Sono stati trovati 40 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per katalog in 5 negozi:
Lee Farbfolienkatalog
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.90 € (+20.00 €)Lee Colour Filter Cataloque, Colour filter catalogue, Wide range of products from the company LEE, Filter size approx, 9 x 3.8 cm
Die Braut aus dem Katalog
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.99 € -
Die Braut aus dem Katalog
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.99 € -
Katalog der Risiken
Venditore: Prezzo: 113.77 € -
Katalog der Risiken
Venditore: Prezzo: 113.77 € -
Venditore: Prezzo: 34.90 € -
Venditore: Prezzo: 34.90 € -
Leistungskataloge und Vergütungen SGB XI 2018
Venditore: Prezzo: 99.90 € -
Leistungskataloge und Vergütungen SGB XI 2018
Venditore: Prezzo: 99.90 € -
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.14 € -
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.14 € -
Anna Scalfi Eghenter. KataLogos. Ediz. italiana e inglese
Venditore: Prezzo: 33.90 €KataLogos è un documento di lavoro, che riporta le tracce del percorso artistico di Anna Scalfì Eghenter, incrociandolo con l'analisi del suo processo di ricerca. Strutturato in dodici \"loci\", aree in cui è organizzata la successione dei lavori, e preceduto da una \"ratio\" intesa come premessa metodologica, KataLogos esplora e mette reciprocamente in relazione \"luoghi\", \"ragioni\" e \"metodi\" della ricerca artistica e di quella accademica negli studi organizzativi, e lascia infine al lettore l'attribuzione del confine entro il quale tradurre la pratica che ne deriva. Attraverso documenti originali e interventi di critici, curatori e sociologi, Cecilia Canziani, Heather Hòpfl, Roberto Pinto, Antonio Strati, Andrea Viliani, questa pratica artistica viene presentata nel suo farsi e nel continuo aggiornamento della metodologia di ricerca che la giustifica. Nell'osservazione in trasparenza del formarsi di un codice di linguaggio.
Catalogue 2.0: The Future of the Library Catalogue
Venditore: Prezzo: 166.25 €Will there be a library catalogue in the future and, if so, what will it look like? \n In the last 25 years, the library catalogue has undergone an evolution, from card catalogues to OPACs, discovery systems and even linked data applications making library bibliographic data accessible on the web. At the same time, users expectations of what catalogues will be able to offer in the way of discovery have never been higher. \n This groundbreaking edited collection brings together some of the foremost international cataloguing practitioners and thought leaders, including Lorcan Dempsey, Emmanuelle Bermès, Marshall Breeding and Karen Calhoun, to provide an overview of the current state of the art of the library catalogue and look ahead to see what the library catalogue might become. \n Practical projects and cutting edge concepts are showcased in discussions of:\n\n\n\nlinked data and the Semantic Web\nuser expectations and needs\nbibliographic control\nthe FRBRization of the catalogue\ninnovations in search and retrieval\nnext-generation discovery products and mobile catalogues. \n\nReadership: Cataloguers and metadata specialists, library adminstrators and managers responsible for planning and strategy, systems librarians, user services managers, electronic resources librarians, and digital library project managers, students on cataloguing, information management and digital library courses.
Catalogue 2.0: The Future of the Library Catalogue
Venditore: Prezzo: 175.00 €Will there be a library catalogue in the future and, if so, what will it look like? \n In the last 25 years, the library catalogue has undergone an evolution, from card catalogues to OPACs, discovery systems and even linked data applications making library bibliographic data accessible on the web. At the same time, users expectations of what catalogues will be able to offer in the way of discovery have never been higher. \n This groundbreaking edited collection brings together some of the foremost international cataloguing practitioners and thought leaders, including Lorcan Dempsey, Emmanuelle Bermès, Marshall Breeding and Karen Calhoun, to provide an overview of the current state of the art of the library catalogue and look ahead to see what the library catalogue might become. \n Practical projects and cutting edge concepts are showcased in discussions of:\n\n\n\nlinked data and the Semantic Web\nuser expectations and needs\nbibliographic control\nthe FRBRization of the catalogue\ninnovations in search and retrieval\nnext-generation discovery products and mobile catalogues. \n\nReadership: Cataloguers and metadata specialists, library adminstrators and managers responsible for planning and strategy, systems librarians, user services managers, electronic resources librarians, and digital library project managers, students on cataloguing, information management and digital library courses.
Der Katalane
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.01 € -
Der Katalane
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.01 € -
Catalogue d'un exilé
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.99 € -
Juifs de Catalogne
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.99 € -
Catalogue d'un exilé
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.99 € -
Juifs de Catalogne
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.99 €
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