Bolo nájdených 40 produktov zodpovedajúcich vášmu vyhľadávaniu patricks v 3 obchodoch:
DII 100% Baumwolle, St Patricks Day, 18 by 18-Inch
Predajca: Cena: 9.81 €Eine lustige ST PATRICK DAY Übergroße Servietten: 4er-Set, jede misst 45,7 x 45,7 cm, 100 % Baumwolle und maschinenwaschbar; Dekorieren Sie Ihren Tisch mit unserem St. Patrick's Day Servietten-Set, einem St. Patrick's Day Medley aus Drucken und Plaids für Spaß auf Ihrer Tischdekoration Pflegeleichtes, langlebiges Material: 100 % Baumwolle, maschinenwaschbar; mit kaltem Wasser im Schonwaschgang waschen, im Trockner bei niedriger Temperatur; warm bügeln; nicht bleichen oder auf hoher Stufe trocknen; Dekorieren Sie diese Servietten dieses Jahr und für die kommenden Jahre Feiern Sie das Glück der Irischen – passt zu jeder St. Patricks Day Dekoration für zu Hause; kombinieren Sie diese irischen Servietten mit unseren St. Patricks Day Serviettenringen und unseren anderen St. Patricks Day Tischdekorationen, um Ihren Abendessen und Partys Freude zu verleihen Tolles Urlaubsgeschenk: Perfektes Geschenk für eine St. Patrick's Day Dinner-Party, kombinieren Sie mit anderen Artikeln aus unserer St. Patrick's Day Kollektion; Schütteln Sie Ihr Kleeblatt-Dekor, St. Patricks Day Servietten, Kleeblatt-Serviettenringe, Geschirrtücher, irische Schürzen Mehr von DII – Wenn Sie diese St Patricks Stoffservietten mögen, schauen Sie sich den Rest unserer Kollektionen an; um die gesamte Palette unserer Produkte für Haus und Küche zu sehen, besuchen Sie unsere Markenseite, indem Sie auf den Link oben klicken.
GUIRCA Klobúk – Pinč (Buřinka) St. Patrick / Svätý Patrik
Predajca: Cena: 5.06 € (+3.49 €)Doplnok ku kostýmu Klobúk – Pinč (Buřinka) St. Patrick / Svätý Patrik: Doveďte svůj kostým k dokonalosti s doplňky od Guirca. Pokud se chystáte oslavit Den Svatého Patrika, tak se vám jistě bude hodit zelený klobouk, který zdobí černá stuha a 4lístek. Klobouk není těžký a pohodlně drží na hlavě. Klíčové vlastnosti klobouku - buřinky St. Patrick / Svatý Patrik Doplněk ke kostýmu od značky GuircaKvalitní provedení, komfortní nošení Klobouk je ideální ke kostýmu na svátek Svatého Patrika V zelené barvě s černou stuhou a 4lístkem Obvod: 58 cm
GUIRCA Klobúk zelený Cylinder St. Patrick – Svätý Patrik
Predajca: Cena: 7.43 € (+3.49 €)Doplnok ku kostýmu Klobúk zelený Cylinder St. Patrick – Svätý Patrik:
Guirca Čelenka s trojlístkami St. Patrick/Svätý Patrik
Predajca: Cena: 2.05 € (+3.49 €)Čelenka Guirca Čelenka s trojlístkami St. Patrick/Svätý Patrik:Čelenka s tykadly ve tvaru zelených listů, která je vhodná jako doplněk ke karnevalovému kostýmu Sv. Patricka – patrona Irska. Tykadla využijete především na karnevalových slavnostech s etnickou tématikou, irském festivalu, stužkovacích večírcích apod.Obsah balení: 1ks
GUIRCA Oranžová briadka, kotlety a obočie St. Patrick – Svätý Patrik
Predajca: Cena: 2.10 € (+3.49 €)Doplnok ku kostýmu Oranžová briadka, kotlety a obočie St. Patrick – Svätý Patrik:
Eurofirany Eurof Irany FIR/Patrick/Popi záclony, látka, Šedá, 140 x 250 x 0,3 cm
Predajca: Cena: 20.95 €Moderní a elegantní Ideální jako dekorace na okno v každém pokoji. Snadná údržba. Snadná instalace s očky dosažitelné bar v různých barvách
Rabalux Patric zelená/chróm 4208
Predajca: Cena: 16.90 € (+3.49 €)Stolová lampa Rabalux Patric zelená/chróm 4208:Stolná lampa RABALUX vám poskytne optimálne podmienky na čítanie vašej obľúbenej knihy, pri štúdiu alebo práci pri PC. Zdrojom osvetlenia stolnej lampy je bežne používaná žiarovka, ktorá nie je obsiahnutá v balení. Je kompatibilná so 40W žiarovkami s päticou E14 a napätím 230 V. Na svietenie je dostačujúca jedna žiarovka. Vďaka zabudovanému vypínaču ju budete môcť jednoducho zapnúť a vypnúť. Materiálom na výrobu lampy na stôl RABALUX je kov. Zásadné vlastnosti stolovej lampy Rabalux Patric zelená/chróm 4208 Stolová lampa RABALUX vám poskytne ideálne podmienky pri čítaní vašej obľúbenej knihy, práci pri PC či štúdiu Napájanie: do siete Ako zdroj osvetlenia stolnej lampy sa používa klasická žiarovka Je kompatibilná so 40W žiarovkami s päticou E14 a napätím 230 V Na zapínanie a vypínanie má vypínač Na svietenie je nutná jedna žiarovka Zodpovedá stupňu ochrany IP20 Výrobným materiálom stolnej lampy RABALUX je kov Dodajte svojmu priestoru svetlo so stolnou lampou RABALUX Stolná lampa RABALUX vám bude vždy...
PAU0I patrichs Eau de Toilette Musk – 75 ml
Predajca: Cena: 14.85 €Sinnlicher Duft der Seele patrichs ist eine angesehene Marke, die getan hat die Geschichte der profumeria Masstige Format erhältlich Eau de Toilette 75 ml
RABALUX Patric strieborná
Predajca: Cena: 16.90 € (+3.49 €)Stolová lampa RABALUX Patric strieborná:Stolná lampa RABALUX vám vytvorí perfektné podmienky na čítanie knihy, štúdium alebo prácu na PC. Zdrojom osvetlenia stolnej lampy je bežne používaná žiarovka, ktorá nie je obsiahnutá v balení. Je kompatibilná so 40W žiarovkami s päticou E14 a napätím 230 V. Farebná teplota svetla, ktorú lampa vyžaruje, je studená biela. Studená biela farba inklinuje k tónom modrej farby pripomínajúcej blesk. Je vhodná pre aktivity, ktoré vyžadujú plnú pozornosť a koncentráciu. Na svietenie stačí iba jedna žiarovka. Pomocou zabudovaného vypínača ju ľahko zapnete aj vypnete. Výrobným materiálom lampy na stôl RABALUX je kov. Zásadné prednosti stolovej lampy RABALUX Patric strieborná LED stolová lampa RABALUX sa postará o vhodné podmienky na čítanie, štúdium alebo prácu pri PC Napájanie: do siete Zdrojom osvetlenia stolnej lampy je LED žiarovka Je kompatibilná so 40W žiarovkami s päticou E14 a napätím 230 V Farebná teplota svetla, ktorú lampa vyžaruje, je studená biela Na zapínanie a vypínanie má vypínač Na svietenie stačí...
Polar Bear Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top XL
Predajca: Cena: 30.99 €Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top Product Description Material Lightweight, soft, breathable, warm in fall and winter. Design: long sleeve fall/winter/pullover/flip collar MATCHING: This casual pullover is the best choice for your closet. The zipper design with high quality zipper makes it more fashionable. In addition, the basic solid color can be matched with any outfit and never out of fashion. APPLICATION: Women's Full Zip Sweatshirt for casual, daily wear, party, school, running, sports, fitness, dancing, skating, hiking, biking, yoga, spring, fall and winter wear. It is also a perfect gift for your family and friends. Women's Sweatshirt,Women's Zip Pullover,Full Zip Design,Women's Hoodie,Women's Sweater,Women's Fleece Hoodie,Winter Fashion Clothing,Casual. Contains 1 Piece Top Material: 100% Polyester Washing care: Hand or machine wash in cold water ClothingType : Sweater Department : Men ClosureType : Elastic CareInstructions : Hand Wash Only OccasionAndLifestyle : Dress Season : Winter StyleName : Classic CollarType : Band SleeveType : Long Sleeve BeltStyle : Chain ControlType : Light FabricType : Cotton FitType : Loose MaterialType : Cotton NeckStyle : Boat Neck PatternStyle : Solid PocketDescription : Back Flap Pocket Theme : Mascots TopStyle : Bandeaux WaterResistanceLevel : not_water_resistant StrapType : Adjustable ItemLengthDescription : Below the Knee ItemTypeName : Medical Scrubs Shirt Sport : Trekking Size Bust Shoulder Sleeve Length S 116cm 60cm 59cm 70cm M 122cm 61.5cm 60cm 72cm L 128cm 63cm 61cm 74cm XL 134cm 64.5cm 62cm 76cm 2XL 142cm 66.5cm 63cm 78cm 3XL 150cm 68.5cm 64cm 80cm Label: Yes
Polar Bear Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top XL
Predajca: Cena: 32.29 €Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top Product Description Material Lightweight, soft, breathable, warm in fall and winter. Design: long sleeve fall/winter/pullover/flip collar MATCHING: This casual pullover is the best choice for your closet. The zipper design with high quality zipper makes it more fashionable. In addition, the basic solid color can be matched with any outfit and never out of fashion. APPLICATION: Women's Full Zip Sweatshirt for casual, daily wear, party, school, running, sports, fitness, dancing, skating, hiking, biking, yoga, spring, fall and winter wear. It is also a perfect gift for your family and friends. Women's Sweatshirt,Women's Zip Pullover,Full Zip Design,Women's Hoodie,Women's Sweater,Women's Fleece Hoodie,Winter Fashion Clothing,Casual. Contains 1 Piece Top Material: 100% Polyester Washing care: Hand or machine wash in cold water Size Bust Shoulder Sleeve Length S 116cm 60cm 59cm 70cm M 122cm 61.5cm 60cm 72cm L 128cm 63cm 61cm 74cm XL 134cm 64.5cm 62cm 76cm 2XL 142cm 66.5cm 63cm 78cm 3XL 150cm 68.5cm 64cm 80cm Label: Yes
Polar Bear Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top XXL
Predajca: Cena: 31.99 €Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top Product Description Material Lightweight, soft, breathable, warm in fall and winter. Design: long sleeve fall/winter/pullover/flip collar MATCHING: This casual pullover is the best choice for your closet. The zipper design with high quality zipper makes it more fashionable. In addition, the basic solid color can be matched with any outfit and never out of fashion. APPLICATION: Women's Full Zip Sweatshirt for casual, daily wear, party, school, running, sports, fitness, dancing, skating, hiking, biking, yoga, spring, fall and winter wear. It is also a perfect gift for your family and friends. Women's Sweatshirt,Women's Zip Pullover,Full Zip Design,Women's Hoodie,Women's Sweater,Women's Fleece Hoodie,Winter Fashion Clothing,Casual. Contains 1 Piece Top Material: 100% Polyester Washing care: Hand or machine wash in cold water ClothingType : Sweater Department : Men ClosureType : Elastic CareInstructions : Hand Wash Only OccasionAndLifestyle : Dress Season : Winter StyleName : Classic CollarType : Band SleeveType : Long Sleeve BeltStyle : Chain ControlType : Light FabricType : Cotton FitType : Loose MaterialType : Cotton NeckStyle : Boat Neck PatternStyle : Solid PocketDescription : Back Flap Pocket Theme : Mascots TopStyle : Bandeaux WaterResistanceLevel : not_water_resistant StrapType : Adjustable ItemLengthDescription : Below the Knee ItemTypeName : Medical Scrubs Shirt Sport : Trekking Size Bust Shoulder Sleeve Length S 116cm 60cm 59cm 70cm M 122cm 61.5cm 60cm 72cm L 128cm 63cm 61cm 74cm XL 134cm 64.5cm 62cm 76cm 2XL 142cm 66.5cm 63cm 78cm 3XL 150cm 68.5cm 64cm 80cm Label: Yes
Polar Bear Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top M
Predajca: Cena: 30.99 €Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top Product Description Material Lightweight, soft, breathable, warm in fall and winter. Design: long sleeve fall/winter/pullover/flip collar MATCHING: This casual pullover is the best choice for your closet. The zipper design with high quality zipper makes it more fashionable. In addition, the basic solid color can be matched with any outfit and never out of fashion. APPLICATION: Women's Full Zip Sweatshirt for casual, daily wear, party, school, running, sports, fitness, dancing, skating, hiking, biking, yoga, spring, fall and winter wear. It is also a perfect gift for your family and friends. Women's Sweatshirt,Women's Zip Pullover,Full Zip Design,Women's Hoodie,Women's Sweater,Women's Fleece Hoodie,Winter Fashion Clothing,Casual. Contains 1 Piece Top Material: 100% Polyester Washing care: Hand or machine wash in cold water ClothingType : Sweater Department : Men ClosureType : Elastic CareInstructions : Hand Wash Only OccasionAndLifestyle : Dress Season : Winter StyleName : Classic CollarType : Band SleeveType : Long Sleeve BeltStyle : Chain ControlType : Light FabricType : Cotton FitType : Loose MaterialType : Cotton NeckStyle : Boat Neck PatternStyle : Solid PocketDescription : Back Flap Pocket Theme : Mascots TopStyle : Bandeaux WaterResistanceLevel : not_water_resistant StrapType : Adjustable ItemLengthDescription : Below the Knee ItemTypeName : Medical Scrubs Shirt Sport : Trekking Size Bust Shoulder Sleeve Length S 116cm 60cm 59cm 70cm M 122cm 61.5cm 60cm 72cm L 128cm 63cm 61cm 74cm XL 134cm 64.5cm 62cm 76cm 2XL 142cm 66.5cm 63cm 78cm 3XL 150cm 68.5cm 64cm 80cm Label: Yes
Polar Bear Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top M
Predajca: Cena: 30.89 €Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top Product Description Material Lightweight, soft, breathable, warm in fall and winter. Design: long sleeve fall/winter/pullover/flip collar MATCHING: This casual pullover is the best choice for your closet. The zipper design with high quality zipper makes it more fashionable. In addition, the basic solid color can be matched with any outfit and never out of fashion. APPLICATION: Women's Full Zip Sweatshirt for casual, daily wear, party, school, running, sports, fitness, dancing, skating, hiking, biking, yoga, spring, fall and winter wear. It is also a perfect gift for your family and friends. Women's Sweatshirt,Women's Zip Pullover,Full Zip Design,Women's Hoodie,Women's Sweater,Women's Fleece Hoodie,Winter Fashion Clothing,Casual. Contains 1 Piece Top Material: 100% Polyester Washing care: Hand or machine wash in cold water Size Bust Shoulder Sleeve Length S 116cm 60cm 59cm 70cm M 122cm 61.5cm 60cm 72cm L 128cm 63cm 61cm 74cm XL 134cm 64.5cm 62cm 76cm 2XL 142cm 66.5cm 63cm 78cm 3XL 150cm 68.5cm 64cm 80cm Label: Yes
DII St. Patrick's Day Schürze aus Baumwolle mit Tasche und extra langen Krawatten, Kiss Me
Predajca: Cena: 7.48 €Einheitsgröße. Unsere Schürze für den St. Patricks Day misst 66 x 71 cm mit extra langen verstellbaren Bändern, die sich um Hals und Taille wickeln lassen. Einheitsgröße. Zwei Vordertaschen für Ihre Bequemlichkeit. Fügen Sie Ihrer Küche etwas Spaß hinzu. Pflegeleicht, langlebig, 100 % Baumwolle, maschinenwaschbar in kaltem Wasser, Schonwaschgang, im Trockner auf niedriger Stufe trocknen, nicht bleichen oder durch einen heißen Trockner laufen. Diese lustigen Schürzen werden in diesem Jahr und in den kommenden Jahren zu Ihrer St. Patrick's Day-Dekoration hinzufügen. Mit großer Tasche: Unsere Kleeblattschürze hat zwei große Vordertaschen. Tragen Sie diese Schürze für den St. Patricks Day, während Sie irische Gerichte, Kleeblatt-Plätzchen und St Patricks Day in Ihrer irischen Küche mit Ihrer Familie und Freunden an diesem St. Patricks Day backen. Lustiges Geschenk für den Urlaub. Ein schmeichelhaftes Rüschenunterteil und lustiger St. Patricks Day-Druck sind eines von vielen Geschenken für St. Patrick's Day, das wir anbieten, mit Kleeblatt-Geschirrtuch-Sets, Kleeblatt-Handtuch und Ausstechformen-Set für einen lustigen Lehrer Freund oder Gastgeberin. Weitere DII Küchenschürzen Optionen DII bietet entzückende Küchenwäsche einschließlich Geschirrtücher, Geschirrtücher, Schürzen, Topflappen und Ofenhandschuhe.
Polar Bear Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top M biela
Predajca: Cena: 30.89 €Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top Product Description Material Lightweight, soft, breathable, warm in fall and winter. Design: long sleeve fall/winter/pullover/flip collar MATCHING: This casual pullover is the best choice for your closet. The zipper design with high quality zipper makes it more fashionable. In addition, the basic solid color can be matched with any outfit and never out of fashion. APPLICATION: Women's Full Zip Sweatshirt for casual, daily wear, party, school, running, sports, fitness, dancing, skating, hiking, biking, yoga, spring, fall and winter wear. It is also a perfect gift for your family and friends. Women's Sweatshirt,Women's Zip Pullover,Full Zip Design,Women's Hoodie,Women's Sweater,Women's Fleece Hoodie,Winter Fashion Clothing,Casual. Contains 1 Piece Top Material: 100% Polyester Washing care: Hand or machine wash in cold water ClothingType : Sweater Department : Men ClosureType : Elastic CareInstructions : Hand Wash Only OccasionAndLifestyle : Dress Season : Winter StyleName : Classic CollarType : Band SleeveType : Long Sleeve BeltStyle : Chain ControlType : Light FabricType : Cotton FitType : Loose MaterialType : Cotton NeckStyle : Boat Neck PatternStyle : Solid PocketDescription : Back Flap Pocket Theme : Mascots TopStyle : Bandeaux WaterResistanceLevel : not_water_resistant StrapType : Adjustable ItemLengthDescription : Below the Knee ItemTypeName : Medical Scrubs Shirt Sport : Trekking Size Bust Shoulder Sleeve Length S 116cm 60cm 59cm 70cm M 122cm 61.5cm 60cm 72cm L 128cm 63cm 61cm 74cm XL 134cm 64.5cm 62cm 76cm 2XL 142cm 66.5cm 63cm 78cm 3XL 150cm 68.5cm 64cm 80cm Label: Yes
Polar Bear Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top XXXL žltá
Predajca: Cena: 31.99 €Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top Product Description Material Lightweight, soft, breathable, warm in fall and winter. Design: long sleeve fall/winter/pullover/flip collar MATCHING: This casual pullover is the best choice for your closet. The zipper design with high quality zipper makes it more fashionable. In addition, the basic solid color can be matched with any outfit and never out of fashion. APPLICATION: Women's Full Zip Sweatshirt for casual, daily wear, party, school, running, sports, fitness, dancing, skating, hiking, biking, yoga, spring, fall and winter wear. It is also a perfect gift for your family and friends. Women's Sweatshirt,Women's Zip Pullover,Full Zip Design,Women's Hoodie,Women's Sweater,Women's Fleece Hoodie,Winter Fashion Clothing,Casual. Contains 1 Piece Top Material: 100% Polyester Washing care: Hand or machine wash in cold water Size Bust Shoulder Sleeve Length S 116cm 60cm 59cm 70cm M 122cm 61.5cm 60cm 72cm L 128cm 63cm 61cm 74cm XL 134cm 64.5cm 62cm 76cm 2XL 142cm 66.5cm 63cm 78cm 3XL 150cm 68.5cm 64cm 80cm Label: Yes
Ewena Retiazka s menom Patrícia, zlatá oceľ
Predajca: Cena: 13.74 € (+3.49 €)Retiazka Ewena Retiazka s menom Patrícia, zlatá oceľ:Myslíte, že prišiel čas na zaobstaranie retiazky, ktorá podčiarkne vašu krásu? Retiazka Ewena bude bezkonkurenčnou ozdobou pre všetky ženy. Materiál šperku: chirurgická oceľ. Chirurgická oceľ vďaka svojej odolnosti dokáže odolať mechanickému poškodeniu, navyše ju môžu nosiť aj alergici. Kľúčové prednosti retiazky Ewena Retiazka s menom Patrícia, zlatá oceľ Retiazka Ewena, ktorou nadchnete svojich známych Módna retiazka pre ženy Materiál retiazky: chirurgická oceľ
Master key Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top M zelená
Predajca: Cena: 31.09 €Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top Product Description Material Lightweight, soft, breathable, warm in fall and winter. Design: long sleeve fall/winter/pullover/flip collar MATCHING: This casual pullover is the best choice for your closet. The zipper design with high quality zipper makes it more fashionable. In addition, the basic solid color can be matched with any outfit and never out of fashion. APPLICATION: Women's Full Zip Sweatshirt for casual, daily wear, party, school, running, sports, fitness, dancing, skating, hiking, biking, yoga, spring, fall and winter wear. It is also a perfect gift for your family and friends. Women's Sweatshirt,Women's Zip Pullover,Full Zip Design,Women's Hoodie,Women's Sweater,Women's Fleece Hoodie,Winter Fashion Clothing,Casual. Contains 1 Piece Top Material: 100% Polyester Washing care: Hand or machine wash in cold water ClothingType : Sweater Department : Men ClosureType : Elastic CareInstructions : Hand Wash Only OccasionAndLifestyle : Dress Season : Winter StyleName : Classic CollarType : Band SleeveType : Long Sleeve BeltStyle : Chain ControlType : Light FabricType : Cotton FitType : Loose MaterialType : Cotton NeckStyle : Boat Neck PatternStyle : Solid PocketDescription : Back Flap Pocket Theme : Mascots TopStyle : Bandeaux WaterResistanceLevel : not_water_resistant StrapType : Adjustable ItemLengthDescription : Below the Knee ItemTypeName : Medical Scrubs Shirt Sport : Trekking Size Bust Shoulder Sleeve Length S 116cm 60cm 59cm 70cm M 122cm 61.5cm 60cm 72cm L 128cm 63cm 61cm 74cm XL 134cm 64.5cm 62cm 76cm 2XL 142cm 66.5cm 63cm 78cm 3XL 150cm 68.5cm 64cm 80cm Label: Yes
Polar Bear Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top XXXL khaki
Predajca: Cena: 31.07 €Men's St. Patrick's Day Vintage Casual Zip Sweatshirt Outdoor Casual Top Product Description Material Lightweight, soft, breathable, warm in fall and winter. Design: long sleeve fall/winter/pullover/flip collar MATCHING: This casual pullover is the best choice for your closet. The zipper design with high quality zipper makes it more fashionable. In addition, the basic solid color can be matched with any outfit and never out of fashion. APPLICATION: Women's Full Zip Sweatshirt for casual, daily wear, party, school, running, sports, fitness, dancing, skating, hiking, biking, yoga, spring, fall and winter wear. It is also a perfect gift for your family and friends. Women's Sweatshirt,Women's Zip Pullover,Full Zip Design,Women's Hoodie,Women's Sweater,Women's Fleece Hoodie,Winter Fashion Clothing,Casual. Contains 1 Piece Top Material: 100% Polyester Washing care: Hand or machine wash in cold water Size Bust Shoulder Sleeve Length S 116cm 60cm 59cm 70cm M 122cm 61.5cm 60cm 72cm L 128cm 63cm 61cm 74cm XL 134cm 64.5cm 62cm 76cm 2XL 142cm 66.5cm 63cm 78cm 3XL 150cm 68.5cm 64cm 80cm Label: Yes
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