Der blev fundet 2925 produkter som matchede din søgning efter health i 16 butikker:
Dermalogica - Special Cleansing Gel - Skin Health Special Cleansing Gel 250 Ml - For Women
Sælger: Pris: 359.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)special cleansing gel, en skummende gelrens, der nænsomt fjerner urenheder, samtidig med at den respekterer hudens fugtbalance. denne skummende gelrens er velegnet til alle hudtyper. vegan : produkter fremstillet med ingredienser af naturlig oprindelse. Skin Health Special Cleansing Gel 250 Ml - Special Cleansing Gel - Dermalogica
Healthy Gut, Healthy You - Dr. Michael Ruscio - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 414.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Copenhagen Health Marine Collagen Pro Edition (60 dage) Kosttilskud 320 g
Sælger: Pris: 499.00 dkrMarine kollagenpulver (FISK) tilsat hyaluronsyrer og 4 essentielle vitaminer for dit samlede velvære. Marine Collagen Pro Edition er for dig, der ønsker det bedste indenfor kollagen og kvalitets vitaminer. Marine Collagen Pro Edition fra Copenhagen Health
Pig Health - John Carr - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 584.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Key features: Contains the contributions of international experts from the UK, USA, Australia, Spain and Taiwan Includes over 1,500 high-quality illustrations Maintaining the health of pigs is vital in pig farming and production. This new book written by experts from around the world focuses on the health of pigs, first with coverage of the disorders of pigs organised by clinical sign and body system. The book explores environmental medicine and then health maintenance. Treatment options are discussed, emphasizing a reduction in antimicrobial use and an increased awareness of a holistic approach to treatment. The book includes over 1,500 high-quality illustrations to enhance the clinical description, as well as a wealth of high-quality videos to test the reader in making differential diagnoses with treatment options. Quizzes at the end of each section also encourage reflective learning. Clinical examination of the individual pig and groups are covered along with environmental medicine, making this the ideal reference for veterinary practitioners and students. Those interested in population medicine (poultry, aquaculture, cattle and small ruminant and apiaries) will particularly enjoy the holistic approach to veterinary medicine. All those who appreciate the many talents of pigs will enjoy the practical approach to managing the health of their animals. This book moves veterinary science forward, promoting health rather than treating disease. It will be your number one reference for keeping your pigs healthy.
Health Nordic Ffp2 Filtermaske - En 149 Godkendt
Sælger: Pris: 24.69 dkr (+81.19 dkr)5-lags ansigtsmaske med justerbar næseklemmeFoldbar maske med øreelastikker, som slutter godt til ansigtet. FFP2 masken beskytter begge veje og testet i forhold til at filtrere udefra og ind for den person, der bærer den. FFP2 er en europæisk standard for åndedrætsværn, som betyder at den beskytter mod faste partikler og aerosoler med indtil 94% af partikler, der er 0,3 microns i diameter eller større. Godkendelsen er sammenlignelig med den amerikanske N95 godkendelse.5-lags ansigtsmaskeFFP2 NREN149:2001+A1:2009CE 2841En pose indeholder 5 stk masker. Prisen er pr. maske. Dvs., når du bestiller 5 stk. modtager du 1 pose.
Material Health - The Healthy Materials Lab - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 644.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Health Thru Nutrition Ubikinol, 300 Mg - 60 Mjukdelar
Sælger: Pris: 921.09 dkrHealth Thru Nutrition - UbikinolOpdag fordelene ved Ubikinol CoQ10, en kraftfuld form af Coenzym Q10. Dette naturlige kosttilskud er kendt for sin rolle som en antioxidant og støtte til cellulær energi. Vores kroppe indeholder primært CoQ10 som ubikinol, den aktive form, der er kendt for at blive absorberet mere effektivt end andre former.Hvorfor vælge Health Thru Nutrition's Ubiquinol?Vores produkt indeholder Kaneka Ubiquinol, fremstillet under strenge cGMP-standarder i USA. Vi bruger den samme bioidentiske og naturligt gærede form af CoQ10, anerkendt globalt for sin høje kvalitet og effektivitet. Denne avancerede formulering sikrer optimal stabilitet og bioaktivitet.Health Thru Nutrition's Ubiquinol understøtter generel velvære ved at fremme antioxidanteffekter og energiproduktion på celleniveau. Det er ideelt til dem, der ønsker at opretholde et sundt energiniveau og beskytte mod oxidativ stress.Denne formulering er glutenfri, ikke-GMO og fri for soja, hvilket gør det til et fremragende valg for dem med specifikke diætbegrænsninger eller allergier. Indtagelse af dette supplement bør ses som en del af en balanceret kost og sund livsstil.
The Health Fix - Dr Ayan Panja - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 179.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)'The only health manual you will ever need' - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 'From behaviours to biology and beyond, The Health Fix enables you to personalise your way to better health by laying out your story. An enriching book that gives so much to the reader' - Giles Paley-Phillips ' The Health Fix allows you to look at your health and lay out your story like nothing else out there. For many this will be a life-changing read' - Dr Rupy Aujla 'Whatever health issues you want to improve, this book has your solution' - Sunetra Sarker 'This unique book is exactly what people need right now for their health and wellbeing' - Atul Kochhar Starting with the experience of his own illness, Dr Ayan Panja , NHS GP and lifestyle medicine expert, brings a unique personalised framework to tailor targeted lifestyle-based interventions to you, with his groundbreaking new book THE HEALTH FIX . Unlike many approaches to health and wellbeing, THE HEALTH FIX focuses on the 'why' rather than just the 'what' with a toolkit: -Learn how to elegantly tighten up on the 8 factors which affect your health the most day to day -Improve your ability to control your habits -Understand the interplay between your symptoms and your biology -Experience the subtle power of "how, what and when" -Generate your own targeted lifestyle prescription -Apply the 'fixes' that are relevant only to you -Feel the difference within 8 weeks With the rising tide of non-communicable disease such as long Covid, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal conditions and increasing mental health need, Dr Ayan blends in the science and evidence into eye-opening case studies which demonstrate how the patient story lays everything out. The unique HEALTH FIX toolkit will help you change your health for good by understanding the story of you.
Puori Health Essentials 30 x 7 Pieces
Sælger: Pris: 499.00 dkrPuori Health Essentials er en alt i en pakke og nem at tage med på farten - hvor end du skal hen. Puori 3 kombinerer Puori's mest populære produkter O3, M3 og D3, hvilket giver dig en daglig dosis af nøje udvalgte vitaminer og mineraler. Denne trio samarbejder for at støtte dit hjerte og hjerne, styrke skelettet og understøtte dit energistofskifte og immunsystem, så du kan være den bedste version af dig selv hver dag. Pakken indeholder de mikronæringsstoffer som flest danskere får for lidt af via kosten. Mange spiser ikke nok fede fisk (min. 2 gange om ugen) og størstedelen af danskere producerer ikke tilstrækkelig D-Vitamin via soleksponering udenfor sommermånederne, så næsten alle har gavn af vitamin D tilskud fra september til maj. Desuden har mange gavn af et funktionelt tilskud af Magnesium som hjælper med elektrolytbalancen, er muskel funktion samt energistofskiftet og reducere træthed og udmattelse. Hvis du gerne vil vide mere om det specifikke kosttilskud, kan du bare trykke på navnet. O3, M3, eller D3 Fordele: Kosttilskud Til voksne Alt-i-én pakke Med omega3, magnesium og D-Vitamin Daglig dosis: Anbefalet daglig dosis til voksne og børn over 11 år: 1 multi-pack dagligt. Tag O3 og D3 kapslerne med et måltid og M3 kapslerne efter træning eller før sengetid Indeholder 30 poser Næringsindhold pr daglig dosis: Næringsindhold per 3 softgel kapsler (dagsdosis) Koncentrerad fiskolja 2700 mg Total omega-3 (74%) 2000 mg EPA 1250 mg DHA 500 mg Andre omega-3 fedtsyrer 250 mg Næringsindhold per 3 kapsler (dagsdosis) Magnesium (Taurat og Gluconat) 225 mg Zink (Picolinate) 8 mg Vitamin B6 8 mg Æblesyre 300 mg Næringsindhold per 1 gelatine kapsel (dagsdosis) Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 2500 IE (62,5 ug) Ingrediensliste: M3: Mineraler (Magnesium Taurat, Magnesium Gluconate, Zink Picolinat), Vegetabilsk kapsel (HPMC), fyldemiddel (inulin, risklid ekstrakt, risskaller, gummi arabicum, solsikkeolie) Æblesyre, Vitamin-B6 (Pyridoxin hydrochlorid) D3: Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), koldpresset kokosolie, Gelatine (kvæg), Konsistensmiddel (glycerol), Farvestof (karamel) O3: Fiskeolie (Ansjos), Gelatine (kvæg), Konsistensmiddel (glycerol, vand), Farve (karamel), Aroma (naturlig cintronsmag), Antioxidant (Tocopherolrig ekstrakt) OBS: Kosttilskud bør ikke træde i stedet for en varieret kost og en sund livsstil, opbevares tørt ved stuetemperatur, ikke i direkte sollys og uden for små børns rækkevidde. Hvis du har en medicinsk tilstand eller tager medicin, bør du konsultere din læge før du supplerer med kosttilskud Grundstenene i Puoris DNA er gennemsigtighed. Puori tilbyder dig fuld gennemsigtighed da alle deres produkter og batches bliver testet og certificeret af en uafhængig tredjepart som tester for +130 forskellige ting som pesticider, BPA og tungmetaller. Du kan finde testresultaterne for dit produkt ved at scanne QR-koden på etiketten eller ved at søge efter batchnummeret på
The Health Fix - Dr Ayan Panja - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 134.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)'The only health manual you will ever need' - Dr Rangan Chatterjee 'From behaviours to biology and beyond, The Health Fix enables you to personalise your way to better health by laying out your story. An enriching book that gives so much to the reader' - Giles Paley-Phillips ' The Health Fix allows you to look at your health and lay out your story like nothing else out there. For many this will be a life-changing read' - Dr Rupy Aujla 'Whatever health issues you want to improve, this book has your solution' - Sunetra Sarker 'This unique book is exactly what people need right now for their health and wellbeing' - Atul Kochhar Starting with the experience of his own illness, Dr Ayan Panja , NHS GP and lifestyle medicine expert, brings a unique personalised framework to tailor targeted lifestyle-based interventions to you, with his groundbreaking new book THE HEALTH FIX . Unlike many approaches to health and wellbeing, THE HEALTH FIX focuses on the 'why' rather than just the 'what' with a toolkit: -Learn how to elegantly tighten up on the 8 factors which affect your health the most day to day -Improve your ability to control your habits -Understand the interplay between your symptoms and your biology -Experience the subtle power of "how, what and when" -Generate your own targeted lifestyle prescription -Apply the 'fixes' that are relevant only to you -Feel the difference within 8 weeks With the rising tide of non-communicable disease such as long Covid, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal conditions and increasing mental health need, Dr Ayan blends in the science and evidence into eye-opening case studies which demonstrate how the patient story lays everything out. The unique HEALTH FIX toolkit will help you change your health for good by understanding the story of you.
Sog Health Super Trim Professionel Baldhead Hårtrimmer / Trimmer til mænd
Sælger: Pris: 399.00 dkrDenne USB genopladelige hårtrimmer / hårklipper er perfekt! Mindre støjende ved klipning og lang levetid på maskinen. Clipbeslaget har en præcis længde med fast knastsæt fra 1mm, 2mm, 3mm. Hvis styrekammen ikke er installeret, kan håret klippes meget kort (ca. 0,5-1 mm), men ikke meget tæt. Selvslibende højkulstofblade er præcisionsslebet for at forblive skarpe længere, giver højtydende præcision for at opnå enhver stil og forhindre hudirritation for langvarig holdbarhedDetaljer:- Størrelse: 15 x 4 x 2,5 cm - CE- Effekt: 10 W - Batteri: 1500 mAh, 150 minutter (maks. 30 minutter pr. brug)- Opladningstid: Cirka 1,5 time Pakken indeholder:x1 barbermaskine x3 Dyser/barberbladex1 USB-opladningskabel x1 Rengøringstilbehørx1 pap
Dermalogica - Discover Healthy Skin - Skin Care Set - Skin Health Discover Healthy Skin - For Women
Sælger: Pris: 379.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)dette sæt indeholder de vigtigste elementer i dermalogicas hudplejerutine for en glat, strålende og fugtet hud! produkter i rejsestørrelse, så formlernes effektivitet kan testes i 1 måned. trin 1 - precleanse: denne makeupfjerner og forrensende olie renser effektivt alle rester fra hudens overflade (talg, forurening, solfiltre og vandfast makeup). trin 2 - special cleansing gel: denne blidt skummende ansigtsrens fjerner urenheder uden at slide huden. trin 3 - daglig mikrofoliering: denne alsidige ansigtsscrub fjerner forsigtigt døde hudceller og urenheder, udglatter hudens struktur og giver lysere teint. Et must-have til enhver skønhedsrutine! trin 4 - skin smoothing cream: denne cremede, ikke-fedtende ansigtsfugtighedscreme giver kontinuerlig fugt i 48 timer takket være den patenterede hydramesh active-teknologi. Formlen, der er rig på antioxidante vitaminer, beskytter huden mod ældning. fordelene? - precleanse: nærer tør hud. Opløser oliebaseret makeup, talg og solcreme. Reducerer tilstopning under hudens overflade. Skylles let af. - special cleansing gel: fjerner urenheder. Bevarer hudens naturlige fugtbalance. - daily microfoliant: eksfolierer forsigtigt huden, så den bliver strålende og glattere. - skin smoothing cream: giver huden 48 timers essentiel fugt. Beskytter huden mod miljømæssig stress. Lindrer fornemmelsen af stramhed. til hvem? til alle hudtyper. vegan : produkter fremstillet med ingredienser af naturlig oprindelse. 533623-skin Health Discover Healthy Skin - Discover Healthy Skin - Skin Care Set - Dermalogica
SOG Health Automatisk hårkrøller Hårkrøller Krøllejern genopladeligt Grey
Sælger: Pris: 499.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Et bærbart automatisk krøllejern, der laver fantastiske krøller på en meget enkel måde! Med sine mange forskellige temperaturindstillinger mellem 150 - 200 grader kan du vælge, hvad der passer til dit hår - Automatisk lokke med ét klik Der kræves ingen færdigheder, bare læg den rigtige mængde hår i krølletuben, tryk på knappen og vent et stykke tid for at få smukke krøller. Hårrullen har en automatisk omvendt (venstre/højre) rotationsfunktion og et anti-tangle design, som er enkelt og bekvemt, uden flere krølleruller. Dette er en ny type bærbart automatisk krøllejernsstylingværktøj. - 4 temperaturer og 11 tidsindstillinger Tiden (8s-18s) og temperaturen (150C/ 170°C/ 190°C /200°C.) for hårrullen kan indstilles frit i henhold til forskellige hårkvaliteter og stilarter, - Hurtig forvarmning og nem at bruge Sammenlignet med et traditionelt krøllejern kan denne trådløse krøllejern producere bølger, bløde bølger eller mere tydelige bølger efter dine behov, og derved skabe og nyde mere krøllede frisurer. - Sikker keramisk teknologi, frigiver negative ioner Den keramiske hårrulle har en unik keramisk belægning for at forhindre hårskader under den hurtige opvarmning af krøllejernet. Professionel keramisk teknologi kan holde dit hår glat og skinnende og se mere attraktivt ud efter krølning. Det keramiske krympekammer har varmeisolerende funktion, som kan beskytte din hud mod skoldning under brug. *Kun 23 cm lang og 4 cm bred. *Indbygget 4800mAh lithiumbatteri, USB (Type C) 5V/2A ladekabel medfølger. *Cirka 3-4 timers fuldt opladet tid, hvilket gør det muligt for den automatiske hårrulle at arbejde i op til 60 minutter ved laveste varme. Bemærk, at den automatiske nedlukningsfunktion sparer strøm og gør den mere sikker * Det digitale LCD-display viser: Opvarmningstemperatur, timer, krølleretning, batteriniveau. BEMÆRK: Brug ikke vådt hår, for den bedste ydeevne bør håret ikke være tykkere end 2 cm. Detaljer: - Farve: Sendt tilfældigt - 4 forskellige temperaturer (150-200 grader) - Genopladelig, 4800 mAh - Opladningstid: Cirka 3-4 timer - Driftstid: Ca. 1 time ved laveste temperatur, automatisk nedlukning - Størrelse: 23 x 4 cm
Health And Healing - Andrew Weil - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 224.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The best-selling books of Andrew Weil, the guru of alternative medicine, (San Francisco Examiner) offer a comprehensive blend of traditional and alternative methods that help to achieve better health in the modern world. Dr. Andrew Weil's groundbreaking handbook for people who want to take control of their lives and their health, Health and Healing presents the full spectrum of alternative healing practices, including holistic medicine, homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, and Chinese medicine, and outlines how they differ from conventional approaches. The philosophical basis for his work in integrative medicine and optimum health, Health and Healing draws on Weil's own vast clinical and personal experience, as well as on case studies from around the world.
Radiant Health Infrarød Sauna Maxi Bamboo
Sælger: Pris: 3,890.00 dkr (+34.00 dkr)Infrarød Sauna Maxi Bamboo er en en større model end vores Basic modeller. Den er 7 cm højere, 10 cm bredere og 5 cm dybere end basic modellen. Vi anbefaler denne model til personer fra 182 cm og højere. Saunaen er overtrukket med et nyt eksklusivt saunat
Research Methods In Health: Investigating Health And Health Services - Ann Bowling - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 344.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)“An essential and comprehensive guide for students and researchers in a range of health care disciplines investigating health services, health care and well-being.” Professor Robert J. Edelmann, Emeritus Professor of Clinical and Forensic Psychology, University of Roehampton, UK “An invaluable resource for students, researchers and practitioners from all health backgrounds and disciplines, who are involved in research to produce a robust evidence-base to inform the development, provision, delivery and evaluation of healthcare services.” Felicity Smith, Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy Practice, UCL School of Pharmacy, UK “The fifth edition of ‘Research Methods in Health’ continues to provide an excellent broad based introduction to the subject.” Virginia Berridge, Professor of History and Health Policy, Centre for History in Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK This bestselling book provides an accessible introduction to the concepts and practicalities of multi-disciplinary research methods in health and health services. The new edition has updated and expanded coverage of: •International examples, terms and approaches •Epidemiology and methods of tracing epidemics •Aging population demography and bio-demography •Evaluation and assessment of health services •Health services research and audit, including data generation •Methods of evaluating patients’ perspectives •Measuring quality of life outcomes •Health economics methods and applications •Quantitative and qualitative research Core processes and methodologies such as social research, mixed methods, literature reviewing and critical appraisal, secondary data analysis and evidence-based practice will be covered in detail. The book also looks at the following key areas of health research: •Health needs •Morbidity and mortality trends and rates •Costing health services •Sampling for survey research •Cross-sectional and longitudinal survey design •Experimental methods and techniques of group assignment •Questionnaire design •Interviewing techniques •Coding and analysis of quantitative data •Methods and analysis of qualitative observational studies •Unstructured interviewing The book is grounded in the author's career as a researcher on health and health service issues, and the valuable experience this has provided in meeting the challenges of research on people and organisations in real life settings. Research Methods in Health, Fifth Edition is an essential companion for students and researchers of health and health services at all levels, health clinicians and policy-makers with responsibility for applying research findings and judging the soundness of research. Ann Bowling is a sociologist, specialising in research on ageing, research methods, quality of life, public and social health. She was Professor of Health Sciences at the University of Southampton, UK (2012–17), where she is now Visiting Professor. Ann was awarded the Highly Commended book prize for the 4th...
Florazen Food Supplement for Instetinal Health 15 caps.
Sælger: Pris: 74.42 dkr (+36.64 dkr)Florazen 15 caps.
A New Health And Care System - Alex Fox - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 279.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Drawing on the ethos, practices and economics of human focused initiatives such as Shared Lives, this book outlines a new model for public services to replace the `invisible asylum' - an approach focused on achieving and maintaining wellbeing, rather than on reacting to crisis or attempting to `fix' people. The book offers steps which we all - citizens, front line services, and government - could take to achieve this vision.
Health Psychology - David F. Marks - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 519.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Health Psychology provides students with the tools they need to evaluate and critically appraise theory and research before it can be applied practically. Using the most up-to-date research available, the sixth edition places an emphasis on the real-world application of health psychology, demonstrating how theory learnt in the classroom influences public policy. In this book, David Marks, Michael Murray and Emee Vida Estacio take a holistic approach to health psychology, giving equal weight to the biological, psychological and social factors that impact health behaviour, culture and change. The text presents students with an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the field of health psychology and the new edition contains a brand new chapter on stress, a key topic in health psychology. It is also supported by online resources for students and lecturers, including a range of case studies taken from across the world.
Healthy At Last - Eric Adams - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 179.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)‘Chronic diseases may often be reversed and prevented by changing diet and lifestyle. In this important and compelling book, Eric Adams describes how. Highly recommended.’ - Dean Ornish MD, author of five New York Times bestsellers including UnDo It Can you dramatically improve your health by embracing a plant-based diet? Eric Adams believes that you can . A police officer for more than two decades, Eric Adams was a connoisseur of fast food, and like so many people with stressful jobs, the last thing he had time to think about was eating healthily. Diabetes runs through his family, as it does for so many within the Black community. When he himself was diagnosed with the condition in 2016, he became determined to get to the root of the problem: the food he was eating. By switching to a vegan, wholefood diet, he lost weight, lowered his cholesterol, and improved his health beyond recognition. Armed with the hard science and real-life stories of others who have transformed their bodies by changing their diet and lifestyle, Healthy At Last shows that not only are these kind of radical health improvements possible, they can also be enjoyable. With shopping tips and gentle lifestyle advice, Eric is on a mission to share how you can become healthier without abandoning the food you love. He explores the origins of soul food and how it can be reimagined with healthy alternatives. From Chipotle Mac 'n' Cheese to Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies, Eric is keen to show this is not about restriction but instead finding joy in real food. Packed with up-to-date nutritional advice and recipes from the likes of Dr Michael Greger, Raymond Jackson, Paul McCartney, Alan Cummings and more, this is the perfect book for anyone looking to improve their health in small, manageable and pleasurable steps.
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