Se han encontrado 51 productos que coinciden con su búsqueda de springer en tiendas de 5:
Drag Specialties Faro Delantero 5-3/4´´ Springer Style
Proveedor: Precio: 95.00 € (+1.99 €) -
Springer Agile!
Proveedor: Precio: 76.48 €Libro: Agile! (978-3-319-05154-3) de Meyer, Bertrand (Springer ) Comprar Libros de Economía .Liderazgo .. Are you attracted by the promises of agile methods but put off by the fanaticism of many agile texts? Would you like to know which agile techniques work, which ones do not matter much, and which ones will harm your projects? Then you need Agile! : the first exhaustive, objective review of agile principles, techniques and tools. Agile methods are one of the most important developments in software over the past decades, but also a surprising mix of the best and the worst. Until now every project and developer had to sort out the good ideas from the bad by themselves. This book spares you the pain. It offers both a thorough descriptive presentation of agile techniques and a perceptive analysis of their benefits and limitations. Agile! serves first as a primer on agile development : one chapter each introduces agile principles, roles, managerial practices, technical practices and artifacts. A separate chapter analyzes the four major agile methods: Extreme Programming, Lean Software, Scrum and Crystal. The accompanying critical analysis explains what you should retain and discard from agile ideas. It is based on Meyers thorough understanding of software engineering, and his extensive personal experience of programming and project management. He highlights the limitations of agile methods as well as their truly brilliant contributions - even those to which their own authors do not do full justice. Three important chapters precede the core discussion of agile ideas: an overview, serving as a concentrate of the entire book; a dissection of the intellectual devices used by agile authors; and a review of classical software engineering techniques, such as requirements analysis and lifecycle models, which agile methods criticize. The final chapters describe the precautions that a company should take during a transition to agile development and present an overall assessment of agile ideas. This is the first book to discuss agile methods, beyond the brouhaha, in the general context of modern software engineering. It is a key resource for projects that want to combine the best of established results and agile innovations. 0
Khrome Werks Manillar 1´´ Heritage Springer Style Bar Harley Davidson Flsts 1340 Heritage Softail Springer
Proveedor: Precio: 129.49 € (+1.99 €) -
SPRINGER PG Die Macht Der Meme
Proveedor: Precio: 36.30 €Libro: Die Macht der Meme (978-3-8274-1601-8) de Blackmore (SPRINGER PG ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Humanas .Medicina .. Wir Menschen sind erstaunliche Wesen. Unsere Krper sind in der Evolution - genau wie die aller Tiere - durch natrliche Selektion entstanden, und doch unterscheiden wir uns von smtlichen anderen Geschpfen in vielfltiger Weise. Wir nutzen Sprache zur Kommunikation. Wir fhren Kriege, glauben an Religionen, bestatten unsere Toten und sind bei Sex-Themen peinlich berhrt. Wir sehen fern, fahren Auto und essen Eis. Warum sind wir so anders? Als einzige Vertreter unter den Tieren vermgen Menschen andere zu imitieren und knnen so Ideen, Angewohnheiten, Fhigkeiten, Verhaltensweisen, Erfindungen, Lieder und Geschichten untereinander kopieren. All das sind Meme, ein Begriff, den Richard Dawkins 1976 am Ende seines Buches Das egoistische Gen geprgt hat. Wie Gene sind auch Meme Replikatoren; sie wetteifern darum, in so viele Gehirne wie mglich zu gelangen, und diese Konkurrenz der Meme hat unseren Geist und unsere Kultur geformt, so wie die natrliche Selektion unsere Krper modelliert hat. Wir Menschen sind, wozu die Meme uns gemacht haben: Wir sind allesamt Mem-Maschinen. Ist die Analogie zwischen Memen und Genen berhaupt hilfreich? Fhrt sie uns weiter - zu starken neuen Theorien, die tatschlich etwas Wichtiges erklren? Diese Fragen wirft Richard Dawkins in seinem Vorwort zu dem Buch auf, und seiner Ansicht nach gewinnt Susan Blackmore eben hier eigene Statur. >>Sie gewhnt uns zunchst mit einigen faszinierenden Denkansten an den memetischen Stil der Argumentation. Warum reden wir so viel? Warum knnen wir nicht aufhren zu denken? Warum schwirren uns bestimmte Melodien im Kopf herum und qulen uns bis zur Schlaflosigkeit? Ihre Antwort leitet sie in allen Fllen auf die gleiche Weise ein: "Stellen Sie sich eine Welt voller Gehirne vor, in der es weitaus mehr Meme gibt, als unterkommen knnen. Nun fragen Sie sich: Welche Meme werden mit grerer Wahrscheinlichkeit einen sicheren Unterschlupf finden und weiter gegeben werden?" Die Antwort ist einleuchtend, und sie verhilft uns zu einem besseren Verstndnis unserer selbst. Susan Blackmore geht geduldig und geschickt weiter vor und wendet dieselbe Methode auf immer tiefgrndigere und interessantere Probleme an. Wozu ist Sprache da? Was zieht uns an unseren Geschlechtspartnern an? Warum sind wir nett zueinander? Waren Meme die Triebfeder fr die rasche, massive und erstaunliche evolutionre Vergrerung des menschlichen Gehirns? 0
Memphis Shades Parabrisas Harley Davidson Flsts 1340 Heritage Softail Springer 97-99 Mep6150
Proveedor: Precio: 127.99 € (+1.99 €) -
Springer Nature B.V. Pro Wpf In C# 2008
Proveedor: Precio: 75.60 €Libro: Pro WPF in C# 2008 (978-1-59059-955-6) de Matthew MacDonald (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .Programación .. The Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) blends application user interface, documents, and media content to provide richer control, design, and development of the visual aspects of Windows programs. In this book, author Matthew MacDonald shows you how WPF really works. His no-nonsense, practical advice will get you quickly and easily building high-quality WPF applications. MacDonald takes you through a thorough investigation of the more advanced aspects of WPF, and its relation to other elements of the WinFX stack and the .NET Framework 3.5, to complete your understanding of WPF and C# 2008. 0
Drag Specialties Pastillas De Freno Sinterizadas Harley Davidson Flsts 1340 Heritage Softail Springer 99
Proveedor: Precio: 29.99 € (+1.99 €) -
SPRINGER VERLAG GMBH Springer Handbook Of Optical Networks
Proveedor: Precio: 401.52 €Libro: Springer Handbook of Optical Networks (978-3-030-16249-8) de Biswanath Mukherjee, Ioannis Tomkos, Peter Winzer, Yongli Zhao (SPRINGER VERLAG GMBH ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Ingeniería .Telecomunicaciones .. This handbook is an authoritative, comprehensive reference on optical networks, written for practitioners, researchers, and students around the world. This book provides a definitive single point of reference for all those interested to find out information about the basic technologies and approaches that are used to design and deploy optical communication networks across a vast variety of different application fields spanning from datacenters to backbone and access networks.nbsp; The book is divided into four parts, each edited by top experts in the field. The parts include: Optical Subsystems for Transmission and Switching; Core Networks; Datacenter and Super-computer Networking; Optical Access and Wireless Networks. The contributors are leading authorities in the fields of engineering and represent academia, industry, and international government and regulatory agencies. 0
Memphis Shades Parabrisas Harley Davidson Flsts 1340 Heritage Softail Springer 98-99 Mep6350
Proveedor: Precio: 136.99 € (+1.99 €) -
Springer Melanoma
Proveedor: Precio: 128.59 €Libro: Melanoma (978-3-319-22538-8) de Howard L. Kaufman,Janice M. Mehnert (Springer ) Comprar Libros de Otros .. Heterogeneity in Melanoma.- Melanoma Epidemiology and Prevention.- Methods Of Melanoma Detection. 0
Drag Specialties Faro Delantero 5-3/4´´ Diamond Style Springer
Proveedor: Precio: 71.99 € (+1.99 €) -
Springer Nature B.V. Games
Proveedor: Precio: 195.52 €Libro: Games (978-1-4020-9373-9) de Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen,Ondrej Majer,Tero Tulenheimo (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .. OndrejMajer,Ahti-VeikkoPietarinen,andTeroTulenheimo 1 Games and logic in philosophy Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the unifying methodo- gies over what have been perceived as pretty disparate logical systems, or else merely an assortment of formal and mathematical approaches to phi- sophical inquiry. This development has largely been fueled by an increasing dissatisfaction to what has earlier been taken to be a straightforward outcome of logical pluralism or methodological diversity. These phrases appear to re ect the everyday chaos of our academic pursuits rather than any genuine attempt to clarify the general principles underlying the miscellaneous ways in which logic appears to us. But the situation is changing. Unity among plurality is emerging in c- temporary studies in logical philosophy and neighbouring disciplines. This is a necessary follow-up to the intensive research into the intricacies of logical systems and methodologies performed over the recent years. The present book suggests one such peculiar but very unrestrained meth- ological perspective over the eld of logic and its applications in mathematics, language or computation: games. An allegory for opposition, cooperation and coordination, games are also concrete objects of formal study. 0
Drag Specialties Faro Delantero 5-3/4´´ Diamond Style Springer
Proveedor: Precio: 75.99 € (+1.99 €) -
SPRINGER PG Knots And Primes
Proveedor: Precio: 57.31 €Libro: Knots and Primes (978-1-4471-2157-2) de Masanori Morishita (SPRINGER PG ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Matemáticas .Aritmética .. This is a foundation for arithmetic topology - a new branch of mathematics which is focused upon the analogy between knot theory and number theory. Starting with an informative introduction to its origins, namely Gauss, this text provides a background on knots, three manifolds and number fields. Common aspects of both knot theory and number theory, for instance knots in three manifolds versus primes in a number field, are compared throughout the book. These comparisons begin at an elementary level, slowly building up to advanced theories in later chapters. Definitions are carefully formulated and proofs are largely self-contained. When necessary, background information is provided and theory is accompanied with a number of useful examples and illustrations, making this a useful text for both undergraduates and graduates in the field of knot theory, number theory and geometry. ? 0
Khrome Werks Manillar 1´´x12´´ Ape Hanger Springer Models Harley Davidson Flsts 1340 Heritage Softail Springer
Proveedor: Precio: 164.49 € (+1.99 €) -
Springer Nature B.V. Pro Javafx 2
Proveedor: Precio: 65.20 €Libro: Pro JavaFX 2 (978-1-4302-6872-7) de James Weaver (Springer Nature B.V. ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .Programación .. In Pro JavaFX 2: A Definitive Guide to Rich Clients with Java Technology , Jim Weaver, Weiqi Gao, Stephen Chin, Dean Iverson, and Johan Vos show you how you can use the JavaFX platform to create rich-client Java applications. You'll see how JavaFX provides a powerful Java-based UI platform capable of handling large-scale data-driven business applications. Covering the JavaFX API, development tools, and best practices, this book provides code examples that explore the exciting new features provided with JavaFX 2. It contains engaging tutorials that cover virtually every facet of JavaFX development and reference materials on JavaFX that augment the JavaFX API documentation. Written in an engaging and friendly style, Pro JavaFX 2 is an essential guide to JavaFX 2. 0
Drag Specialties Horquilla Delantera Springer -2´´ Harley Davidson Fls 1690 Abs Softail Slim 14
Proveedor: Precio: 787.49 € (+6.99 €) -
Springer Python For Arcgis
Proveedor: Precio: 136.42 €Libro: Python For ArcGIS (978-3-319-18397-8) de Laura Tateosian (Springer ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .Informática .. Introduction.- Beginning Python.- Basic data types: numbers and strings.- Basic data types:... 0
Drag Specialties Horquilla Delantera Springer +2´´ Harley Davidson Fls 1690 Softail Slim 14
Proveedor: Precio: 787.49 € (+6.99 €) -
SPRINGER PG Matrix Groups
Proveedor: Precio: 38.84 €Libro: Matrix Groups (978-1-85233-470-3) de Baker (SPRINGER PG ) Comprar Libros de Ciencias Técnicas .. This book offers a first taste of the theory of Lie groups, focusing mainly on matrix groups: closed subgroups of real and complex general linear groups. The first part studies examples and describes classical families of simply connected compact groups. The second section introduces the idea of a lie group and explores the associated notion of a homogeneous space using orbits of smooth actions. The emphasis throughout is on accessibility. 0
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