Der blev fundet 3392 produkter som matchede din søgning efter relationship i 8 butikker:
Relationship Marketing - Brugt Bog- John Egan
Sælger: Pris: 150.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Relationship Marketing comprehensively examines relationships in marketing and how these influence modern marketing strategy and practice, by critically reviewing and analysing what has been described as 'marketing's new paradigm'. Established as the key text in the area, the fourth edition continues to offer an accessible and authoritative introduction to this increasingly important subject. It retains its informed coverage of the most recent and important literature, as well as clearly organising and structuring the book around its core themes. The new edition includes a wide range of examples to illuminate the real world relevance of concepts. In addition, overviews and summaries add clarity and help consolidate understanding. A complete package of supplements is available to assist students and instructors in using this book. Visit to find an Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint slides, and links to other useful sites. This book is ideal for undergraduates and postgraduates taking modules in Relationship Marketing, Customer Services, and Marketing Communications. It is core reading for the CIM Level 4 module on ‘Stakeholder Marketing’.
ISE ABC's of Relationship Selling through Service
Sælger: Pris: 627.00 dkrABC's of Relationship Selling 13e trains readers on a step-by-step selling process that is universal in nature. This edition presents the sales process or system in a logical sequence: from planning and the approach, to closing, to follow-up, for exceptional customer service. The goal of this text has always been to help ensure that students understand the order of steps within the selling process; to provide numerous examples of what should be in each step; and to show how steps within the selling process interact with one another.
ISE ABC's of Relationship Selling through Service
Sælger: Pris: 627.00 dkrABC's of Relationship Selling 13e trains readers on a step-by-step selling process that is universal in nature. This edition presents the sales process or system in a logical sequence: from planning and the approach, to closing, to follow-up, for exceptional customer service. The goal of this text has always been to help ensure that students understand the order of steps within the selling process; to provide numerous examples of what should be in each step; and to show how steps within the selling process interact with one another.
WWE Championship Bælte, Metal, O
Sælger: Pris: 268.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Nu kan børn bringe spændingen fra WWE og dets ultimative æresbevis - WWE Championship bæltet hjem! \nDenne trofæartikel leveres med autentisk styling, elegante metalmedaljoner, et læderlignende bælte og en engangsjusterbar funktion, der passer til alle børn på otte år eller ældre! \nHvert mesterskab i sortimentet er designet til at ligne dem, der bæres og stolt vises af dine favorit-WWE-superstjerner. \nBørnene vil elske at bære mesterskaberne, der hylder de bedste superstjerner og ærer deres udmærkelse som de allerbedste.
Relationships Through The Lens Of Astrology: Natal-Synastry-Transits - Anthoula Lioni - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 129.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)In this book I look at the basics of Relationship Astrology, including Natal profiling, Synastry and Transits. This is not a typical Astrology book. It is packed with a variety of information, all found in one place. It also contains some information that is not found elsewhere; for example, when interpreting Venus in the signs, I take into consideration house placements or aspects, to give a more accurate picture.
Ungdomar, sexualitet och relationer
Sælger: Pris: 365.00 dkrI Sverige har vi av tradition en positiv och tolerant inställning till ungdomars sexualitet. Dessutom har vi lång erfarenhet av preventivt arbete med ungdomar. Trots detta är litteraturen om ungdomars sexualitet begränsad och det saknades länge en bok som både gav en helhetsbild och innehöll mer specifik kunskap. Boken Ungdomar, sexualitet och relationer möter det behovet. Här är nu en utökad upplaga med nya och uppdaterade kapitel.Bokens multidisciplinära perspektiv med betoning på de folkhälsovetenskapliga, sociologiska och psykologiska infallsvinklarna ger en bred och nyanserad bild av ungdomar och sexualitet. Författarna redogör för olika aspekter av ungdomars sexuella utveckling och beteende såsom konstruktion av kön och sexualitet, sexualitetens roll under tonåren samt reproduktiv hälsa och riskbeteende. I boken medverkar forskare inom olika discipliner, många med lång erfarenhet även av praktiska verksamheter. Här finns också kapitel där representanter för myndigheter berättar om sitt arbete, liksom avsnitt där ungdomar kommer till tals i utdrag ur samtal och intervjuer.Boken vänder sig till universitets- och högskolestudenter samt yrkesverksamma inom hälsa, vård och samhälle.
Relationship Marketing - Brugt Bog- John Egan
Sælger: Pris: 423.13 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Relationship Marketing comprehensively examines relationships in marketing and how these influence modern marketing strategy and practice, by critically reviewing and analysing what has been described as 'marketing's new paradigm'. Established as the key text in the area, the fourth edition continues to offer an accessible and authoritative introduction to this increasingly important subject. It retains its informed coverage of the most recent and important literature, as well as clearly organising and structuring the book around its core themes. The new edition includes a wide range of examples to illuminate the real world relevance of concepts. In addition, overviews and summaries add clarity and help consolidate understanding. A complete package of supplements is available to assist students and instructors in using this book. Visit to find an Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint slides, and links to other useful sites. This book is ideal for undergraduates and postgraduates taking modules in Relationship Marketing, Customer Services, and Marketing Communications. It is core reading for the CIM Level 4 module on ‘Stakeholder Marketing’.
We Do Wood Correlation Bench Small SH: 43 cm - Oak
Sælger: Pris: 4,187.00 dkrWe Do Wood Correlation Bench Small - Oak Smuk og multifunktionel bænk fra We Do Wood. Med den fine Correlation Bench kan du både opbevare ting og sager såvel som bruge bænken som et smukt siddemøbel. Med sine mange funktioner er bænken en genopdaget skandinavisk klassiker udført i naturlig eg med et rent og minimalistisk udtryk uden overflødige detaljer. Du kan med fordel placere Correlation Bench i entréen som den perfekte siddestation, når skoene enten skal af eller på, hvor bænken her kan rumme handsker, huer, tørkæder mv. Brug også bænken som en skøn siddeplads omkring spisebordet, hvor du med fordel kan sammensætte flere Correlation Bench bænke ved at tilføje Correlations Link Connector. På den måde kan du opnå flere siddepladser og dermed også mere opbevaringsplads i bænkene. Uanset anvendelse vil bænken tilføre en smuk detalje til sine omgivelser. OBS: Correlation Link Connector medfølger ikke, men kan tilkøbes. Designer: Sebastian Jørgensen Materiale: FSC-certificeret eg og egefinér Mål: H: 43 cm B: 100 cm D: 35 cm Sædehøjde: 43 cm Vægt: 12,5 kg Specifikationer: Varen leveres i flat-pack og skal derfor samles.
Relationships: Our Essential Needs - Jeffrey Wolf Green - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 329.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Relationships Our Essential Needs focuses on the core archetypes that all Souls have that correlate with why we form the relationships that we do. It presents a core archetype between the 12th, 2nd, and 7th Houses from an Evolutionary Astrology point of view that is essential in understanding what the core archetype is that exists in our Souls that is the determinant of how and why we attract those whom we attract. Venus, Mars, the Mars/Pluto Phase, Venus and Mars through the signs and houses, and Pluto in the composite chart are thoroughly presented.
We Do Wood Correlations Link Connector B: 50 cm - Black Metal
Sælger: Pris: 400.00 dkr (+49.00 dkr)We Do Wood Correlations Link Connector B: 50 cm - Black Metal Med den praktiske Correlations Link Connector kan du sammensætte flere Correlation Bench bænke fra We Do Wood, uden de glider fra hinanden. OBS: Correlation Bench medfølger ikke, men kan tilkøbes. Designer: Sebastian Jørgensen Materiale: Stål Mål: H: 9 cm B: 50 cm D: 9 cm
Relationship Marketing - John Egan - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 464.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
AK-Prints WRC 4: World Rally Championship (Sony Playstation PS3) - Game ZWVG (Pre Owned)
Sælger: Pris: 418.00 dkrProduct Details: Category: Video Game EAN: 3499550319903 Title: WRC 4: World Rally Championship (PS3) Artist: Condition: VERYGOOD
Relationships As A Spiritual Journey - Robert Perry - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 189.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Describes the unique teaching of A Course in Miracles that the quest for God is best accomplished through the transformation of our relationships from special relationships based on separate interests to holy relationships based on a common goal.This book is a revised and combined version of two earlier booklets that I wrote. They were two of the most popular books we have published. I hope that this expanded book will be as helpful to people seeking both to find a better way to be in relationship and to experience the love of God.
As I Am Hydration Elation Conditioner 227g
Sælger: Pris: 159.00 dkr (+25.00 dkr)Hydration Elation Conditioner er en intensiv balsam, som reparerer og giver et stærkt og sundt hår.
Relationship Goals Study Guide - Michael Todd - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 119.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)USA TODAY BESTSELLER - Make the breakthrough you need to get your relationship on target with this interactive guide--the perfect companion to Michael Todd's roadmap to finding lasting love, Relationship Goals . Wondering if you should break up? Feeling like you could break down? How about discovering a break through in all your relationships and finding fulfillment like never before? This start-right-here study guide based on Michael Todd's Relationship Goals takes the targets you have for your relationships and adds the coaching you need to steady your aim. As you and your small group, friends, or significant other write, reflect, pray, listen, and discuss your way through this guide, you'll discover the practical tools and strategic space you need to move your relationships from "We're okay" to "We're better than ever." We're talking friendships, marriage, dating, even ideas for relating well to the person in the next cubicle. Because having strong relationships means having a strong purpose in life--and who doesn't want that? So set your eyes on the goals that will help you win in relationships.
Intersektionella perspektiv på våld i nära relationer
Sælger: Pris: 339.00 dkrDen här boken beskriver hur synen på våld i nära relationer och den våldsutsatta har förändrats över tid och varför begrepp som särskilt sårbar/utsatt och intersektionalitet idag är den del av diskursen om våld i nära relationer. Boken ger en fördjupad kunskap om vissa våldsutsatta personers särskilt utsatta livssituation och belyser våld i nära relationer ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv.En gemensam nämnare för de brottsoffer som beskrivs befinna sig i en särskilt utsatt livssituation är framför allt att samhällets bemötande av och stöd till dessa grupper kan vara bristfälligt och att de därför är utsatta för flera former av social ojämlikhet.I denna bok diskuteras frågor som:Vad betyder begreppen särskild utsatthet, särskilt utsatta livssituationer och intersektionalitet när vi pratar om våld i nära relationer?Hur kan våld i nära relationer yttra sig för personer med funktionsnedsättning och vilken beredskap har samhället för att erbjuda adekvat stöd oavsett funktionsvariation?På vilket sätt utsätts våldsutsatta kvinnor med missbruk för en strukturell diskriminering?Vilka svårigheter kan migrationsprocessen innebära för våldsutsatta kvinnor?Boken ger en ökad kunskap om våldets komplexitet och visar hur flera faktorer kan påverka den enskildes utsatthet och möjlighet att få adekvat hjälp. Författarna ger intersektionella perspektiv på våld i nära relationer och särskilt utsatta livssituationer från såväl forskning som praktik. Boken är pedagogiskt genomarbetat med exempel, diskussionsfrågor och faktarutor. Målgruppen är studenter inom alla utbildningar som omfattas av examensmålet om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer, exempelvis socionom-, psykolog- och läkarprogrammet. Den passar också på andra utbildningar så som polis- och lärarutbildningen och är lämplig som fortbildning för alla som i sitt arbete möter vuxna och barn som kan ha utsatts för våld.Sagt om boken"Den här boken kommer att kunna fylla en viktig kunskapslucka i den svenska litteraturen om våld i nära relationer." Veronica Ekström, fil.dr i socialt arbete Ersta Sköndal Bräcke högskola"Texten är mycket välformulerad och med djupgående kunskap behandlas ett stort och smärtsamt samhällsproblem, där främst kvinnor drabbas. En utmärkt kursbok för studenter inom socionom-, psykolog- och läkarprogrammen samt polisutbildningen och alla som i sitt arbete möter vuxna och barn." Helhetsbetyg: 5 av 5. Margareta Fridstjerna, lektör, BTJ-häftet nr 17, 2021.Om författarnaBokens huvudredaktör Linn Moser Hällen är socionom, handledare i psykosocialt arbete och föreläsare med mångårig erfarenhet av att arbeta med våld i nära relationer. Övriga medverkande författare är: Rúna í Baianstovu, Frida Darj, Maria Eriksson, Carin Holmberg, Anna Jonhed, Therese Lilliesköld, Mikael Skillmark, Goldina Smirthwaite, Eva Sundborg, Marie Eriksson, Rickard Ulmestig och Carolina Överlien.
Relationships And How To Survive Them - Liz Greene - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 254.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Relationships are and always have been the greatest of human mysteries and the chief source of both our joy and our suffering. Astrology offers many profound insights which can help us understand why we become involved with particular individuals, and why we sometimes enact compulsive patterns which work against our conscious wishes and expectations. The two seminars in this reprint of the CPA Press original, although different in focus, both explore the enigma of relationships from an astrological perspective. The first seminar explores relationship through the composite chart, examining the ways in which this “third” entity carries within it a particular pattern of development independent of the two individuals involved. No existing work on composite charts examines the subject in such psychological depth. The second seminar discusses the archetypal dilemma of the eternal triangle: why we become involved in triangular relationships and what factors in the horoscope might suggest a predisposition to this kind of relationship dynamic. Triangles have been the subject of great literature and art throughout history, and while no relationship experience causes us such conflict and suffering, no human experience is so common and familiar to us all.
Ak-Prints Championship Manager 2007 (Sony Playstation PS2) - Game C4VG (Pre Owned)
Sælger: Pris: 418.00 dkrProduct Details: Category: Video Game EAN: 5021290027824 Title: Championship Manager 2007 (PS2) Artist: Condition: VERYGOOD
Relationship Marketing - Brugt Bog- John Egan
Sælger: Pris: 38.75 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Relationship Marketing comprehensively examines relationships in marketing and how these influence modern marketing strategy and practice, by critically reviewing and analysing what has been described as 'marketing's new paradigm'. Established as the key text in the area, the fourth edition continues to offer an accessible and authoritative introduction to this increasingly important subject. It retains its informed coverage of the most recent and important literature, as well as clearly organising and structuring the book around its core themes. The new edition includes a wide range of examples to illuminate the real world relevance of concepts. In addition, overviews and summaries add clarity and help consolidate understanding. A complete package of supplements is available to assist students and instructors in using this book. Visit to find an Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint slides, and links to other useful sites. This book is ideal for undergraduates and postgraduates taking modules in Relationship Marketing, Customer Services, and Marketing Communications. It is core reading for the CIM Level 4 module on ‘Stakeholder Marketing’.
World Championships: NES Edition - Nintendo Switch
Sælger: Pris: 307.00 dkrNintendo Switch game Complete with box and instructionsStandard edition.Test your speedrunning skills across more than 150 challenging moments from 13 classic NES games! Compete against players around the world online, challenge your friends on the couch, or try to see how far you can push your personal bests.Do you have what it takes to be a champion? The tougher challenges may truly test your limits!
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