28 products were found matching your search for Beyond Adaptation in 2 shops:
Beyond Adaptation: Essays on Radical Transformations of Original Works
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.03 $Some film and novel revisions go so far beyond adaptation that they demand a new designation. This critical collection explores movies, plays, essays, comics and video games that supersede adaptation to radically transform their original sources. Fifteen essays investigate a variety of texts that rework everything from literary classics to popular children's books, demonstrating how these new, stand-alone creations critically engage their sources and contexts. Particular attention is paid to parody, intertextuality, and fairy-tale transformations in the examination of these works, which occupy a unique narrative and creative space.
Beyond Adaptation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.59 $New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000.
Eternal Ephemera : Adaptation and the Origin of Species from the Nineteenth Century Through Punctuated Equilibria and Beyond
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.34 $All organisms and species are transitory, yet life endures. The origin, extinction, and evolution of species―interconnected in the web of life as "eternal ephemera"―are the concern of evolutionary biology. In this riveting work, renowned paleontologist Niles Eldredge follows leading thinkers as they have wrestled for more than two hundred years with the eternal skein of life composed of ephemeral beings, revitalizing evolutionary science with their own, more resilient findings.Eldredge begins in France with the naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, who in 1801 first framed the overarching question about the emergence of new species. The Italian geologist Giambattista Brocchi followed, bringing in geology and paleontology to expand the question. In 1825, at the University of Edinburgh, Robert Grant and Robert Jameson introduced the astounding ideas formulated by Lamarck and Brocchi to a young medical student named Charles Darwin. Who can doubt that Darwin left for his voyage on the Beagle in 1831 filled with thoughts about these daring new explanations for the "transmutation" of species.Eldredge revisits Darwin's early insights into evolution in South America and his later synthesis of knowledge into a theory of the origin of species. He then considers the ideas of more recent evolutionary thinkers, such as George Gaylord Simpson, Ernst Mayr, and Theodosius Dobzhansky, as well as the young and brash Niles Eldredge and Steven Jay Gould, who set science afire with their concept of punctuated equilibria. Filled with insights into evolutionary biology and told with a rich affection for the scientific arena, this book celebrates the organic, vital relationship between scientific thinking and its subjects.
Asking and Listening: Ethnography As Personal Adaptation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.69 $Giving readers the capacity to include ethnography in their own experience! Asking and Listening is the first book to trace the changing ways in which human beings have learned to look at "the Others Beyond the Gate" with their strange languages and stranger customs. Not a history of ethnography so much as a chronicle of its uses and potentials, Asking and Listening examines the premises of ethnography and concerns itself with a wide range of issues such as ethnocentrism and the morass of cultural relativism, the cultures of corporations, and the meaning of ethnography for government policy. It ends with an examination of the problems in charting our tomorrows: ethnography in the information age, and for the future. Through its pragmatic analysis of cultures as storehouses of alternatives in the way universal problems can and have been approached, Asking and Listening offers readers not merely the opportunity to make sense of descriptions of other peoples' lifeways, but makes such ethnographic knowledge immediately useful in their own lives and choices and career plans. Titles of related interest from Waveland Press: Anderson, Around the World in 30 Years: Life as a Cultural Anthropologist (ISBN 9781577660576); Angrosino, Projects in Ethnographic Research (ISBN 9781577663690); DeVita, Stumbling Toward Truth: Anthropologists at Work (ISBN 9781577661252); Garbarino, Sociocultural Theory in Anthropology: A Short History (ISBN 9780881330564); Gardner-Hoffman, Dispatches from the Field: Neophyte Ethnographers in a Changing World (ISBN 9781577664512); Malinowski, Argonauts of the Western Pacific: An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea, Enhanced Edition (ISBN: 9781478602095); and van der Elst, Culture as Given, Culture as Choice, Second Edition (ISBN 9781577662693).
Beyond the Thirty-nine Steps: A Life of John Buchan
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.59 $John Buchan's name is known across the world for The Thirty-Nine Steps. In the past hundred years the classic thriller has never been out of print and has inspired numerous adaptations for film, television, radio and stage, beginning with the celebrated version by Alfred Hitchcock. Yet there was vastly more to 'JB'. He wrote more than a hundred books – fiction and non-fiction – and a thousand articles for newspapers and magazines. He was a scholar, antiquarian, barrister, colonial administrator, journal editor, literary critic, publisher, war correspondent, director of wartime propaganda, member of parliament and imperial proconsul – given a state funeral when he died, a deeply admired and loved Governor-General of Canada.His teenage years in Glasgow's Gorbals, where his father was the Free Church minister, contributed to his ease with shepherds and ambassadors, fur-trappers and prime ministers. His improbable marriage to a member of the aristocratic Grosvenor family means that this account of his life contains, at its heart, an enduring love story.Ursula Buchan, his granddaughter, has drawn on recently discovered family documents to write this comprehensive and illuminating biography. With perception, style, wit and a penetratingly clear eye, she brings vividly to life this remarkable man and his times.
Stuart Hamm Bass Transcriptions: Outbound & Beyond (Bass Guitar TAB Books by Stuart Clayton)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.65 $Stuart Hamm Bass Transcriptions: Outbound & Beyond contains every track from the acclaimed bassist's album Outbound, his classical adaptations, and tracks recorded with fusion trio GHS. All transcriptions are presented in standard notation and tablature, with chord symbols. Also includes a Stuart Hamm biography, information on his basses, and detailed performance notes - with comments from Stuart himself - for each song.
Beyond Imported Magic: Essays on Science, Technology, and Society in Latin America (Inside Technology)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 133.58 $The essays in this volume study the creation, adaptation, and use of science and technology in Latin America. They challenge the view that scientific ideas and technology travel unchanged from the global North to the global South -- the view of technology as "imported magic." They describe not only alternate pathways for innovation, invention, and discovery but also how ideas and technologies circulate in Latin American contexts and transnationally. The contributors' explorations of these issues, and their examination of specific Latin American experiences with science and technology, offer a broader, more nuanced understanding of how science, technology, politics, and power interact in the past and present.The essays in this book use methods from history and the social sciences to investigate forms of local creation and use of technologies; the circulation of ideas, people, and artifacts in local and global networks; and hybrid technologies and forms of knowledge production. They address such topics as the work of female forensic geneticists in Colombia; the pioneering Argentinean use of fingerprinting technology in the late nineteenth century; the design, use, and meaning of the XO Laptops created and distributed by the One Laptop per Child Program; and the development of nuclear energy in Argentina, Mexico, and Chile.Contributors Pedro Ignacio Alonso, Morgan G. Ames, Javiera Barandiarán, João Biehl, Anita Say Chan, Amy Cox Hall, Henrique Cukierman, Ana Delgado, Rafael Dias, Adriana Díaz del Castillo H., Mariano Fressoli, Jonathan Hagood, Christina Holmes, Matthieu Hubert, Noela Invernizzi, Michael Lemon, Ivan da Costa Marques, Gisela Mateos, Eden Medina, María Fernanda Olarte Sierra, Hugo Palmarola, Tania Pérez-Bustos, Julia Rodriguez, Israel Rodríguez-Giralt, Edna Suárez Díaz, Hernán Thomas, Manuel Tironi, Dominique Vinck
Steel and Beyond : New Strategies for Metals in Architecture
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.81 $New conceptual strategies for structures, hybrid materials and constructions, computer-aided design and fabrication, and the adaptation of techniques from aeroplane design and ship building: these new technical developments in design and production are radically changing the use of metals in building. yesterday s standards and processes are rapidly becoming out-dated, and it is high time that the most recent advances are documented in a systematic overview. Case studies examine significant recent buildings, both completed and in design, which illustrate ground-breaking concepts. These include Frank O. Gehry s Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao and the Experience Music project in Seattle, the Millennium Bridge by Norman Foster, Sendai Mediatheque by Toyo Ito, the Seattle Library by Rem Koolhaas. Each project is comprehensively documented in image and text, paying particular attention to the application and processing of metal and steel.
Stuart Hamm Bass Transcriptions: Outbound & Beyond (Bass Guitar TAB Books by Stuart Clayton)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.65 $Stuart Hamm Bass Transcriptions: Outbound & Beyond contains every track from the acclaimed bassist's album Outbound, his classical adaptations, and tracks recorded with fusion trio GHS. All transcriptions are presented in standard notation and tablature, with chord symbols. Also includes a Stuart Hamm biography, information on his basses, and detailed performance notes - with comments from Stuart himself - for each song.
Beyond Imported Magic: Essays on Science, Technology, and Society in Latin America (Inside Technology)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.19 $Studies challenging the idea that technology and science flow only from global North to South.The essays in this volume study the creation, adaptation, and use of science and technology in Latin America. They challenge the view that scientific ideas and technology travel unchanged from the global North to the global South―the view of technology as “imported magic.” They describe not only alternate pathways for innovation, invention, and discovery but also how ideas and technologies circulate in Latin American contexts and transnationally. The contributors' explorations of these issues, and their examination of specific Latin American experiences with science and technology, offer a broader, more nuanced understanding of how science, technology, politics, and power interact in the past and present.The essays in this book use methods from history and the social sciences to investigate forms of local creation and use of technologies; the circulation of ideas, people, and artifacts in local and global networks; and hybrid technologies and forms of knowledge production. They address such topics as the work of female forensic geneticists in Colombia; the pioneering Argentinean use of fingerprinting technology in the late nineteenth century; the design, use, and meaning of the XO Laptops created and distributed by the One Laptop per Child Program; and the development of nuclear energy in Argentina, Mexico, and Chile.ContributorsPedro Ignacio Alonso, Morgan G. Ames, Javiera Barandiarán, João Biehl, Anita Say Chan, Amy Cox Hall, Henrique Cukierman, Ana Delgado, Rafael Dias, Adriana Díaz del Castillo H., Mariano Fressoli, Jonathan Hagood, Christina Holmes, Matthieu Hubert, Noela Invernizzi, Michael Lemon, Ivan da Costa Marques, Gisela Mateos, Eden Medina, María Fernanda Olarte Sierra, Hugo Palmarola, Tania Pérez-Bustos, Julia Rodriguez, Israel Rodríguez-Giralt, Edna Suárez Díaz, Hernán Thomas, Manuel Tironi, Dominique Vinck
Beyond Imported Magic: Essays on Science, Technology, and Society in Latin America (Inside Technology)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.33 $Studies challenging the idea that technology and science flow only from global North to South.The essays in this volume study the creation, adaptation, and use of science and technology in Latin America. They challenge the view that scientific ideas and technology travel unchanged from the global North to the global South―the view of technology as “imported magic.” They describe not only alternate pathways for innovation, invention, and discovery but also how ideas and technologies circulate in Latin American contexts and transnationally. The contributors' explorations of these issues, and their examination of specific Latin American experiences with science and technology, offer a broader, more nuanced understanding of how science, technology, politics, and power interact in the past and present.The essays in this book use methods from history and the social sciences to investigate forms of local creation and use of technologies; the circulation of ideas, people, and artifacts in local and global networks; and hybrid technologies and forms of knowledge production. They address such topics as the work of female forensic geneticists in Colombia; the pioneering Argentinean use of fingerprinting technology in the late nineteenth century; the design, use, and meaning of the XO Laptops created and distributed by the One Laptop per Child Program; and the development of nuclear energy in Argentina, Mexico, and Chile.ContributorsPedro Ignacio Alonso, Morgan G. Ames, Javiera Barandiarán, João Biehl, Anita Say Chan, Amy Cox Hall, Henrique Cukierman, Ana Delgado, Rafael Dias, Adriana Díaz del Castillo H., Mariano Fressoli, Jonathan Hagood, Christina Holmes, Matthieu Hubert, Noela Invernizzi, Michael Lemon, Ivan da Costa Marques, Gisela Mateos, Eden Medina, María Fernanda Olarte Sierra, Hugo Palmarola, Tania Pérez-Bustos, Julia Rodriguez, Israel Rodríguez-Giralt, Edna Suárez Díaz, Hernán Thomas, Manuel Tironi, Dominique Vinck
The Riding Experience & Beyond: Personal Development for Riders
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.27 $This book introduces the American System of Education, a new process of learning for riders who want to become classically educated equestrians. Using an adaptation of the German system, this unique approach deals with the variety of horse/rider challenges found. Divided into seven sections, this useful guide to learning classically correct riding reveals how your personal development is related to your riding skills.
12 in. x 18 in. Longer-Lasting Styrene Plastic Printed on More Durable Thicker Delivery/Pick-Up Call Sign
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 22.38 $Easily display these signs to promote delivery and pickup locations. These signs are perfect for the adaptation of your business. Our signs go beyond the standard of quality. Color: Red and White.
18 in. x 24 in. Longer-Lasting Styrene Plastic Printed on More Durable Thicker Delivery/Take-Out Sign
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 26.46 $Easily display these signs to promote delivery and pickup locations. These signs are perfect for the adaptation of your business. Our signs go beyond the standard of quality. Color: Red and White.
12 in. x 18 in. Longer-Lasting Styrene Plastic Printed on More Durable Thicker Delivery and Pick-Up Call Sign
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 22.38 $Easily display these signs to promote delivery and pickup locations. These signs are perfect for the adaptation of your business. Our signs go beyond the standard of quality. Color: Red and White.
12 in. x 18 in. Longer-Lasting Styrene Plastic Printed on More Durable Thicker Delivery/Take-Out Sign
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 22.38 $Easily display these signs to promote delivery and pickup locations. These signs are perfect for the adaptation of your business. Our signs go beyond the standard of quality. Color: Red and White.
18 in. x 24 in. Longer-Lasting Styrene Plastic Printed on More Durable Thicker Delivery/Pick-Up Call Sign
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 26.21 $Easily display these signs to promote delivery and pickup locations. These signs are perfect for the adaptation of your business. Our signs go beyond the standard of quality. Color: Red and White.
18 in. x 24 in. Longer-Lasting Styrene Plastic Printed on More Durable Thicker Delivery and Pick-Up Call Sign
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 2.83 $Easily display these signs to promote delivery and pickup locations. These signs are perfect for the adaptation of your business. Our signs go beyond the standard of quality. Color: Red and White.
Changeable and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.04 $“Changeable and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems” discusses key strategies for success in the changing manufacturing environment. Changes can often be anticipated but some go beyond the design range, requiring innovative change enablers and adaptation mechanisms. The book presents the new concept of Changeability as an umbrella framework that encompasses paradigms such as agility, adaptability, flexibility and reconfigurability. It provides the definitions and classification of key terms in this new field, and emphasizes the required physical/hard and logical/soft change enablers. The book presents cutting edge technologies and the latest research, as well as future directions to help manufacturers stay competitive. It contains original contributions and results from senior international experts, together with industrial applications. The book serves as a comprehensive reference for professional engineers, managers, and academics in manufacturing, industrial and mechanical engineering.
Pro-Ject Moonbase and Others [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 11.88 $Project Moonbase contains the screenplay for the now classic sf film, plus eleven finished teleplays and two story outlines for a projected television show, The World Beyond. In addition to original tales (the story outlines "Home Sweet Home" and "The Tourist") Project Moonbase also contains teleplay adaptations of such RAH classics as "Delilah and the Space Rigger" "And He Built a Crooked House" and much more.
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