Sono stati trovati 41 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per whitaker in 10 negozi:
Tasca d'Almerita Grillo di Mozia 2023
Venditore: Prezzo: 2.49 € (+0.68 €)Il Grillo di Mozia nasce nella Tenuta Whitaker di Tasca d’Almerita, sulla piccola isola di Mozia, all’interno della Riserva Naturale dello Stagnone di Marsala. Una zona ricca di storia e di cultura, che conserva i resti archeologici dei primi insediamenti Fenici. I terreni sabbiosi, ricchi di calcare e la vicinanza delle saline, costituiscono un habitat affascinante e particolare per la vite. La tenuta dell’isola di Mozia si estende su otto ettari coltivati ad alberello, che donano un Grillo in cui il frutto maturo incontra le note sapide e salmastre del mare, per creare un connubio di grande personalità, vera espressione di un terroir unico. Le vigne del Grillo di Mozia della Tenuta Whitaker producono naturalmente con basse rese, garantendo uve caratterizzate da una notevole concentrazione aromatica. La fermentazione avviene in vasche d’acciaio a temperatura controllata, per una durata di circa 15 giorni. Il vino si affina sempre in inox a contatto con le fecce fini per circa 5 mesi prima d’essere imbottigliato. Tasca d'Almerita produce a Mozia un Grillo unico nel suo genere e dal profilo inconfondibile, fortemente connotato dalla posizione delle vigne, coltivate tra le saline e il mare. Nel calice si presenta di colore giallo paglierino, luminoso e brillante. Il bouquet è ricco e sfaccettato, con profumi floreali, aromi di lime e agrumi, note fruttate e sentori iodati, che ricordano la brezza marina. Il sorso è caratterizzato da una freschezza sapida, con note succose e persistenti di frutta gialla matura, che si stemperano in un finale piacevolmente salmastro.
Whitaker's 2017
Venditore: Prezzo: 53.13 €First published in 1868, Whitaker's is the ultimate single-volume reference source - packed with thousands of facts, figures, overviews and statistics relating to the UK and the world.\n\nWhitaker's 2017 contains a comprehensive explanation of every aspect of national and local government infrastructure in the UK, astronomical and tidal data for 2017, guides to UK law, education and taxation, overviews of the water, energy and transport industries, essential calendar information, chapters on royalty and peerage, MPs, government departments and public bodies, directory listings of societies and institutions, sports results and records - including complete results of the 2016 Rio Olympics, reviews of the year 2015-16 - covering the arts, science and politics - and monthly summaries of the year's news. Whitaker's is also an excellent introduction to world politics with in-depth profiles of international organisations, the European Union and every country of the world.\n\nOur dedicated team of both in-house editors and specialist contributors spend a total of 6,000 hours updating Whitaker's annually - this includes contacting over 5,000 people to update their own organisation's details, researching information from official annual reports, and gathering statistics and facts from the most up-to-date authoritative sources available. For last year's edition, one editor spent an entire day contacting individual departments of HM Treasury to ascertain the correct name of each minister's Private Secretary - information which is just not available elsewhere, including the website. Of the 6,000 hours spent updating Whitaker's annually around 2,000 hours of editorial time is dedicated to verifying every piece of information to ensure that, unlike collaborative online sources such as Wikipedia, all the material in Whitaker's is neutral and reliable. Now in its 149th edition, the book is completely revised and updated every year with at least 60% of the contents - including maps, diagrams and colour infographics - newly compiled specifically for this edition.\n\nA totally unique combination of every aspect of UK infrastructure, current affairs, world politics, history, finance, astronomical data and reviews of the year, 'Whitaker's remains the most comprehensive compendium of information in the English language' (Jon Snow) and will save hours of research and cross-referencing between different sources.
Phil Whitaker You
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.87 € (+2.70 €)Big Issue in the North Summer Reading Recommendation\n\nA man boards a train, hoping to see the daughter he has heard nothing from for seven years. As he travels towards his destination, he restlessly revisits the events that blew apart their seemingly perfect world.\n\nWith acute insight, sparkling imagination, and vividly arresting prose, Phil Whitaker explores the very best and worst that families can do, and asks: what are the forces that shape us; and, against powerful traumas reverberating down the generations, can true love prevail?
Phil Whitaker You
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.49 € (+2.70 €)Big Issue in the North Summer Reading Recommendation\n\nA man boards a train, hoping to see the daughter he has heard nothing from for seven years. As he travels towards his destination, he restlessly revisits the events that blew apart their seemingly perfect world.\n\nWith acute insight, sparkling imagination, and vividly arresting prose, Phil Whitaker explores the very best and worst that families can do, and asks: what are the forces that shape us; and, against powerful traumas reverberating down the generations, can true love prevail?
Whitaker's 2017
Venditore: Prezzo: 50.47 €First published in 1868, Whitaker's is the ultimate single-volume reference source - packed with thousands of facts, figures, overviews and statistics relating to the UK and the world.\n\nWhitaker's 2017 contains a comprehensive explanation of every aspect of national and local government infrastructure in the UK, astronomical and tidal data for 2017, guides to UK law, education and taxation, overviews of the water, energy and transport industries, essential calendar information, chapters on royalty and peerage, MPs, government departments and public bodies, directory listings of societies and institutions, sports results and records - including complete results of the 2016 Rio Olympics, reviews of the year 2015-16 - covering the arts, science and politics - and monthly summaries of the year's news. Whitaker's is also an excellent introduction to world politics with in-depth profiles of international organisations, the European Union and every country of the world.\n\nOur dedicated team of both in-house editors and specialist contributors spend a total of 6,000 hours updating Whitaker's annually - this includes contacting over 5,000 people to update their own organisation's details, researching information from official annual reports, and gathering statistics and facts from the most up-to-date authoritative sources available. For last year's edition, one editor spent an entire day contacting individual departments of HM Treasury to ascertain the correct name of each minister's Private Secretary - information which is just not available elsewhere, including the website. Of the 6,000 hours spent updating Whitaker's annually around 2,000 hours of editorial time is dedicated to verifying every piece of information to ensure that, unlike collaborative online sources such as Wikipedia, all the material in Whitaker's is neutral and reliable. Now in its 149th edition, the book is completely revised and updated every year with at least 60% of the contents - including maps, diagrams and colour infographics - newly compiled specifically for this edition.\n\nA totally unique combination of every aspect of UK infrastructure, current affairs, world politics, history, finance, astronomical data and reviews of the year, 'Whitaker's remains the most comprehensive compendium of information in the English language' (Jon Snow) and will save hours of research and cross-referencing between different sources.
Whitaker's Almanack Whitaker's 2021: Today's World In One Volume
Venditore: Prezzo: 124.69 €Whitaker's 2021 contains a comprehensive explanation of every aspect of national and local government infrastructure in the UK, astronomical and tidal data for 2021, guides to UK law, education and taxation, overviews of the water, energy and transport industries, essential calendar information, chapters on royalty and peerage, complete results for each constituency from the last UK General Election and an up-to-date list of MPs, government departments and public bodies, directory listings of trade unions and professional bodies, sports results and records, reviews of the year 2019-20 - covering the arts, science and politics - and monthly summaries of the year's news. Whitaker's is also an excellent introduction to world politics with in-depth profiles of international organisations, the European Union and every country of the world.\n\nA totally unique combination of every aspect of UK infrastructure, current affairs, world politics, history, finance, astronomical data and reviews of the year, 'Whitaker's remains the most comprehensive compendium of information in the English language' (Jon Snow) and will save hours of research and cross-referencing between different sources.
Whitaker's Almanack Whitaker's 2021: Today's World In One Volume
Venditore: Prezzo: 131.25 €Whitaker's 2021 contains a comprehensive explanation of every aspect of national and local government infrastructure in the UK, astronomical and tidal data for 2021, guides to UK law, education and taxation, overviews of the water, energy and transport industries, essential calendar information, chapters on royalty and peerage, complete results for each constituency from the last UK General Election and an up-to-date list of MPs, government departments and public bodies, directory listings of trade unions and professional bodies, sports results and records, reviews of the year 2019-20 - covering the arts, science and politics - and monthly summaries of the year's news. Whitaker's is also an excellent introduction to world politics with in-depth profiles of international organisations, the European Union and every country of the world.\n\nA totally unique combination of every aspect of UK infrastructure, current affairs, world politics, history, finance, astronomical data and reviews of the year, 'Whitaker's remains the most comprehensive compendium of information in the English language' (Jon Snow) and will save hours of research and cross-referencing between different sources.
Chris Whitaker We Begin at the End
Venditore: Prezzo: 33.24 € -
Chris Whitaker We Begin at the End
Venditore: Prezzo: 34.99 € -
Chris Whitaker I confini del cielo
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.52 € (+2.70 €)Un grande romanzo americano epico come un classico. Con una voce vibrante che tocca nel profondo: piena di forza, rabbia e tenerezza.«Una storia di castigo, amore e redenzione perfetta e commovente» – The Guardian«Uno di quei libri indimenticabili che fanno emozionare le persone, incluso me» – James Patterson«Ho adorato questo libro. Da leggere e rileggere» – Louise PennyDuchess Radley ha tredici anni e si è autoproclamata «fuorilegge», convinta che le regole valgano solo per gli altri. È lei a proteggere il fratellino e a occuparsi di Star, sua madre. L'unico sostegno arriva da Walk, lo sceriffo, un uomo dallo sguardo perennemente rivolto al passato che non ha mai lasciato Cape Haven. Walk è vicino a Star e alla sua famiglia perché trent'anni prima una tragedia li ha segnati in modo indelebile. Ma adesso che Vincent, responsabile di quei fatti, è stato rilasciato, bisognerà fare i conti con il prezzo del suo ritorno.
David Whitaker Doctor Who and the Daleks
Venditore: Prezzo: 13.74 € (+2.70 €)The mysterious Doctor and his grandaughter Susan are joined by unwilling adventurers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright in an epic struggle for survival on an alien planet. \n\nIn a vast metal city they discover the survivors of a terrible nuclear war - the Daleks. Held captive in the deepest levels of the city, can the Doctor and his new companions stop the Daleks' plan to totally exterminate their mortal enemies, the peace-loving Thals? More importantly, even if they can escape from the Daleks, will Ian and Barbara ever see their home planet Earth again?\n\nThis novel is based on the second Doctor Who story which was originally broadcast from 21 December 1963-1 February 1964.\n\n Featuring the First Doctor as played by William Hartnell, and his companions Susan, Ian and Barbara
Chris Whitaker I confini del cielo
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.52 € (+2.70 €)Un grande romanzo americano epico come un classico. Con una voce vibrante che tocca nel profondo: piena di forza, rabbia e tenerezza.«Una storia di castigo, amore e redenzione perfetta e commovente» – The Guardian«Uno di quei libri indimenticabili che fanno emozionare le persone, incluso me» – James Patterson«Ho adorato questo libro. Da leggere e rileggere» – Louise PennyDuchess Radley ha tredici anni e si è autoproclamata «fuorilegge», convinta che le regole valgano solo per gli altri. È lei a proteggere il fratellino e a occuparsi di Star, sua madre. L'unico sostegno arriva da Walk, lo sceriffo, un uomo dallo sguardo perennemente rivolto al passato che non ha mai lasciato Cape Haven. Walk è vicino a Star e alla sua famiglia perché trent'anni prima una tragedia li ha segnati in modo indelebile. Ma adesso che Vincent, responsabile di quei fatti, è stato rilasciato, bisognerà fare i conti con il prezzo del suo ritorno.
David Whitaker Doctor Who and the Daleks
Venditore: Prezzo: 13.05 € (+2.70 €)The mysterious Doctor and his grandaughter Susan are joined by unwilling adventurers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright in an epic struggle for survival on an alien planet. \n\nIn a vast metal city they discover the survivors of a terrible nuclear war - the Daleks. Held captive in the deepest levels of the city, can the Doctor and his new companions stop the Daleks' plan to totally exterminate their mortal enemies, the peace-loving Thals? More importantly, even if they can escape from the Daleks, will Ian and Barbara ever see their home planet Earth again?\n\nThis novel is based on the second Doctor Who story which was originally broadcast from 21 December 1963-1 February 1964.\n\n Featuring the First Doctor as played by William Hartnell, and his companions Susan, Ian and Barbara
Venditore: Prezzo: 24.84 € (+6.50 €)Shitake Mrl - COMPRESSE - BIOMASS - Caratteristiche: tutte le nostre formulazioni a base micologica M.R.L. (Mycology Research Laboratories) contengono il 100 % di mycelium di funghi vivi coltivati biologicamente. La tecnologia del processo di coltivazione dei funghi é una prerogativa dei Mycology R…
Hermione Ranfurly To War with Whitaker
Venditore: Prezzo: 13.74 € (+2.70 €)Hermione, Countess of Ranfurly, kept a diary all her life. To War with Whitaker is an account of the most adventurous, most defiant and most valiant of those years. \n\nHermione and Dan Ranfurly married only months before the Second World War erupted. So when Dan was posted to the Middle East, taking their faithful butler Whitaker with him, Hermione resolved to join them there. This memoir offers astounding displays of commitment and independence. After vowing not to go home without her husband, Hermione travelled alone from Cape Town to Cairo, and remained in the Middle East and North Africa for the two and a half years he was imprisoned by the Germans – meeting many notable characters along the way.\n\nWith wit and exuberance, Hermione’s diary entries take us To War with Whitaker and back again, providing sharp insight into the strong and outspoken woman she was. This Pan Heritage Classics edition features the original black and white plate sections.
David Whitaker Doctor Who and the Crusaders
Venditore: Prezzo: 16.24 € (+2.70 €)Arriving in the Holy Land in the middle of the Third Crusade, the Doctor and his companions run straight into trouble. The Doctor and Vicki befriend Richard the Lionheart, but must survive the cut-throat politics of the English court. Even with the king on their side, they find they have made powerful enemies.\n\nLooking for Barbara, Ian is ambushed - staked out in the sand and daubed with honey so that the ants will eat him. With Ian unable to help, Barbara is captured by the cruel warlord El Akir. Even if Ian escapes and rescues her, will they ever see the Doctor, Vicki and the TARDIS again?\n\nThis novel is based on a Doctor Who story which was originally broadcast from 27 March-17 April 1965.\n\nFeaturing the First Doctor as played by William Hartnell, and his companions Ian, Barbara, and Vicki
David Whitaker Doctor Who and the Crusaders
Venditore: Prezzo: 15.43 € (+2.70 €)Arriving in the Holy Land in the middle of the Third Crusade, the Doctor and his companions run straight into trouble. The Doctor and Vicki befriend Richard the Lionheart, but must survive the cut-throat politics of the English court. Even with the king on their side, they find they have made powerful enemies.\n\nLooking for Barbara, Ian is ambushed - staked out in the sand and daubed with honey so that the ants will eat him. With Ian unable to help, Barbara is captured by the cruel warlord El Akir. Even if Ian escapes and rescues her, will they ever see the Doctor, Vicki and the TARDIS again?\n\nThis novel is based on a Doctor Who story which was originally broadcast from 27 March-17 April 1965.\n\nFeaturing the First Doctor as played by William Hartnell, and his companions Ian, Barbara, and Vicki
Hermione Ranfurly To War with Whitaker
Venditore: Prezzo: 13.05 € (+2.70 €)Hermione, Countess of Ranfurly, kept a diary all her life. To War with Whitaker is an account of the most adventurous, most defiant and most valiant of those years. \n\nHermione and Dan Ranfurly married only months before the Second World War erupted. So when Dan was posted to the Middle East, taking their faithful butler Whitaker with him, Hermione resolved to join them there. This memoir offers astounding displays of commitment and independence. After vowing not to go home without her husband, Hermione travelled alone from Cape Town to Cairo, and remained in the Middle East and North Africa for the two and a half years he was imprisoned by the Germans – meeting many notable characters along the way.\n\nWith wit and exuberance, Hermione’s diary entries take us To War with Whitaker and back again, providing sharp insight into the strong and outspoken woman she was. This Pan Heritage Classics edition features the original black and white plate sections.
Venditore: Prezzo: 23.85 € (+6.50 €)Lifeplan - Shiitake - Descrizione Integratore alimentare a base di shiitake. Shiitake risulta utile per favorire le fisiolofiche difese dell'organismo. Adatto ai vegani. Ingredienti Shiitake [Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler, sporoforo] polvere, cellulosa per la capsula. Senza glutine. Caratteristic…
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.97 € (+5.90 €)927144295 - Shiitake Descrizione Integratore alimentare a base di shiitake, utile per favorire le naturali difese dell'organismo. Ingredienti Shiitake [Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler] sporoforo e.s. (30% di polisaccaridi) su maltodestrine da mais, bamboo [Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss] giovani fusti e.s. (70-75% s
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