Det hittades 56 produkter som matchar din sökning efter dialogues i 3 butiker:
Dialogue in Democracy, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 229.00 skrUnder pressure from global economic instability, ecological crises and growing authoritarianism, democracy is critically endangered. In order to secure the future of democracy, we need a new kind of civic activity with dialogue at its core. Dialogue is crucial for enhancing communication and for cultivating democratic coexistence in our multi-cultural world. Aiming for a better understanding of the world’s phenomena, of other people and ourselves, dialogue helps communities to sustain one of democracy’s most important requirements: people’s ability to learn from one another. Combining perspectives from political philosophy and the author’s extensive practical work with dialogue, this book affirms the power of dialogue for defending, revitalising, and developing democratic societies. It aims to clarify the meaning of democracy not only as a system of government but also as a moral way of life. Dialogue in Democracy highlights the vital significance of dialogue for strengthening and maintaining democracy, not just as a political goal but essentially as an ideal to be realised on an everyday basis. The book appeals to a broad diversity of citizens working in different areas of society: in education, business, politics and public services, as well as religious communities, scientists, athletes, and artists.
Universus Academic Press Girling together: A dialogue : ett samverkansprojekt mellan scenkonstnärer och flickforskare om flickan i kulturen (häftad)
Leverantör: Pris: 149.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -Flicktematiken och dess potential utelämnas ofta inom både scenkonsten och feministiskt tänkande. I den här boken får du resultatet av ett explorativt och tvärsektionelltfeministiskt kunskapssökande om flickan i kulturen. Projektet Girling together A dialogue föddes ur ett behov för att skapa en kritisk och gestaltande dialog om den unga femininiteten och ur ett intresse för att utmana gränsen mellan scenkonst och akademi. I boken får du ta del av de deltagande forskarna och scenkonstnärernas reflektioner på ämnet och deras explorativa metoder för att arbeta sig förbi stereotypa och nedvärderande föreställningar om flickor. I en värld som ser femininitet som något ytligt och löjligt ser bokens författare istället femininitet som motståndspotential. Format Häftad Omfång 116 sidor Språk Svenska Förlag Universus Academic Press Utgivningsdatum 2019-11-01 Medverkande PotatoPotato, ISBN 9789187439582
ESD Dialogues, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 109.00 skrEffective teaching – and therefore effective learning – for sustainable development: what have we learnt about it? This innocuous question has unfolded into several others: * What is needed to create effective curricula or programs for different audiences? * What does it take to deliver the programs successfully? * How do we need to think about enabling the programs to disseminate rapidly? * How can we understand the transformative essence – and power – of sustainable development? * And, not least, how can we plant within the programs the seeds of their own transformation? This book explores the questions to the best of our present understanding. Hopefully it too contains the seeds of its own transformation. This book is mainly for educators and researchers interested in the particular pedagogical requirements of teaching and learning for sustainable development, whether in or outside the formal education sector. Please view it as a ‘work in progress’, an exploration of the above questions. We, the authors, are two people who have approached ESD from different perspectives: Olena Pometun as a member of the educational establishment in a post-Soviet world, Marilyn Mehlmann as an informal teacher and trainer of adults in Western Europe. We found common ground in the seminal question: How is it possible to educate everyone FOR sustainable development? What pedagogical methods, approaches, tools, skills are required to bring about the transformation implied in the phrase education for sustainable development ?
A Dialogue between Mikael Aquilus and Josephus Regulus: Reinstating Hyper-Grace, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 29.00 skrThe dialogue aims at revealing some of the false tenets of legalism.
Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 79.00 skrDavid Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion had not yet been published when he died in 1776. Even though the manuscript was mostly written during the 1750s, it did not appear until 1779. The subject itself was too delicate and controversial, and Hume’s dialectical examination of religious knowledge was especially provocative. What should we teach young people about religion? The characters Demea, Cleanthes, and Philo passionately present and defend three sharply different answers to that question. Demea opens the dialogue with a position derived from René Descartes and Father Malebranche — God’s nature is a mystery, but God’s existence can be proved logically. Cleanthes attacks that view, both because it leads to mysticism and because it attempts the impossible task of trying to establish existence on the basis of pure reason, without appeal to sense experience. As an alternative, he offers a proof of both God’s existence and God’s nature based on the same kind of scientific reasoning established by Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton. Taking a skeptical approach, Philo presents a series of arguments that question any attempt to use reason as a basis for religious faith. He suggests that human beings might be better off without religion. The dialogue ends without agreement among the characters, justifying Hume’s choice of dialogue as the literary style for this topic. Born in Scotland, Hume challenges much of the philosophy that prevailed in Europe and England in the 17th and 18th century. He was especially critical of the rationalism developed by René Descartes and his followers. Although he wrote a number of influential essays (including A Treatise of Human Nature and Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding ), his dialogues are especially well suited for the topic of religion. As his character Pamphilus says: Any philosophical question that is so obscure and uncertain that human reason can reach no agreement about it, if it is treated at all, seems to lead us naturally to the style of dialogue.
Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 109.00 skrDavid Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion had not yet been published when he died in 1776. Even though the manuscript was mostly written during the 1750s, it did not appear until 1779. The subject itself was too delicate and controversial, and Hume’s dialectical examination of religious knowledge was especially provocative. What should we teach young people about religion? The characters Demea, Cleanthes, and Philo passionately present and defend three sharply different answers to that question. Demea opens the dialogue with a position derived from René Descartes and Father Malebranche — God’s nature is a mystery, but God’s existence can be proved logically. Cleanthes attacks that view, both because it leads to mysticism and because it attempts the impossible task of trying to establish existence on the basis of pure reason, without appeal to sense experience. As an alternative, he offers a proof of both God’s existence and God’s nature based on the same kind of scientific reasoning established by Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton. Taking a skeptical approach, Philo presents a series of arguments that question any attempt to use reason as a basis for religious faith. He suggests that human beings might be better off without religion. The dialogue ends without agreement among the characters, justifying Hume’s choice of dialogue as the literary style for this topic. Born in Scotland, Hume challenges much of the philosophy that prevailed in Europe and England in the 17th and 18th century. He was especially critical of the rationalism developed by René Descartes and his followers. Although he wrote a number of influential essays (including A Treatise of Human Nature and Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding ), his dialogues are especially well suited for the topic of religion. As his character Pamphilus says: Any philosophical question that is so obscure and uncertain that human reason can reach no agreement about it, if it is treated at all, seems to lead us naturally to the style of dialogue.
Refreshing The Customer Dialogue – with Personalization, Teaching and Algorithms: The Cassiopeia Method – a practical guide and inspiration for Sales, Marketing and Consultancy, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 109.00 skrTHE CUSTOMER EXPECTS MORE, it’s time to raise the bar and deliver a refreshed Customer Dialogue. Teach the complex, earn trust, see the customer, make it personalized and offer an instant learning journey. Provide micro-training in the moment, in the customer meeting. Enlighten! And understand why this is real now and learn how to do it. No matter whether you are a human being or an AI-algorithm. In a fast-spinning world with a huge amount of complexity, newly invented technology, online services offerings and proliferate multiple-choice situations, requiring constant important personal decisions - you might wonder how to keep up? All this in combination with personal limitations in time and mental bandwidth creates a great opportunity and need in the world for brands and passionate individuals, or sophisticated AI-algorithms, to take on the role of a teacher and digital curator and explain topics of interest in an effective and consumable style. Vendors need to step up here and improve the conversational style and give customers what they need: enlightenment and advisory based on a true understanding of and empathy for the customer, not only the basics. This book provides tactics and insights into how to effectively explain complicated matters with aspects of: expectation management, an executive summary format, story journeys, zoom in and zoom out, in-flow-repetition, the Swedish perspective, play intelligence, digital curation, and more! All framed in a new method: The Cassiopeia Method. A practical guide for customer-facing persons/algorithms looking for tangible suggestions as how to become even more appreciated by the customer. Join the movement of a beautiful and new Customer Dialogue!
Berkeley’s Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 39.00 skrBerkeley uses the Socratic mode of inquiry in Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous to question fundamental beliefs about knowledge and reality. These dialogues are between Hylas (whose name is derived from the ancient Greek word for matter) and Philonous, whose name means lover of mind. The new physical sciences developed in the seventeenth century supported the materialism proposed by Thomas Hobbes and several other philosophers. This worldview proclaimed that all of reality consists of nothing but matter in motion, thus promoting atheism and ethical skepticism. The implications for politics, ethics, and religion caused concern among leading intellectuals in the eighteenth century. Whatever the value of the positive claims presented in this work, Berkeley foreshadows the philosophical impact of twentieth century physics, which challenges the foundations of such materialism and calls for a better understanding of both the physical and the mental aspects of reality.Berkeley was born in Ireland where he served as Bishop of Cloyne (Dublin). He published works in philosophy, mathematics, science, and religion. His other works include the Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge and An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision . He is one of the central figures in the tradition known as Empiricism.
Berkeley’s Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, Ljudbok
Leverantör: Pris: 79.00 skrBerkeley uses the Socratic mode of inquiry in Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous to question fundamental beliefs about knowledge and reality. These dialogues are between Hylas (whose name is derived from the ancient Greek word for matter) and Philonous, whose name means lover of mind. The new physical sciences developed in the seventeenth century supported the materialism proposed by Thomas Hobbes and several other philosophers. This worldview proclaimed that all of reality consists of nothing but matter in motion, thus promoting atheism and ethical skepticism. The implications for politics, ethics, and religion caused concern among leading intellectuals in the eighteenth century. Whatever the value of the positive claims presented in this work, Berkeley foreshadows the philosophical impact of twentieth century physics, which challenges the foundations of such materialism and calls for a better understanding of both the physical and the mental aspects of reality.Berkeley was born in Ireland where he served as Bishop of Cloyne (Dublin). He published works in philosophy, mathematics, science, and religion. His other works include the Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge and An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision . He is one of the central figures in the tradition known as Empiricism.
Neale Donald Walsch Friendship with god - an uncommon dialogue (pocket, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 119.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -Neale Donald Walsch has changed the way millions of Americans think about God. His Conversations with God series, book 1, book 2, and book 3, have all been New York Times bestsellers--book 1 for over two years. The essence of Neale Donald Walsch's message lies at the heart of faith--the sacred place in every person, where he stands alone with his God. Format Pocket Omfång 448 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Hodder & Stoughton Utgivningsdatum 2000-01-06 ISBN 9780340767832
Mentally healthy classrooms : Creative methods for non-toxic dialogue, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 109.00 skrIn year 3 we were flying in year 4 we crashed. Now in year 5, they are here to see if we can fix the plane and fly again. Pupil about YoungHorse For most teachers, there will be days when nothing seems to work. When pupil hierarchies seem to have gained control and the teacher doubts their own capacity to lead. When relationships with pupils need constant attention just to create some space for learning. Mentally healthy classrooms is a book for middle-school teachers and those who interact with children and young people in schools for other reasons. It includes values clarification exercises, games and other creative methods that YoungHorse - Västerbotten Theatre s youth theatre group - have been using for over 20 years to spark conversations with pupils about difficult and sensitive issues, and that teachers and other groups can use in their own settings. The book also outlines the history behind YoungHorse s award-winning teaching methods, with contributions from its founders Malin Lundqvist and Petra Åström, drama teacher Katrin Byréus and many others who provide their thoughts about the role of the teacher as relationship promoter and dialogue facilitator. This book is about how to listen and create mentally healthy classrooms - even when it feels and seems impossible. Caroline Jonsson is a freelance journalist focusing on social questions and young people s mental health. Her previous book Hej, det är jobbigt (Dynamo förlag 2018) (Hi, I m having a rough time) was addressed to young people in need of counselling.
Visto Förlag Mentally healthy classrooms : creative methods for non-toxic dialogue (häftad, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 159.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -"In year 3 we were flying; in year 4 we crashed. Now in year 5, they are here to see if we can fix the plane and fly again." Pupil about YoungHorse For most teachers, there will be days when nothing seems to work. When pupil hierarchies seem to have gained control and the teacher doubts their own capacity to lead. When relationships with pupils need constant attention just to create some space for learning. Mentally healthy classrooms is a book for middle-school teachers and those who interact with children and young people in schools for other reasons. It includes values clarification exercises, games and other creative methods that YoungHorse - Västerbotten Theatre s youth theatre group - have been using for over 20 years to spark conversations with pupils about difficult and sensitive issues, and that teachers and other groups can use in their own settings. The book also outlines the history behind YoungHorse s award-winning teaching methods, with contributions from its founders Malin Lundqvist and Petra Åström, drama teacher Katrin Byréus and many others who provide their thoughts about the role of the teacher as relationship promoter and dialogue facilitator. This book is about how to listen and create mentally healthy classrooms - even when it feels and seems impossible. Caroline Jonsson is a freelance journalist focusing on social questions and young people s mental health. Her previous book Hej, det är jobbigt (Dynamo förlag 2018) ( Hi, I m having a rough time) was addressed to young people in need of counselling. Format Häftad Omfång 142 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Visto Förlag Utgivningsdatum 2024-02-01 Medverkande Caroline Jonsson Medverkande Katherine Stuart ISBN 9789180735438
Esther Shalev-Gerz The contemporary art of trusting uncertainities and unfolding dialogues (häftad, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 189.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -Esther Shalev-Gerzs art has long been at the forefront of debates regarding participation, citizenship, cultural memory, and the role of the artist in society. Her practice has consistently confronted many of the most profound ethical questions of our time regarding the politics of representation, memorialization, and the narration of our histories. Through the artworks and methods of Esther Shalev-Gerz, this book seeks to provide a platform for a debate on trust and dialogue and to act as a catalyst for reflection on the relativity of these two concepts when characterized by, and as, art. This is the first illustrated anthology to be published on Shalev-Gerzs work. It brings together some of the most significant thinkers, writers, and curators of our time to stimulate debate on notions of trust and dialogue and their interrelations as exemplified through her oeuvre. Edited by Jason E. Bowman Contributing writers: Stefanie Baumann, Jason E. Bowman, George Didi-Huberman, Lisa Le Feuvre, Andrea Phillips, Jacques Rancière, Jacqueline Rose, Esther Shalev-Gerz, Annika Wik, James E. Young Format Häftad Omfång 271 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Art and Theory Utgivningsdatum 2013-12-12 Medverkande Jason E. Bowman Medverkande Stefanie Baumann Medverkande George Didi-Huberman Medverkande Lisa Le Feuvre Medverkande Andrea Phillips Medverkande Jacques Rancière Medverkande Jacqueline Rose Medverkande Annika Wik Medverkande James E. Young Medverkande Jason E. Bowman ISBN 9789198087475
Winning Moves Monopoly Jaws - Brädspel
Leverantör: Pris: 538.00 skrSpännande och underhållande brädspel. För 2-6 spelare. Speltid: 30-60 min. Ålder: 8+. Engelsk version Relive one of cinemas greatest adventures in this brand new Jaws Monopoly. Travel around the board as one of six special tokens from the film collecting moments and taking Repairs and Rewards cards featuring dialogue from the script. With imagery from the cinematic classic, will you collect the events on Amity Beach, the grisly discovery of the first victim, or Hoopers shark hunting gear? Will you land on the Shark Attack space or collect the Chum Line and Sonar?
Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Playstation 5
Leverantör: Pris: 343.00 skrPlaystation 5 spel Komplett med box och manual CRISIS CORE FINAL FANTASY VII REUNION is the HD remaster version of the smash hit prequel to FINAL FANTASY VII. In addition to all graphics being remastered in HD, fully voiced dialogue and new soundtrack arrangements make for a dynamic new retelling of a beloved classic. CRISIS CORE FINAL FANTASY VII REUNION follows the story of Zack Fair, a young warrior admired by the boy destined to save the world, trusted by men renowned as heroes of legend, and loved by the girl who holds the fate of the planet in her hands. The tale of Zacks dreams and honor?the legacy that connects him to Cloud is revealed in full in this grand saga that has broken the limits of an HD remaster. New Features - All graphics fully remastered in HD, bringing the game to the latest console generation- Renewed 3D models, including characters and backgrounds, enriching the visual experience - Improved battle system providing a vastly smoother gameplay experience - Fully voiced dialogue in both English and Japanese - A newly arranged soundtrack from the original composer, Takeharu Ishimoto - Steam version supports up to 120FPS. *Recommended system requirements are set to 1920x1080 resolution and 60FPS, so playing at a higher resolution and/or framerate will require a display and PC with sufficient specifications to support them.
Finger Lickin' Fifteen
Leverantör: Pris: 172.00 skr (+39.00 skr)Stephanie's out of the frying pan and into the firing line... Finger Lickin' Fifteen is the spiciest, sauciest, most rib-sticking Stephanie Plum adventure yet. Janet Evanovich's hilarious fifteenth novel in the series is not to be missed by fans of Harlan Coben and Sue Grafton. Praise for Evanovich: 'Sharp dialogue, a little slapstick and a little romance' (The Sunday Times); 'Utterly delightful' (Cosmopolitan); 'Romantic and gripping' (Good Housekeeping). Stephanie Plum's tempting mentor Ranger has come to her for help. Someone is trying to destroy his security company from the inside, and he wants her to investigate. On top of that, Stephanie's colleague has just seen two men decapitate a celebrity chef and the unexpected repercussions are more than Stephanie can stomach. But with a million-dollar reward offered for the killers, she may soon be biting off more than she can chew. What readers are saying about Finger Lickin' Fifteen: 'Evanovich has surpassed herself with this head spinning delight' 'The writing is hilarious and I can't help but laugh out loud at some of the situations Stephanie Plum and her friends get themselves into' 'Another fun romp with Stephanie Plum'
The Wit and Wisdom of James Bond
Leverantör: Pris: 206.00 skr (+39.00 skr)"Bond. James Bond." The iconic line from James Bond's first big-screen scene has been endlessly quoted and imitated since, and the memorable dialogue and witty one-liners stand alongside the glamorous locations, breath-taking stunts and creative gadgets as one of the many reasons the films are so beloved the world over. The Wit & Wisdom of James Bond includes the very best quotes, quips and pearls of wisdom from all 25 films. From "Shocking. Positively shocking," to "Choose your next witticism carefully, Mr Bond. It may be your last," (Goldfinger) this official book collects the greatest killer one-liners from the world's most famous "licensed troubleshooter", as well as M, Q, Moneypenny, Bond villains and more.
Bengans In Flames - Whoracle (CD)
Leverantör: Pris: 241.00 skr (+39.00 skr)Artist: In Flames Enheter i förpackning: 1 st Label: Nuclear Blast Lev. Artnr.: 0727361544423 Leverantör: Warner Music Media: CD Releasedatum: 2021-11-26 Spår: 1. JOTUN2. FOOD FOR THE GODS3. GYROSCOPE4. DIALOGUE WITH THE STARS5. THE HIVE6. JESTER SCRIPT TRANSFIGURED7. MORPHING INTO PRIMAL8. WORLD WITHIN THE MARGIN9. EPISODE 66610. EVERYTHING COUNTS11. WHORACLE Streckkod: 0727361544423
Bengans Various - Jackie Brown: Music From The M (LP)
Garnet Schulhauser Dancing With Angels In Heaven (häftad, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 115.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -DANCING WITH ANGELS IN HEAVEN is the fifth book in the pentalogy of the author's encounters with his spirit guide that began when he was confronted on the street by a homeless man named Albert, who turned out to be a wise spirit in disguise. The author's first four books recount his dialogue and astral trips with his guide, who took him to the Spirit Realm and other planets in our galaxy. In his fifth book, the author recalls a trip to the Spirit Side to observe an orientation class about planet Earth for souls planning to incarnate on our planet. In this session, souls learn about the origin of the universe, the true nature of souls, the preparation of Life Plans for each new incarnation, the purpose of a human journey on Earth, the role of spirit guides and guardian angels in our lives, the joyful transition of souls back to the Spirit Side in the afterlife, and the illuminating aspects of the Life Review we will all enjoy after leaving our bodies behind. The author's most fascinating experience was listening to a conversation with three wise Masters, Jesus, Mohammad, and Moses, who discussed returning to Earth someday as a much-needed messiah to lead humans onto the path of spiritual enlightenment. Format Häftad Omfång 248 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Ozark Mountain Publishing Utgivningsdatum 2022-03-25 ISBN 9781950608034
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