Der blev fundet 1716 produkter som matchede din søgning efter mental i 6 butikker:
Now Foods - Eterisk Olie, Mental Fokus Olie - 30 Ml
Sælger: Pris: 127.88 dkr (+75.00 dkr)Produktbeskrivelse: NOW Foods Essential Oil, Mental Focus Oil er en blanding af æteriske olier, der er designet til at hjælpe med at forbedre mental fokus og koncentration. Denne olie er perfekt til brug under studier, arbejde eller andre situationer, hvor du har brug for at være skarp og fokuseret. Egenskaber: Forbedrer mental fokus Øger koncentrationen Stimulerer sindet Ingredienser: Pebermynteolie, rosmarinolie, citronolie, eukalyptusolie Fordele: Hjælper med at øge produktiviteten Reducerer træthed og mental tåge Skaber en opfriskende og opmuntrende atmosfære Funktioner: Størrelse: 30 ml Land: United States
NOW Foods Æterisk Olie, Mental Fokusolie - 30 Ml
Sælger: Pris: 116.25 dkr (+59.00 dkr)Introduktion NOW Foods - Essential Oil, Mental Focus Oil er en nøje sammensat blanding af naturlige æteriske olier, designet til at fremme en behagelig atmosfære og støtte din daglige livsstil. Denne 30 ml flaske indeholder en harmonisk kombination af ingredienser, der kan bidrage til at skabe et miljø fyldt med fokus og klarhed. Vigtige funktioner Indeholder en unik blanding af naturlige æteriske olier. Praktisk 30 ml flaske, ideel til daglig brug. Fremstillet med fokus på kvalitet og renhed. Velegnet til aromaterapi og som duftforstærker i hjemmet eller kontoret. Generelle fordele Denne essentielle olie kan være et værdifuldt supplement i din hverdag ved at skabe en behagelig atmosfære. Den unikke duftprofil kan hjælpe med at forbedre stemningen i dit rum og bidrage til en generel følelse af velvære. Brug den under meditation, studier eller når du ønsker at skabe et inspirerende miljø omkring dig. Hvorfor vælge dette produkt Når du vælger NOW Foods - Essential Oil, Mental Focus Oil, investerer du i et produkt fremstillet med omhu og opmærksomhed på detaljer. Kvaliteten af de anvendte ingredienser sikrer en ren oplevelse uden unødvendige tilsætningsstoffer. Dette gør det til et ideelt valg for dem, der ønsker at integrere naturlige produkter i deres livsstil. Opfordring til handling Tøv ikke med at prøve NOW Foods - Essential Oil, Mental Focus Oil! Oplev de positive aspekter ved denne naturlige olie og berig dit hjem eller arbejdsplads med dens forfriskende aroma. Bestil din flaske i dag og nyd godt af de mange muligheder!
Nøglering Mental Health semikolon nøglering
Sælger: Pris: 103.00 dkr (+29.00 dkr)Størrelse: Som billedet viser Farve: sølv Splinterny og høj kvalitet Materiale: Metal Type: Nøglering Pakke inkluderet: 1 x mental sundhed semikolon nøglering Funktioner: 1. Denne nøglering er en konstant påmindelse om styrke, robusthed og håb. 2.For nøglering, rygsæk, penalhus, bærbar etui eller ID-kortholdere, kan budskabet om håb og styrke altid bæres. 3. Hver nøglering kommer færdigpakket i en gaveæske med et kort, hvor der står: "Et semikolon bruges, når forfatteren kunne have afsluttet en sætning, men valgte at fortsætte. Du har en smuk historie, der er rodfæstet i robusthed og styrke. Brug dette for at minde dig selv om, at din historie ikke er slut endnu." Tips: 1. På grund af lys- og skærmeffekten kan farverne have en let forskel. 2. Tillad venligst lidt størrelsesfejl på grund af manuel måling. Tak for din forståelse!
Cerebrum Forte Food Supplement for Mental Peak Performance 30 caps.
Sælger: Pris: 281.62 dkrCerebrum Forte 30 caps.
Mental Models - Indi Young - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 789.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)There is no single methodology for creating the perfect product-but you can increase your odds. One of the best ways is to understand users' reasons for doing things. Mental Models gives you the tools to help you grasp, and design for, those reasons. Adaptive Path co-founder Indi Young has written a roll-up-your-sleeves book for designers, managers, and anyone else interested in making design strategic, and successful.
Bli best med mental trening
Sælger: Pris: 188.00 dkr (+39.00 dkr)Erik Bertrand Larssen er omtalt som Norges "hotteste" mentaltrener. Han jobbet med skilandslaget fram mot VM i Oslo i 2011, og han har også hjulpet en rekke andre idrettsutøvere og næringslivstopper. I denne boken forteller han hvordan vi alle kan bedre prestasjonene våre, både i hverdagslivet, på jobb og når vi trener. Hva skal til for å bli en vinner? Hvordan mobiliserer du råskapen i deg, for å prestere bedre i hverdagen og være best når det virkelig gjelder?
Dr. Vegan Ultraenergy Food Supplement for Mental Performance 30 caps.
Sælger: Pris: 133.01 dkr (+44.03 dkr)Ultraenergy Food Supplement 30 caps.
Dr. Vegan Ashwagandha Ksm-66 Food Supplement for Supporting Mental Wellbeing 30 caps.
Sælger: Pris: 141.38 dkr (+44.03 dkr)Ashwagandha Ksm-66 Food Supplement 30 caps.
ZeinPharma Acetyl L-Carnitin 500mg Food Supplement Mental Performance 60 caps.
Sælger: Pris: 141.38 dkr (+44.03 dkr)Acetyl L-Carnitin 500mg Food Supplement Mental Performance 60 caps.
Mentale Helbredsproblemer Og Psykisk Sygdom Hos Børn Og Unge - Anne Mette Skovgaard - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 354.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Oprustning af fagpersonale! - her er bogen til dig, der arbejder med m entale helbredsproblemer og psykisk sygdom hos børn og unge Mere end hvert 7. barn eller ung rammes af psykisk sygdom. Det betyder, at alle sundhedsplejersker og sygeplejersker i deres daglige arbejde kommer til at møde et barn eller en ung med mentale helbredsproblemer og symptomer på psykisk sygdom. Denne bog imødekommer behovet for en grundbog, som kan udgøre det basale grundlag for sygeplejersker og sundhedsplejerskers arbejde i forhold til børn og unge med mentale helbredsproblemer og psykiske sygdomme. Samtidig opfylder bogen et hidtil udækket behov for en grundbog til uddannelserne til sygeplejerske og sundhedsplejerske, som lever op til de to uddannelsesordningers krav om forsknings- og udviklingsbaseret viden. Bogen tager udgangspunkt i de udviklingsrelaterede aspekter ved mentale helbredsproblemer hos børn og unge og beskriver fremtrædelsesformer og konkrete problemstillinger ved de hyppigste former for psykiske sygdomme. Målgruppen er sundhedsplejersker og sygeplejeplejersker, men andre faggrupper, der beskæftiger sig med børn og unge, f.eks. pædagoger, skolelærere, psykologer, socialrådgivere og praktiserende læger, kan også have gavn af bogens indhold.
Mentale Redskaber Ved Kræftsygdom - Bobby Zachariae - Lydbog
Sælger: Pris: 124.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Når man har fået konstateret en kræftsygdom, har det stor indflydelse på livskvaliteten, og det klræver mange ressourcer at klare de fysiske og psykiske udfordringer. Øvelserne på denne cd er tænkt som et supplement til den medicinske behandling og de øvrige støtte- og behandlingstilbud. Øvelserne tilbyder nogle psykiske redskaber, som kan hjælpe med at håndtere de psykiske og fysiske følger af sygdommen og behandlingen. Visualisering kan ikke erstatte, men være et vigtigt supplement til den medicinske behandling. Musik: Christian Alvad Øvelse 1: Aktivering af indre ressourcer ved kræft Øvelse 2: Håndtering og lindring af bivirkninger ved kræftbehandling Fil størrelse: 42797 KB Indlæst af: Bobby Zachariae
Mental Health At Work - James Routledge - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 119.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)It has never been more essential to support our mental health at work. With one in four people experiencing poor mental health right now, we need to start talking about it. Penguin Business Expert James Routledge has worked with CEOs, HR directors, managers and people at all levels on successful mental-health strategies. In this book, he shares his stories, learnings and guidance. Learn how to: - Talk comfortably about mental health - Create a more open and inclusive community in your workplace - Implement unique changes that are authentic to you and your business Filled with honest and relatable stories, 'conversation starters' and exclusive case studies from a diverse range of businesses and their people, Mental Health at Work will support anyone with their mental health in the workplace journey.
Mental Math: Tricks To Become A Human Calculator - Ofpad The School Of Genius - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 169.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Discover the Mental Math Secrets to Become a Human Calculator! Schools taught you a way to do math that works when you have a pen & paper. But the same methods, takes a lot of effort when you have to do math in your head. This is because it uses a lot of your working memory (the short term memory used to complete a mental task). For example, try to mentally multiply 73,201 x 3. It might take only a few seconds to multiply the individual digits. But if you multiply right to left the way you learnt in school, you will rely on your working memory. You will use it to recall every single digit you calculate to put it back together and get your final answer. You may even find yourself calculating some digits again because you forgot one of the numbers. The difficulty increases further when you have to multiply larger numbers like 732 x 323. You will have to remember numbers across many steps. Mental arithmetic would be a lot easier to do in your head if you didn't have to remember so many numbers. In school, you learnt to write the down numbers as you calculate to free up your working memory. In mental math, there are many other ways to do the same thing. One of the tricks to free up your working memory is to calculate from left to right instead of right to left. Try multiplying 73,201 x 3 from left to right, starting from 7 x 3 and ending with 1 x 3. You will find yourself calling out the answer before you even finish the whole problem. You can use this trick to solve any math problem in the future. But we have just scratched the surface. There are many more tricks inside the book that make doing mental math as easy as reading a comic. Here is a glimpse of what you will be able to master:Mentally add large numbers(Example: Add 8739 + 5492 in your head in seconds)Subtract numbers fast. (Example: Mentally subtract 7520 - 4998 without writing anything down)Multiplication tricks to multiply three-digit numbers. (Example: Multiply 323 x 123 in your head)Square large numbers in seconds (Example: Calculate 64 x 64 faster than a calculator)Mentally divide large numbers (Example: Divide 601324 by 73 entirely in your head)Quickly check a calculation with 90% accuracy without re-calculatingOvercome math anxietyCement your mental math skills with bonus weekly training. This book only has the best techniques used by over 27 mental and Vedic math experts across the world. The techniques in this book are so simple you will wonder why nobody taught you this before. You will be able to master it, even if you have failed math in school. Imagine waking up tomorrow being able to do lightning fast math in your head. Your family & friends will look at you like you are some kind of a genius. Since you do the calculations in your head, you will acquire better mental habits in the process. So you will not just look like a genius. You will actually be one. Click Buy Now To Become A Human Calculator Every minute you wait to buy this book, is another minute you don't see the...
Mental Fitness For Warriors - Henrik Wenøe - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 189.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Mental Fitness for Warriors - Bliv Væredygtig” er en fortælling om, hvordan du styrker din mentale tilstand og tager kontrollen tilbage til dig selv, så det er dig, der styrer din hjerne og ikke den, der styrer dig. Det er også fortællingen om, hvordan du derfra kan beslutte at handle hurtigt og effektivt og skabe de resultater du ønsker – hver eneste gang. Bogen er et resultat af mange års samarbejde mellem Henrik Wenøe, direktør i Acuity World og Oberstløjtnant Erik Schwensen, der i dag driver ES-Leadership. Det startede tilbage i 2006, hvor Henrik gennemførte et lederudviklingsprogram med fokus på personlig ledelse for 50 chefer i en af forsvarets enheder, hvor Erik var stabschef. Henrik og Erik udtaler i anledning af bogudgivelsen: ”Vi ser stadig et samfund, hvor mange mennesker dagligt kæmper med negativ stress og ufrivillig fastholdelse i dårlige mentale tilstande. Det er ikke længere nok at være i god form, spise sundt og sove godt. Den fysiske og mentale tilstand hænger uløseligt sammen, og din mentale tilstand betyder mere og mere for, at du kan agere i verden, som den ser ud i dag. Med de resultater vi har opnået med Mental Fitness For Fighters Programmet, som også i stigende grad understøttes af nye videnskabelige forskningsresultater om hjernens kapacitet, plasticitet og dens evne til at heles og udvikles, kunne vi ikke lade være med at udvikle en version 2.0 ”Mental Fitness for Warriors – Bliv Væredygtig” og udbrede konceptet og lære endnu flere mennesker, hvordan de skaber og bevarer en mental styrke, så de trives i en verden, som den ser ud i dag. Derfor har vi skrevet denne bog. Det er vores bud på, hvordan du kan udøve personlig ledelse, både i din normale hverdag og i kritiske situationer. Vi ønsker med bogen at inspirere dig til at udvikle og styrke din egen mentale tilstand og blive mentalt fit." Fil størrelse: 5448 KB
Mental Training For Ultrarunning - Addie J. Bracy - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 224.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)It's no secret that if you plan to run in the toughest endurance races, you need to physically prepare for the extreme demands you will be subjecting your body to. But successful runners will be quick to note that physical preparation is only part of the equation. You need to be mentally strong to withstand, and overcome, the challenges of this grueling sport. That's where Mental Training for Ultrarunning comes in. Sport psychology consultant Addie Bracy has coached and provided mental performance consulting to elite athletes in many sports, and she herself has been a competitive distance runner for more than two decades. In Mental Training for Ultrarunning, she combines her firsthand coaching and running experience, along with profiles of ultrarunners who've experienced the highs and lows of the sport, to explain what you need to know and practice in order to cross that finish line. In this book, you will learn tools and techniques to help you prepare for and overcome some of the biggest mental and emotional challenges you may encounter in ultrarunning. You'll find more than 35 practical activities that will guide you in taking an introspective look at your own potential roadblocks so you can develop and strengthen the skills you need to run with confidence. Whether you're training for your first ultra or looking to compete at a higher level, Mental Training for Ultrarunning will prepare you for the good, the bad, and the worst experiences you might encounter on the trail, road, or track. With expert guidance from athletes who have seen it all, you'll learn how to train your mind and anticipate all the variables that could keep you from achieving your ultimate running goals.
Mental Toughness For Teens - Jennifer Williams - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 164.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Includes FREE Bonus Access to: 10 eCourses, 10 Workbooks, 10 eBooks, 10 Cheetsheets, and much more! Unlock proven strategies for coping with Failure, Trauma, Disappointment, Resentment, Feeling out of Control, Lack of Meaning, Existential Crisis, Loss of Grounding, Major Changes, and Overwhelming times. BONUS CHAPTER INSIDE: Chapter 8 - Developing Self-Discipline and Sticking to Your Goals. Develop A Resilient Mind, Character, And Personality away from Fear, Stress, And Anxiety. Unlock relentless commitment and get one step closer to your goals every single day. Step Into a more mentally tough, confident version of yourself. Teens today face a lot of pressure - academic, social, and sporting pressure. It's difficult to stay focused and motivated when you're feeling overwhelmed. You face challenges and obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. It can be tough to stay positive and motivated when things get hard - you end up feeling like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of stress, anxiety, and depression. Mental Toughness for Teens is here to help! It's your essential handbook with exercises to overcome feeling scared and overwhelmed in life, sports, and school! Mental toughness is the ability to stay positive and focused when things get tough.It's the ability to keep going even when you don't feel like it. This book is packed with helpful advice and exercises to help you develop a strong sense of self-confidence and resilience. With this guide, you'll learn how to manage stress, stay positive in tough times, unlock your hidden potential, and much more. You'll also find straightforward information on how to better understand yourself, and how you can use this knowledge to control your behavior, and make better decisions. Discover: ¿ Settling the overwhelming question once and for all: Hard Work or Talent? ¿ How to recognize your talents and bring them to life. ¿ 5 tips to discover your hidden potential. ¿ 5 tips to becoming a committed, passionate hard worker. ¿ Developing self-discipline and sticking to your goals. ¿ Shaping a positive mindset towards school and education. ¿ How to learn from failure and get back on your feet. ¿ Rejecting the need to give up. ¿ Controlling your behaviors. ¿And more! Improve your self-esteem and know that you are good enough. Discover effective advice, hacks, and techniques to develop mental toughness when feeling scared and overwhelmed.
Mental Toughness And True Grit - Mark Dweck - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 219.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr) -
Mental Illness And Autism - Savannah Jeanette Angela Davidson - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 89.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)This book is a reference guide for anyone who either has autism and is navigating life with mental illness or for those of the readers who are related to them.
Mental Spaces - Gilles Fauconnier - Bog
Sælger: Pris: 399.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)Mental Spaces is the classic introduction to the study of mental spaces and conceptual projection, as revealed through the structure and use of language. It examines in detail the dynamic construction of connected domains as discourse unfolds. The discovery of mental space organization has modified our conception of language and thought: powerful and uniform accounts of superficially disparate phenomena have become available in the areas of reference, presupposition projection, counterfactual and analogical reasoning, metaphor and metonymy, and time and aspect in discourse. The present work lays the foundation for this research. It uncovers simple and general principles that lie behind the awesome complexity of everyday logic.
Mental Health At Work - James Routledge - E-Bog
Sælger: Pris: 89.95 dkr (+29.95 dkr)It has never been more essential to support our mental health at work. With one in four people experiencing poor mental health right now, we need to start talking about it. Penguin Business Expert James Routledge has worked with CEOs, HR directors, managers and people at all levels on successful mental-health strategies. In this book, he shares his stories, learnings and guidance. Learn how to:- Talk comfortably about mental health- Create a more open and inclusive community in your workplace- Implement unique changes that are authentic to you and your businessFilled with honest and relatable stories, 'conversation starters' and exclusive case studies from a diverse range of businesses and their people, Mental Health at Work will support anyone with their mental health in the workplace journey.
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