92 products were found matching your search for Mathematischen in 1 shops:
Absolute Analysis Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften In Einzeldarst
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 93.94 $Dj has some age toning, especially at spine, original yellow boardsClean text block
Methoden der mathematischen Physik (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 134.57 $In diesem Buch spürt man noch immer die Inspiration zweier großer Mathematiker: Hilbert gilt als der letzte seiner Zunft, der in allen Gebieten der Mathematik zu Hause war. Seine grundlegend neuen Erkenntnisse prägten entscheidend die moderne Auffassung vom Wesen der Mathematik. Sein Schüler Courant ist auch heute noch anerkannt als ein ausgezeichneter Lehrer, der die Gabe hatte, schwierigste Materien verständlich darstellen zu können.
Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 319)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.71 $A description of the global properties of simply-connected spaces that are non-positively curved in the sense of A. D. Alexandrov, and the structure of groups which act on such spaces by isometries. The theory of these objects is developed in a manner accessible to anyone familiar with the rudiments of topology and group theory: non-trivial theorems are proved by concatenating elementary geometric arguments, and many examples are given. Part I provides an introduction to the geometry of geodesic spaces, while Part II develops the basic theory of spaces with upper curvature bounds. More specialized topics, such as complexes of groups, are covered in Part III.
Topology for Physicists (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 183.41 $In recent years topology has firmly established itself as an important part of the physicist's mathematical arsenal. Topology has profound relevance to quantum field theory-for example, topological nontrivial solutions of the classical equa tions of motion (solitons and instantons) allow the physicist to leave the frame work of perturbation theory. The significance of topology has increased even further with the development of string theory, which uses very sharp topologi cal methods-both in the study of strings, and in the pursuit of the transition to four-dimensional field theories by means of spontaneous compactification. Im portant applications of topology also occur in other areas of physics: the study of defects in condensed media, of singularities in the excitation spectrum of crystals, of the quantum Hall effect, and so on. Nowadays, a working knowledge of the basic concepts of topology is essential to quantum field theorists; there is no doubt that tomorrow this will also be true for specialists in many other areas of theoretical physics. The amount of topological information used in the physics literature is very large. Most common is homotopy theory. But other subjects also play an important role: homology theory, fibration theory (and characteristic classes in particular), and also branches of mathematics that are not directly a part of topology, but which use topological methods in an essential way: for example, the theory of indices of elliptic operators and the theory of complex manifolds.
Algebraic Number Theory (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 160.45 $This introduction to algebraic number theory discusses the classical concepts from the viewpoint of Arakelov theory. The treatment of class theory is particularly rich in illustrating complements, offering hints for further study, and providing concrete examples. It is the most up-to-date, systematic, and theoretically comprehensive textbook on algebraic number field theory available.
Methoden Der Mathematischen Physik -Language: German
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 153.21 $In diesem Buch spürt man noch immer die Inspiration zweier großer Mathematiker: Hilbert gilt als der letzte seiner Zunft, der in allen Gebieten der Mathematik zu Hause war. Seine grundlegend neuen Erkenntnisse prägten entscheidend die moderne Auffassung vom Wesen der Mathematik. Sein Schüler Courant ist auch heute noch anerkannt als ein ausgezeichneter Lehrer, der die Gabe hatte, schwierigste Materien verständlich darstellen zu können.
Complex Multiplication (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 255)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 13.86 $The small book by Shimura-Taniyama on the subject of complex multi is a classic. It gives the results obtained by them (and some by Weil) plication in the higher dimensional case, generalizing in a non-trivial way the method of Deuring for elliptic curves, by reduction mod p. Partly through the work of Shimura himself (cf. [Sh 1] [Sh 2], and [Sh 5]), and some others (Serre, Tate, Kubota, Ribet, Deligne etc.) it is possible today to make a more snappy and extensive presentation of the fundamental results than was possible in 1961. Several persons have found my lecture notes on this subject useful to them, and so I have decided to publish this short book to make them more widely available. Readers acquainted with the standard theory of abelian varieties, and who wish to get rapidly an idea of the fundamental facts of complex multi plication, are advised to look first at the two main theorems, Chapter 3, §6 and Chapter 4, §1, as well as the rest of Chapter 4. The applications of Chapter 6 could also be profitably read early. I am much indebted to N. Schappacher for a careful reading of the manu script resulting in a number of useful suggestions. S. LANG Contents CHAPTER 1 Analytic Complex Multiplication 4 I. Positive Definite Involutions . . . 6 2. CM Types and Subfields. . . . . 8 3. Application to Abelian Manifolds. 4. Construction of Abelian Manifolds with CM 14 21 5. Reflex of a CM Type . . . . .
Stability of Motion (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.83 $The theory of the stability of motion has gained increasing signifi cance in the last decades as is apparent from the large number of publi cations on the subject. A considerable part of this work is concerned with practical problems, especially problems from the area of controls and servo-mechanisms, and concrete problems from engineering were the ones which first gave the decisin' impetus for the expansion and modern development of stability theory. In comparison with the many single publications, which are num bered in the thousands, the number of books on stability theory, and especially books not \\Titten in Russian, is extraordinarily small. Books which giw the student a complete introduction into the topic and which simultaneously familiarize him with the newer results of the theory and their applications to practical questions are completely lacking. I hope that the book which I hereby present will to some extent do justice to this double task. I haw endeavored to treat stability theory as a mathe matical discipline, to characterize its methods, and to prove its theorems rigorollsly and completely as mathematical theorems. Still I always strove to make reference to applications, to illustrate the arguments with examples, and to stress the interaction between theory and practice. The mathematical preparation of the reader should consist of about two to three years of university mathematics.
Quadratic Forms and Hecke Operators (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 137.21 $The numerous explicit formulae of the classical theory of quadratic forms revealed remarkable multiplicative properties of the numbers of integral representations of integers by positive definite integral quadratic forms. These properties were explained by the original theory of Hecke operators. As regards the integral representations of quadratic forms in more than one variable by quadratic forms, no multiplicative properties were known at that time, and so there was nothing to explain. However, the idea of Hecke operators was so natural and attractive that soon attempts were made to cultivate it in the neighbouring field of modular forms of several variables. The approach has proved to be fruitful; in particular, a number of multiplicative properties of integral representations of quadratic forms by quadratic forms were eventually discovered. By now the theory has reached a certain maturity, and the time has come to give an up-to-date report in a concise form, in order to provide a solid ground for further development. The purpose of this book is to present in the form of a self-contained text-book the contemporary state of the theory of Hecke operators on the spaces of hoi om orphic modular forms of integral weight (the Siegel modular forms) for congruence subgroups of integral symplectic groups. The book can also be used for an initial study of modular forms of one or several variables and theta-series of positive definite integral quadratic forms.
Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, v. 290)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.21 $The third edition of this definitive and popular book continues to pursue the question: what is the most efficient way to pack a large number of equal spheres in n-dimensional Euclidean space? The authors also examine such related issues as the kissing number problem, the covering problem, the quantizing problem, and the classification of lattices and quadratic forms. There is also a description of the applications of these questions to other areas of mathematics and science such as number theory, coding theory, group theory, analogue-to-digital conversion and data compression, n-dimensional crystallography, dual theory and superstring theory in physics. New and of special interest is a report on some recent developments in the field, and an updated and enlarged supplementary bibliography with over 800 items.
Elliptic Functions (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 281)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 108.68 $This book has grown out of a course of lectures on elliptic functions, given in German, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, during the summer semester of 1982. Its aim is to give some idea of the theory of elliptic functions, and of its close connexion with theta-functions and modular functions, and to show how it provides an analytic approach to the solution of some classical problems in the theory of numbers. It comprises eleven chapters. The first seven are function-theoretic, and the next four concern arithmetical applications. There are Notes at the end of every chapter, which contain references to the literature, comments on the text, and on the ramifications, old and new, of the problems dealt with, some of them extending into cognate fields. The treatment is self-contained, and makes no special demand on the reader's knowledge beyond the elements of complex analysis in one variable, and of group theory.
Topology for Physicists (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 183.41 $In recent years topology has firmly established itself as an important part of the physicist's mathematical arsenal. Topology has profound relevance to quantum field theory-for example, topological nontrivial solutions of the classical equa tions of motion (solitons and instantons) allow the physicist to leave the frame work of perturbation theory. The significance of topology has increased even further with the development of string theory, which uses very sharp topologi cal methods-both in the study of strings, and in the pursuit of the transition to four-dimensional field theories by means of spontaneous compactification. Im portant applications of topology also occur in other areas of physics: the study of defects in condensed media, of singularities in the excitation spectrum of crystals, of the quantum Hall effect, and so on. Nowadays, a working knowledge of the basic concepts of topology is essential to quantum field theorists; there is no doubt that tomorrow this will also be true for specialists in many other areas of theoretical physics. The amount of topological information used in the physics literature is very large. Most common is homotopy theory. But other subjects also play an important role: homology theory, fibration theory (and characteristic classes in particular), and also branches of mathematics that are not directly a part of topology, but which use topological methods in an essential way: for example, the theory of indices of elliptic operators and the theory of complex manifolds.
Percolation (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 321)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.35 $Percolation theory is the study of an idealized random medium in two or more dimensions. The emphasis of this book is upon core mathematical material and the presentation of the shortest and most accessible proofs. Much new material appears in this second edition including dynamic and static renormalization, strict inequalities between critical points, a sketch of the lace expansion, and several essays on related fields and applications.
Basic Number Theory (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.08 $From the reviews: "L.R. Shafarevich showed me the first edition [...] and said that this book will be from now on the book about class field theory. In fact it is by far the most complete treatment of the main theorems of algebraic number theory, including function fields over finite constant fields, that appeared in book form." Zentralblatt MATH
Homology (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 184.28 $In presenting this treatment of homological algebra, it is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and encouragement which I have had from all sides. Homological algebra arose from many sources in algebra and topology. Decisive examples came from the study of group extensions and their factor sets, a subject I learned in joint work with OTTO SCHIL LING. A further development of homological ideas, with a view to their topological applications, came in my long collaboration with SAMUEL ElLENBERG; to both collaborators, especial thanks. For many years the Air Force Office of Scientific Research supported my research projects on various subjects now summarized here; it is a pleasure to acknowledge their lively understanding of basic science. Both REINHOLD BAER and JOSEF SCHMID read and commented on my entire manuscript; their advice has led to many improvements. ANDERS KOCK and JACQUES RIGUET have read the entire galley proof and caught many slips and obscurities. Among the others whose sug gestions have served me well, I note FRANK ADAMS, LOUIS AUSLANDER, WILFRED COCKCROFT, ALBRECHT DOLD, GEOFFREY HORROCKS, FRIED RICH KASCH, JOHANN LEICHT, ARUNAS LIULEVICIUS, JOHN MOORE, DIE TER PUPPE, JOSEPH YAO, and a number of my current students at the University of Chicago - not to m~ntion the auditors of my lectures at Chicago, Heidelberg, Bonn, Frankfurt, and Aarhus. My wife, DOROTHY, has cheerfully typed more versions of more chapters than she would like to count. Messrs.
Homology (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 114)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.43 $In presenting this treatment of homological algebra, it is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and encouragement which I have had from all sides. Homological algebra arose from many sources in algebra and topology. Decisive examples came from the study of group extensions and their factor sets, a subject I learned in joint work with OTTO SCHIL LING. A further development of homological ideas, with a view to their topological applications, came in my long collaboration with SAMUEL ElLENBERG; to both collaborators, especial thanks. For many years the Air Force Office of Scientific Research supported my research projects on various subjects now summarized here; it is a pleasure to acknowledge their lively understanding of basic science. Both REINHOLD BAER and JOSEF SCHMID read and commented on my entire manuscript; their advice has led to many improvements. ANDERS KOCK and JACQUES RIGUET have read the entire galley proof and caught many slips and obscurities. Among the others whose sug gestions have served me well, I note FRANK ADAMS, LOUIS AUSLANDER, WILFRED COCKCROFT, ALBRECHT DOLD, GEOFFREY HORROCKS, FRIED RICH KASCH, JOHANN LEICHT, ARUNAS LIULEVICIUS, JOHN MOORE, DIE TER PUPPE, JOSEPH YAO, and a number of my current students at the University of Chicago - not to m~ntion the auditors of my lectures at Chicago, Heidelberg, Bonn, Frankfurt, and Aarhus. My wife, DOROTHY, has cheerfully typed more versions of more chapters than she would like to count. Messrs.
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order (Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, 224)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 275.12 $From the reviews: "This is a book of interest to any having to work with differential equations, either as a reference or as a book to learn from. The authors have taken trouble to make the treatment self-contained. It (is) suitable required reading for a PhD student." --New Zealand Mathematical Society, 1985
Hyperstability of Control Systems. (= Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 204). [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.92 $15 Liapunov's "second method" eliminates this drawback and leads to accurate conclusions regarding the stability of well-defined families of systems. This method made it natural to introduce the new notion of "absolute stability" whose origin can be traced to a work of . A. I. Lur'e and V. N. Post nikov [1]. The results of the many investigations effected to date in the field of absolute stability have been presented in a number of monographs, from which we mention (in chrono logical order) . A. I. Lur'e [1], . A. M. Letov [1], . A. Halanay Fig. 1. 2 [1], M . . A . . Aizerman and F. R. Gantmacher [1] and S. Lef schetz [1]. Without going into a detailed exposition of these results (see the final chapter of this book), we shall discuss here only the manner in which one defines the families of systems that are studied. These systems are characterized by the fact that in Relation (4) - which describes the non-linear block B2 (Fig. 1. 1) - the function cp is continuous, vanishes for v = 0 and satisfies the inequality cp( v)v > 0 for every v =/= o. (6) In other words, the graph of function cp is entirely contained in the quadrants I and III; it may have, for instance, a shape similar to that shown in Fig. 1. 2. The object of the study of absolute stability consists in finding a criterion which secures simultaneously the stability of all the systems characterized by Condition (6) .
Introduction to Quadratic Forms (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 117)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 85.00 $From the reviews: "O'Meara treats his subject from this point of view (of the interaction with algebraic groups). He does not attempt an encyclopedic coverage ...nor does he strive to take the reader to the frontiers of knowledge... . Instead he has given a clear account from first principles and his book is a useful introduction to the modern viewpoint and literature. In fact it presupposes only undergraduate algebra (up to Galois theory inclusive)... The book is lucidly written and can be warmly recommended.J.W.S. Cassels, The Mathematical Gazette, 1965"Anyone who has heard O'Meara lecture will recognize in every page of this book the crispness and lucidity of the author's style;... The organization and selection of material is superb... deserves high praise as an excellent example of that too-rare type of mathematical exposition combining conciseness with clarity...R. Jacobowitz, Bulletin of the AMS, 1965
Introduction to Modular Forms (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 222)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 147.51 $From the reviews: "This book gives a thorough introduction to several theories that are fundamental to research on modular forms. Most of the material, despite its importance, had previously been unavailable in textbook form. Complete and readable proofs are given... In conclusion, this book is a welcome addition to the literature for the growing number of students and mathematicians in other fields who want to understand the recent developments in the theory of modular forms." #Mathematical Reviews#"This book will certainly be indispensable to all those wishing to get an up-to-date initiation to the theory of modular forms."#Publicationes Mathematicae#
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