Der blev fundet 83 produkter som matchede din søgning efter policing i 8 butikker:
Policing The Roman Empire - Christopher J. Fuhrmann - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 334.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Historians often regard the police as a modern development, and indeed, many pre-modern societies had no such institution. Most recent scholarship has claimed that Roman society relied on kinship networks or community self-regulation as a means of conflict resolution and social control. This model, according to Christopher Fuhrmann, fails to properly account for the imperial-era evidence, which argues in fact for an expansion of state-sponsored policing activities in the first three centuries of the Common Era. Drawing on a wide variety of source material-from art, archaeology, administrative documents, Egyptian papyri, laws, Jewish and Christian religious texts, and ancient narratives-Policing the Roman Empire provides a comprehensive overview of Roman imperial policing practices with chapters devoted to fugitive slave hunting, the pivotal role of Augustus, the expansion of policing under his successors, and communities lacking soldier-police that were forced to rely on self-help or civilian police. Rather than merely cataloguing references to police, this study sets policing in the broader context of Roman attitudes towards power, public order, and administration. Fuhrmann argues that a broad range of groups understood the potential value of police, from the emperors to the peasantry. Years of different police initiatives coalesced into an uneven patchwork of police institutions that were not always coordinated, effective, or upright. But the end result was a new means by which the Roman state-more ambitious than often supposed-could seek to control the lives of its subjects, as in the imperial persecutions of Christians. The first synoptic analysis of Roman policing in over a hundred years, and the first ever in English, Policing the Roman Empire will be of great interest to scholars and students of classics, history, law, and religion.
x Lego City Police: Police Car (60312)
Sælger: Pris: 170.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)LEGO
Policing Welfare Fraud - Scarlet Wilcock - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 1,299.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Policing Welfare Fraud charts and interrogates the suite of measures ostensibly designed to combat welfare fraud and non-compliance. In Australia, which serves as the empirical focus of this book, these strategies include stringent ID checks, pre-emptive data surveillance technologies including the infamous and illegal ‘robodebt’ programme, a dedicated fraud hotline and an ‘intelligence-led’ fraud investigation framework. Drawing on original documentary and interview data, including interviews with fraud investigators, this book unpacks the logics that underpin these anti-fraud initiatives with a focus on how these initiatives are imbued with logics and practices more readily associated with the criminal justice system. The central argument of the book is that the emergence of contemporary welfare compliance regimes represents a form of ‘governing through fraud’ in which the threat of welfare fraud has effectively necessitated a regime of criminalisation within the welfare state. This has been enabled by a broader process of neoliberal welfare reform, which has cast suspicion over all welfare use. The overall effect of this regime is to restrict access to social security, punish welfare recipients and stigmatise welfare use. Policing Welfare Fraud also highlights points of contradiction and multiplicity in the enactment of specific welfare compliance initiatives, including attempts by welfare officials to moderate or reformulate these strategies ‘on the ground’. These findings demonstrate that the criminalisation of welfare is neither uniform nor inexorable, and that more progressive welfare reform is possible. An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of criminology, sociology, politics and those interested in the policing of welfare recipients.
Police Story/Police Story 2 (Blu-ray) (Import)
Sælger: Pris: 149.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Double bill of classic Hong Kong action dramas starring Jackie Chan, who also writes and co-directs.
Policing The Markets - James Williams - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 359.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Set against the backdrop of the recurring waves of financial scandal and crisis to hit Canada, the US, the UK, and Europe over the last decade, this book examines the struggles of securities enforcement agencies to police the financial markets. While allegations of regulatory failure in this realm are commonplace and are well documented in policy and legal scholarship, James Williams seeks to move beyond these conventional accounts arguing that they are based on a limited view of the regulatory process and overlook the actual practices and dilemmas of enforcement work. Informed by interviews with police, regulators, lawyers, accountants, and investor advocates, along with a wealth of documentary materials, the book is rooted in a uniquely interdisciplinary social science perspective. Peering inside the black box of enforcement, it examines the organizational, professional, geographical, technological, and legal influences that shape securities enforcement as a distinctly knowledge-based enterprise. The result of these influences, Williams argues, is the production of a very particular vision of financial disorder which captures certain forms of misconduct while overlooking others, a reflection not of incompetence or capture but of the unique demands and constraints of the regulatory craft. Providing a very different, and much needed, account of the challenges faced by regulators and enforcement agencies, this book will be of enormous interest to current research on enforcement, regulation, and governance both within and beyond the financial realm.
A-One Brand Splicing Design iPhone 13 Pro Pungeetui - Sort
Sælger: Pris: 109.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Dette praktiske pungeetui til iPhone 13 Pro er fremstillet af materialer i høj kvalitet og er både elegant og stærkt. Pungeetuiet er specialfremstillet til netop en iPhone 13 Pro, så du behøver ikke bekymre dig om, at det ikke passer. Med et pungeetui slipper du for at holde styr på både telefoncover og pung, da pungeetuiet opfylder begge behov på én gang. Da det er vigtigt, at telefonen er godt beskyttet mod snavs og skader, sidder den fast i selve etuiet, men du kan naturligvis stadig bruge alle telefonens funktioner. Hvis du vælger at bruge et pungeetui, får du bedre plads i tasken, har penge og kort sikkert opbevaret og giver din telefon en god beskyttelse mod unødigt slid. - Materiale: Kunstlæder - Praktisk pungeetui - Har kreditkortlommer - Enheden placeres i en skal af blød plast (TPU) - Lukkes med magnetlås - Farve: Sort - Passer til: iPhone 13 Pro
Policing Chinese Politics - Michael Dutton - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 354.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Beginning with the bloody communist purges of the Jiangxi era of the late 1920s and early 1930s and moving forward to the wild excesses of the Cultural Revolution, Policing Chinese Politics explores the question of revolutionary violence and the political passion that propels it. “Who are our enemies, who are our friends, that is a question germane to the revolution,” wrote Mao Zedong in 1926. Michael Dutton shows just how powerful this one line was to become. It would establish the binary division of life in revolutionary China and lead to both passionate commitment and revolutionary excess. The political history of revolutionary China, he argues, is largely framed by the attempts of Mao and the Party to harness these passions. The economic reform period that followed Mao Zedong’s rule contained a hint as to how the magic spell of political faith and commitment could be broken, but the cost of such disenchantment was considerable. This detailed, empirical tale of Chinese socialist policing is, therefore, more than simply a police story. It is a parable that offers a cogent analysis of Chinese politics generally while radically redrafting our understanding of what politics is all about. Breaking away from the traditional elite modes of political analysis that focus on personalities, factions, and betrayals, and from “rational” accounts of politics and government, Dutton provides a highly original understanding of the far-reaching consequences of acts of faith and commitment in the realm of politics.
Police To Be Bad Guy edt 75ml
Sælger: Pris: 247.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Police To Be Bad Guy eau de toilette 75ml er det perfekte valg til mænd, der ønsker at udtrykke deres personlige stil. Den kraftfulde og maskuline duft giver dig en frisk og sensuel oplevelse, der vil få dig til at skille dig ud fra mængden. Produktet er beriget med naturlige ingredienser, der sikrer langvarig duft og et unikt lookPolice To Be Bad Guy Eau de Toilette 75ml er et kraftfuldt og fyldigt parfume, der bringer friskhed og energi til dit look. Det er velegnet til daglig brug, da det let kan justeres fra en mild duft til en mere intens aroma afhængig af, hvad dagen byder på. Dette produkt består af en unik blanding af ingredienser, der gør det ideelt for alle slags personer.Duften skaber en stærk maskulin aura omkring dig med elementer fra både citrus og træ. Citrusduften bringer dig glæden ved at være ung og fri, mens trætonen symboliserer modenhed og selvsikkerhed. Sammen skaber de to elementer et intenst udtryk for din personlighed. Denne aroma er desuden kendetegnet ved sin langvarige holdbarhed, så du kan nyde den hele dagen igennem.Produktets topnoter omfatter grapefrugt, mandarin og basilikum; midternoterne består af pebermynte og geranium; bundnoterne indeholder sandeltræ, cedertræ, muskus og tonkabønne. Disse ingrediensers kombination former Police To Be Bad Guys stilfulde duft-signatur. Produktet har vundet flere priser fra prestigefyldte organisationer som Fragrance Foundation Awards og Duft Design Awards.Sådan bruger du Police To Be Bad Guy Eau de Toilette 75mlTrin 1: Vask dine hænder grundigt inden brug.Trin 2: Spray produktet direkte på halsen eller i luften foran dig.Trin 3: Massér produktet let ind i huden.Fremragende egenskaber ved Police To Be Bad Guy Eau de Toilette 75mlKraftfuld men diskret duftLet at anvendeLangvarig holdbarhedUnik blanding af ingredienserHøjt anerkendt blandt prestigeorganisationer som Fragrance Foundation Awards og Duft Design AwardsPolice To Be Bad Guy Eau de Toilette 75ml er den perfekte løsning til enhver modebevidst mand, der ønsker at skabe et markant udtryk for sin personlighed. Produktets kraftige maskuline aura vil imponere alle i dit nabolag!
Just Policing - Jake Monaghan - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 209.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Policing is a source of perennial conflict and philosophical disagreement. Though the injustices of our world seemingly require some kind of policing, the police are often sources of injustice themselves. But this is not always a result of intentionally or negligently bad policing. Sometimes it is an unavoidable result of the injustices that emerge from interactions with other social systems. This raises an important question of just policing: how should police respond to the injustices built into the system? Just Policing attempts an answer, offering a theory of just policing in non-ideal contexts. Jake Monaghan argues that police discretion is not only unavoidable, but in light of non-ideal circumstances, valuable. This conflicts with a widespread but inchoate view of just policing, the legalist view that finds justice in faithful enforcement of the criminal code. But the criminal code leaves policing seriously underdetermined; full enforcement is neither possible nor desirable. So, police need an alternative normative framework for evaluating and guiding their exercise of power. Just Policing draws on research in political philosophy and the social sciences to engage a number of current controversies, both scholarly and popular, regarding the police. It critiques popular approaches to police abolitionism while defending normative limits on police power. The book offers a defense of police discretion against common objections and evaluates controversial issues in order maintenance, such as the policing of "vice" and homelessness, democratic control over policing, community policing initiatives, police collaborations and alternatives like mental health response teams, and possibilities for structural reform.
THQ This is the Police 2 (PS4)
Sælger: Pris: 112.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Fortolk loven, som det passer dig i This Is the Police 2, efterfølgeren til det anerkendte noir-drama This Is the Police! Led sheriffens afdeling, administrer dine betjente, efterforsk, afhør, fængsl, tag svære beslutninger - og prøv selv at holde dig ude af fængslet! - i denne historiedrevne blanding af eventyr og strategi, som foregår i en kold grænseby, der er præget af vold. Velkommen til Sharpwood, hvor folk kender deres naboer ved navn og trofast holder fast i deres traditioner, uanset hvor barbariske de måtte være. Smuglere, bander og skrigende populister kalder denne by for deres hjem. Fortvivlelsen vokser som en kræftsvulst, hånd i hånd med volden. Det er noget af et job for den nye sherif, Lilly Reed (med stemme af Sarah Hamilton fra den berømte eventyrsaga The Longest Journey). Hun kæmper for at opretholde orden og fred, mens hendes underordnede er ubehøvlede mænd, som ikke er vant til at modtage ordrer fra en ung kvinde. Men alt ændrer sig, da en mystisk fremmed, der kalder sig Warren Nash, dukker op i Sharpwood. Og ingen ved, hvad han vil bringe til byen: frelse eller fortabelse.Funktioner:Spring ud i en overraskende blanding af gameplay-stilarter. Ligesom sin forgænger trækker This Is the Police 2 på forskellige genrer og mekanikker og smelter dem sammen til en enestående historiedrevet oplevelse - denne gang med endnu flere uventede drejninger. Er det et eventyrspil? Et strategispil? En simulation? Et management-spil? En visuel roman? Et puslespil? Det er alt dette og meget mere! Deltag i en barsk historie, hvor ingen er helt uskyldige. Folk i Sharpwood er uvidende og grusomme. Fattigdom og sult bliver mødt med øget kriminalitet i hjemmet, alt imens myndighedernes passivitet får byens indbyggere til at stole på "skovens ånder" og arkaiske religiøse kulter. Konstante problemer med fødevareforsyningen har bragt byen i hænderne på lokale smuglere, hvoraf mange er tidligere militærfolk. Anklag de uskyldige, lav aftaler med kriminelle, torturér dem, der ikke vil være med frivilligt - du kan gøre, hvad der skal til for at få tingene til at gå din vej.Hold dine venner tæt på, og dine fjender tættere på. Dine underordnede er ikke bare en ressource, de er levende mennesker med deres egne styrker, svagheder, frygt og fordomme - og du bliver nødt til at regne med alle disse ting for at overleve. Det samme gælder for resten af byens borgere: I Sharpwood bygger alt på personlige relationer, og du ved aldrig, hvornår det kan redde dit liv at være venner med den lokale slagter eller forretningsforbindelser med ejeren af lighuset.Sprog på omslaget: Engelsk,fransk,italiensk,spanskDenne tekst er automatisk oversat, og der kan forekomme fejl.
Intelligence-Led Policing - Craig Hughes - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 224.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Intelligence-led Policing clearly explains the distinction between information and intelligence, and discusses how to gather, analyse and utilise intelligence to inform decision making in practice. It relates all areas of intelligence within the investigative process and contextualises its use in line with the National Intelligence Model (NIM) as part of routine working practice. It develops a knowledge base by identifying six tiers of policing intelligence architecture, exploring the concept of intelligence as it applies to strategic, tactical and practice levels of operational policing. A great mix of theory and practice to help students explore how information can become useful intelligence including the process through which it goes and the importance of intervention points. The Professional Policing Curriculum in Practice is a new series of books that match the requirements of the new pre-join policing qualifications. The texts reflect modern policing, are up-to-date and relevant, and grounded in practice. They reflect the challenges faced by new students, linking theory to real-life operational practice, while addressing critical thinking and other academic skills needed for degree-level study.
Police To Be Edt 125ml
Sælger: Pris: 203.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Police To Be (Or Not To Be) Edt är en frisk och manlig doft med en mycket annorlunda och cool flaska som verkligen sticker ut i hyllan. Doftnoter: grapefrukt, violblad, svartpeppar, äppelblom, geranium, cederträ, kashmirträ, mörk patchouli, vit ambra
Intelligence-Led Policing - Jerry H. Ratcliffe - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 444.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)What is intelligence-led policing? Who came up with the idea? Where did it come from? How does it relate to other policing paradigms? What distinguishes an intelligence-led approach to crime reduction? How is it designed to have an impact on crime? Does it prevent crime? These are just a few of the questions that this book seeks to answer. This revised and updated second edition includes new case studies and viewpoints, a revised crime funnel based on new data, and a new chapter examining the expanding role of technology and big data in intelligence-led policing. Most importantly, the author builds upon an updated definition of intelligence-led policing as it has evolved into a framework capable of encompassing more operational police activity than simply organized crime and recidivist offenders. Topics covered in this book include: • The origins and aims of intelligence-led policing • A comparison of intelligence-led policing with other conceptual models of policing • An exploration of analysis concepts and the role of analysis in target-selection • Evaluations of intelligence-led policing as a crime-control strategy Written by an expert in the field, this book offers a comprehensive and engaging introduction to intelligence-led policing for students, practitioners and scholars of policing, criminal intelligence and crime analysis. This book will be of particular interest to professionals within the law enforcement environment; senior officers, middle management, analysts and operational staff. A companion website offers a range of resources for students and instructors, including slides, chapter headings with supporting notes, key terms and names, critical-thinking questions, and quizzes.
Lego City Police 60418 - Police Mobile Crime Lab Truck
Sælger: Pris: 518.00 dkrInvestigating clues left by crooks on the run is a job for the officers of the toy LEGO® City Police Mobile Crime Lab Truck (60418). This cool playset for kids aged 7 and up features a toy truck that opens to reveal a 2-level crime scene lab with workstations, a map, CCTV screens, a microscope, coffee machine and a jail. The set also includes a forensic scene and the crooks’ quad bike. Just add the 2 police, 1 scientist and 2 crook minifigures for epic adventures!This LEGO City Police vehicles toy playset includes a step-by-step printed building guide and 3D instructions in the LEGO Builder app – a digital building companion with intuitive zoom and rotate tools that enable kids to visualize models from all angles as they build.Your City, No Limits! LEGO City sets feature cool vehicles, realistic structures and fun characters that inspire imaginative play without limits. Kids can add this police playset to others (sold separately) in the LEGO City range for a whole world of play.CSI police truck toy – Tracking escaped crooks is the name of the game with this LEGO® City Police Mobile Crime Lab Truck playset for budding forensic experts aged 7 and upFun build-and-play set for kids – Includes everything kids need to create a toy mobile crime lab, quad bike, forensic scene and 2 police, 1 scientist and 2 crook minifiguresToy police vehicle for pretend play – Kids can open the toy truck to reveal a 2-level crime lab with workstations, a map, CCTV screens, a microscope, coffee machine and a jail cellIncludes a ’wanted’ poster – With an adult’s permission, kids can scan the QR code in the building instructions or on the box for a fun LEGO® City Police video adventureA LEGO® gift for ages 7 plus – Surprise your everyday hero when you give this police toy as a holiday or birthday gift for fans of LEGO building sets and imaginative playCreative play without limits – Kids unleash more fun and adventures when they add this set to others (sold separately) fromthe LEGO® City rangeAbout LEGO® City playsets – LEGO City is a place where kids can set their limitless imaginations free, with structures, vehicles and citizens that motivate them to build, create, explore and playDimensions – The toy truck in this 674-piece building set measures over 4 in. (10 cm) high, 10 in. (25 cm) long and 2.5 in. (7 cm) wide
Human Rights Policing - Peter Marina - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 309.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Relying on intense ethnographic research and extensive experiences teaching human rights policing to police officers, this book teaches law enforcement professionals how to apply human rights to their everyday interactions with community members. The data collected throughout this research process offers the reader first-hand accounts of police officers addressing the most important human rights as they relate to policing, telling stories of using their human agency while on the job, and providing insights into their discussions with community members on human rights, among other important topics. Human rights remain a relatively new concept in human civilization, but one largely unrealized at this point in history. Can police officers serve as the harbingers of human rights in a world that desperately needs it? We say yes. It starts with applying human rights to police work. But this book does more than teach police officers how to apply human rights to their careers. It reimagines the institution of law enforcement as we push toward the later stages of modernity. Refusing to tell readers what to think, this book provides the intellectual tools on how to think about policing in new and creative ways. It seeks to bring out the readers’ full creative potential as law enforcement agents, police officers, and criminal justice professionals and activists. This book advances new ideas throughout each chapter on how to make human rights policing a reality. The ideas in each chapter build on each other, offering a small piece of the puzzle and all the steps necessary to advance the goals of human rights policing. The book (1) analyzes the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and how it applies to policing, (2) develops a three-fold typology called “Human Rights Policing Social Interactions,” (3) discusses the relationship between the use of power and human rights, (4) explains the power of human agency to transcend the ordinary, (5) uncovers the creation of folk devils that threaten human rights, (6) describes how to use the sociological imagination to understand community members, (7) reveals the importance of storytelling to see the world from the actor’s point of view, (8) discusses the double consciousness and the creation of the “other,” (9) describes what we call “soulful policing” and engaging with the community— Chicago style, and (10) provides social policy suggestions at both the national level and local policing level. This book will challenge the reader in fascinating and highly surprising ways to think about, and, further, to reimagine policing as we push toward the future. It will appeal to professionals at all levels of law enforcement, and will be useful in programs offering degrees and/or certificates to students of criminal justice.
Victorinox Fully Forged Slicing Knife 20 cm Blade Length
Sælger: Pris: 600.75 dkrGrand Majre carving knife – perfectly balanced multi-purpose knife. Ideal for easy and even cutting. With perfect balance and an ergonomic handle. A class of itself: our high-quality, lightweight stainless steel blades offer precision, stability and accuracy. They are easy to clean, extremely sharp and the perfect gift for everyday use or the cooking professional. Easy to use: we have designed a modern, sturdy, durable and lightweight handle that fits well in the hand thanks to its balance. The handle can be sterilized for maximum cleanliness. Highest Swiss quality: Victorinox stands for masterful craftsmanship and innovative design. We bring 130 years of experience to the development of our iconic, high-quality knives, watches, bags, suitcases and fragrances. Product details: length 344 mm, width 35 mm, height 21 mm, weight 209 g, colour black, item 7.7203.20G, Grand Maître carving knife
Evidence-Based Policing - Jerry H. Ratcliffe - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 329.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)What is evidence-based policing and how is it done? This book provides an answer to both questions, offering an introduction for undergraduate students and a hands-on guide for police officers wanting to know how to put principles into practice. It serves as a gentle introduction to the terminology, ideas, and scientific methods associated with evidence-based policy, and outlines some of the existing policing applications. A couple of introductory chapters summarize evidence-based policy and its goals and origins. The core of the book eases the reader through a range of practical chapters that answer questions many people have about evidence-based practice in policing. What does good science look like? How do I find reliable research? How do I evaluate research? What is a hypothesis? How do randomized experiments work? These chapters not only provide a practical guide to reading and using existing research, but also a roadmap for readers wanting to start their own research project. The final chapters outline different ways to publish research, discuss concerns around evidence-based policing, and ask what is in the future for this emerging field. Annotated with the author’s own experiences as a police officer and researcher, and filled with simple aids, flowcharts, and figures, this practical guide is the most accessible introduction to evidence-based policing available. It is essential reading for policing students and police professionals alike. Further resources are available on the book’s website at .
Police To Be The Queen Edp 40ml
Sælger: Pris: 186.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Police To Be The Queen är en blommig och fruktig feminim doft. Doftnoter: apelsin, mandarin, petit grain, röda bär, jasminblommor och viol, samt persika, annanas, mysk, cederträ, patchouli och vanilj.
Ai, Ethics & Predictive Policing - Ishaan D. Joshi - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 274.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)"AI, Ethics & Predictive Policing" offers a thought-provoking examination of the ethical implications surrounding the integration of artificial intelligence in law enforcement practices. Through meticulous analysis and real-world case studies, this book navigates the complex landscape of predictive policing, highlighting the ethical considerations that shape its implementation and impact on society. From privacy concerns to algorithmic biases, this compelling exploration underscores the urgent need for responsible governance and ethical decision-making in harnessing AI for predictive policing.
Police To Be The Queen Edp 40ml
Sælger: Pris: 179.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Police To Be The Queen is a floral and fruity feminin scent.Fragrance Notes: orange, mandarin, petit grain, red berries, jasmine flowers and violets, as well as peach, pineapple, musk, cedar, patchouli and vanilla.
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