80 products were found matching your search for Melville Fred John Gambia in 4 shops:
White Lies: Melvilles Narratives of Facts
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.28 $The narrative of facts―probably best exemplified in the literature of exploration―was an immensely popular genre in mid-nineteenth-century America. In White Lies, John Samson offers full contextual readings of Melville's five major narratives of facts―Typee, Omoo, Redburn, White-Jacket, and Israel Potter. Samson demonstrates that in these novels Melville critically rewrote the sources on which he drew, in effect making the genre itself a subject of his writing.In his introduction, Samson discusses Melville's knowledge of the genre and its ideology. He then reads each novel in terms of Melville's confrontation with its sources. In each, Samson says, an unreliable narrator represents particular ideological tendencies in Melville's sources. Melville heightens and extends these tendencies, exposes the contradictions and biases within them, and ends by showing the narrator evading or denying experiences that conflict with his ideology. According to Samson, Melville sees the concept of historical progress as the basis of these biases and evasions.In these five novels, Melville reveals the conflict between democratic, humanitarian, and individualistic principles, on the one hand, and the forces of racial superiority, religious bigotry, economic determinism, and political conservatism, on the other. Taken together, Samson asserts, these novels deconstruct the intellectual foundations of the form of historical narration endorsed by white patriarchal culture.Scholars and students of nineteenth-century American literature, specialists in the novel, and other readers of Melville will welcome Samson's provocative reinterpretation of these key works in American culture.
Melville: The Making of the Poet
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.11 $“Who would have looked for philosophy in whales, or for poetry in blubber?” the London John Bull remarked in October of 1851. And yet, the reviewer went on, “few books which professedly deal in metaphysics, or claim the parentage of the muses, contain as much true philosophy and as much genuine poetry as the tale of the Pequod's whaling expedition.” A decade and a half before surprising the world with a book of Civil war poetry, Melville was already confident of what was “poetic” in his prose. As Hershel Parker demonstrates in this book, Melville was steeped in poetry long before he called himself a poet. Here Parker, the dean of Melville studies, gives a compelling, in-depth account of how one of America’s greatest writers grew into the vocation of a poet. His work corrects two of the most pernicious misconceptions about Melville perpetuated by earlier critics: that he repudiated fiction writing after Pierre, and that he hadn’t begun writing poetry (let alone had a book of poems ready for publication) as early as 1860. In clearing up these misapprehensions, Parker gives a thorough and thoroughly involving account of Melville’s development as a poet. Parker demonstrates for the first time just how crucial poetry was to Melville from childhood to old age, especially its re-emergence in his life after 1849. Drawing on Melville's shrewd annotations of great British poets and on his probing, skeptical engagement with commentaries on poetry (particularly by the great Scots reviewers), Parker paints a richly textured portrait of a hitherto unseen side of Herman Melville.
American Heralds of the Spirit: Emerson, Whitman, Melville
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 126.45 $We know who the Founding Fathers were economically and politically, but who founded America culturally and spiritually? For John Gardner, it was not until the generation after Jefferson and Adams that the revolutionary principles of American spiritual life were laid down. For him, Emerson, Melville, and Whitman speak for the spirit as it lives in America.This is not so much a work of literary criticism as a meditative attempt to allow the ideas of these founding fathers to be thought anew. The result is that we hear these heralds of the spirit as if for the first time. Their words, presented with uncanny directness, become prophetic of America today.
Melville and Repose (Hardcover)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 171.68 $John Bryant's book is a strong and significant argument for the centrality of the comic and repose in Melville's novels. The purpose of Melville and Repose is dual: to ground the uses of romantic humor in Melville in sensitive readings of contemporaneous European and American writings, and to offer a definitive account of the comic as the shaping force of Melville's narrative voice throughout the major phase of his literary career. Bryant argues that Melville fused a "rhetoric of geniality" and "picturesque sensibility" adopted from the British with a "rhetoric of deceit" borrowed from the American tall tale in order to create his own amiably cosmopolitan "rhetoric of aesthetic repose." Thorough research into American culture and recent Melville manuscript findings, an engaging style, and full, scholarly readings combine to make this historicist study a welcome addition to the libraries of Americanists and Melville scholars and enthusiasts.
Fred Bock Music Company 08748581
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 35.99 $ (+9.95 $)This Title Comes In Quantities Of Five (5) Copies(1 Order=5 Copies) John Saw De Numbuh Publisher: Fred Bock Music Company Category: Choral ...
Melville and Repose: The Rhetoric of Humor in the American Renaissance [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.00 $John Bryant's book is a strong and significant argument for the centrality of the comic and repose in Melville's novels. The purpose of Melville and Repose is dual: to ground the uses of romantic humor in Melville in sensitive readings of contemporaneous European and American writings, and to offer a definitive account of the comic as the shaping force of Melville's narrative voice throughout the major phase of his literary career. Bryant argues that Melville fused a "rhetoric of geniality" and "picturesque sensibility" adopted from the British with a "rhetoric of deceit" borrowed from the American tall tale in order to create his own amiably cosmopolitan "rhetoric of aesthetic repose." Thorough research into American culture and recent Melville manuscript findings, an engaging style, and full, scholarly readings combine to make this historicist study a welcome addition to the libraries of Americanists and Melville scholars and enthusiasts.
A Companion to Melville Studies (Hardcover)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 120.53 $John Bryant has assembled a unique collection of critical writings dealing with the life, art, and influence of Herman Melville. More than just a survey of his works, this book is an intellectual guide that comprises the learning and insight of twenty-five noted Melville scholars, as well as their suggestions for further research. In combining criticism and bibliography, each chapter assesses the critical debates that have emerged concerning Melville's thought and art. The Companion also examines Melville's life and influence on the world of books, modern thought, foreign cultures, and popular culture.
Fred Bock Music Company 08738259
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 33.99 $ (+9.95 $)This Title Comes In Quantities Of Ten (10) Copies. 1 Order = 10 Individual Copies It Is Good to Sing Thy Praises Arranger: John Carter (arr. C...
Fred Bock Music Company 08754605
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 25.99 $ (+9.95 $)This Title Comes In Quantities Of Ten (10) Copies. 1 Order = 10 Individual Copies Holy, Holy, Holy Arranger: John B. Dykes John B. Dykes/Regin...
Fred Bock Music Company 08739975
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 23.99 $ (+9.95 $)Composer: John Jensen I Will Exalt You Publisher: Fred Bock Music Company Category: Choral Series: Fred Bock Publications Format: Paperback ...
Fred Bock Music Company 08738485
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 21.99 $ (+9.95 $)Arranger: John Ness Beck O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing Publisher: Fred Bock Music Company Category: Choral Series: Fred Bock Publications ...
Fred Bock Music Company 08738086
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 27.99 $ (+9.95 $)This Title Comes In Quantities Of Five (5) Copies(1 Order=5 Copies) O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing Composer: Charles Wesley (arr. John Ne...
Fred Bock Music Company 08738645
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 35.99 $ (+9.95 $)This Title Comes In Quantities Of Five (5) Copies(1 Order=5 Copies) John, the Revelator Publisher: Fred Bock Music Company Category: Choral...
A Companion to Melville Studies
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.11 $John Bryant has assembled a unique collection of critical writings dealing with the life, art, and influence of Herman Melville. More than just a survey of his works, this book is an intellectual guide that comprises the learning and insight of twenty-five noted Melville scholars, as well as their suggestions for further research. In combining criticism and bibliography, each chapter assesses the critical debates that have emerged concerning Melville's thought and art. The Companion also examines Melville's life and influence on the world of books, modern thought, foreign cultures, and popular culture.
Arthur Melville : Adventures in Colour
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.68 $Arthur Melville was arguably the most innovative and modernist Scottish artist of his generation and one of the finest British watercolourists of the nineteenth century, yet he avoided categorization. In 1943 the Scottish Colourist John Duncan Fergusson confessed that although they never met, "his work opened up to me the way to free painting - not merely freedom in the use of paint, but freedom of outlook".This book offers a comprehensive survey of Arthur Melville's (1855-1904) rich and varied career as artist-adventurer, Orientalist, forerunner of The Glasgow Boys, painter of modern life and re-interpreter of the landscape of Scotland. His travels inspired spectacular watercolors and paintings. This book illustrates around sixty of his works, each with a catalogue entry, and an essay by Kenneth McConkey, which discusses Melville's art and career.
Fred Bock Music Company 08749951
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 35.99 $ (+9.95 $)This Title Comes In Quantities Of Five (5) Copies(1 Order=5 Copies) Hail, Christmas Day! Arranger: Abbie Betinis Abbie Burt Betinis/John Bu...
John Gould's Extinct and Endangered Mammals of Australia [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.01 $Condition of Hardback Book: As New How poignant it is to look at some of Gould's beautiful images of our animals and know that some are no longer with us, and some are fighting for their lives? In this book, author Fred Ford compares Gould's world, and the world that the animals live in at that time, with the world today. John Gould's Extinct and Endangered Mammals of Australia includes 46 Australian mammal species that, today, are threatened or extinct and that were portrayed in the lavish colour plates in John Gould's 1863 publication, The Mammals of Australia. Accompanying the pictures are accounts of the animals as they lived in the relatively untouched Australia that John Gould knew, and evidence of the attitudes of European settlers towards the native fauna. 271pp This book is quite heavy and may be collected at Docklands, Melbourne
John James Audubon: American Birds
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.18 $In his magisterial Fine Bird Books, Sir Sacheverall Sitwell says of Audubon: 'There is nothing in the world of fine books quite like the discovery of Audubon. The giant energy of the man, his power of achievement and accomplishment, give him something of the epical force of a Walt Whitman or a Herman Melville...Audubon is the greatest of bird Painters; he belongs to American history.'John James Audubon's Birds of America, from which this selection has been taken, is the finest pictorial ornithological book ever produced. Unlike the drawings and paintings of his contemporaries, which were produced from prepared skins and zoo specimens, Audubon's paintings are taken directly from his observations in the wild, and the richness and directness come straight from the real world. No wonder that Audubon became known in his lifetime as 'The American Woodsman'.Audubon was unable to raise sufficient financial backing in the United States and he sailed for England in 1826. In its original form, Birds of America contained 435 hand-colored, aquatinted plates which were completed between 1827 and 1838. It was printed in London and bound into four double elephant folio volumes (measuring approximately 30 X 27 inches (76 X 69 cm)) so that all the birds could be illustrated life-size. Between 175 and 200 sets were produced, and the last complete set to come to auction fetched nearly $3,000,000.
Jasper Johns - The Sculptures [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.95 $Jasper Johns The Sculptures catalog by Fred Orton for an exhibition at The Menil Collection, Houston and The Leeds City Art Gallery
John Marr and Other Sailors with Some Sea-Pieces
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.00 $A facsimile edition of Melville’s rare volume including the author’s proofreading corrections Late in his life, Herman Melville published a volume of poetry called John Marr and Other Sailors. He produced the collection at his expense, and therefore only about 25 copies were printed. Existing copies can be found in libraries, but scholars have, for the most part, not seen them. John Marr and Other Sailors is a complete facsimile reprint of the original edition as Melville published it that also offers additional materials that allow readers to study the book as Melville conceived it. Robillard provides excerpts from the author’s manuscript, printer’s copy with corrections, the galley proofs with Melville’s instructions about the structure of the book, and the page proofs, thereby offering a complete record of one of his books from manuscript to print. Many scholars have been dismissive of Melville’s poetry and his writing during the last years of his life. But Melville was a hard-working, professional writer during his later years, writing new poems and changing and correcting older poems. As evident in this edition, he was distilling the hard-earned knowledge of many years and the poetic skills he had been perfecting. For this reason, John Marr is as important as any of his prose fictions. Melville scholars and textual editors will appreciate this addition to the study of this great American literary figure and his work.
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