Det hittades 110 produkter som matchar din sökning efter storytelling i 6 butiker:
Storytelling befolkar varumärket, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 149.00 skrSnudd på omtumlande / Anne Scheffer Leander, Stockholms stad Storytelling befolkar varumärket har nu kommit ut i sin tredje helt omarbetade upplaga. I alla tider har vi människor samlats kring lägereldarna och berättat. Det är vid elden vi blir människor. Det är där vi överför kunskaper och värderingar. Och lägereldarna finns även i det moderna arbetslivet, fast i andra former. Det kan vara i lunchrummen, vid kaffeapparaterna, hos kunderna eller ute i sociala media. Kring varje företag och organisation finns berättelser som handlar om människorna och om verksamheten. Med hjälp av dem kan man strategiskt stödja ledarskap, kommunikation, organisationsutveckling, förändringsprocesser, rekrytering, marknadsföring, sälj och kunskapsöverföring. Matts Heijbel har arbetat med corporate storytelling sedan 1999. Följ med honom på en resa genom svenskt och internationellt arbetsliv. Boken är frikostligt späckad med berättelser och exempel. Läs den för att roas och fascineras. Eller låt den rent av bli ett avstamp till en egen satsning på corporate storytelling. Några omdömen kring boken: Storytelling har betytt mycket för oss ... boken är väldigt användbar /Per Torstensson, vd Arlanda Express This book is a good guide to the world of stories. /Jaak Aviksoo, Minister of Education and Research, Estonia Matts bok gav mig ett nytt perspektiv på storytelling och hur man kan använda metoden för att bygga en stark företagskultur. /Bång Ola Norén, kundansvarig, HiQ
Generico Story Time Dice, 9X Storytelling Cubes, Imaginative Play Dice, Storytelling Game Dice, Familjespel för barn och vuxna, Iconic Storytelling Dice, Fun Storytelling Game, Kids Story Time Dice, Story Cub
Leverantör: Pris: 149.76 skrStory Time Dice: Dessa 9X berättande kuber är ett roligt och kreativt verktyg för bildspel. Varje kub har 6 unika ikoner, adding up to 54 olika berättande bilder. Perfekt för att sprida kreativitet hos barn och vuxna, these say turn every game into an adventure of imagination Imaginative Play Dice: Encourage creative thinking with these 9X storytelling cubes. Med en mängd ikoniska bilder, de kan användas på flera sätt att skapa berättelser, vilket gör dem perfekta för klassrumsaktiviteter, familjespelkvällar, eller som ett verktyg för att lära sig och roligt med unga barn Storytelling Game Dice: These säger bring the world of storytelling to life. Med 9 kuber och 54 olika bilder, spelare kan rulla och skapa oändliga berättelser. Bra för alla åldrar, this storytelling game helps boost vocabulary, spark imagination, and improve communication skills in a playful way Familjespel för barn och vuxna: Gather the family for a fun-filled session with these storytelling says. Oavsett om du är barn eller en vuxen, kan alla gå med på att skapa quirky, spännande eller meningsfulla berättelser. Perfekt för familjesammankomster, lekar, or as a creative educational tool for kids Iconic Storytelling Dice: Dessa ikoniska berättande kuber är utformade för att öka kreativiteten och berättelsen. Varje roll en ny möjlighet att utveckla en unik berättelse, vilket gör dem perfekta för att förbättra skrivfärdigheterna och underhållningsfamiljen och vännerna med imaginativa sådana. Perfekt för alla åldrar
Studentlitteratur AB Storytelling : strukturerat berättande från lägerelden till det digitala rummet (häftad)
Leverantör: Pris: 283.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -En story är en strukturerad berättelse med budskap, mål och målgrupp. Genom att slå an på känslorna hos mottagaren – oavsett om det gäller ett strukturerat berättande runt lägerelden eller i det digitala rummet är storytelling ett användbart verktyg för att nå ut med ett budskap. På ett lättillgängligt sätt förmedlas här grundläggande arbetssätt, verktyg, teorier samt berättelser och storyexempel. Del 1 ger bakomliggande teorier som underlättar skapandet, del 2 beskriver stegvis storyskapandet och del 3 kompletterar del 1 och 2 genom att tillföra kompletterande arbetsmetoder. Boken riktar sig till såväl studenter på universitets- och högskolenivå som elever på folkhögskola, yrkeshögskola och gymnasieskola. Den riktar sig även till yrkesverksamma inom kommunikation, likväl till chefer och ledare. Format Häftad Omfång 212 sidor Språk Svenska Förlag Studentlitteratur AB Utgivningsdatum 2022-02-01 Medverkande Jonny Hallberg Medverkande Hans Allmér Medverkande Leif Marcusson ISBN 9789144156187
Storytelling and Other Poems; 2
Leverantör: Pris: 373.10 skrStorytelling and Other Poems; 2
Therapeutic uses of storytelling : an interdisciplinary approach to narration as therapy , E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 149.00 skrHow can stories and legends, written and oral, help people suffering from severe traumas or harsh conditions, now or in the past? Can storytelling help us sort out our innermost feelings and troubles? This deeply human subject is relevant not only to practitioners of psychotherapy, but to all of us, as we sometimes go through difficult times in life. In Therapeutic Uses of Storytelling, a cross-disciplinary group of researchers examine the ways in which narrative might aid in coping with difficult situations in life, and with the emotions that these situations engender. Starting with an introduction to basic narrative theories and the therapeutic effects of storytelling, the book then moves on to a series of lucid case studies. The authors present a diversity of material such as blogs, poetry, magazines, memoirs, and oral accounts from Antiquity to the present. Authors from several different disciplines make for a diversity of perspectives. The authors specialise in folkloristics, psychology, writing studies, poetry therapy, and classical studies. Psychologists, social workers, researchers, therapists all can benefit from this book, including everyone interested in the possibility of inner exploration through stories.Swedish information text: En intressant studie av intresse för psykologer, socialarbetare, forskare, terapeuter samt skriv- och konstpedagoger! Hur kan berättelser och legender, skriftliga och muntliga, hjälpa människor som lider av svåra trauman eller svåra förhållanden, nu eller i det förflutna? Kan berättande hjälpa oss att reda ut våra innersta känslor och bekymmer ? Denna djupt mänskliga fråga är relevant inte bara för utövare av psykoterapi, utan för oss alla, eftersom vi alla någon gång upplever svårigheter i livet. I Therapeutic Uses of Storytelling, har en tvärvetenskaplig grupp forskare undersökt hur berättelser kan hjälpa oss att klara av svåra situationer i livet, eller de känslor som dessa situationer ger upphov till. Boken inleds med en introduktion av grundläggande teorier kring berättande och de terapeutiska effekterna av berättande, därefter får vi ta del av ett antal intressanta fallstudier. Författarna presenterar ett brett spektra av material, som t.ex. bloggar, poesi, tidningar, memoarer och muntlig redovisning från antiken till nutid. Författarna i boken kommer från en rad olika ämnesdiscipliner vilket skapar en mångfald av perspektiv. Deras specialområden är exempelvis folkloristik, psykologi, skrivstudier, poesiterapi och klassiska studier.
The New Story - Storytelling As A Pathway To Peace
Leverantör: Pris: 199.00 skr (+49.00 skr)In THE NEW STORY more than 30 tales from around the world and easy to do exercises give a fresh and encouraging take on how to bring about understanding, compassion and transformation in a wide spectrum of life situations - at school, in work life, at home, in a quiet conversation with a friend but also in the wider arena of multicultural politics, mediation and social healing.During times of turbulence and conflict, storytelling dedicated to peace and reconciliation has proven successful in creating a common ground between people of all ages, from different cultures and disparate world views. A human culture is cultivated, engendering a free space where story speaks to story and we come to appreciate the uniqueness of everyone´s contribution to a moreinclusive and resilient society.In rich and lively picture language myths, wisdom tales, life stories and intuitively created stories are shared and everyone has a voice. Full of practical examples combined with leading edge contributions from modern storytellers at work in places like Israel, Kurdistan and the Nordic countries, this book will inspire all who are looking to awaken positivity and enthusiasm wherever they are. Here you will learn new skills to heal the past, honor the present and create sustainable futures together with others.
The New Story – Storytelling as a Pathway to Peace, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 109.00 skrIn THE NEW STORY more than 30 tales from around the world and easy to do exercises give a fresh and encouraging take on how to bring about understanding, compassion and transformation in a wide spectrum of life situations - at school, in work life, at home, in a quiet conversation with a friend but also in the wider arena of multicultural politics, mediation and social healing. During times of turbulence and conflict, storytelling dedicated to peace and reconciliation has proven successful in creating a common ground between people of all ages, from different cultures and disparate world views. A human culture is cultivated, engendering a free space where story speaks to story and we come to appreciate the uniqueness of everyone´s contribution to a more inclusive and resilient society. In rich and lively picture language myths, wisdom tales, life stories and intuitively created stories are shared and everyone has a voice. Full of practical examples combined with leading edge contributions from modern storytellers at work in places like Israel, Kurdistan and the Nordic countries, this book will inspire all who are looking to awaken positivity and enthusiasm wherever they are. Here you will learn new skills to heal the past, honor the present and create sustainable futures together with others.
Storytelling and Other Poems; 2
Leverantör: Pris: 596.18 skrStorytelling and Other Poems; 2
Nordic Academic Press Therapeutic uses of storytelling : an interdisciplinary approach to narration as therapy (inbunden, eng)
Leverantör: Pris: 199.00 skr (+49.00 skr)EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -How can stories and legends, written and oral, help people suffering from severe traumas or harsh conditions, now or in the past? Can storytelling help us sort out our innermost feelings and troubles? This deeply human subject is relevant not only to practitioners of psychotherapy, but to all of us, as we sometimes go through difficult times in life. In Therapeutic Uses of Storytelling, a cross-disciplinary group of researchers examine the ways in which narrative might aid in coping with difficult situations in life, and with the emotions that these situations engender. Starting with an introduction to basic narrative theories and the therapeutic effects of storytelling, the book then moves on to a series of lucid case studies. The authors present a diversity of material such as blogs, poetry, magazines, memoirs, and oral accounts from Antiquity to the present. Authors from several different disciplines make for a diversity of perspectives. The authors specialise in folkloristics, psychology, writing studies, poetry therapy, and classical studies. Psychologists, social workers, researchers, therapists all can benefit from this book, including everyone interested in the possibility of inner exploration through stories. Swedish information text: En intressant studie av intresse för psykologer, socialarbetare, forskare, terapeuter samt skriv- och konstpedagoger! Hur kan berättelser och legender, skriftliga och muntliga, hjälpa människor som lider av svåra trauman eller svåra förhållanden, nu eller i det förflutna? Kan berättande hjälpa oss att reda ut våra innersta känslor och bekymmer ? Denna djupt mänskliga fråga är relevant inte bara för utövare av psykoterapi, utan för oss alla, eftersom vi alla någon gång upplever svårigheter i livet. I Therapeutic Uses of Storytelling, har en tvärvetenskaplig grupp forskare undersökt hur berättelser kan hjälpa oss att klara av svåra situationer i livet, eller de känslor som dessa situationer ger upphov till. Boken inleds med en introduktion av grundläggande teorier kring berättande och de terapeutiska effekterna av berättande, därefter får vi ta del av ett antal intressanta fallstudier. Författarna presenterar ett brett spektra av material, som t.ex. bloggar, poesi, tidningar, memoarer och muntlig redovisning från antiken till nutid. Författarna i boken kommer från en rad olika ämnesdiscipliner vilket skapar en mångfald av perspektiv. Deras specialområden är exempelvis folkloristik, psykologi, skrivstudier, poesiterapi och klassiska studier. Format Inbunden Omfång 208 sidor Språk Engelska Förlag Nordic Academic Press Utgivningsdatum 2013-12-03 Medverkande Camilla Asplund Ingemark Medverkande Domi
Generic Kids Music Story Player Interactive Audio Device Kids Audio Story Player Portable Storytelling Player Childrens Storytelling Music Toy Engaging Storytelling For your Kids
Leverantör: Pris: 323.29 skr (+49.99 skr)Engaging Storytelling: Brings stories to life with captivating audio, helping children develop a love for reading while enjoying their favorite tales. Music and Sound Effects: Features a variety of songs and sound effects that enhance the storytelling experience, stimulating creativity and imagination in young listeners. Easy-to-Use Controls: Designed with intuitive buttons, making it simple for kids to navigate between stories and music, fostering independence and confidence. Portable and Lightweight: Compact design allows for easy transport, so kids can enjoy their music and stories at home, in the car, or on playdates. Educational Benefits: Promotes language development, listening skills, and cognitive growth while keeping children entertained and engaged through interactive storytelling.
Mattel Ken Career Dolls Asstorted styles 1 supplied
Leverantör: Pris: 634.00 skrDifferent skin tones and eye colours provide endless storytelling possibilities and create aspirational fun. Explore and collect them all because when a girl plays with Barbie, she imagines everything she can become! Includes Ken doll wearing fashions and accessories, plus career-themed pieces. Each sold separately, subject to availability. Dolls cannot stand alone. Colours and decorations may vary.Dream big with Barbie and Ken career dolls!Explore careers with Ken dolls that include a firefighter, barista, lifeguard and soccer playerEach doll wears a career-themed outfit and comes with accessories that enhance storytellingExplore them all because when a girl plays with Barbie, she imagines everything she can become (each sold separately, subject to availability).Suitable from 3 years+
The New Story – Storytelling as a Pathway to Peace, E-bok
Leverantör: Pris: 109.00 skrIn THE NEW STORY more than 30 tales from around the world and easy to do exercises give a fresh and encouraging take on how to bring about understanding, compassion and transformation in a wide spectrum of life situations - at school, in work life, at home, in a quiet conversation with a friend but also in the wider arena of multicultural politics, mediation and social healing. During times of turbulence and conflict, storytelling dedicated to peace and reconciliation has proven successful in creating a common ground between people of all ages, from different cultures and disparate world views. A human culture is cultivated, engendering a free space where story speaks to story and we come to appreciate the uniqueness of everyone´s contribution to a more inclusive and resilient society. In rich and lively picture language myths, wisdom tales, life stories and intuitively created stories are shared and everyone has a voice. Full of practical examples combined with leading edge contributions from modern storytellers at work in places like Israel, Kurdistan and the Nordic countries, this book will inspire all who are looking to awaken positivity and enthusiasm wherever they are. Here you will learn new skills to heal the past, honor the present and create sustainable futures together with others.
Microsoft Prince of Persia - Xbox 360/Xbox One (begagnad)
Leverantör: Pris: 116.00 skr (+39.00 skr)Begagnat Xbox 360 spel Komplett med box och manual The critically acclaimed Prince of Persia franchise returns for the first time on next-generation platforms with an all-new epic journey.Escape to experience the new fantasy world of ancient Persia. Masterful storytelling and sprawling environments deliver a brand new adventure that re-opens the Prince of Persia saga. Now you have the freedom to determine how the game evolves in this non-linear adventure. Players will decide how they unfold the storyline by choosing their path in the open-ended world.In this strange land, your rogue warrior must utilize all of his skills, along with a whole new combat system, to battle Ahriman?s corrupted lieutenants to heal the land from the dark Corruption and restore the light. Also, historys greatest ally is revealed in the form of Elika, a dynamic AI companion who joins the Prince in his fight to save the world. Gifted with magical powers, she interacts with the player in combat, acrobatics and puzzle-solving, enabling the Prince to reach new heights of deadly high-flying artistry through special duo acrobatic moves or devastating fighting combo attacks. Eventuella koder för nedladdning av extramaterial eller online-spel kan vara förbrukade Detta spel fungerar även till Xbox One
STORYWORTHY: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling + PIXAR STORYTELLING ( Set Of 2 Books )
Leverantör: Pris: 662.99 skrSTORYWORTHY: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling + PIXAR STORYTELLING ( Set Of 2 Books )
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection - Playstation 4 (begagnad)
Leverantör: Pris: 181.00 skr (+39.00 skr)Begagnat Playstation 4 spel Komplett med box och manual From the groundbreaking storytellers at Naughty Dog, comes the genre-defining epic that revolutionized adventure storytelling, rebuilt by Bluepoint Games with the power of the PS4 system. Experience one of the most revered game series of all time as you follow the perilous journey of Nathan Drake across the globe, from humble beginnings to extraordinary discoveries. Meet an unforgettable cast of characters as Drake puts life and friendship on the line in a race against ruthless enemies to uncover unimaginable treasure. UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection includes the singleplayer campaigns for UNCHARTED: Drake?s Fortune, UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves, and UNCHARTED 3: Drake?s Deception. Eventuella koder för nedladdning av extramaterial eller online-spel kan vara förbrukade
Belle & Sebastian: Storytelling
Leverantör: Pris: 179.00 skr (+39.00 skr)Belle & Sebastian: Storytelling [CD]
Mattel Masters Of The Universe Roton Vehicle
Leverantör: Pris: 693.00 skrThe Masters of the Universe Origins line celebrates the original MOTU toys with updated designs that capture the retro feel of the eighties with today's design elements -- both longtime fans and new followers will love the Roton Vehicle for storytelling and display! The 28-inch long transport pays tribute to the vintage villainous vehicle with rolling wheels, unique movement and accessories. Simply push forward for buzzsaw clicks and spinning action. Gear up for battle with an alternate face mask, roll cage and removable guns. The MOTU Roton vehicle set makes a great gift for fans ages 4 years and older. Colors and decorations may vary.
Sharma, Ankita The Storytelling Panda
Leverantör: Pris: 367.01 skrThe Storytelling Panda
Consider Phlebas
Leverantör: Pris: 175.00 skr (+39.00 skr)The novels of Iain M. Banks have forever changed the face of modern science fiction. His Culture books combine breathtaking imagination with exceptional storytelling, and have secured his reputation as one of the most extraordinary and influential writers in the genre. 'Banks is a phenomenon' William Gibson War rages across the galaxy. Billions have died, billions more are doomed. Moons, planets, the very stars themselves, face cold-blooded, brutal destruction. The Idirans fight for their Faith; the Culture for its moral right to exist. Principles are at stake. There can be no surrender. Within this cosmic conflict, a crucial battle of wits is waged. Deep within a fabled labyrinth, on a Planet of the Dead forbidden to mortals, lies a fugitive Mind. Both the Culture and the Idirans desperately seek it. It is the fate of Horza, the Changer, and his motley crew of unpredictable mercenaries, human and machine, to actually find it - and with it their own destruction. Praise for the Culture series 'Epic in scope, ambitious in its ideas and absorbing in its execution' Independent on Sunday 'Banks has created one of the most enduring and endearing visions of the future' Guardian 'Jam-packed with extraordinary invention' Scotsman 'Compulsive reading' Sunday Telegraph The Culture series: Consider Phlebas The Player of Games Use of Weapons Excession Inversions Look to Windward Matter Surface Detail The Hydrogen Sonata The State of the Art Other books by Iain M. Banks: Against a Dark Background Feersum Endjinn The Algebraist Also now available: The Culture: The Drawings - an extraordinary collection of original illustrations faithfully reproduced from sketchbooks Banks kept in the 1970s and 80s, depicting the ships, habitats, geography, weapons and language of Banks' Culture series of novels in incredible detail.
A World Scientific Encyclopedia Of Business Storytelling, Set 2: Methodologies And Big Data Analysis Of Business Storytelling (In 5 Volumes): ... / Business Storytelling and Grounding: 1-5
Leverantör: Pris: 8,329.72 skrA World Scientific Encyclopedia Of Business Storytelling, Set 2: Methodologies And Big Data Analysis Of Business Storytelling (In 5 Volumes): ... / Business Storytelling and Grounding: 1-5
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