Sono stati trovati 42 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per laing in 5 negozi:
Douglas Laing & Co. Big Peat Whisky Islay Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
Venditore: Prezzo: 53.00 € (+8.26 €)Lanciato nel 2009, il b Big Peat Whisky /b è un rinomato b Vatted Malt /b prodotto con i Single Malt provenienti dall'isola scozzese di b Islay /b , laddove non c'è distilleria che non affumichi il malto d'orzo ricorrendo alla torba. Nella miscela vengono utilizzati malti del Caol Ila, dell'Ardbeg, del Bowmore e del Port Ellen. Quest'ultima distilleria ha chiuso i battenti nel 1983, ma la b Douglas Laing /b ne custodisce ancora un cospicuo stock. La bottiglia si distingue dalla maggior parte dei Vatted in quanto indica i malti che compongono il blend, tutti tranne un paio di malti sui quali i master distiller mantengono gelosamente il segreto. Il b Big Peat /b è un apprezzato b small batch whisky /b , espressione che designa un distillato imbottigliato da poche migliaia di botti selezionate con cura. Punto di riferimento per gli Islay Vatted, il b Big Peat Whisky /b è un b torbato /b ("peat" significa "torba") realizzato dalla distilleria Douglas Laing, una delle poche a vantare una gestione familiare. L'alta b artigianalità /b è il marchio di fabbrica, tanto è vero che i processi produttivi sono rimasti pressoché inalterati rispetto all'anno della fondazione. In questo senso non sorprende che il b Big Peat Whisky Islay Vatted /b non venga sottoposto a nessun processo di colorazione e non subisca filtrazione a freddo né tantomeno riduzioni alcoliche. Adottando questi criteri produttivi, gli enzimi e gli oli essenziali si conservano intatti, con tutto ciò che ne consegue in termini di ricchezza aromatica.
Dave Laing Il punk
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.88 € (+2.70 €)Uno dei più sconvolgenti fenomeni rock degli ultimi quindici anni analizzato nelle sue componenti storiche, teoriche, musicali, politiche e sociologiche, dalle origini alle diramazioni “post\" degli anni Ottanta e Novanta (new wave, hardcore, neoavanguardie pop).
Big peat islay blended malt scotch whisky astucciato
Venditore: Prezzo: 65.29 €Questo Whisky dal colore dorato è un blend di Single Malt che provengono dall'isola di Islay con porzioni di distillati di Ardberg, Caol Ila, Bowmore e Port Ellen, distilleria chiusa dal 1983 ma della quale la Douglas Laing- proprietaria del marchio Big Peat- possiede un cospicuo stock. E' un
Dave Laing Il punk
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.88 € (+2.70 €)Uno dei più sconvolgenti fenomeni rock degli ultimi quindici anni analizzato nelle sue componenti storiche, teoriche, musicali, politiche e sociologiche, dalle origini alle diramazioni “post\" degli anni Ottanta e Novanta (new wave, hardcore, neoavanguardie pop).
Jamie Laing I Can Explain
Venditore: Prezzo: 23.74 € (+2.70 €)The warm, funny and entertaining memoir of much-loved TV personality and loveable posh boy, Jamie Laing.\n\nFunny, charming, and romantic to a fault, everyone loves Jamie Laing. The affectionate and exuberant blonde puppy dog has come a long way - and broken many hearts - since he first graced our screens in 2011 as the joker of the King's Road on Made in Chelsea. Ten years on, he became king of the ballroom making the final of Strictly Come Dancing. Now he's ready to spill the tea - and (McVitie's) biscuits - about life, love and everything in between.\n\nFrom his idyllic upbringing in the countryside to the grey walls of boarding school, Jamie has always had a knack for getting himself into trouble. He reveals how he won popularity at school teaching the rest of the boys the proper way to ... [PARENTAL ADVISORY]. He hilariously recounts blagging his way into a casino aged 17, and winning so much money his mother thought he was a drug dealer. Jamie has been equally lucky with ladies, but not always quite the romantic hero he had in mind - unless sitting lovelorn outside a girlfriend's halls begging to be taken back while fending off abuse from drunk students calling out 'Made in Chelsea twat' counts as heroism?\n\nJamie also writes movingly about his struggles off camera, which left him crippled with anxiety and led to his eventual burnout. Throughout it all he opens up about the importance of friendship and how his two ride-or-dies, Georgie and Spencer, have always been there for him. They've enabled Jamie to thrive as a confectionery king and genuinely change lives with his Private Parts podcast, while not letting him forget that he took part in The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up To Cancer despite not knowing how to pronounce the word 'meringue'. Candid, entertaining, and almost always ridiculous, this is the real Jamie Laing.
Jamie Laing I Can Explain
Venditore: Prezzo: 23.74 € (+2.70 €)The warm, funny and entertaining memoir of much-loved TV personality and loveable posh boy, Jamie Laing.\n\nFunny, charming, and romantic to a fault, everyone loves Jamie Laing. The affectionate and exuberant blonde puppy dog has come a long way - and broken many hearts - since he first graced our screens in 2011 as the joker of the King's Road on Made in Chelsea. Ten years on, he became king of the ballroom making the final of Strictly Come Dancing. Now he's ready to spill the tea - and (McVitie's) biscuits - about life, love and everything in between.\n\nFrom his idyllic upbringing in the countryside to the grey walls of boarding school, Jamie has always had a knack for getting himself into trouble. He reveals how he won popularity at school teaching the rest of the boys the proper way to ... [PARENTAL ADVISORY]. He hilariously recounts blagging his way into a casino aged 17, and winning so much money his mother thought he was a drug dealer. Jamie has been equally lucky with ladies, but not always quite the romantic hero he had in mind - unless sitting lovelorn outside a girlfriend's halls begging to be taken back while fending off abuse from drunk students calling out 'Made in Chelsea twat' counts as heroism?\n\nJamie also writes movingly about his struggles off camera, which left him crippled with anxiety and led to his eventual burnout. Throughout it all he opens up about the importance of friendship and how his two ride-or-dies, Georgie and Spencer, have always been there for him. They've enabled Jamie to thrive as a confectionery king and genuinely change lives with his Private Parts podcast, while not letting him forget that he took part in The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up To Cancer despite not knowing how to pronounce the word 'meringue'. Candid, entertaining, and almost always ridiculous, this is the real Jamie Laing.
Jamie Laing I Can Explain
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.49 € (+2.70 €)The warm, funny and entertaining memoir of much-loved TV personality and loveable posh boy, Jamie Laing.\n\nFunny, charming, and romantic to a fault, everyone loves Jamie Laing. The affectionate and exuberant blonde puppy dog has come a long way - and broken many hearts - since he first graced our screens in 2011 as the joker of the King's Road on Made in Chelsea. Ten years on, he became king of the ballroom making the final of Strictly Come Dancing. Now he's ready to spill the tea - and (McVitie's) biscuits - about life, love and everything in between.\n\nFrom his idyllic upbringing in the countryside to the grey walls of boarding school, Jamie has always had a knack for getting himself into trouble. He reveals how he won popularity at school teaching the rest of the boys the proper way to ... [PARENTAL ADVISORY]. He hilariously recounts blagging his way into a casino aged 17, and winning so much money his mother thought he was a drug dealer. Jamie has been equally lucky with ladies, but not always quite the romantic hero he had in mind - unless sitting lovelorn outside a girlfriend's halls begging to be taken back while fending off abuse from drunk students calling out 'Made in Chelsea twat' counts as heroism?\n\nJamie also writes movingly about his struggles off camera, which left him crippled with anxiety and led to his eventual burnout. Throughout it all he opens up about the importance of friendship and how his two ride-or-dies, Georgie and Spencer, have always been there for him. They've enabled Jamie to thrive as a confectionery king and genuinely change lives with his Private Parts podcast, while not letting him forget that he took part in The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up To Cancer despite not knowing how to pronounce the word 'meringue'. Candid, entertaining, and almost always ridiculous, this is the real Jamie Laing.
Jamie Laing I Can Explain
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.87 € (+2.70 €)The warm, funny and entertaining memoir of much-loved TV personality and loveable posh boy, Jamie Laing.\n\nFunny, charming, and romantic to a fault, everyone loves Jamie Laing. The affectionate and exuberant blonde puppy dog has come a long way - and broken many hearts - since he first graced our screens in 2011 as the joker of the King's Road on Made in Chelsea. Ten years on, he became king of the ballroom making the final of Strictly Come Dancing. Now he's ready to spill the tea - and (McVitie's) biscuits - about life, love and everything in between.\n\nFrom his idyllic upbringing in the countryside to the grey walls of boarding school, Jamie has always had a knack for getting himself into trouble. He reveals how he won popularity at school teaching the rest of the boys the proper way to ... [PARENTAL ADVISORY]. He hilariously recounts blagging his way into a casino aged 17, and winning so much money his mother thought he was a drug dealer. Jamie has been equally lucky with ladies, but not always quite the romantic hero he had in mind - unless sitting lovelorn outside a girlfriend's halls begging to be taken back while fending off abuse from drunk students calling out 'Made in Chelsea twat' counts as heroism?\n\nJamie also writes movingly about his struggles off camera, which left him crippled with anxiety and led to his eventual burnout. Throughout it all he opens up about the importance of friendship and how his two ride-or-dies, Georgie and Spencer, have always been there for him. They've enabled Jamie to thrive as a confectionery king and genuinely change lives with his Private Parts podcast, while not letting him forget that he took part in The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up To Cancer despite not knowing how to pronounce the word 'meringue'. Candid, entertaining, and almost always ridiculous, this is the real Jamie Laing.
Autumn Laing
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.99 € -
Autumn Laing
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.99 € -
Olivia Laing Crudo
Venditore: Prezzo: 16.15 € (+2.70 €)Kathy scrive. Kathy prende il sole a bordo piscina in un resort della Toscana, si ubriaca di porto, frequenta le mostre più in voga di Londra. Kathy sta per sposarsi. Sta legando per sempre la sua felicità a quella di un'altra persona e questo la spaventa. Anzi, Kathy è nel panico, scrolla le notizie sul telefono e legge, legge di un mondo che sta cadendo a pezzi. Cosa deve fare con tutte queste informazioni orrende, con tutto questo odio, questa violenza che la attraversa e la lascia senza fiato, insonne, intorpidita e impotente? Vale la pena di iniziare ad amare sul serio, se la fine del mondo è dietro l'angolo? \"Crudo\", il primo romanzo di Olivia Laing, è una brillante esplorazione dei mali del nostro tempo: rassegnazione, paura, scetticismo non risparmiano la protagonista, una versione contemporanea della scrittrice Kathy Acker. Ma c'è una cura. Non fermiamoci, anche se l'abisso si spalanca sotto di noi, continuiamo a scrivere, ad amare, a addentare gli attimi di felicità. Saliamo su quell'aereo, tuffiamoci in quella piscina. Viviamo, Kathy, come se il futuro non esistesse, perché è così che il futuro si materializza di fronte a noi.
Olivia Laing Crudo
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.49 € (+2.70 €)I couldnt put it down' – Sally Rooney, author of Normal People\n\nKathy is a writer. Kathy is getting married. It’s the summer of 2017 and the whole world is falling apart.\n\nKathy spends the first summer of her forties trying to adjust to making a lifelong commitment – marriage. But it’s not only Kathy who is changing. Political, social and natural landscapes are all in peril. Fascism is on the rise, truth is dead, the planet is hotting up. Is it really worth learning to love when the end of the world is nigh? And how do you make art, let alone a life, when it could all end at any moment?\n\nFrom a Tuscan hotel for the super-rich to a politically-paralysed UK, Olivia Laing's first novel is a love letter, inspired by the life and work of Kathy Acker. It is a blistering rewire of the form and a brilliant, funny and emphatically raw account of love in the apocalypse.\n\n'[Crudo] will blow you away' – Deborah Levy, author of Hot Milk\n\nWinner of the James Tait Black Prize for Fiction\nShortlisted for the Goldsmith's Prize and the Gordon Burn Prize
Olivia Laing Crudo
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.87 € (+2.70 €)'I couldn't put it down' – Sally Rooney, author of Normal People\n\nKathy is a writer. Kathy is getting married. It’s the summer of 2017 and the whole world is falling apart.\n\nKathy spends the first summer of her forties trying to adjust to making a lifelong commitment – marriage. But it’s not only Kathy who is changing. Political, social and natural landscapes are all in peril. Fascism is on the rise, truth is dead, the planet is hotting up. Is it really worth learning to love when the end of the world is nigh? And how do you make art, let alone a life, when it could all end at any moment?\n\nFrom a Tuscan hotel for the super-rich to a politically-paralysed UK, Olivia Laing's first novel is a love letter, inspired by the life and work of Kathy Acker. It is a blistering rewire of the form and a brilliant, funny and emphatically raw account of love in the apocalypse.\n\n'[Crudo] will blow you away' – Deborah Levy, author of Hot Milk\n\nWinner of the James Tait Black Prize for Fiction\nShortlisted for the Goldsmith's Prize and the Gordon Burn Prize
Olivia Laing Crudo
Venditore: Prezzo: 16.15 € (+2.70 €)Kathy scrive. Kathy prende il sole a bordo piscina in un resort della Toscana, si ubriaca di porto, frequenta le mostre più in voga di Londra. Kathy sta per sposarsi. Sta legando per sempre la sua felicità a quella di un'altra persona e questo la spaventa. Anzi, Kathy è nel panico, scrolla le notizie sul telefono e legge, legge di un mondo che sta cadendo a pezzi. Cosa deve fare con tutte queste informazioni orrende, con tutto questo odio, questa violenza che la attraversa e la lascia senza fiato, insonne, intorpidita e impotente? Vale la pena di iniziare ad amare sul serio, se la fine del mondo è dietro l'angolo? \"Crudo\", il primo romanzo di Olivia Laing, è una brillante esplorazione dei mali del nostro tempo: rassegnazione, paura, scetticismo non risparmiano la protagonista, una versione contemporanea della scrittrice Kathy Acker. Ma c'è una cura. Non fermiamoci, anche se l'abisso si spalanca sotto di noi, continuiamo a scrivere, ad amare, a addentare gli attimi di felicità. Saliamo su quell'aereo, tuffiamoci in quella piscina. Viviamo, Kathy, come se il futuro non esistesse, perché è così che il futuro si materializza di fronte a noi.
Adrian Laing Kosmos
Venditore: Prezzo: 25.00 €Expect the unexpected at every turn of the page. Kosmos is a story like no other. Completely different, charming, and an enormous amount of fun.\" - Cemetery Dance\n\nRookie barrister George Winsome, young and arrogant, defends an old boy who thinks he's Merlin on a manslaughter charge. The riotous trial turns Merlin into a celebrity; money, greed and ambition take hold of George and his partner Heather until the secret of Merlin's past is revealed as the spirit of Saint Yves intervenes to ensure George and Heather follow their true paths. \n\n'Kosmos' is a modern-day jury trial, a feel-good love story and a spiritual journey involving Saint Yves, Nemesis and Merlin. \n\nFLAME TREE PRESS is the imprint of long-standing independent Flame Tree Publishing, dedicated to full-length original fiction in the horror and suspense, science fiction & fantasy, and crime / mystery / thriller categories. The list brings together fantastic new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices. Learn more about Flame Tree Press at and connect on social media @FlameTreePresses.
Fiona Laing Gins Of The North West
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.24 € (+2.70 €)From the fells and lakes of the north to the industrial areas around Manchester and Liverpool, gin is making its mark. Drinking it and crafting it has captured the imagination from Merseyside to Manchester and across Lancashire, Cumbria and Cheshire.\nTaking strength from its industrial heritage, maritime trade, glorious countryside and rich history, some of the finest gins in the country have been created in the North West of England.\nGins of the North West tells the stories of a hundred of these passionately-crafted spirits, where the industry has come from and where it's going.\n* Discover how the landscape of the Lake District inspires its ginmakers.\n* See how chemists, brewers and farmers have brought their talents to the North West's gin community.\n* Meet the gins inspired by family recipe books, childhood treats and the most exotic of fruits.\n* Discover how Cheshire is home to some of the UK's biggest brands ... and some of the very smallest.\n* Find out how cruise ship entertainers, firemen, actors and teachers have found a new life in the still room.\nGins of the North West is a comprehensive guide to the region's makers, distilleries and their gins.\nFully illustrated, Gins of the North West makes the perfect gift for local residents, a souvenir for visitors to the area and for craft gin fans everywhere.
Olivia Laing Città sola
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.05 € (+2.70 €)C’è un filo invisibile che collega le esistenze di ognuno di noi. Alcune le accompagna per qualche anno, altre per una stagione intera; per qualcuno, poi, quel filo è lungo quanto la propria vita. È la solitudine, la più umana delle condizioni, la più vergognosa delle esperienze. Utilizzando unicamente la potenza della sua scrittura, Olivia Laing segue questo filo all’interno del labirinto di New York, facendo della propria solitudine un mezzo di conoscenza. Il risultato è un'esplorazione narrativa in cui si mescolano i ricordi personali e le storie di artisti che hanno sperimentato questa dimensione in modo autentico, nel dolore e nella creatività: dalle parole di visione e rabbia di Valerie Solanas, che tentò di uccidere Andy Warhol, ai silenzi dell’inserviente-artista Henry Darger, che dipinse decine di quadri meravigliosi e inquietanti senza mai mostrarli a nessuno; dagli esperimenti sociali di Josh Harris, che anticiparono l’isolamento di massa dei social, alle fotografie di David Wojnarowicz, che hanno raccontato l’emarginazione e la forza della diversità; dai danni sociali dello stigma dell’AIDS alla gentrificazione di luoghi simbolici come Times Square.\r\n\r\nQuest’opera è un racconto intimo e letterario che affronta le umiliazioni, le paure e le ossessioni comuni dello scoprirsi soli, con la speranza che rivelare significhi talvolta anche curare. Perché prima di tutto, come ricorda la stessa Laing, «la solitudine è un posto affollato».
Olivia Laing Città sola
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.05 € (+2.70 €)C’è un filo invisibile che collega le esistenze di ognuno di noi. Alcune le accompagna per qualche anno, altre per una stagione intera; per qualcuno, poi, quel filo è lungo quanto la propria vita. È la solitudine, la più umana delle condizioni, la più vergognosa delle esperienze. Utilizzando unicamente la potenza della sua scrittura, Olivia Laing segue questo filo all’interno del labirinto di New York, facendo della propria solitudine un mezzo di conoscenza. Il risultato è un'esplorazione narrativa in cui si mescolano i ricordi personali e le storie di artisti che hanno sperimentato questa dimensione in modo autentico, nel dolore e nella creatività: dalle parole di visione e rabbia di Valerie Solanas, che tentò di uccidere Andy Warhol, ai silenzi dell’inserviente-artista Henry Darger, che dipinse decine di quadri meravigliosi e inquietanti senza mai mostrarli a nessuno; dagli esperimenti sociali di Josh Harris, che anticiparono l’isolamento di massa dei social, alle fotografie di David Wojnarowicz, che hanno raccontato l’emarginazione e la forza della diversità; dai danni sociali dello stigma dell’AIDS alla gentrificazione di luoghi simbolici come Times Square.\r\n\r\nQuest’opera è un racconto intimo e letterario che affronta le umiliazioni, le paure e le ossessioni comuni dello scoprirsi soli, con la speranza che rivelare significhi talvolta anche curare. Perché prima di tutto, come ricorda la stessa Laing, «la solitudine è un posto affollato».
Fiona Laing Gins Of The North West
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.99 € (+2.70 €)From the fells and lakes of the north to the industrial areas around Manchester and Liverpool, gin is making its mark. Drinking it and crafting it has captured the imagination from Merseyside to Manchester and across Lancashire, Cumbria and Cheshire.\nTaking strength from its industrial heritage, maritime trade, glorious countryside and rich history, some of the finest gins in the country have been created in the North West of England.\nGins of the North West tells the stories of a hundred of these passionately-crafted spirits, where the industry has come from and where it's going.\n* Discover how the landscape of the Lake District inspires its ginmakers.\n* See how chemists, brewers and farmers have brought their talents to the North West's gin community.\n* Meet the gins inspired by family recipe books, childhood treats and the most exotic of fruits.\n* Discover how Cheshire is home to some of the UK's biggest brands ... and some of the very smallest.\n* Find out how cruise ship entertainers, firemen, actors and teachers have found a new life in the still room.\nGins of the North West is a comprehensive guide to the region's makers, distilleries and their gins.\nFully illustrated, Gins of the North West makes the perfect gift for local residents, a souvenir for visitors to the area and for craft gin fans everywhere.
Adrian Laing Kosmos
Venditore: Prezzo: 23.75 € (+2.70 €)Expect the unexpected at every turn of the page. Kosmos is a story like no other. Completely different, charming, and an enormous amount of fun.\" - Cemetery Dance\n\nRookie barrister George Winsome, young and arrogant, defends an old boy who thinks he's Merlin on a manslaughter charge. The riotous trial turns Merlin into a celebrity; money, greed and ambition take hold of George and his partner Heather until the secret of Merlin's past is revealed as the spirit of Saint Yves intervenes to ensure George and Heather follow their true paths. \n\n'Kosmos' is a modern-day jury trial, a feel-good love story and a spiritual journey involving Saint Yves, Nemesis and Merlin. \n\nFLAME TREE PRESS is the imprint of long-standing independent Flame Tree Publishing, dedicated to full-length original fiction in the horror and suspense, science fiction & fantasy, and crime / mystery / thriller categories. The list brings together fantastic new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices. Learn more about Flame Tree Press at and connect on social media @FlameTreePresses.
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