Der blev fundet 767 produkter som matchede din søgning efter policy i 9 butikker:
Policy Analyse - Brugt Bog- Thomas Tranekær
Sælger: Pris: 111.00 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Policy-analyse – teori og praksis giver en struktureret indføring i, hvordan man udarbejder samfundsøkonomiske analyser, og er en praksisnær introduktion til arbejdet som embedsmand i den danske centraladministration. Bogen præsenterer et simpelt analyseværktøj og applicerer dette på en række af de mest centrale velfærdsområder, herunder uddannelsesområdet, beskæftigelsesområdet, sundhed og pension. Gennem hele bogen balanceres de teoretiske indsigter fra den eksisterende akademiske litteratur med praksisnære eksempler og tilgange. Bogen giver dermed læseren en god grundforståelse for, hvordan policy-analyse udføres. Thomas Tranekær er uddannet fra London School of Economics. Han er ansat som kontorchef i Finansministeriet og ekstern lektor i Offentlig politik og forvaltning ved Institut for Statskundskab på Københavns Universitet. Anders Morris Hjelholt er uddannet fra Københavns Universitet. Han er specialkonsulent og departementschefsekretær i Finansministeriet og ekstern lektor i Offentlig politik og forvaltning ved Institut for Statskundskab på Københavns Universitet.
Pulio Rewolwer policyjny metalowy 12 naboi GONHER 123/6
Sælger: Pris: 347.00 dkrRewolwer policyjny metalowy 12 naboi GONHER 123/6
Livslang læring och livslang vejledning - en kompetencediskurs : dannelse og kompetence som sprog og policy i Norge, Sverige og Danmark
Sælger: Pris: 207.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Livslångt lärande är starkt sammankopplat med kravet på formell utbildning. Det visas i en färsk studie, vid Malmö universitet, som granskat policydokument från EU, OECD och UNESCO och jämfört med hur dessa sjösatts i de nordiska länderna. - Jag har undersökt hur policydokument kring livslångt lärande och vägledning från överstatliga organ hanteras och omsätts i Danmark, Sverige och Norge, säger Simon Schulin. Simon Schulin, som vanligtvis arbetar på University College Syd i Kolding, har gått grundligt tillväga. Han har granskat närmare 20 000 dokument för att kunna göra jämförelser mellan de nordiska länderna. Men också för att ta reda på om och hur överstatliga dokument får inflytande på utbildningsväsendet och betydelse för pedagogiska styrdokument i Norden. Resultaten visar bland annat stora skillnader mellan Danmark och Sverige. - Danmark är mycket auktoritetstroget och implementerade alla policydokument fullständigt, säger Simon Schulin. I Danmark har utbildningsministeriet tydliggjort för ungdomsskolan att formell utbildning och examen är en förutsättning för livslångt lärande. Här finns också ett vägledningsinstitut, direkt under utbildningsministeriet. Sverige däremot är mycket mer decentraliserat, enligt Schulin. I Sverige ger exempelvis Skolverket bara rekommendationer. - I Sverige är livslångt lärande också viktigt. Men här finns inga praktiska anvisningar om hur många som ska ha en formell utbildning/examen för att kunna tillgodogöra sig livslångt lärande. Schulin för också i sin studie djupa resonemang kring hur livslångt lärande och kompetens är starkt förknippat med marknadsorientering, nytta och anställningsbarhet. - Bildning är helt frånvarande när det talas om livslångt lärande i olika styrdokument, säger Simon Schulin. Ändå jobbar alla människor på sin bildning hela livet oberoende av vad de har för formell utbildning. Tala i stället om en människas kompetenser och vad han/hon vill med livet för att bli livsduglig. - Risken är att formell utbildning har fått för stor betydelse, säger Simon Schulin. De som saknar formell utbildning och examen exkluderas och på det sättet reproduceras utanförskap. Text: Helena Smitt
x Lego City Police: Police Car (60312)
Sælger: Pris: 170.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)LEGO
Policy Of Deceit - Peter Shambrook - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 444.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)'A magnificent new book ... a major historical achievement' Peter Oborne, Middle East Eye In this eye-opening book, Peter Shambrook delves into the secret correspondence between the British High Commissioner in Egypt, Sir Henry McMahon, and the Sharif of Mecca during the First World War. McMahon promised the Sharif an independent Arab state, including Palestine, after the war, in exchange for his alliance with Britain against the Ottomans. But what happened next changed the course of history. Despite the promises made, two years later Lloyd George's government declared that Palestine would be for the global Jewish community. Shambrook's meticulous analysis of official records and private papers reveals the behind-the-scenes machinations that led to this betrayal of the Arabs and exposes how successive British governments blocked the publication of the Sharif and McMahon's correspondence. Presenting compelling evidence, Shambrook debunks the myth perpetuated by Britain and pro-Zionist historians that Palestine was never part of the lands guaranteed to the Sharif. He lays bare the truth and its devastating consequences, which have reverberated throughout the decades-long conflict in the Middle East. Shockingly, no British government has launched an impartial investigation into this matter or officially acknowledged its betrayal of the Palestinian people. This definitive work is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict, revealing a hidden chapter of British deceit and shedding light on the ongoing tensions in the region.
Police To Be Edt 40ml
Sælger: Pris: 159.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Police To Be Edt is a fresh and masculine fragrance with a very different and cool bottle that really stands out on the shelf.Fragrance notes: grapefruit, violet leaf, black pepper, apple blossom, geranium, cedar, cashmere, dark patchouli, white ambergris
Policy Paradox - Deborah Stone - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 379.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Policy making is a political struggle over values and ideas. By exposing the paradoxes that underlie even seemingly straightforward policy decisions, Policy Paradox shows students that politics cannot be cleansed from the process in favor of “rationality.” Author Deborah Stone has fully revised and updated this popular text, which now includes many paradoxes that have arisen since September 11. Examples throughout the book have been updated, and the prose has been streamlined to make a great read even better.
Police To Be (Or Not To Be) Edt 40ml
Sælger: Pris: 140.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Parfumen består af sort peber, grapefrugt, violet blad, cedertræ, patchouli og hvid rav.Duftfamilie: Frisk, vedholdende
Policy Analyse - Thomas Tranekær - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 279.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Policy-analyse – teori og praksis giver en struktureret indføring i, hvordan man udarbejder samfundsøkonomiske analyser, og er en praksisnær introduktion til arbejdet som embedsmand i den danske centraladministration. Bogen præsenterer et simpelt analyseværktøj og applicerer dette på en række af de mest centrale velfærdsområder, herunder uddannelsesområdet, beskæftigelsesområdet, sundhed og pension. Gennem hele bogen balanceres de teoretiske indsigter fra den eksisterende akademiske litteratur med praksisnære eksempler og tilgange. Bogen giver dermed læseren en god grundforståelse for, hvordan policy-analyse udføres. Thomas Tranekær er uddannet fra London School of Economics. Han er ansat som kontorchef i Finansministeriet og ekstern lektor i Offentlig politik og forvaltning ved Institut for Statskundskab på Københavns Universitet. Anders Morris Hjelholt er uddannet fra Københavns Universitet. Han er specialkonsulent og departementschefsekretær i Finansministeriet og ekstern lektor i Offentlig politik og forvaltning ved Institut for Statskundskab på Københavns Universitet.
Police To Be Bad Guy edt 75ml
Sælger: Pris: 247.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Police To Be Bad Guy eau de toilette 75ml er det perfekte valg til mænd, der ønsker at udtrykke deres personlige stil. Den kraftfulde og maskuline duft giver dig en frisk og sensuel oplevelse, der vil få dig til at skille dig ud fra mængden. Produktet er beriget med naturlige ingredienser, der sikrer langvarig duft og et unikt lookPolice To Be Bad Guy Eau de Toilette 75ml er et kraftfuldt og fyldigt parfume, der bringer friskhed og energi til dit look. Det er velegnet til daglig brug, da det let kan justeres fra en mild duft til en mere intens aroma afhængig af, hvad dagen byder på. Dette produkt består af en unik blanding af ingredienser, der gør det ideelt for alle slags personer.Duften skaber en stærk maskulin aura omkring dig med elementer fra både citrus og træ. Citrusduften bringer dig glæden ved at være ung og fri, mens trætonen symboliserer modenhed og selvsikkerhed. Sammen skaber de to elementer et intenst udtryk for din personlighed. Denne aroma er desuden kendetegnet ved sin langvarige holdbarhed, så du kan nyde den hele dagen igennem.Produktets topnoter omfatter grapefrugt, mandarin og basilikum; midternoterne består af pebermynte og geranium; bundnoterne indeholder sandeltræ, cedertræ, muskus og tonkabønne. Disse ingrediensers kombination former Police To Be Bad Guys stilfulde duft-signatur. Produktet har vundet flere priser fra prestigefyldte organisationer som Fragrance Foundation Awards og Duft Design Awards.Sådan bruger du Police To Be Bad Guy Eau de Toilette 75mlTrin 1: Vask dine hænder grundigt inden brug.Trin 2: Spray produktet direkte på halsen eller i luften foran dig.Trin 3: Massér produktet let ind i huden.Fremragende egenskaber ved Police To Be Bad Guy Eau de Toilette 75mlKraftfuld men diskret duftLet at anvendeLangvarig holdbarhedUnik blanding af ingredienserHøjt anerkendt blandt prestigeorganisationer som Fragrance Foundation Awards og Duft Design AwardsPolice To Be Bad Guy Eau de Toilette 75ml er den perfekte løsning til enhver modebevidst mand, der ønsker at skabe et markant udtryk for sin personlighed. Produktets kraftige maskuline aura vil imponere alle i dit nabolag!
Policy Feedback - R.Kent Weaver - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 189.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Although the idea that existing policies can have major effects on politics and policy development is hardly new, the last three decades witnessed a major expansion of policy feedback scholarship, which focuses on the mechanisms through which existing policies shape politics and policy development. Starting with a discussion of the origins of the concept of policy feedback, this element explores early and more recent contributions of the policy feedback literature to clarify the meaning of this concept and its contribution to both political science and policy studies. After exploring the rapidly expanding scholarship on policy feedback and mass politics, this element also puts forward new research agendas that stress several ways forward, including the need to explain both institutional and policy continuity and change. Finally, the element discusses the practical implications of policy feedback research through a discussion of its potential impact on policy design. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Police To Be Bad Guy Edt 75ml
Sælger: Pris: 220.67 dkr (+49.00 dkr)Oplev en verden af forførelse med Police To Be Bad Guy. Denne amber fougere duft kombinerer sprøde citrusnoter med sød vanilje og sensuel musk. Perfekt til både dag og nat, vil den sikre, at du skiller dig ud i enhver sæson.
Policy Making In China - Michel Oksenberg - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 944.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)The description for this book, Policy Making in China, will be forthcoming.
Lego City Police 60418 - Police Mobile Crime Lab Truck
Sælger: Pris: 518.00 dkrInvestigating clues left by crooks on the run is a job for the officers of the toy LEGO® City Police Mobile Crime Lab Truck (60418). This cool playset for kids aged 7 and up features a toy truck that opens to reveal a 2-level crime scene lab with workstations, a map, CCTV screens, a microscope, coffee machine and a jail. The set also includes a forensic scene and the crooks’ quad bike. Just add the 2 police, 1 scientist and 2 crook minifigures for epic adventures!This LEGO City Police vehicles toy playset includes a step-by-step printed building guide and 3D instructions in the LEGO Builder app – a digital building companion with intuitive zoom and rotate tools that enable kids to visualize models from all angles as they build.Your City, No Limits! LEGO City sets feature cool vehicles, realistic structures and fun characters that inspire imaginative play without limits. Kids can add this police playset to others (sold separately) in the LEGO City range for a whole world of play.CSI police truck toy – Tracking escaped crooks is the name of the game with this LEGO® City Police Mobile Crime Lab Truck playset for budding forensic experts aged 7 and upFun build-and-play set for kids – Includes everything kids need to create a toy mobile crime lab, quad bike, forensic scene and 2 police, 1 scientist and 2 crook minifiguresToy police vehicle for pretend play – Kids can open the toy truck to reveal a 2-level crime lab with workstations, a map, CCTV screens, a microscope, coffee machine and a jail cellIncludes a ’wanted’ poster – With an adult’s permission, kids can scan the QR code in the building instructions or on the box for a fun LEGO® City Police video adventureA LEGO® gift for ages 7 plus – Surprise your everyday hero when you give this police toy as a holiday or birthday gift for fans of LEGO building sets and imaginative playCreative play without limits – Kids unleash more fun and adventures when they add this set to others (sold separately) fromthe LEGO® City rangeAbout LEGO® City playsets – LEGO City is a place where kids can set their limitless imaginations free, with structures, vehicles and citizens that motivate them to build, create, explore and playDimensions – The toy truck in this 674-piece building set measures over 4 in. (10 cm) high, 10 in. (25 cm) long and 2.5 in. (7 cm) wide
Climate Policy After Copenhagen - Brugt Bog- Karsten Neuhoff
Sælger: Pris: 156.56 dkr (+29.95 dkr)At the UN Climate Negotiations in Copenhagen, 117 heads of state concluded that low-carbon development is necessary in order to combat climate change. However, they also understood that transition to a low-carbon economy requires the implementation of a portfolio of policies and programs - a challenging endeavour for any nation. This book addresses the need for information about factors impacting climate policy implementation, using as a case study one effort that is at the heart of attempts to create a low-carbon future: the European Emission Trading Scheme. It explores problems surrounding the implementation of the ETS, including the role of vested interests, the impact of design details and opportunities to attract long-term investments. It also shows how international climate cooperation can be designed to support the domestic implementation of low-carbon policies. This timely analysis of carbon pricing contains important lessons for all those concerned with the development of post-Copenhagen climate policy.
Police To Be Edt 125ml
Sælger: Pris: 246.00 dkr (+49.00 dkr)Oplev Police To Be edt 125ml, en fortryllende duft, der harmonerer med din indre eventyrer. Med sprøde grapefrugter og krydret peber er denne woody spicy komposition perfekt til både dag og nat, uanset om solen skinner eller stjernerne stråler.
Competition Policy - Brugt Bog- Massimo Motta
Sælger: Pris: 30.85 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This is the first book to provide a systematic treatment of the economics of antitrust (or competition policy) in a global context. It draws on the literature of industrial organisation and on original analyses to deal with such important issues as cartels, joint-ventures, mergers, vertical contracts, predatory pricing, exclusionary practices, and price discrimination, and to formulate policy implications on these issues. The interaction between theory and practice is one of the main features of the book, which contains frequent references to competition policy cases and a few fully developed case studies. The treatment is written to appeal to practitioners and students, to lawyers and economists. It is not only a textbook in economics for first year graduate or advanced undergraduate courses, but also a book for all those who wish to understand competition issues in a clear and rigorous way. Exercises and some solved problems are provided.
Police To Be The King Edt 40ml
Sælger: Pris: 159.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)TO BE The King fra Police er en ravkrydret duft til mænd.Topnoter: Kardemomme, muskatnød, cedertræ, laurbærblad og citronHjertenoter: Lavendel, kashmirtræ, rav og artemisiaBasenoter: Tonkabønner, træagtige noter, appelsinblomst og harpiks
Foreign Policy In The European Union - Brugt Bog- Ben Soetendorp
Sælger: Pris: 172.48 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Ben Soetendorp examines the extent to which individual member states - each with their own history, special interests and styles of foreign policy-making - still dominate the common foreign policy making process within the European Union. The first part of the book reviews the diverse foreign policy patterns of the individual member states towards European integration, describes the various styles of foreign policy and examines the institutional arrangements for joint foreign policy-making created by the member states at EU level. The second part looks more closely at the reality of foreign policy making in a number of case studies, focusing on the diplomatic, military and economic dimensions of European Union's foreign policy. This structure and approach enable s the reader to understand the reality of European foreign policy-making, to comprehend the relationship between the foreign policies of the member states of the EU and the foreign policy of the EU as a whole and to make a judgement as to the likely scenarios for the future. Foreign Policy in the European Union is an important and accessible addition to the textbook literature on European integration that will be essential reading for undergraduate and Masters level courses on European integration within politics, international relations, European Studies and history degrees.
Police To Be Bad Guy Edt 125ml
Sælger: Pris: 229.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)To Be Bad Guy by Police is a Oriental Fougere fragrance for men. This is a new fragrance. To Be Bad Guy was launched in 2020.Top notes: Blood orange, nutmeg, red thyme, mint and green notesHeart notes: Geranium, white flowers, green apple and sorbetBase notes: Vetiver, vanilla, tonka bean, musk and caramel.
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