris: 172.00 dkrSplicing Satin SetMateriale: 95% polyester + 5% spandexPyjamassættet er lavet af et blødt og levende imiteret silkemateriale, der er perfekt til dem, der ønsker at føle sig godt tilpas og forkælet, mens de sover.En af de vigtigste fordele ved dette pyjamassæt er dets elegante og dragende design. Toppen af sættet har smukke blondedetaljer, der tilføjer et strejf af sofistikering til det overordnede look. De justerbare stropper og brystområdet gør det også nemt at finde den perfekte pasform, hvilket sikrer, at dette pyjamassæt er både behageligt og støttende.En anden fantastisk funktion er dens praktiske knap-op-design på bagsiden. Dette gør det nemt at tage på og af, hvilket især er nyttigt for dem, der leder efter et praktisk og behageligt pyjamassæt.Dette er også en alsidig mulighed, der er perfekt til både at slappe af i huset og sove. Det todelte design er stilfuldt og komfortabelt, hvilket gør det til en fantastisk investering for alle, der ønsker at føle sig selvsikker og komfortabel til enhver tid.Afslutningsvis er dette et luksuriøst og behageligt nattøjssæt, der er perfekt til alle, der ønsker at føle sig forkælede og stilfulde, mens de sover. Med dets højkvalitetsmaterialer, elegante design og praktiske funktioner vil dette produkt helt sikkert blive en favorit i din lingerikollektion. Så hvorfor vente? Få din i dag, og begynd at føle dig selvsikker og godt tilpas i din egen hud.
Policing Welfare Fraud - Scarlet Wilcock - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,309.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Policing Welfare Fraud charts and interrogates the suite of measures ostensibly designed to combat welfare fraud and non-compliance. In Australia, which serves as the empirical focus of this book, these strategies include stringent ID checks, pre-emptive data surveillance technologies including the infamous and illegal ‘robodebt’ programme, a dedicated fraud hotline and an ‘intelligence-led’ fraud investigation framework. Drawing on original documentary and interview data, including interviews with fraud investigators, this book unpacks the logics that underpin these anti-fraud initiatives with a focus on how these initiatives are imbued with logics and practices more readily associated with the criminal justice system. The central argument of the book is that the emergence of contemporary welfare compliance regimes represents a form of ‘governing through fraud’ in which the threat of welfare fraud has effectively necessitated a regime of criminalisation within the welfare state. This has been enabled by a broader process of neoliberal welfare reform, which has cast suspicion over all welfare use. The overall effect of this regime is to restrict access to social security, punish welfare recipients and stigmatise welfare use. Policing Welfare Fraud also highlights points of contradiction and multiplicity in the enactment of specific welfare compliance initiatives, including attempts by welfare officials to moderate or reformulate these strategies ‘on the ground’. These findings demonstrate that the criminalisation of welfare is neither uniform nor inexorable, and that more progressive welfare reform is possible. An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of criminology, sociology, politics and those interested in the policing of welfare recipients.
Ohyeah Splicing Satin Set XL (40 - 42)
Sælger: Pris: 172.00 dkrSplicing Satin SetMateriale: 95% polyester + 5% spandexPyjamassættet er lavet af et blødt og levende imiteret silkemateriale, der er perfekt til dem, der ønsker at føle sig godt tilpas og forkælet, mens de sover.En af de vigtigste fordele ved dette pyjamassæt er dets elegante og dragende design. Toppen af sættet har smukke blondedetaljer, der tilføjer et strejf af sofistikering til det overordnede look. De justerbare stropper og brystområdet gør det også nemt at finde den perfekte pasform, hvilket sikrer, at dette pyjamassæt er både behageligt og støttende.En anden fantastisk funktion er dens praktiske knap-op-design på bagsiden. Dette gør det nemt at tage på og af, hvilket især er nyttigt for dem, der leder efter et praktisk og behageligt pyjamassæt.Dette er også en alsidig mulighed, der er perfekt til både at slappe af i huset og sove. Det todelte design er stilfuldt og komfortabelt, hvilket gør det til en fantastisk investering for alle, der ønsker at føle sig selvsikker og komfortabel til enhver tid.Afslutningsvis er dette et luksuriøst og behageligt nattøjssæt, der er perfekt til alle, der ønsker at føle sig forkælede og stilfulde, mens de sover. Med dets højkvalitetsmaterialer, elegante design og praktiske funktioner vil dette produkt helt sikkert blive en favorit i din lingerikollektion. Så hvorfor vente? Få din i dag, og begynd at føle dig selvsikker og godt tilpas i din egen hud.
Just Policing - Jake Monaghan - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 209.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Policing is a source of perennial conflict and philosophical disagreement. Though the injustices of our world seemingly require some kind of policing, the police are often sources of injustice themselves. But this is not always a result of intentionally or negligently bad policing. Sometimes it is an unavoidable result of the injustices that emerge from interactions with other social systems. This raises an important question of just policing: how should police respond to the injustices built into the system? Just Policing attempts an answer, offering a theory of just policing in non-ideal contexts. Jake Monaghan argues that police discretion is not only unavoidable, but in light of non-ideal circumstances, valuable. This conflicts with a widespread but inchoate view of just policing, the legalist view that finds justice in faithful enforcement of the criminal code. But the criminal code leaves policing seriously underdetermined; full enforcement is neither possible nor desirable. So, police need an alternative normative framework for evaluating and guiding their exercise of power. Just Policing draws on research in political philosophy and the social sciences to engage a number of current controversies, both scholarly and popular, regarding the police. It critiques popular approaches to police abolitionism while defending normative limits on police power. The book offers a defense of police discretion against common objections and evaluates controversial issues in order maintenance, such as the policing of "vice" and homelessness, democratic control over policing, community policing initiatives, police collaborations and alternatives like mental health response teams, and possibilities for structural reform.
Ohyeah Splicing Satin Set 5XL (48 - 50)
Sælger: Pris: 172.00 dkrDette luksus Splicing Satin Set sigter mod et uimodståeligt look under romantisk og speciel aften med din elsker. Det sensuelle nattøj fremhæver din smukke kvindelige silhuet perfekt, mens du føler dig behagelig mod din hud. Materiale: 95% polyester + 5% spandex
Evidence-Based Policing - Jerry H. Ratcliffe - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 329.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)What is evidence-based policing and how is it done? This book provides an answer to both questions, offering an introduction for undergraduate students and a hands-on guide for police officers wanting to know how to put principles into practice. It serves as a gentle introduction to the terminology, ideas, and scientific methods associated with evidence-based policy, and outlines some of the existing policing applications. A couple of introductory chapters summarize evidence-based policy and its goals and origins. The core of the book eases the reader through a range of practical chapters that answer questions many people have about evidence-based practice in policing. What does good science look like? How do I find reliable research? How do I evaluate research? What is a hypothesis? How do randomized experiments work? These chapters not only provide a practical guide to reading and using existing research, but also a roadmap for readers wanting to start their own research project. The final chapters outline different ways to publish research, discuss concerns around evidence-based policing, and ask what is in the future for this emerging field. Annotated with the author’s own experiences as a police officer and researcher, and filled with simple aids, flowcharts, and figures, this practical guide is the most accessible introduction to evidence-based policing available. It is essential reading for policing students and police professionals alike. Further resources are available on the book’s website at .
Ohyeah Splicing Satin Set M (36 - 38)
Sælger: Pris: 172.00 dkrSplicing Satin SetMateriale: 95% polyester + 5% spandexPyjamassættet er lavet af et blødt og levende imiteret silkemateriale, der er perfekt til dem, der ønsker at føle sig godt tilpas og forkælet, mens de sover.En af de vigtigste fordele ved dette pyjamassæt er dets elegante og dragende design. Toppen af sættet har smukke blondedetaljer, der tilføjer et strejf af sofistikering til det overordnede look. De justerbare stropper og brystområdet gør det også nemt at finde den perfekte pasform, hvilket sikrer, at dette pyjamassæt er både behageligt og støttende.En anden fantastisk funktion er dens praktiske knap-op-design på bagsiden. Dette gør det nemt at tage på og af, hvilket især er nyttigt for dem, der leder efter et praktisk og behageligt pyjamassæt.Dette er også en alsidig mulighed, der er perfekt til både at slappe af i huset og sove. Det todelte design er stilfuldt og komfortabelt, hvilket gør det til en fantastisk investering for alle, der ønsker at føle sig selvsikker og komfortabel til enhver tid.Afslutningsvis er dette et luksuriøst og behageligt nattøjssæt, der er perfekt til alle, der ønsker at føle sig forkælede og stilfulde, mens de sover. Med dets højkvalitetsmaterialer, elegante design og praktiske funktioner vil dette produkt helt sikkert blive en favorit i din lingerikollektion. Så hvorfor vente? Få din i dag, og begynd at føle dig selvsikker og godt tilpas i din egen hud.
Intelligence-Led Policing - Jerry H. Ratcliffe - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 449.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)What is intelligence-led policing? Who came up with the idea? Where did it come from? How does it relate to other policing paradigms? What distinguishes an intelligence-led approach to crime reduction? How is it designed to have an impact on crime? Does it prevent crime? These are just a few of the questions that this book seeks to answer. This revised and updated second edition includes new case studies and viewpoints, a revised crime funnel based on new data, and a new chapter examining the expanding role of technology and big data in intelligence-led policing. Most importantly, the author builds upon an updated definition of intelligence-led policing as it has evolved into a framework capable of encompassing more operational police activity than simply organized crime and recidivist offenders. Topics covered in this book include: • The origins and aims of intelligence-led policing • A comparison of intelligence-led policing with other conceptual models of policing • An exploration of analysis concepts and the role of analysis in target-selection • Evaluations of intelligence-led policing as a crime-control strategy Written by an expert in the field, this book offers a comprehensive and engaging introduction to intelligence-led policing for students, practitioners and scholars of policing, criminal intelligence and crime analysis. This book will be of particular interest to professionals within the law enforcement environment; senior officers, middle management, analysts and operational staff. A companion website offers a range of resources for students and instructors, including slides, chapter headings with supporting notes, key terms and names, critical-thinking questions, and quizzes.
Ohyeah Splicing Satin Set M (36 - 38)
Sælger: Pris: 172.00 dkrDette luksus Splicing Satin Set sigter mod et uimodståeligt look under romantisk og speciel aften med din elsker. Det sensuelle nattøj fremhæver din smukke kvindelige silhuet perfekt, mens du føler dig behagelig mod din hud. Materiale: 95% polyester + 5% spandex
On Property : Policing, Prisons, And The Call For Abolition - Rinaldo Walcott - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 144.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Nominated for the Heritage Toronto Book Award * Longlisted for the Toronto Book Awards * A Globe and Mail Book of the Year * A CBC Books Best Canadian Nonfiction of 2021 From plantation rebellion to prison labour's super-exploitation, Walcott examines the relationship between policing and property. That a man can lose his life for passing a fake $20 bill when we know our economies are flush with fake money says something damning about the way we've organized society. Yet the intensity of the calls to abolish the police after George Floyd's death surprised almost everyone. What, exactly, does abolition mean? How did we get here? And what does property have to do with it? In On Property, Rinaldo Walcott explores the long shadow cast by slavery's afterlife and shows how present-day abolitionists continue the work of their forebears in service of an imaginative, creative philosophy that ensures freedom and equality for all. Thoughtful, wide-ranging, compassionate, and profound, On Property makes an urgent plea for a new ethics of care.
Ohyeah Splicing Satin Set M (36 - 38)
Sælger: Pris: 172.00 dkrSplicing Satin SetMateriale: 95% polyester + 5% spandexPyjamassættet er lavet af et blødt og levende imiteret silkemateriale, der er perfekt til dem, der ønsker at føle sig godt tilpas og forkælet, mens de sover.En af de vigtigste fordele ved dette pyjamassæt er dets elegante og dragende design. Toppen af sættet har smukke blondedetaljer, der tilføjer et strejf af sofistikering til det overordnede look. De justerbare stropper og brystområdet gør det også nemt at finde den perfekte pasform, hvilket sikrer, at dette pyjamassæt er både behageligt og støttende.En anden fantastisk funktion er dens praktiske knap-op-design på bagsiden. Dette gør det nemt at tage på og af, hvilket især er nyttigt for dem, der leder efter et praktisk og behageligt pyjamassæt.Dette er også en alsidig mulighed, der er perfekt til både at slappe af i huset og sove. Det todelte design er stilfuldt og komfortabelt, hvilket gør det til en fantastisk investering for alle, der ønsker at føle sig selvsikker og komfortabel til enhver tid.Afslutningsvis er dette et luksuriøst og behageligt nattøjssæt, der er perfekt til alle, der ønsker at føle sig forkælede og stilfulde, mens de sover. Med dets højkvalitetsmaterialer, elegante design og praktiske funktioner vil dette produkt helt sikkert blive en favorit i din lingerikollektion. Så hvorfor vente? Få din i dag, og begynd at føle dig selvsikker og godt tilpas i din egen hud.
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